Change log file for eks 1.0.6 -Added DOI to Comp Stat article. 1.0.5 -Changed legends in plot_sf_ks to remove calls to deprecated functions from mapsf. -Added droplevels(y$estimate) in plot.sf_ks, and fixed other bugs in st_get_contour, for "kdde" class. -Fixed bug in st_ksupp that didn't pass cont parameter. -Removed ggplot2:: calls in examples. 1.0.4 -Fixed bug in legend display in plot.sf_ks for "kms" class. -Remove alpha transparency values in displays in vignette. 1.0.3 -Modified contourLevels method for tidy_ks objects to resolve S3 generic/method inconsistency. 1.0.2 -Replaced '.data$x' variable selection with 'dplyr::all_of("x")' for compatibility with tidy_select 1.2.0. -Replaced size with linewidth aesthetic for compatibility with ggplot2 3.4.0. -Added explicit dropped_aes field in StatPointKs*, StatContourKs, StatContourFilledKs to ensure warnings about dropped aesthestics are not displayed in ggplot2 3.4.0. -Changed default stat for geom_rug_ks to stat="rug_ks". -Fixed default colour palette in plot.ks_sf for st_kda objects to be aligned with ks::plot_kda. -Changed default legend display flag to legend=TRUE in plot.ks_sf(). 1.0.1 -Fixed bugs in legend in plot method for sf_ks objects. -Added arXiv DOI. -Removed invalid polygons in in .st_contourline(). 1.0.0 -Initial public release.