2000-06-19 -+- Atif ghaffar -+- atif@developer.ch -+- Cool Article.

How about writting one for VMWARE. I think it will be very useful for people not converting to Linux just because of one or two apps that they cant live without.


2000-07-09 -+- -+- -+- To add a little bit of ssh in:

http://www.mindbright.se/english/technology/products/mindvnc.html 2000-07-10 -+- chuck pilkington -+- chuck@cpsoft.com -+- FYI, On-line VNC demos are at http://live.amirix.com.

workspot.com also offers VNC desktops.

2000-08-09 -+- Christoph Rohland -+- cr@sap.com -+- For a really cool application using vnc look at


2000-08-21 -+- S. Effendi -+- fuke@hotmail.com -+- Hi!
VNC is the software I can't afford working without it.
I've been using it since I knew it exists. That was 3 years ago. 2000-11-15 -+- Erdal MUTLU -+- erdal@be.itu.edu.tr -+- I read this article after reading Linux Journal. And I am going to use VNC in our labs. I think these kind of articles are very usefull for me. Thank you! 2000-11-20 -+- Jean-Bernard Lemal -+- jb@jbnet.com -+- CHECK - AXEL VNC VIEWER AT http://www.jbnet.com 2001-08-16 -+- Tom Poe -+- tompoe@source.net -+- NICE! Windows viewer, linux server, it's great. I'm still working on the fundamentals, and it seems like the next step is to transfer files through this? Possible? Will find out. Thanks for the article, enjoyed it. Tom 2001-08-17 -+- Madhusudhan g -+- m_gopisetty@rediffmail.com -+- right now i am using vnc. it is very nice. if the documetation is more allobarative it is very useful to the people those who want to use this vnc. 2002-07-23 -+- Matt Oquist -+- moquist@css.tayloru.edu -+- Run VNC through ssh port forwarding for as-secure-as-ssh VNCing with (probably) no additional setup woes. It's a little slower, but at least your password isn't floating around in plaintext!

A quick google reveals the following helpful how-to pages:


--matt -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OSF1 alpha; en-US; rv:0.9.8+) Gecko/20020214 2003-02-25 -+- gokhan -+- gokhan@tepe.com -+- ya bu vnc server yazan yere ne yazacaz -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 4.0) 2004-03-11 -+- Jack McKee -+- -+- I am not a computer software person, I am a user. One of our systems will be using VNC and I read you article to learn something about it. The article was very well written and understandable to someone with very little software knowledge.
Thank You. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461) #2004-04-22 -+- kani -+- kanisound@żahoo.de -+- Virtual World in Home erleben come you also my virtual studio my friend

TR.Virtual ilgisi olanlara kanisound@yahoo.de -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; 1&1 Internet AG) 2004-06-28 -+- Ritchey van Yperen -+- Ritchey@flowertrading.nl -+- We've been using VNC for quite some time now.No question about it,the possiblities created because of the use of this program have been formidable!! -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)