Currently, the CRAN package repository features 22235 available packages.
Table of available packages, sorted by date of publication
Table of available packages, sorted by name
CRAN Task Views aim to provide some guidance which packages on CRAN are relevant for tasks related to a certain topic. They provide tools to automatically install all packages from each view. Currently, 47 views are available.
Please type help("INSTALL") or help("install.packages") in R for information on how to install packages from this repository. The manual R Installation and Administration (also contained in the R base sources) explains the process in detail.
All packages are tested regularly on machines running Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora, macOS (formerly OS X) and Windows.
The results are summarized in the check summary (some timings are also available).
Please use the canonical form <> to link to the CRAN web page of package PKG.
In the rare case a link to a specific (and hence likely outdated) version of the package's sources in needed, one can use <> for version VER of package PKG.
The manual Writing R Extensions (also contained in the R base sources) explains how to write new packages and how to contribute them to CRAN.
The manual CRAN Repository Policy [PDF] describes the policies in place for the CRAN package repository.