
Lifecycle: stable R-CMD-check CRAN status Codecov test coverage

nemsqar is an R package designed to automate the calculation of EMS quality metrics as defined by the National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA). With a focus on enhancing EMS service performance through reliable, evidence-based quality measures, nemsqar aims to streamline metric calculation for healthcare providers, EMS agencies, and researchers dedicated to improving patient outcomes.


You can install the development version of nemsqar with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Additionally, you may install the current version of nemsqar on CRAN via:



nemsqar has functions that will always automate the calculation of a service’s performance (or even a system’s) against the currently approved list of NEMSQA Measures (see below). Given the large number of these functions, please check the full package documentation resource here.


The National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA) is committed to developing and endorsing quality measures that improve patient and provider experiences within EMS and healthcare systems. Originating from the EMS Compass Project (2014), NEMSQA has evolved as an independent organization, tasked with completing and sustaining the development of impactful, evidence-based EMS quality measures.

History of EMS Quality Measure Development

The structured development of EMS quality measures began with the EMS Compass Project, an initiative funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and led by the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) to establish relevant performance measures for EMS agencies. Since then, the field has advanced under the guidance of NEMSQA, which works to create sustainable, practical, and high-impact EMS quality measures through a collaborative, scientifically driven process.

For more about NEMSQA, please visit their official website:

NEMSQA Measure Set

The National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA) Measure Set includes a comprehensive list of EMS quality measures that have been developed and approved for national use. These measures are intended to guide EMS agencies in collecting data to assess and improve patient care. Below are the measures approved by the NEMSQA Measure Development Committee and Board of Trustees as of August 2019. Access to the full technical specifications for these measures is available on the NEMSQA website after creating a user profile.

Key for Developed in Package? Column

Measure ID Description Type National Quality Strategy Domain Developed in Package?
Airway-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request with successful advanced airway placement on first attempt without hypotension or hypoxia in peri-intubation period. Outcome Clinical Process – Effectiveness :heavy_check_mark:
Airway-05 Percentage of intubation procedures from a 911 request in which adequate patient oxygen levels were achieved prior to intubation. Process Patient Safety :heavy_check_mark:
Airway-18 Percentage of successful advanced airway procedures from a 911 request in which waveform capnography is used for confirmation and monitoring. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Asthma-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for asthma patients receiving an aerosolized beta agonist. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Hypoglycemia-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for symptomatic hypoglycemia patients who receive treatment to correct hypoglycemia. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Respiratory-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for respiratory distress patients with a respiratory assessment. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Respiratory-02 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for patients with hypoxia receiving oxygen. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Pediatrics-03b Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for patients <18 years receiving a weight-based medication with documented weight in kg or length-based estimate. Process Patient Safety ✔️
Safety-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request without lights and sirens. Process Patient Safety ✔️
Safety-02 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 request without lights and sirens during patient transport. Process Patient Safety ✔️
Safety-04 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 or interfacility request for patients <8 years transported with a pediatric restraint device. Process Patient Safety ✔️
Seizure-02 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for patients with status epilepticus who received benzodiazepine. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Stroke-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for suspected stroke patients who had a stroke assessment. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness :heavy_check_mark:
Syncope-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for syncope patients with a 12-lead (or greater) ECG performed. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
TBI-01 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 request for suspected TBI patients with documented oxygen level, ETCO2, and systolic BP. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Trauma-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for injury patients assessed for pain. Process Patient Experience :heavy_check_mark:
Trauma-03 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 request for patients whose pain score decreased during EMS encounter. Outcome Patient Experience :heavy_check_mark:
Trauma-04 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for patients meeting CDC trauma criteria transported to a trauma center. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Trauma-08 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 request for trauma patients with documented GCS, systolic BP, and respiratory rate. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️
Trauma-14 Percentage of EMS transports from a 911 request for patients meeting Step 1 or Step 2 field triage criteria with a pre-arrival trauma alert. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness :heavy_check_mark:
TTR-01 Percentage of EMS responses from a 911 request for non-transported patients with documented vital signs. Process Clinical Process – Effectiveness ✔️


Interested persons may reference the following links and resources via NEMSQA’s website. Note - some materials may require a free membership to access.


A big loud thanks to Sheree Murphy from NEMSQA, Peter Geissert from Oregon EMS & Trauma Systems, Jeffrey Jarvis medical director for the Metropolitan Area EMS Authority (Fort Worth, Texas), and Marshall Washick (Washington D.C. Fire) for all their input and consultation!