PACKAGE NAME: parted-1.8.8-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/administration PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 387 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1740 K PACKAGE MD5: a5b607678d72bd42da7aadbb8428c1a2 ./packages/administration/parted-1.8.8-i586-2gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: device-mapper PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: parted: parted (GNU Parted) parted: parted: GNU Parted is an industrial-strength package for creating, destroying, parted: resizing, checking and copying partitions, and the file systems on parted: them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, parted: reorganising disk usage, copying data on hard disks and disk imaging. parted: It contains a library, libparted, and a command-line frontend, parted. parted: parted: parted: parted: