2000-10-19 -+- Udo Pütz -+- udo@muon.de -+- Very nice read and also an interesting disto. Since I have an old 486/60Mhz, too,
I´m interested in using VectorLinux as well. But I only have 4 Megs RAM. Since no
RAM was mentioned in the article, does somebody know if its worth to install the thing?
I had a minimal SuSE installed once without X and I still couldn´t use it properly since it
was THAT slow!
Thx 2001-01-04 -+- Karsten Pietsch -+- karsten.pietsch@gmx.deq -+- I make a download now. I have an old 486/100Mhz. I hope ths distributon ist well for this mashine.
I want use VectorLinux for a Internet and Mail Server in my flatsharing community :-) 2002-05-31 -+- Christian -+- DrCRAZY@gmx.net -+- Das sicherlich interesannte ist.
Habe VecLinux auf meinem Notebook installiert (toshiba T2130CS)
der hat nur 800 MB hdd und 8MB Ram und kein CD-ROM.
Die installation habe ih über eine 100MB Dos Partition gemacht , die daten sind mittels ZIP100 Parallel übertragen worden.
und siehe da der 486'er hat nen suppi system bekommen ...

Nur die Installation Datuerte Höllisch lange ! :-(
über 2 stunden ..

und das alles als Anfänger im Linux bereich ...
(bin stolz auf mich)
Einen Installationsbericht schreibe ich gerade (HTML) und werde ihn demnächst online stellen ...

Tschöö Christian -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0) 2002-08-19 -+- Geoff -+- -+- A great little distro. Been playing now for two weeks with it & am more
impressed the longer I use it. Let's hope more people get to know that
it EXISTS. That's the important factor. Once folks USE it I'm sure that
they will be impressed with it. Good Luck Vector!!!
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv: Gecko/20020508 Netscape6/6.2.3 2003-07-14 -+- ely -+- ely.serva@lmmes.com -+- You want to try Vector Linux? Download Vector Linux 3.2 Live cd and run it off your cdrom drive. No install necessary. For newer computers only. -+- = Opera/7.03 (Windows 98; U) [en] 2003-08-13 -+- Snapafun Frank -+- Frank@snapafun.co.nz -+- Having heaps of trouble getting things started because I had to start with a cleared disk. Though I paid for a CD I have yet to see it. (More than 3 months so far.) Downloads via dial-up always seem to come up with corrupted *.bz2 file though I don't seem to have this problem elsewhere. Still, a challenge is put there to solve so I shall plug on and one day will come to enjoy my persistence no end. Regards. Frank -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401 2003-09-16 -+- -+- -+- GREAT LIL DISTR0! -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02