Jamesbond and myself are announcing Fatdog64-500 final.
This is a complete 64 bit build with the T2 trunk:
Xorg 7.5
GCC 4.4.3
Cups 1.4.2
Gimp 2.6.8
FireFox 3.6.6
Kino 1.3.4
HandBrake snv 2/2010
Ripperx 2.7.2
openbox / Lxpanel
Blackberry modem support for Verizon.
Xine-UI 0.99.6
Pidgin 2.7.0
Lots of other stuff!
Xorg auto configures itself and the default keyboard is "US" and the default timezone is gmt -5. You can change these in the setup menu. The old xorgwizard is still there, renamed xorgwizard-old. If you want a detailed xorg.conf go to Menu - Setup - Xorg Video Wizard.
Firefox (see note) runs as user spot, anything you download goes into the Downloads folder on the desktop. At the first shutdown, after making your save file, you'll be asked if you want to move the Downloads folder to the same place as your save file. Most will want to answer yes to that.
Fatdog64-500 uses many scripts from Woof, but Fatdog64 is not built using Woof due to Fatdog being 64bit.
Changes since alpha2:
* Grub fixed
* Full hd install fixed
* PDF printer fixed
* Gimp crashing (hopefully) fixed
* recompiled GTK for Gimp problem.
* upgrade libxine and Xine-UI
* add Xine-UI plug-in for Firefox
* Various other small bug fixes
Changes since Alpha3:
* Firewall fixed
* Petget fixed
* DVDs play when clicked on.
* Removed the "Do you want to unmount" message when you click on a mounted partition.
* Xine now runs as user spot.
Changes since Alpha 4:
* USB printing hopefully fixed (Thanks Jamesbond).
* Firefox upgraded to 3.6.2.
* Kernel
* AUFS enabled for NFS.
* Save file switched from ext2 to ext3.
* NFS file sharing app added.
* Many other small bugs fixes.
Changes since Beta 1:
* Fixed rxvt screen color.
* Move Nouveau stuff to a pet package.
* Update kernel to
* Update Firefox to 3.6.3.
* Grabed Barry's updated rc.shutdown and init scripts out of quirky 018 and merge the changes.
* Add dvb-apps from linuxtv.
* Apply jamesbond's openbox menu fix.
* Update home web page with new links.
* Point the Puppy Package Manager to Fatdog's repo.
* Recompile SDL libs.
* Update to xf86-input-synaptics-1.2.2
* Update to xf86-video-intel-2.11.0
* Update to xf86-video-nv-2.1.17
* Update Vala to 0.8.x svn.
* Add Vala-IDE to devx.
Changes since Beta 2:
* Added pppoe.
* Fixed package manager.
* Fixed xwin, xorgwizard not ran every boot.
* Fixed Ayttm.
* Upgrade xf86-video-ati to 6.13.0.
* Recompiled dialog and fixed terminfo.
* Fixed multi-session install.
* Fixed USB install. (syslinux and mtools)
* Added some extra options to the boot help.msg.
* Fixed time setting in rc.country.
* Fixed the noram option in the initrd.gz.
* Upgrade JWM to 490 (JWM still not recommended).
* Replaced grub with a static version, removed the 32bit libraries required for grub.
Changes since Beta 3 (including rc1 & rc2)
* ALSA fixes.
* Added Blinky with some extra right-click options
* Replaced Ayttm with Pidgin.
* /etc/profile - fix path for qt3/qt4
* Fix for pycairo and pygtk.
* Fix /usr/share/mime.
* Fix PDF printer problem with user spot.
* Fix Package manager.
* Removed symlink in main sfs that was hiding Python.
* Upgrade kernel to 2.6.34
* Upgrade Firefox to 3.6.4rc
* Replaced xcal with calcoo.
* Replaced Xarchive with Xarchiver
* Lots of other fixes.
Changes since rc3:
* Firefox updated to 3.6.6
* ffmpeg updated to 0.6
* Kino updated to 1.3.4
* Updated x264
* Added sox 14.3.1
* Added libvpx-0.9.1
* More fixes
I've uploaded the iso, devx, sources and all extra packages built with T2 here:
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... ns/fatdog/
ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dist ... ns/fatdog/
The T2-packs folder contains all the binary packages the T2 build produced, many not included in the iso.

*Note: The goal for Fatdog is to have web applications run as a non-privileged user. Not in the traditional sense where you log in as a non-privileged user and all of your personnel files are accessible by that user as well. But we log in as root for convenience and in recognition that your personal files are just as important as system files, in fact much more important. Applications that access the internet, Firefox, Xine, Sylpheed, and Pidgin all run as user spot. Spot can only write to a few limited places. Given the lack of virus/trojan attacks for linux type systems this is probably paranoia, but this setup causes little inconvenience for the extra security.