2000-11-11 -+- paolo berva -+- paolo.berva@tiscalinet.it -+- Just few comments:
-Please check the link to Scriptics site at the bottom of the article.
It would be www.scriptics.com.
-There is a good program called vtcl
(Visual Tcl http://www.neuron.com/stewart/vtcl/)

Thank you Charls for this article

Paolo 2000-12-14 -+- Martin Barnard -+- martinb@otenet.gr -+- Hmm, doesn't seem to work. Although, as this script was made for tcl8.0, and I am running tcl8.3, this might be the problem.

Will have to try to fix it for 8.3 - will give me something to do ;-P

2002-08-01 -+- ironic -+- ironic@hackrosoft.org -+- Hi,
I like tcl/tk, my favourite programming language.I write my scripts with tcl on my site.And your article shows the tcl/tk's how a great language.Tcl/tk is the best language i think.Easy and powerfull..
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 2003-03-31 -+- struppi -+- -+- Also es wäre nett, wenn etwas mehr zu den basics von Canvas erwähnt werden würde...

ansonsten ganz gut... -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Linux 2.4.10-4GB i686) Opera 6.02 [en] 2003-10-05 -+- Stephan Fischer -+- fischer-dach@t-online.de -+- Hallo, hat schn mal jemand bemerkt dass die Funktionen (cos, tan, sin...) mit falschen werten ausgegeben werden, Taschenrechenrüberprüfung !!?! Wer kennt eine Lösung zu diesem problem ??? -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20021120 Netscape/7.01