; Check if an expired SERVFAIL answer stored in the global cache does not block ; ECS queries to reach the ECS cache. server: trust-anchor-signaling: no target-fetch-policy: "0 0 0 0 0" send-client-subnet: max-client-subnet-ipv4: 21 module-config: "subnetcache iterator" verbosity: 3 access-control: allow_snoop qname-minimisation: no minimal-responses: no serve-expired: yes prefetch: yes stub-zone: name: "example.com." stub-addr: CONFIG_END SCENARIO_BEGIN Test that expired SERVFAIL in global cache does not block clients to reach the ECS cache ; ns.example.com. RANGE_BEGIN 0 10 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR NOERROR SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN NS SECTION ANSWER example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; response to query of interest ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR SERVFAIL SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END RANGE_END ; ns.example.com. RANGE_BEGIN 11 100 ADDRESS ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ADJUST copy_id REPLY QR NOERROR SECTION QUESTION example.com. IN NS SECTION ANSWER example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; response to query of interest ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname ednsdata ADJUST copy_id copy_ednsdata_assume_clientsubnet REPLY QR NOERROR SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. 10 IN A SECTION AUTHORITY example.com. IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL HEX_EDNSDATA_BEGIN ; client is 00 08 ; OPC 00 05 ; option length 00 01 ; Family 08 00 ; source mask, scopemask 7f ; address HEX_EDNSDATA_END ns.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END RANGE_END STEP 1 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; This answer should be in the global cache STEP 2 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH all REPLY QR RD RA SERVFAIL SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; Bring the cached SERVFAIL to prefetch time STEP 10 TIME_PASSES ELAPSE 5 STEP 11 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD DO SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ADDITIONAL HEX_EDNSDATA_BEGIN 00 08 00 05 ; OPC, optlen 00 01 08 00 ; ip4, source 8, scope 0 7f ; HEX_EDNSDATA_END ENTRY_END ; This answer was cached but a prefetch was triggerred STEP 12 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH opcode qtype qname REPLY QR RD RA SERVFAIL SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A ENTRY_END ; Wait for the SERVFAIL to expire STEP 13 TIME_PASSES ELAPSE 2 ; Query again to verify that the record was prefetched and stored in the ECS ; cache (because the server replied with ECS this time) STEP 14 QUERY ENTRY_BEGIN REPLY RD DO SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ADDITIONAL HEX_EDNSDATA_BEGIN 00 08 00 05 ; OPC, optlen 00 01 08 00 ; ip4, source 8, scope 0 7f ; HEX_EDNSDATA_END ENTRY_END ; This record came from the ECS cache STEP 15 CHECK_ANSWER ENTRY_BEGIN MATCH all ttl REPLY QR RD RA DO NOERROR SECTION QUESTION www.example.com. IN A SECTION ANSWER www.example.com. 8 IN A SECTION AUTHORITY example.com. 3598 IN NS ns.example.com. SECTION ADDITIONAL HEX_EDNSDATA_BEGIN 00 08 00 05 ; OPC, optlen 00 01 08 08 ; ip4, source 8, scope 0 7f ; HEX_EDNSDATA_END ns.example.com. 3598 IN A ENTRY_END SCENARIO_END