Please visit my
company's site
XtDesk is X Window icon manager, and runs under
Linux and FreeBSD.
I'll appreciate any feedback - wishes or opinions - about this program.
If you add some features - please let me know, I'll be glad to incorporate it in my project.
XtDeaktop inherited idea and some code from idesk
Author: Chris Roberts, Email: nikon@sc.rr.com, ICQ: 63345004
Maintainer: Ivan ivan@xpenguin.com
In initial versions some code from Shaped Window
Extension 0.4 for Tcl/Tk was used.
Author: Donal K. Fellows, fellowsd@cs.man.ac.uk
Inherited from idesk:
- idea
- Database.h / Database.cc - config files management
- source code fragments from some other files
New features:
- Xt toolkit used
- XShape extension used - no need to save copy of root window, but
transparency is not supported.
- following types of icons supported:
- application - to launch programs
- mounts - to mount/umount devices
- plugins - external libraries to change icon and caption
- menu with additional commands for all type of icons
- mulitiline captions
Added Makefile for 64-bit systems
Minor bugfix (thanks to Mark G. Alexander)
Added LICENCE file
New options: SnapWidth/SnapHeight
UTF-8 locale support for icon captions and menu items. (use XtDesk*SmeBSB* in .Xdefaults for menu)
Properties window can be closed without killing whole application
Only *.lnk files are searched for icon configuration.
Some code rewritten in Database.cc
Two plugins added - clock and simple system montor (cpu(s), nic(s), cpu temperatuer sometimes)
Added more features (based
on Jason Dumler ideas http://www.lizardbones.com )
- config option CaptionBackground and CaptionBorder can be used
in xtdeskrc or individual icon configuration file
- icons raised when clicked or dragged
- integrated some
codes and ideas from Jason Dumler http://www.lizardbones.com
- added trim function to database code -
spaces and tabs does not matter now
- added IconWidth and IconHeight configuration
options to change icon size ( can be used in ~/.xtdeskrc - for global
changes, or in individual icon config)
- main configuration file now searched first
as $HOME/.xtdesktop/xtdeskrc (warning printed if not found), then - as
- config option Fixed can be used in xtdeskrc
- FreeBSD support (tested
on 5.1) thanks Virtuoso for request
- added configuration
viewer/editor. Rigth click on icon -> "Properties" menu item
Exmaple of recources to influence properties editor window:
XtDesk*Form*background: gray
XtDesk*Form*foreground: #000060
XtDesk*font: 9x15
- various code changes
v0.3a |
- multiline labels
- correct handling of background procedures
- support for plugins