2001-01-06 -+- Roland Smith -+- rsmith@xs4all.nl -+- About the performance:
I get 28 - 35 fps on an Athlon 800, with same video card & drivers,
at 900x600 resolution. So I guess you need a faster CPU :)

Or maybe a GeForce GTS 2001-01-07 -+- Harald Radke -+- harryrat@gmx.de -+- Well, with my current hardware config I get much better results with other games which have far better gfx quality/complexity (D3, Q3A). And to be honest, I don't think that the Tux Racer gfx justifies an Athlon800 or a GTS. Anyways, I am quite happy with the game speed and they also put "performance" on their future improvement list ((:
2001-01-09 -+- Cyprien -+- -+- I've a voodoo 5 with a mandrake 7.2 and a duron 700. Someone have test this configuration ???
Cyprien 2001-01-29 -+- Tschaess -+- rspoerri@hotmail.com -+- I've been running tuxracer on my machine at 1024*768 with an athlon 500 and a GeForce 256 DDR getting a wonderful play (as long as no cron job's running :) . It is really worth to try it, the best linux-race game i've tried yet. 2001-10-02 -+- anonny mouse -+- -+- No way to save games? I'm getting tired of starting over every time. 2001-11-23 -+- James -+- -+- I'm running a PIII 733 with 640mb RAM and a GeForce 2 GTS 64mb DDR, getting 140fps... #2002-01-17 -+- Brian Thomason -+- -+- NVIDIA must have really improved their linux drivers since then as I get 30-35 FPS at 1024x768 with a Duron 650 (overclocked a tad :-) and the same video card you had/have, TNT2 M64. Thank god for the driver programmers at NVIDIA baby! #2005-01-25 -+- billy bob joe smith -+- chickenbuttkid@hotmail.com -+- u should let us play the game using this link...............DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!
yo yo yo wazzup dawg homie ya'll raise the roof raise the roof dig it man
thats what me tawkin bout Turky Tux yo -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)