Algorithm::MCL - perl module implementing Markov Cluster Algorithm using
version 0.003
use Algorithm::MCL;
my $obj1 = new MyClass;
my $ref2 = {};
my $ref3 = \"abc";
my $ref4 = \$val1;
my $ref5 = [];
my $mcl1 = Algorithm::MCL->new();
# create graph by adding edges
$mcl1->addEdge($obj1, $ref2);
$mcl1->addEdge($obj1, $ref3);
$mcl1->addEdge($ref2, $ref3);
$mcl1->addEdge($ref3, $ref4);
$mcl1->addEdge($ref4, $ref5);
# run MCL algorithm on created graph
my $clusters1 = $mcl1->run();
# get clusters
foreach my $cluster ( @$clusters1 ) {
print "Cluster size: ". scalar @$cluster. "\n";
my $val1 = \"aaa";
my $val2 = \"bbb";
my $val3 = \"ccc";
my $val4 = \"ddd";
my $val5 = \"eee";
my $mcl2 = Algorithm::MCL->new();
$mcl2->addEdge($val1, $val2);
$mcl2->addEdge($val1, $val3);
$mcl2->addEdge($val2, $val3);
$mcl2->addEdge($val3, $val4);
$mcl2->addEdge($val4, $val5);
my $clusters2 = $mcl2->run();
foreach my $cluster ( @$clusters2 ) {
print "Found Cluster\n";
foreach my $vertex ( @$cluster ) {
print " Cluster element: $$vertex \n";
This module is perl implementation of Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL)
based on Perl Data Language (PDL).
MCL is algorithm of finding clusters of vertices in graph. More
information about MCL can be found at . There is
also perl script implementing MCL - minimcl
This module try to solve two problems:
* easy integration MCL in perl scripts and modules. Algorithm::MCL
accept references as input and every reference will be found later in
some cluster.
* performance and scale. Algorithm::MCL use Perl Data Language for most
of its processing and should run very fast on very big clusters. Main
Algorithm::MCL procedures are written with "pdlpp".
create new Algorithm::MCL object that accumulate graph edges and process
addEdge($ref1, $ref2, $distance)
add new edge to graph. first two parameters are reference to vertex
objects. third parameter is "distance measurement" between vetices.
"distance measurement" should be number between 0 and 1. if "distance
measurement" is not defined it set to 1.
apply MCL algorithm on graph. return reference to array that every
element is reference to cluser array.
Pinkhas Nisanov
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Pinkhas Nisanov.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.