Rdpack: Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects

Functions for manipulation of R documentation objects, including functions reprompt() and ereprompt() for updating 'Rd' documentation for functions, methods and classes; 'Rd' macros for citations and import of references from 'bibtex' files for use in 'Rd' files and 'roxygen2' comments; 'Rd' macros for evaluating and inserting snippets of 'R' code and the results of its evaluation or creating graphics on the fly; and many functions for manipulation of references and Rd files.

Version: 2.6.3
Depends: R (≥ 2.15.0), methods
Imports: tools, utils, rbibutils (≥ 1.3)
Suggests: grDevices, testthat, rstudioapi, rprojroot, gbRd
Published: 2025-03-16
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.Rdpack
Author: Georgi N. Boshnakov ORCID iD [aut, cre], Duncan Murdoch [ctb]
Maintainer: Georgi N. Boshnakov <georgi.boshnakov at manchester.ac.uk>
BugReports: https://github.com/GeoBosh/Rdpack/issues
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
URL: https://geobosh.github.io/Rdpack/ (doc), https://github.com/GeoBosh/Rdpack (devel)
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: Rdpack results


Reference manual: Rdpack.pdf
Vignettes: Inserting references in Rd and roxygen2 documentation (source, R code)
Inserting figures and evaluated examples (source, R code)


Package source: Rdpack_2.6.3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: Rdpack_2.6.3.zip, r-release: Rdpack_2.6.3.zip, r-oldrel: Rdpack_2.6.3.zip
macOS binaries: r-devel (arm64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz, r-release (arm64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz, r-devel (x86_64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): Rdpack_2.6.3.tgz
Old sources: Rdpack archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: BioNAR, dcortools, HOasso, SDCNway
Reverse imports: accessibility, adestr, admix, ADMM, admmDensestSubmatrix, ahpsurvey, AlphaSimR, amadeus, ammistability, amt, ANCOMBC, ANOFA, anomaly, ANOPA, AntMAN, ARCensReg, AssetCorr, ATAforecasting, atpolR, augmentedRCBD, autoMFA, baldur, bamm, banditsCI, barrks, BayesCACE, BayesDLMfMRI, BayesianFactorZoo, BayesianLaterality, BayesMallows, BayesMultiMode, BayesMultMeta, BayesProject, Bayesrel, BayesRGMM, BayesTools, BCEA, BEclear, bellreg, bfast, BGGM, bgms, biblionetwork, bigDM, binGroup, binGroup2, bioregion, BlockCov, bmgarch, bmstdr, bondAnalyst, boot.pval, BrailleR, bsitar, BSL, bulletcp, care4cmodel, CARRoT, CatReg, ccfindR, ccostr, changepoint.geo, changepoint.np, chartreview, chkptstanr, CIfinder, CircularSilhouette, cjbart, Ckmeans.1d.dp, clustAnalytics, CMAPSS, cmtest, CohensdpLibrary, Coinprofile, ConfMatrix, conleyreg, CopyNeutralIMA, correlatio, Countr, CovTools, Coxmos, CPAT, cpd, cpop, crops, cSEM, ctsfeatures, cvar, cvCovEst, cvsem, cylcop, DAAG, dagirlite, dccmidas, dCUR, ddtlcm, DemoDecomp, depower, desla, detectnorm, dfidx, DiffXTables, DisaggregateTS, DiSCos, DiscreteDists, discSurv, distributionsrd, divent, divvy, dnapath, DNNSIM, dogesr, DOSPortfolio, DPpack, DPtree, dr4pl, dreamlet, dRiftDM, drimmR, dstabledist, dupNodes, dynr, eaf, eat, ebreg, economiccomplexity, EgoCor, EloChoice, EloRating, embryogrowth, emery, EmiR, equivalenceTest, eratosthenes, ergm, ergm.count, ergm.multi, ergm.rank, esci, espadon, EstimationTools, europeanaR, EvaluateCore, evaluomeR, evinf, evitaicossa, expertsurv, ezECM, fake, fastOnlineCpt, fdaSP, FDRestimation, feisr, filling, fio, FisPro, FitDynMix, fitODBOD, fitPS, flowGraph, ForestElementsR, FunChisq, funkyheatmap, funtimes, FuzzyClass, FVDDPpkg, gaawr2, galamm, gap, gbutils, gcxgclab, GenomicOZone, genscore, geocmeans, GeoFIS, georefdatar, GephiForR, germinationmetrics, ggchangepoint, GGMncv, GGMnonreg, ggseqplot, GGUM, grapesAgri1, graph4lg, graphicalExtremes, graphon, gravity, GridOnClusters, growR, gsaot, GSEMA, GUD, haldensify, HazardDiff, hcidata, HCTDesign, HCTR, HDCD, hdme, HDNRA, HDShOP, hermes, HEssRNA, heterometa, hhsmm, HMMEsolver, hopit, httk, hyd1d, hydflood, hyper2, IADT, iAR, ib, idefix, IETD, iimi, IndepTest, inspector, intkrige, ipsRdbs, ir, IRCcheck, Irescale, iscoCrosswalks, ISS, jrSiCKLSNMF, katdetectr, kDGLM, kgrams, lakhesis, latdiag, latrend, lawstat, ldt, LNPar, locStra, lodr, lpcde, lqmix, LSTS, maotai, mase, mau, MBNMAdose, MBNMAtime, MCARtest, mclustcomp, mcompanion, mcunit, MDBED, metabias, MetabolicSurv, metap, MGDrivE, mHMMbayes, mhurdle, micsr, mixAR, mlmhelpr, MLMOI, mlmts, mlogit, mmb, mmrm, moocore, MOODE, mortAAR, mrct, mrf2d, MSCMT, MSCquartets, MSCsimtester, MSIMST, MSinference, multibiasmeta, multibridge, multinma, MultipleBreakpoints, MultSurvTests, mvGPS, naspaclust, necountries, netcontrol, NetworkDistance, NFCP, NlinTS, nlpred, NMADiagT, nnspat, NTS, nzilbb.vowels, OncoSubtype, oosse, opera, OPSR, OptCirClust, OptimaRegion, otsfeatures, outcomerate, partitionComparison, partitions, pcal, pcds, pcds.ugraph, pcsstools, pcts, pdSpecEst, pdynmc, penPHcure, perms, phacking, PHInfiniteEstimates, PINstimation, plm, PLSDAbatch, pnd, popstudy, POSetR, pQTLdata, predictMe, PrInCE, prinvars, ProcMod, psica, pspatreg, psymetadata, PublicationBias, pvda, QTOCen, quantoptr, Quartet, R2Addhaz, randRotation, rankdifferencetest, Raquifer, rarestR, RARfreq, RARtrials, rcaiman, rcbayes, RChest, RcppBessel, RcppCensSpatial, RCTS, Rcurvep, Rdimtools, rdracor, Rdta, recalibratiNN, ref.ICAR, reformulas, regMMD, RelDists, relliptical, rema, remaCor, ReturnCurves, RGCxGC, rgeomstats, Ricrt, Riemann, RiemBase, rlfsm, Rlinsolve, rmelting, rMIDAS, RobKF, RoBMA, robnptests, RoBSA, RoBTT, robustmatrix, Rogue, ROptSpace, rpcss, RprobitB, rqPen, rsat, rSpectral, rsprite2, rsurv, rTwig, rumidas, S4DM, samplr, samplrData, sarima, savvyr, SBGNview, SBmedian, scorematchingad, scPCA, scpoisson, SDModels, sensobol, SeqNet, SEset, sfcr, ShapleyOutlier, sharp, SHT, sim2Dpredictr, simhelpers, simuclustfactor, skedastic, slgf, smfishHmrf, smoke, smoothedLasso, snfa, snowboot, SNPknock, socialranking, SoilManageR, sonicscrewdriver, sorcering, spNetwork, spsh, spsur, ssddata, ssifs, ssmodels, StableEstim, statespacer, statpsych, StempCens, superb, SurvHiDim, survstan, swag, SWIM, symmetry, synaptome.db, SynthTools, T4cluster, T4transport, TBRDist, TDAkit, TDLM, tehtuner, tern, tipsae, toolStability, TOU, transfR, TreeDimensionTest, TreeDist, TreeSearch, TreeTools, TrenchR, truncnormbayes, TSdisaggregation, tsdistributions, tseriesTARMA, tsgarch, tsmarch, tsrobprep, tstests, tvmComp, tvR, txshift, ungroup, USP, vamc, variancePartition, vcmeta, vICC, viscomplexr, visvow, WALS, welo, winr, XDNUTS, zcurve, zenith, zoolog
Reverse suggests: dataquieR


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