2002-04-28 -+- creavideo -+- manfredboos@web.de -+- wann gibt es dieses progrmm endlich in deutsch?
viele mneiner bekannten und kunden hätten großes interesse
aber wie gesagt: in deutscher sprache.
ist das vorgesehen oder wird es dieses progrmm nur in englischer sprache geben?
2003-10-24 -+- lyle -+- lyle@torchpublishing.com.au -+- XMRM looks to be great software and extremely useful except for one problem.
I keep getting an error when "saving pics when calculate" and "Saving Pics from animation" telling me I cannot save *.tif files and not enough memory even when I have more than 1gig available.
If anyone could help I would be most grateful,
thanks, -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/85 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85
2005-01-19 -+- Peter Gardner -+- -+- Installed on Slackware 10 with PentiumII, 288 MB memory - 19 Jan 2005.
Works fine after making some necessary changes - see below.
Some links on the webpage are dead - use those below for downloading some
necessary software.
1/ XMRM Software used...
Updated xmrm source:
"tifftopnm" and "ppmtoyuvsplit":
Already installed iwith Slackware 10 as part of netpbm-10.18.12
2/ Changes to Makefiles and changes to source code.
All line numbers #nn are approximate.
2.1/ xform
Nothing to change. Just:
make && make install
2.2/ xmrm
Several changes necessary in the Makefile and io.cc.
2.2.1/ Makefile
#20 CC=g++
Changing from CC=gcc fixes the problem with "make all":
xmrm.o(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
xmrm_cb.o(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
#32 COMPILE_FLAGS - change -I/home/guido/xmrm/xforms/xforms/FORMS
to suit your FORMS directory.
I copied the /FORMS directory to /usr/lib/FORMS and remembered to delete
and remake the link:
rm libforms.so
ln -s libforms.so.0.88 libforms.so
#40 SYSLIB - change -L/home/guido/xmrm/xforms/xforms/FORMS
to suit your FORMS directory
#41 Comment out the first of the 2 LIBS lines:
#LIBS = -L/usr/lib -ltiff -ljpeg -lgz -lforms -lXpm $(SYSLIB)
2.2.2/ io.cc
To fix this problem with "make all":
io.cc: In function `void Load_Project(const char*)':
io.cc:1157: error: ISO C++ forbids assignment of arrays
io.cc: In function `void Save_Project(const char*, int)':
io.cc:1391: error: ISO C++ forbids assignment of arrays
At line 1157 change this:
control.akima_P[i] = proj.akima_points[i];
to this:
control.akima_P[i][0] = proj.akima_points[i][0];
control.akima_P[i][1] = proj.akima_points[i][1];
At line 1391 change this:
proj.akima_points[i] = control.akima_P[i];
to this:
proj.akima_points[i][0] = control.akima_P[i][0];
proj.akima_points[i][1] = control.akima_P[i][1];
To fix the "Unable to save TIFF File ! Aborting...":
At line 576 change this:
to this:
2.2.3/ Now make and test xmrm.
make all
Run with:
2.3/ mpeg
Install the patches by:
Copy MPEG-patch into .../mpegdir and then:
patch -b -p1 <MPEG-patch
To fix this error:
egcs -O2 -c mpeg.c
make: egcs: Command not found
make: *** [mpeg.o] Error 127
edit the makefile line 11 from this:
egcs -O2 -c mpeg.c
to this:
gcc -O2 -c mpeg.c
Then "make"
2.4/ mpeg_play
Just need to edit the Makefile:
Make line 50 (gcc) a comment, and uncomment line 56 (Linux C Flags)
Make line 99 (LIBS) a comment
Uncomment line 188, and edit to suit. Mine is:
LIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11
Specify the destination, line 125. I chose to put it in the same directory:
DEST = .
Then "make all"
2.5/ Setup some links...
I made, manually, links from /usr/local/bin
ln -s /home/dad/Desktop/test/xmrm/xmrm xmrm
ln -s /home/dad/Desktop/test/xmrm/xmrm_mpeg xmrm_mpeg
ln -s /home/dad/Desktop/test/mpeg/mpegdir/mpeg mpeg
ln -s /home/dad/Desktop/test/mpeg_play/mpeg_play mpeg_play
3/ It works fine!
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040618 Epiphany/1.2.6
2005-02-03 -+- ooik -+- -+- but sometime i got warning message.
"Not enough memory available!"...
Hummm... -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)