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Re: Subject too specific for mini-HOWTO?


Well, the subject of your mini-HOWTO is indeed very specific, but i think
it is _not_ very uncommon. So there will be more people who will find this
doc useful. For me that is enough to reason to justify it's existence as a
mini HOWTO.

Just my 2 cents,


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, caseyhb@teleport.com wrote:
> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 07:01:22 +0200
> To: ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org
> From: caseyhb@teleport.com
> Reply-to: caseyhb@teleport.com
> Subject: Subject too specific for mini-HOWTO?
> I'm considering writing a document that describes how to configure the 
> following:
> A caching DNS server using BIND 8 . . .
> .. . . that is connected via Ethernet to .  . .
> .. . . a firewall running diald and pppd . . .
> .. . . that itself connects (on demand) to an ISP.
> Would a document on this topic be so specific to my situation that it
> would 
> not warrant publishing? Also, much of the information presented would be 
> collected from existing HOWTOs (DNS, PPP, Firewall, Diald, etc), and 
> therefore, possibly redundant.
> Thanks for your time,
> Casey
> caseyhb@teleport.com
> --  
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