Where are the excalibur ISOs? -- They are in Your hands! Here is Your challenge! The recent Devuan installer ISOs (chimaera, daedalus and also excalibur preview) are built with the installer-iso software [1] set up and maintained by @rrq. But him stepping away from it leaves You with an excellent opportunity to make Your special contribution to the Devuan cause simply by taking on the role of excalibur installer ISO builder. Devuan excalibur is currently in its "testing" phase. This means that the excalibur package suite is being updated and changing rapidly based on bug reports and feedback. It also means that bugs and issues are highly likely for anyone who makes a timeslice by installing packages as they are right now. Devuan excalibur installer ISOs will thus be aged rather quickly and it requires new ISOs be cut at a good rate. A regular rebuilding pipeline for ISOs was set up for daedalus and presumably the same pipeline can be used for excalibur. It does however require a contributor that keeps an eye on it and deals with any issues coming up. Get in touch on IRC channel #devuan-dev on libera.chat to saddle up for this rodeo. [1] https://git.devuan.org/devuan/installer-iso.git