Several troubles have been reported for porting Argus to Solaris. This file offers suggestions to fix those problems: Byteorder.h: for the byteorder.h problem, this is a problem with the gnu include files for solaris, and you can either replace the gnu version with your system version, which is what i recommend, or you can add -I/usr/include/sys as the first include path declaration in all the files. TcpWrappers version 7.3: you will want to make a patch to server/ diff -r1.1 101a102 > #have-tcpwrapper-7.3#TVERS = -DWRAPVERS7 IF YOU MAKE A CHANGE TO ANY FILE, you will need to rerun ./configure in the root directory in order to create the appropriate Makefiles. cons_sockets.c bug: and you will want to make this patch to server/cons_sockets.c: diff -r1.2 cons_sockets.c 143a144,146 > /* added for Solaris 2.4 */ > sin.sin_family = AF_INET; > That should make the important patches for Solaris. carter