Matrix completion is a procedure for imputing the missing elements in matrices by using the information of observed elements. This procedure can be visualized as:
Matrix completion has attracted a lot of attention, it is widely applied in:
A computationally efficient R package, eimpute is developed for matrix completion. In eimpute, matrix completion problem is solved by iteratively performing low-rank approximation and data calibration, which enjoy two admirable advantages:
Compare eimpute and softimpute in systhesis datasets Xm×m with p proportion missing observations. The square matrix Xm×m is generated by X=UV+ϵ, where U and V are m×r, r×n matrices whose entries are i.i.d. sampled standard normal distribution, ϵ∼N(0,r/3).
In high dimension case, als method in softimpute is a little faster than eimpute in low proportion of missing observations, as the proportion of missing observations increase, rsvd method in eimpute have a better performance than softimpute in time cost and test error. Compare with two method in **eimpute*, rsvd method is better than tsvd in time cost.
Install the stable version from CRAN:
Install the development version from github:
install_github("Mamba413/eimpute", build_vignettes = TRUE)
We start with a toy example. Let us generate a small matrix with some values missing via incomplete.generator function.
<- 6
m <- 5
n <- 3
r <- incomplete.generator(m, n, r)
x_na#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] -0.8269428 1.2228586 NA NA NA
#> [2,] -2.2410010 4.5095165 NA NA NA
#> [3,] 0.4499102 NA -0.2818085 0.7718102 -0.8364048
#> [4,] NA 1.7167365 0.9480745 NA 3.5680208
#> [5,] NA 0.7240437 NA NA 0.2633712
#> [6,] NA -2.8879249 NA 1.2027552 NA
Use eimpute function to impute missing values.
<- eimpute(x_na, r)
x_impute "x.imp"]]
x_impute[[#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] -0.8269428 1.2228586 0.19035820 0.9514541 0.2994880
#> [2,] -2.2410010 4.5095165 0.39560039 0.7295574 0.4911418
#> [3,] 0.4499102 -1.2083884 -0.28180850 0.7718102 -0.8364048
#> [4,] -0.3408353 1.7167365 0.94807452 0.1835412 3.5680208
#> [5,] -0.3669454 0.7240437 0.11988844 0.3294654 0.2633712
#> [6,] 1.3875965 -2.8879249 0.01871091 1.2027552 0.4512052