(unstable): Gio: * DBus[Connection|Proxy]: Don't take extra reference on async creation. * DBusConnection: - Add non-observable create method overloads. - Make the create methods.async get methods, static. - Added get_sync() methods. - Added send_message_with_reply_sync() methods. - Added signal_subscribe() and add_filter(). * DBusIntrospection: new_for_xml(): Rename to create_for_xml(). * DBusProxy: - Reorder the parameters so that "name" is second in methods. - Add a non-cancellable call_sync() method. * Documentation: Add a DBus Doxygen group. (José Alburquerque) Glib: * Regex: Add a MatchInfo class and use it. (José Alburquerque) Bug #636911 (Alexander Shaduri) * gmmproc: Remove m4 conversion files for gdk, gtk, atk, and pango. They are now in the derived projects, which should now include convert_glibmm instead of, for instance, convert_gtkmm. Some modules will now need to add a line in their configure.ac so they can use the extra conversions from gtkmm. For instance, with gtksourceviewmm: MM_PKG_CONFIG_SUBST([GMMPROC_EXTRA_M4_DIR], [--variable=gmmprocm4dir gtkmm-3.0]) (Murray Cumming)