R6: Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics

Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not require the methods package. These classes allow public and private members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in different packages.

Version: 2.6.1
Depends: R (≥ 3.6)
Suggests: lobstr, testthat (≥ 3.0.0)
Published: 2025-02-15
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.R6
Author: Winston Chang [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Winston Chang <winston at posit.co>
BugReports: https://github.com/r-lib/R6/issues
License: MIT + file LICENSE
URL: https://r6.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/R6
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
In views: Databases
CRAN checks: R6 results


Reference manual: R6.pdf


Package source: R6_2.6.1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: R6_2.6.1.zip, r-release: R6_2.6.1.zip, r-oldrel: R6_2.6.1.zip
macOS binaries: r-devel (arm64): R6_2.6.1.tgz, r-release (arm64): R6_2.6.1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): R6_2.6.1.tgz, r-devel (x86_64): R6_2.6.1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): R6_2.6.1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): R6_2.6.1.tgz
Old sources: R6 archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: AlphaSimR, blatent, BLRPM, CohortGenerator, ConfigParser, DSI, DSLite, gpboost, HiCBricks, hmmTMB, LightningR, metagene2, openaistream, plotcli, PointedSDMs, ReMFPCA, resourcer, ResultModelManager, s3.resourcer, SeqExpMatch, shiny.reglog, similaRpeak, superml, tangram
Reverse imports: ABM, adobeanalyticsr, affiner, agghoo, AIPW, almanac, AMPLE, animate, anndata, anybadger, ao, aorsf, appeears, argparse, arrangements, arrow, ASSISTant, ast2ast, atom4R, autonewsmd, avidaR, AzureAuth, AzureContainers, AzureGraph, AzureKeyVault, AzureKusto, AzureRMR, AzureStor, AzureVM, banditpam, basictabler, batchtools, bbotk, bdpar, beakr, bender, biodb, biodbChebi, biodbHmdb, biodbNcbi, biodbNci, biodbUniprot, BKTR, blit, boodist, bootGOF, brickster, bsreg, bsvars, bsvarSIGNs, bsynth, cabinets, CADF, callr, cape, carbonate, CaseBasedReasoning, casino, causalOT, CFtime, charlatan, checked, chromote, cicerone, cjar, CleanUpRNAseq, cliapp, clinicalomicsdbR, clustermq, coala, codacore, cohortBuilder, cometr, compareMCMCs, comparer, conditionz, conductor, conflr, ConfMatrix, connectapi, connectwidgets, conos, container, coreCollection, corpustools, counterfactuals, crew, crew.aws.batch, crew.cluster, criticalpath, CRMetrics, crosstalk, crossword.r, crul, CustomDerivative, D2MCS, d4storagehub4R, data.tree, data.validator, datadriftR, DataFakeR, DataSpaceR, datastepr, dbnR, dbplyr, deepregression, deeptrafo, deFit, deident, delayed, deltatest, depCensoring, desc, designit, dfdr, Dict, dictionar6, dipsaus, DiscreteTests, diseasystore, distcomp, distillML, dockerfiler, dotprofile, DoubleML, dplyr, DPpack, DrugExposureDiagnostics, dtreg, DTRreg, DTSg, dyn.log, dynatop, dynatopGIS, earthtide, easybio, eCerto, ecmwfr, eddington, edibble, elastic, ellmer, epivizrServer, epizootic, eplusr, epwshiftr, escalation, esci, estimateW, fabletools, FACT, factset.analyticsapi.engines, factset.protobuf.stach.v2, factset.protobuf.stachextensions, fastGLCM, fauxpas, fcaR, fiery, fig, fio, fixtuRes, flipr, flowml, fmeffects, FormShare, foundry, fscache, fuseMLR, FuzzyDBScan, fuzzywuzzyR, gamstransfer, GauPro, GenAI, geodl, GeoFIS, geojsonR, geometa, GeoMongo, geonapi, geonode4R, geosapi, ggESDA, ggExtra, ggPMX, Ghost, ghql, giacR, GitAI, GitStats, gKRLS, glmmrBase, glow, gnn, gofreg, GPTreeO, gptstudio, gqlr, GREMLINS, greta, growR, guiplot, gvcR, hakaiApi, hdar, hdcate, hdf5r, hermes, hesim, highMLR, hipread, hmer, hoardr, homomorpheR, HospitalNetwork, httpuv, httr, httr2, huxtable, hypeR, ieegio, iml, imt, influxdbclient, innsight, intmap, intSDM, ipc, ipumsr, irace, itscalledsoccer, jaatha, jackalope, jmv, jmvcore, jobqueue, jrc, jsonvalidate, keras, keyring, KGode, kibior, kmeRtone, knitrProgressBar, knitxl, KoboconnectR, laminr, languageserver, lazyarray, lazybar, leabRa, leafdown, LearnNonparam, less, LFDREmpiricalBayes, lgr, lgrExtra, LifeInsureR, lifelogr, lightgbm, limonaid, linne, lmtp, log, lslx, lumberjack, luz, maestro, makepipe, mapfit, matrixset, mcboost, mcparallelDo, meconetcomp, mecoturn, meltr, metacoder, metacore, metaRange, MethEvolSIM, MetricGraph, MGDrivE, MGPSDK, mgpStreamingSDK, microeco, Microsoft365R, midi, miesmuschel, missSBM, mkin, mlapi, mlexperiments, mllrnrs, mlr3, mlr3benchmark, mlr3cluster, mlr3db, mlr3fairness, mlr3fda, mlr3filters, mlr3fselect, mlr3hyperband, mlr3inferr, mlr3learners, mlr3mbo, mlr3misc, mlr3oml, mlr3pipelines, mlr3resampling, mlr3spatial, mlr3spatiotempcv, mlr3torch, mlr3tuning, mlr3tuningspaces, mlrintermbo, mlsurvlrnrs, MLVSBM, mpactr, mRpostman, mstrio, multidplyr, multiverse, ncdfCF, ncodeR, neo4r, newsmd, ngboostForecast, nimble, nmslibR, NNbenchmark, noah, ocs4R, ODataQuery, odin, officer, okxAPI, onelogin, onlineforecast, oolong, ooplah, openeo, OpenImageR, openmetrics, openSkies, openxlsx2, optic, optimizeR, orderly, osqp, otp, ottr, ows4R, PACVr, pagoda2, paleopop, palm, parabar, paradox, PaRe, particle.swarm.optimisation, patternplot, PetfindeR, photon, piecenorms, piecepackr, pipeflow, piqp, pivottabler, pkgbuild, pkgcache, pkgdepends, pkgnet, PlackettLuce, plnr, plumber, plume, poems, pool, powerly, prcbench, prioritizr, processx, progress, promises, PTXQC, PvSTATEM, R6causal, R6DS, r6extended, R6P, r6qualitytools, ravepipeline, ravetools, RBaseX, rbc, rbedrock, rbit, rbm25, rbmi, rcmdcheck, rcrossref, RCTrep, rDataPipeline, rdecision, rdhs, RDML, readNSx, readr, rearrr, redux, regport, regreplaceR, rENA, reqres, request, reservr, RestRserve, retistruct, rgbif, rgee, rgeomstats, RGF, rgl, rgl2gltf, rgoogleclassroom, rgoogleslides, rhub, rhype, rib, rim, ring, RKEEL, rlc, RLescalation, RLoptimal, rlowdb, rly, rminizinc, rmzqc, rocker, rodeo, RonFHIR, ROOPSD, rosv, rotor, routr, roxygen2, rpact, Rpolyhedra, rsdmx, RSQL, rstack, rts2, rtson, rush, rwarrior, s3fs, safetensors, samplr, SAR, sass, SBCK, sbm, scales, scatr, SCDB, sched, selectr, selenium, semverutils, seqtrie, SerolyzeR, sevenbridges2, sFFLHD, shiny, shiny.emptystate, shiny.i18n, shiny.semantic, shiny.telemetry, shinyChatR, shinydbauth, shinyHugePlot, shinyloadtest, shinymanager, shinyQueryBuilder, shinyreforms, shinytest, shinytest2, shopifyr, simcausal, SIMplyBee, snapcount, sofa, solitude, solrium, spsComps, spsUtil, SSEparser, StabilizedRegression, starsTileServer, stcpR6, stenographer, stenR, stochtree, storr, stoRy, strand, SuperGauss, SuperpixelImageSegmentation, systemPipeShiny, table.express, targeted, targets, taxize, teal.reporter, teal.slice, teamr, telegram, telegram.bot, testthat, text2vec, textTinyR, theiaR, thor, thredds, threeBrain, thriftr, tidygraph, tidyhte, tidymodlr, timeR, tinkr, torch, TOSTER, transltr, transportr, TreatmentPatterns, treesitter, triact, tsibbletalk, twenty48, txtq, unifir, unstruwwel, vaultr, vcr, versioning, villager, vstsr, wactor, waiter, walrus, watcher, webdriver, webmockr, websocket, wilson, wyz.code.offensiveProgramming, wyz.code.rdoc, wyz.code.testthat, xmpdf, yahoofinancer, zen4R
Reverse suggests: aoos, backpipe, box, box.linters, checkmate, constructive, covr, covtracer, cucumber, dataquieR, DataVisualizations, debugme, firebase, geoarrow, grobblR, keras3, later, leaflet, mockery, orbital, prompt, ps, pysparklyr, r2d3, R62S3, r6methods, rbiom, renv, runMCMCbtadjust, rvest, shinyscholar, shinyTimer, sparklyr, tabxplor, teal, waldo, zip


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