% File: changes.txt
% A part of mfpic 1.10 2012/12/03

                         Summaries of changes.

First version released to network, 30 June 1992.

Second version released to network, 7 Sept. 1992. (Still had
version number in code---oops!) Many new features added, bugs
worked out, code cleaned up.

0.2.5 of Wed 10 Nov. 1993:
Bug fix release  Primarily work by Geoffrey Tobin. of Wed 13 July 1994:
Bug fix release  Corrected  "unxconv"  bug which remained in version
0.2.5's  graphbase.mf.

0.2.9 Alpha of Thu 11 August 1994:
A test release prior to any official version 0.3, is ready for intrepid
users. Introduces coordinate transforms, and other novelties. Alpha} of Thu 8 September 1994:
Fixes a bug in \sclosed and a bug in \white, corrects some omissions and
typos in the documentation, and adds the \shadewd, \hatchwd, \lhatch and
\rhatch macros. Alpha of Thu 21 March 1995:
Renamed \fill to \gfill, in order to avoid conflict with the LaTeX \fill
macro. Alpha of Thu 13 April 1995:
Renaming of \label to \tlabel, and \caption to \tcaption, in order to
avoid conflict with the LaTeX macros with those names.

\white was renamed to \gclear, because \white is a likely name for a
color macro.

Also, a new macro for defining Metafont functions was introduced,
because user-defined functions provide more power, and function plotting
macros were added that accept Metafont function names instead of
Metafont expressions. Alfa of Wed 19 July 1995:
Renames  \mfcmd  to  \mfsrc  for clarity.

Renames  \wedge  to  \sector  to avoid conflict with the character name
defined in plain TeX and LaTeX.

Introduces  \mftitle,  \tmtitle  and  \plr.

Abolishes  \plrpoint,  \plrlines,  \plrcurve  and  \plrcyclic  as
redundant specializations. The meaning of  \turtle  is changed to a
Cartesian form, for flexibility.

Rendering macros redesigned, and  \setrender  introduced. Coordinate
transforms in  grafbase.mf  made slightly more robust. Begin an attempt
to make  grafbase.mf  compatible with John Hobby's MetaPost drawing
program. Alfa of Mon 24 July 1995:
Contributes  \thatch  which provides hatching by lines at any angle.

Modifications to  \pen,  \shadewd  and  \hatchwd,  along with changes to
grafbase.mf  to make drawing, shading and hatching more independent.

Renamed  \rotate  to  \rotatepath.

Also renamed the affine transform macros, so that they no longer use the
`s'  of the present tense, which could be mistaken for a plural. alfa, Mon 11 September 1995:
Retain line separations of user's document's  mfpic  environment when
writing Metafont file.  This prevents long Metafont commands from
exceeding Metafont's input buffer. alfa, Sat 9 March 1996:
Introduced  \polyline  as an alternative name for  \lines.

In order to avoid repetition of side-effects, changed  \tcaption  to use
\unhbox\@textbox,  instead of repeating its text argument. alfa, (two hours later) on Sat 9 March 1996:
\polygon  figure has been introduced;

\\  specifies explicit line breaks in tlabels and tcaptions;

\savepic  and  \copypic  allow saving, use and copying of an entire
mfpic picture, including its tcaptions and tlabels.

Also modified \tcaption code to prevent repeated use of the text
argument, as that can cause side effects, as reported by Dennis
Petrovic. alfa, Sat 28 March 1996:
First release via Geoffrey Tobin's School's local anon ftp site:
    ftp.ee.latrobe.edu.au : pub/gt/mfpic alfa, Tue 26 May 1996:
Second, and bug fix, release via Geoffrey Tobin's anonymous ftp area.

0.3.0 alpha, 1998:
Numbers jump a lot from here because I (Dan Luecking) have been lax in
keeping track of changes. First version with support for Metapost. Now
any(?)  .mf  file created by a recent mfpic can be run through Metapost
to produce a PostScript picture.

Added functions  sin,  cos,  and their inverses  invsin,
etc., that compute in radian measure. Also  tan  and  cot.

0.3.8 alpha, 1999:
Color has been added. Default colors for lines/curves  (drawcolor),
fills  (fillcolor),  hatch patterns  (hatchcolor),  and arrowheads
(headcolor). Optional arguments for color added to  \gfill, \draw,
\arrow,  and all the hatching macros. A new macro  \polkadot creates
polkadot fill patterns.

Changed some of the commands for setting dimensions so that they
actually worked, and so they are local to mfpic environments.

Added support for LaTeX2e's  \usepackage  command and options. Added
graphics inclusion code. Added code to detect which TeX format was in

0.3.9 alpha, 2000:
Minor change to definition of  \circle to avoid error messages in LaTeX.

Changed the graphic placement code so that it tests for the existence of
the graphic first.

0.3.10 alpha, 2000:
Added changes contributed by Jaromir Kuben: An option  centercaptions
and command  \centercaptions  to center the lines in a  \tcaption.  Also
\nocentercaptions. Improvements to the code that positions text labels
(so that)  c  and  b  now take into account the depth of the text. A new
parameter  B  to align the baseline of the text with the point.

Added option  dvipsnames  to allow color names as in the dvips header
color.pro. Later removed and made default. Added  color functions
cmyk,  RGB,  gray  and  rgb.

Added functions  tanh,  its inverse  atanh,  and additional trig
functions  secd,  sec,  cscd,  csc,  atan,  invtan.  Made  log  a
synonym for  ln.  Added complex variables functions  Arg,  cis,  zexp
and  Log.

0.3.11 alpha, 2000:
Added  \plot  similar to \dotted  but these shapes can be placed:
   Triangle,  Square,  Circle,  Plus, Cross,  Star,  SolidTriangle,
   SolidSquare,  or  SolidCircle

0.3.12 alpha, 2000:
Added macro  \datafile  to read a file of number pairs and create the
polygonal path connecting them.

Added options  clip,  truebbox, and  debug.
Command forms:  \clipmfpic,  \noclipmfpic,  \usetruebbox,
\notruebbox,  \mfpicdebugtrue,  and  \mfpicdebugfalse.

Changed names of various commands to a more imperative form:
\usemetapost, \usemetafont,
Changed name of option  centercaptions  to  centeredcaptions.

0.3.13 alpha, 2000:
\datafile  now ignores leading blank lines and comments,
and won't gag on commented out EOLs.

Went back to technique of expanding argument of  \tcaption  twice:
caveat emptor.

New command  \plotdata  reads a data file and draws one (polygonal) path
for each non-blank sequence of lines in the data file. Exits when a pair
of blank lines is encountered (or EOF). Cycles through six different
drawing styles for successive curves. User may elect different colors
(with  \coloredlines),  different symbols  (\pointedlines),  or
different dashing patterns  (\dashedlines).

New command  \using  affects what  \datafile  and  \plotdata  write to
the  .mf  output.

\gendashed{<pattern>}...  is a generalized dashing command;  <pattern>
is the name of a dashing pattern.
\dashpat{<name>}{<dim1>,<dim2>,...,<dim2n>} creates a dashing pattern
with the specified name.

All dots now pixel aligned in shading. Looks infinitely better.

Added  Diamond  and  SolidDiamond  to the symbols available.

A command \fcncurve  that draws a function (i.e., curve doesn't double
back) if the x-values are unique and listed in order.

0.3.14 alpha, 2000:
Added optiom  mplabels  to make  \tlabel  write  btex ... etex  groups
to the .mp file. Commands  \usemplabels  and  \nomplabels.
Added third part to the optional argument of  \tlabel  to
rotate the text. Ignored without mplabels

New macro  \mfpdatacomment  so that  \datafile  and  \plotdata  can now
have their comment character reset. Commands  \makepercentother  and
\makepercentcomment  created to allow the user to use  `%'  in  \using

Gave  \plotdata  the ability to cycle through 8 colors or 9 symbols
(instead of only 6).

Draw a frame for figures not yet created. Add command \frame for users.

Added  \fdef,  which seemed to be documented (see Update above),
but somehow not defined.

Changed  \savepic:  Now use  \newpic{\foo}  to allocate a box,
\savepic{\foo}  to store the next picture, and  \usepic{\foo}  to copy

0.3.15 alpha, 2000:
Added  \mfpverbtex  to write  verbatimtex  block to  .mp  file.

Changed  \newpic  to  \newsavepic  to more closely parallel LaTeX's
\newsavebox  command.

Allow plotting of a number in a data file against its sequence position
with  \using{...}{...\sequence...}.

Added \pointdef:  \pointdef{A}(1,3)  makes  \A  expand to  (1,3),  with
\Ax  and  \Ay  expanding to  1  and  3,  respectively.

0.4.0 beta, Aug 2000:
Released to CTAN.

0.4.01 beta, Nov/Dec 2000:
Generate a time-stamp for the output file.

Added  \penwd  as a synonym for  \pen.

Added macros  \xaxis[<hlen>]  and  \yaxis[<hlen>]  with the obvious

0.4.04 beta, Mar 2001:
Added  \smoothdata[<tension>]  to cause  \datafile  and  \plotdata  to
draw smooth curves with optional tension setting. And  \unsmoothdata  to
restore the default.

0.4.10 beta, May 2001:
Renamed  \framed  to  \mfpframed, similarly: \mfpframegap  and

\tlabeloffset{<hadj>}{<vadj>} and  \tlabelsep{<dimen>}  added to apply
offsets to label placement.

Added macros for drawing axes along the borders of the picture, and
tickmarks along those axes. Syntax eventually settled on in 0.4.16:

  \axis{<axis>}, draws an axis (\axis{x} almost equivalent to \xaxis).
    Allowed values for <axis>: x, y, l, b, r, and t.
  \axismargin{<axis>}{<num>}, sets the axis margin (lbrt only)
  \setaxismargins{<num>}{<num>}{<num>}{<num>}, sets all 4 margins.
  \setallaxismargins{<num>}, sets all 4 margins.

  \xmarks, \ymarks, \lmarks, \bmarks, \rmarks, \tmarks, place the marks.
  \setaxismarks{<axis>}{<pos>}, sets position of tic marks. Allowed
    <pos> are inside, outside, ontop, onbottom, and centered. 2
    abbreviations: \setxmarks and \setymarks.

For arrowheads on the side axis, a dimesion  \sideheadlen  was added.

Added  \gridlines  to draw a regular grid of lines.

Added  \tlabeljustify  to change the default justification of text

Added the command  \tlabels  (note the plural). It has one mandatory
argument which contains a concatenation of arguments for one or more
\tlabel  commands.

0.4.11--15 beta, July 2001:
Added support for multiline labels under mplabels.

Added ability to create a curve surrounding some text:
\tlabelrect  creates a rectangle, with optionally rounded corners,
\tlabeloval  creates an ellipse with aspect ratio the same as the block
  of text (optionally multiplied by a given factor),
\tlabelellipse creates an ellipse with an optional aspect ratio
  (default = 1),
\tlablecircle is \tlabelellipse[1].

Added  \axislabels.  This takes a letter indicating the axis, an
optional justification parameter (as in  \tlabel)  and a comma separated
list of TeX text and numbers.

Added  \tlabelcolor  to control color of Metapost placed text.
Added \backgroundcolor  to set the color variable  background,  the
color used by  \gclear.

Added  \doaxes.  It takes a set of letters chosen from  {xylbrt}, and
draws the specified axes.

Added optional parameter to  \plotdata  and  \datafile;  can be used
instead of \(un)smoothdata.

Added \mfpframe...\endmfpframe to frame the contents.

0.4.16 beta, July 28--30 2001:
Added "star form" of each \tlabel<path> that defines the curve without
placing the label.

0.4.17 beta, July 28--Aug 10, 2001:
Commands:  \function,  \parafcn,  \plrfcn,  \btwnfcn  and
\plrregion  now take an option of the form [s<tension>].

Changed the  \mfpic  command so both optional parameters may be omitted
(scale 1 is then assumed).

0.4.18 beta, Aug 10--20, 2001:
Added point size option to  \grid.

Added a macro  \plottext  similar to  \plotsymbol  except instead of a
symbol, it takes a bit of TeX text.

Added  \plrgrid  and  \plrpatch.

Added  \piechart  and  \piewdge.

0.4.19 beta, Aug 20--26, 2001:
Added  \mfpicnumber  to set the number of the next character or figure.

0.4.20 beta, Aug 26--Sep 1, 2001:
Added  \barchart.

0.4.21 beta, Sept 1--10, 2001:
Added  SolidStar  to symbols available. Changed  Star  to produces an
open five-pointed star instead of the asterisk previously drawn. Added
Asterisk  to duplicate the old Star.

Added  \shiftpath{p},  \scalepath{p,sf}, \xscalepath{x,sf},
\yscalepath{y,sf}  and  \slantpath{y,sl}.  "p"  is a pair  "sf" is a
scale factor,  "x"  is an x-coordinate,  "y"  is a y-coordinate and "sl"
is a slant factor.

0.4.22 beta, Sept 11--22, 2001:
Added  \reflectpath{p1,p2},  \xyswappath  and  \yslantpath{x,sl}; also
\xslantpath  (a synonym for  \slantpath).

0.5.0 beta, Sept 24--Oct25, 2001:
Change comment written at the top of the output file.  Now includes the
name of the output file, as well as the  \jobname  of the TeX source
that produced it.

Made  \mfpic  and  \endmfpic  write the source line number to the
output for debugging use.

Added  \everytlabel  for setting commands issued at the outermost level
at the start of each label.

\mfpic  now writes  "verbatimtex \begingroup etex"  to
output and  \endmfpic  ends the group (under  mplabels).

Released to CTAN, Oct, 2001.

0.5.01 beta
Corrects a small bug by adding some braces around the point arguments of
\tlabel  in a couple of places.

0.5.04 alpha, ???--April 11, 2002:
Added options  draft,  final,  and  nowrite  (commands \mfpicdraft,
\mfpicfinal,  and  \mfpicnowrite) which should avoid including the
pictures  (draft)  or include the pictures (final), overriding automatic
decisions. Option  nowrite  avoids writing anything to the  .mf  file.

Rewrote  \tlabel  and friends so that the point arguments could
be enclosed in braces.

All those macros that take a list as last argument can now substitute
"\datafile{name}" in place of the list.

Collected the common code in  \xmarks,  \ymarks, etc., so that now they
are implemented with  \marks x,  etc. (Later renamed to  \axismarks.)

Added aliases  \lattice  and  \gridpoints  for  \grid.

0.5.05 alpha, April 16, 2002:
Corrected bug in  \mfpverbtex  which caused  #  symbols to be doubled in
the output.

0.5.06 alpha, April 16--May 7, 2002:
Made changes to avoid MF/MP overflow in \tlabelellipse/oval.

0.5g (= 0.5.07) alpha, May 7--June 25, 2002:
Added  \usingpairdefault  to reset the  \using  specification to the
default. Also  \usingnumericdefault  for commands that take numeric

Changed version numbering scheme so LaTeX file utilities like the
snapshot package are better served.

0.5h alpha, Aug 1--6, 2002:
Added  \gclip  rendering macro that clips the current picture to a path.

0.6 beta, Sep 12, 2002:
Uploaded to CTAN.

0.6a alpha, Sep 12--Nov 5, 2002.
Added  \let\par\relax (later \@empty) in  \mfpic  to nullify blank lines
in user code. (Reported by Jaromir Kuben.)  Put in commands to restore
\par  to its normal meaning in labels and captions.

0.6b beta, Nov 6--, 2002.
Correct sign on sinh function with negative argument

0.6c beta, Nov 6--, 2002.
Bounding box had the horizontal and vertical data reversed if all
of the following three options were selected: metapost, mplabels and
0.63(=0.6c) alpha
New numbering scheme: increment hundreds (perhaps also thousands) digit
for alpha, add letters only for patches to released beta version.

Added check that versions match to mfpic and grafbase.

Added a  \partialpath{a,b} (later \partpath) command to produce the
subpath of the following path  f that goes from  a*length(f)  to

Also added  \subpath{a,b}  to give the equivalent of the MF code
   subpath (a, b) of <following path>

Added tension option to closure commands where it makes sense.

Moved  \fdef  to a global location.

Rewrote \tlabelrect, etc., so that they take a second optional
parameter: the label justification.

Redid all(?) optional argument handling so that an empty optional
argument is the same as no optional argument.

Changed  \store  to be usable as a prefix command.

Removed bug reintroduced into filling commands  (shade , polkadot  and
tess) so they did not respect  aspect_ratio  (affected only MF).

Introduced color to Metafont: color functions (rgb, cmyk, etc.) return a
numeric. Drawing commands subtract white paths (and simply draw others).
A process something like \shade is used to produce gray polkadots and

Transcribed  documentation to latex.

Packaged mfpic in  mfpic.dtx,  mfpic.ins  and  grafbase.dtx.

0.64 alpha
Added optional argument to  \circle  (similar to the ones for  \arc). So
the circle through three points can be easily drawn, filled, etc.

0.65 alpha
Rewrote  \noship  and added  \stopshipping  and  \resumeshipping  so that
shipping can be turned off for several figures.

Added  \transformpath , similar to  \applyT  except that it is a
modification macro for figures. It's argument is a transformer.

Added  \cutoffafter {<obj>}  and  \cutoffbefore {<obj>}  as prefix
macros that cut the following path after its intersection with the named

Added  \trimpath{<dim1>,<dim2>} , a prefix macro that removes the part
of the following path within  <dim1>  of its start and within  <dim2>
of its end.

0.66 alpha
Added  \pointcolor , the color in which points are drawn by  \point  and
in which symbols are drawn by  \plotsymbol.

The optional parameter of  \tlabelrect  may now be the literal word
"roundends". This will make the radius of the quarter circles equal to
half the narrower dimension of the rectangle, giving the "rectangle"
semicircular ends.

0.67 alpha
Allow the use of  \usetruebbox  in an  mfpic  environment.

Added  \reconfigureplot  which takes the word  `dashes', `colors',  or
`symbols'  for an argument, followed by a list to be used by  \plotdata.
Added  \defaultplot  which takes the same arguments and restores the
builtin defaults.

Added  \regpolygon{n}{P}{<eqn1>}{<eqn2>}.

Moved the loading of the figure to  \endmfpic.

Added  \mpobj  as a synonym for  \mfobj.

Added  \settension  to set the grafbase variable  default_tension.
and  \setfcntension  to set the grafbase variable  fcn_tension  (this
second one later removed).

Started  mfpguide.tex,  a beginner's tutorial.

0.68 alpha
Added complex function  sgn Z : returns (0,0) if  Z = (0,0),
otherwise unitvector Z.

Added  \makesector,  a  prefix that can make a sector out of
a following arc.

Added check to  \opengraphsfile  that no previous file is still open.

Added option  clearsymbols  option and commands \clearsymbols  and
\noclearsymbols.  Open symbols used with  \plotsymbol  can have their
interiors cleared

Added option:  overlaylabels  and commands  \overlaylabels  and
\nooverlaylabels.  Saves mplabels in a separate picture added on at

Added  \pairarray{<name>}{<list-of-pairs>}  and
\numericarray{<name>}{<list-of-numbers>} that define an array of pairs
and an array of numbers.

Added  \mfbezier[<tens>]{<list>}  to produce standard MF bezier path.
Also  \closedmfbezier.

Add the equivalent of (a sequence of) LaTeX  \qbezier:  \qbeziers  and

Added  \ifmfpmpost  so users can use it to write code that adapts to the
figure processor.

Renamed  \mfp@addto  to  \mfpaddto  and  added  \mfpmultiply  for power

0.69 alpha and 0.69a
Make  \gridlines  honor the settings of \axismargin.

Added  \hgridlines  to draw only the horizontal and  \vgridlines  to
draw only the vertical.

Added  \gridarcs  and  \gridrays  to draw only the arcs or rays of a
polar grid.

Added  \setmfboolean  and  \setmfnumeric  for the indicated instances of

Added \InputIfFileExists{mfpic.cfg} in the LaTeX section just before
\ProcessOptions. Added code to detect and input  mfppatch.tex  if it

Renamed manual  to  mfpman.tex.  Provide a linked  mfpman.pdf  with
TOC, and two indices.

0.69c alpha
Lowered MF memory usage of \gendashed (and therefore also for \dashed,
\dotted and \plot). Problem reported by J. Kuben.

\barchart  can now take pair data. Interpreting  (a,b) as an interval
and creates bars that begin at  a  and end at  b  (Gantt diagrams).

Added  \gantt  (= \barchart)

Made  [cc]  the default for  \tlabelrect,  etc.  Added command
\tlpathjustify  to change the default.

Added code to input user additions, defaults, etc., in  mfpic.usr,  if
it exists.

Bug fix to \tlabelrect.

0.7 beta, 14 Nov 2003
Packed up and put on web page and CTAN.

0.7a beta, 16 Apr 2004
Change one semicolon (;) in a string written by  \opengraphsfile  to a
colon (:) to work around a bug in the perl scripts mptopdf and/or

0.71 alpha--0.8 beta, 17 May 2005
    \arc[r],  \arc[q],  \circle[r],  circle[q].
    \arrow*  (star form).
    \convexcurve,  \convexcyclic.
    \doubledraw,  \parallelpath.
    \tlpointsep,  \tlpathsep.
    \computedspline,  \closedcomputedspline.
    \fcnspline,  \periodicfcnspline, \btwnplrfcn

Changed the  "\begingroup"  and  "\endgroup"  written  to output
to "\bgroup"  and  "\egroup".

Added  \assignmfvalue,   \mfpreadlog  and option  mfpreadlog  for
requesting and receiving values calculated by MF.

Added  \setmfarray  and redefined  \numericarray  and  \pairarray  to
call it. Added  \colorarray.

Added  \mfpdraftfont,  the font to use in draft when text replaces a

Added loop structures
    \mfpfor{<header>} ... \endmfpfor
    \mfpwhile{<condition>} ... \endmfpwhile
    \mfploop ... \mfpuntil{<condition>} ... \endmfploop

Added a  \norender  command.

Added  new.txt  to contain what used to be the part of  changes.txt
that covers the changes since the last version.

Renamed file  refcard.tex  to  mfpcard.tex.

Rewrote  mfppatch.tex  (formerly empty when there is no patch) to test
the version info and emit a message if there is a mismatch.

Sent to CTAN 13 May 2005.

0.8a 17 May 2005
Added forgotton  \belowfcn  plus the documentation of  \btwnplrfcn.

0.8b 27 Sep 2005
Bug fixed concerning unprintable characters in filenames.
NOT uploaded.

0.89 08 May 2006
Added: \arrowhead,  \arrowtail  and  \arrowmid  for arrows.

Added:  \zigzag,  \sinewave  and  \corkscrew  renderings.

Added  \border, a closed rectangle around the border, adjusted inward by
the axis margin amounts.

Added  \randomizepath  and  \randomlines.

Added  \startbacktext ... \stopbacktext  for background text.

Added  \arccomplement  to produce the complementary arc.

Gave  \arc  a *-form which produces the complementary arc.

Added  \vectorfield  and  \plrvectorfield.

\tlabel  command handles a list of points in either TeX or MP label mode.

Added redefinition of  \mpxshipout  to correct mpost vers 0.901.

Added  \axisline  for maximum flexibility in rendering axes.

Added  \globalassignmfvalue  since  \global\assignmfvalue  didn't work.

New dimension  \griddotsize  for size of grid dots.

\circle  and  \arc  now produce  grafbase command  "fallbackpath"  when
the optional letter is not a valid choice.

Added  \@safe@activestrue  to the beginning of  \mfpic  and
\@safe@activesfalse  to each  tlabel  placed by TeX and to  tcaption.

Added  \everymfpic  and  \everyendmfpic.

Added  \closedcurve  as an alias for  \cyclic,  \closedconvexcurve
for  \convexcyclic  and  \closedpolyline  for \polygon.

Allow loops outside mfpic environments.

Added  \mfppiechart  and  \mfpbarchart  as versions of  \piechart  and
\barchart  that are available outside the  mfpic environment. The old
names can still be used inside the environment.

Correct  centeredcaptions  (broken in LaTeX).

Added  \pageref  commands to the  "List of commands by type" in

Corrected behavior of  mfpic  environments with regard to \everypar.

0.90 01 Jun 2006
Uploaded to CTAN

0.94 09 Sep 2009
Added support for cmyk and grayscale color models that have been
available in MetaPost since version 1.000.

Added support for filename setting: MetaPost 1.0's filenametemplate
or 1.2's outputtemplate. Command \setfilenametemplate.

Added \mfresolution and \mfmode to set the resolution and/or mf mode
(only for mfpic's metafont option).

Added pseudohyperbolic circles, \pshcircle and pshcircle().

Changed all commands \setmf... that refer to variables in the .mf/.mp
file (e.g., \setmfvariable \setmfarray, but not \setmfpicgraphic) to
\set.... Added Easter egg.

Store all 6 arguments of \@mfpic in macros \xfactor, \yfactor, \xmin,
\xmax, \ymin and \ymax. Use these macros in \mfp@setconv instead of
passing arguments. Same with \axislabels. Document them.

Added \cbeziers, \closedcbeziers and grafbase implementation cbezier and
mkcbezier. Fixed bug in documentation of \qbeziers (no optional
argument), and in implementation (less than ideal behavior when list is

Changed name of \assignmfvalue to \assignvalue, \globalassignmfvalue to
\globalassignvalue. But recognize old names.

Command name \setboolean is used by other packages: revert to old
\..setmf.. commands (and for good measure revert \..assign.. to

Change forceclr so that if the argument is an unknown color of a
particular model, it returns black _in that model_.

Correct cmyk -> rgb conversion part of makergb to include the blackpart.
Correct cmykgray(g) (now cmyk(0,0,0,1-g)).

Add \mfpprelabel and \mfppostlabel, then remove them. When \mfpprelabel
takes an argumemt, it doesn't work with \\ as the line breaker; it needs

Add \brownianmotion (mfpic) and brownianpath (grafbase).

Make \mfpverbtex cumulative before \opengraphsfile.

Rearranged the handling of color and color conversion. Added makegray.
Corrected bug in rgbgray. Added rgbtogray, cmyktogray, rgbtocmyk and
cmyktorgb. Added colorchoice.

Improved the  message from assignmfvalue (incorrectly invoked figure
number if used outside a picture).

Simplify non-grafbase code in dvipsname.

Rewrite \mfp@useMP to check for both supp-pdf.tex and supp-pdf.mkii
under pdfTeX (sufficiently recent pdftex.def will do this under
pdfLaTeX). Also have it check for both epsf.tex and epsf.sty under
non-pdf, non-LaTeX (though both files should be identical).

Rename mfpman.tex/pdf to mfpic-doc.tex/pdf.
Prepared release mfpic100.zip, placed on personal web site.
Prepared mfpic.tds.zip for release.

Correct bug in vectorfield (upperbounds of xpos+raxis and ypos+taxis
should have been xpos-raxis and ypos-taxis). To prevent recurrence,
added definitions
  xlow  = xneg+laxis
  xhigh = xpos-raxis
  ylow  = yneg+baxis
  yhigh = ypos-taxis
Replaced frequent occurence of these combinations with the

Correct minor error in mfpic.dtx affecting only the documentation.

Add work-around for verbatimtex (added a commented blank line after
user-supplied verbatimtex material).

Correct iscolor in grafbase, adding parentheses.

Change detection of amstex to \ifx\amstexloaded@\relax (don't know why I
rejected this before). This takes care of formats built on top of

Replaced corrupted PDF files mfpguide.pdf and mfpcard.pdf.

Although \mfresolution and \mfmode were defined in mfpic.tex (and
documented) grafbase did nothing with them. Corrected.

(no change in version; documentation changes only 2010/04/07)
Correct a wrong checksum and some typos in the dtx. Reformat the source
files grafbase.dtx and mfpic.dtx.

Name changes in grafbase ("GB" prefixed to romannumeral, etc.) \endgroup
moved in mfpic.

Added differential equation plotters \DEgraph and \DEtrajectory and MF
support macros *RKIV (4-step Runge-Kutta numerical method).

Removed mfppatch.tex from the distribution. Add lcheadings.ist for the

Added mfpicdef.tex for metapost labels and removed token register

Added \quarterellipse, \halfellipse and \fullellipse.

Use \MFPeverylabel in the metapost file instead of \everylabel in case
someone uses a LaTeX package that includes such a macro.

Added \gbrace.

Changed the detection of AmS-TeX. Check that both \amstexloaded@=\relax
and \NoBlackBoxes is defined. The former alone is too easy to occur by

Added hyperbolic geodesics. Also a half-plane version of pshdist(,).

Added \browniangraph and \randomwalk.

Added the Kelvin transform, kelvin(z). Also the complex function
zsqrt(z) and complex number operations zmul and zdiv.

Added gradients: \gradient, \areagradient and \radialgradient.


Added commands to interpolate between two paths.
Added \reversepath=\reverse.