2000-05-03 -+- Atif Ghaffar -+- atif@developer.ch -+- Thank you,
Very informative article.
2000-05-08 -+- Dave Mason -+- dcm@redhat.com -+- The only problem with relying on the XML version of
DocBook is that it will be beta until DocBook 5.0.
Considering we are in beta 4.0 that leaves a lot of
room for changes... whereas DocBook SGML will remain
more stable despite it being "harder to read"... which
I don't understand... its the same with a different

Good article though - spread the word! 2000-05-19 -+- Alex Kapranoff -+- kapr@crosswinds.net -+- Good article!
I just wanted to comment that FreeBSD Documentaion Project,
http://www.freebsd.org/doc, uses DocBook as its
internal format. It permits for PDF,HTML, Text, RTF etc.
versions of FreeBSD Handbook and all other documents produced by FDP. 2000-05-28 -+- Guido Socher -+- guido@bearix.oche.de -+- Yes, I like the article 2000-06-28 -+- Nate -+- gecko@zkey.com -+- Am I missing something? I have tried to follow the example given in this article. I am using the following:
and the Modular Stylesheets

When I first attempted the procedure, the pdfjadetex command would die with this error:
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [hash size=10000].

So, I tried the rtf backend and was successful in generating rtfs so long as I did not
include a <!DOCTYPE definition. This was fine unless I wanted to use entities (like <)
I tried including the following definition:
<!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "/home/justice/docbookdtd/docbookx.dtd">

and upon running jade, I receive errors of the following style:
jade:/home/justice/docbookdtd/ent/iso-amsa.ent:6:19:E: "X21B6" is not a function name

What am I missing here? I apologize in advance if I have made a mistake, I am relatively new to XML.

Thanks in advance,

nj 2000-07-06 -+- Egon -+- egonw@sci.kun.nl -+- I never seen the pdfjadetex error. So i cannot help
you with that one...

About the <!DOCTYPE line... is that ":" mark in the
beginning of the <!DOCTYPE line intentionally? That
should not be there...

About the E: "X21B6" error... i get that one all the
time... Read the mailling list archives (below) to find
the precise reason, but it has something to do with
character libraries... You can just use the "-E 0"
option to Jade and it will contintue and generate
the document anyway.... this -E option gives the
maximum of accepted errors, zero being infinite...

Egon 2000-07-06 -+- Egon -+- egonw@sci.kun.nl -+- DocBook Mailling List

http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/mailinglist/index.html 2001-10-17 -+- oumar sall -+- -+- Hello, I am a new user of Jade very interested by DocBook.
I would like to test the example of your article but I do not know
how to get the file docbook_article.dsl. Can you indicate to me where
I could download it. Thank you 2002-10-15 -+- Marco Sacco -+- sm_sm_sm@hotmail.com -+- Hi,
I have a question about generating PDF with docbook. I wrote some documentation and converted it i PDF format (and also in HTML) using Saxon. My PDF is fine but I can't set any additional layout on it. Even, I'm not able to put images center-aligned, I can't set a nice template for each page, and stuff like that. In the end I would like to get PDF files like the official documentation from the big companies which are usually very refined.
If anybody could give me a hint I'd be grateful.
By the way if somebody wants to take a look to my work the address is:
http://www.audiofonica.com/corso (username: corso, password: ghost13),
it is a demo version of an Audio Engineering Course.


Marco Sacco -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)