## ----setup,include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE ) library( Haplin, quietly = TRUE ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # haplin( my.prepared.gen.data ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # haplinSlide( my.prepared.gen.data, use.missing = TRUE, winlength = 3 ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ?haplin ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ?haplinSlide ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- unlink( c( "*.ffData", "*.RData" ) ) ## ----haplinfig1,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=6,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of trial run no.1"---- dir.exmpl <- system.file( "extdata", package = "Haplin" ) exemplary.file1 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/HAPLIN.trialdata.txt" ) trial.data1 <- genDataRead( file.in = exemplary.file1, file.out = "trial_data1", dir.out = ".", format = "haplin", n.vars = 0 ) trial.data1.prep <- genDataPreprocess( data.in = trial.data1, design = "triad", file.out = "trial_data1_prep", dir.out = "." ) haplin( trial.data1.prep, use.missing = TRUE, maternal = TRUE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my.results <- haplin( trial.data1.prep, use.missing = TRUE, maternal = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, printout = FALSE ) my.results ## ----haplinfig2,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=6,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of trial run no.2"---- exemplary.file2 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/HAPLIN.trialdata2.txt" ) trial.data2 <- genDataRead( file.in = exemplary.file2, file.out = "trial_data2", dir.out = ".", format = "haplin", allele.sep = "", n.vars = 2 ) trial.data2.prep <- genDataPreprocess( data.in = trial.data2, design = "triad", file.out = "trial_data2_prep", dir.out = "." ) haplin( trial.data2.prep, use.missing = TRUE, ccvar = 2, design = "cc.triad", reference = "ref.cat", response = "mult" ) ## ----haplinslide_read--------------------------------------------------------- exemplary.file3 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/exmpl_data.ped" ) hapSlide.data <- genDataRead( exemplary.file3, file.out = "hapSlide_data", format = "ped" ) hapSlide.data ## ----haplinslide_subset------------------------------------------------------- hapSlide.subset.data <- genDataGetPart( hapSlide.data, design = "cc", markers = 1:100, file.out = "hapSlide_subset_data" ) hapSlide.subset.data.prep <- genDataPreprocess( hapSlide.subset.data, design = "cc.triad", file.out = "hapSlide_subset_prep" ) ## ----haplinslide-------------------------------------------------------------- hapSlide.res1 <- haplinSlide( hapSlide.subset.data.prep, use.missing = TRUE, ccvar = 10, design = "cc.triad", reference = "ref.cat", response = "mult" ) ## ----plot_p_val,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=8,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinSlide analysis in a plot of the overall p-values"---- all.p.values <- plotPValues( hapSlide.res1 ) ## ----plot_p_val2,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=6,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinSlide analysis in a plot of the overall p-values, for windows with p-values below 0.25"---- all.p.values <- plotPValues( hapSlide.res1, plot.signif.only = TRUE, signif.thresh = 0.25 ) ## ----show_p_val3-------------------------------------------------------------- head( all.p.values ) ## ----haplinslide2,fig.width=8,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinSlide analysis in a plot of the 'maternal' p-values, for windows with p-values below 0.2"---- hapSlide.res2 <- haplinSlide( hapSlide.subset.data.prep, use.missing = TRUE, ccvar = 10, design = "cc.triad", poo = TRUE, reference = "ref.cat", response = "mult" ) all.p.values2 <- plotPValues( hapSlide.res2, which.p.val = "poo", plot.signif.only = TRUE, signif.thresh = 0.2 ) head( all.p.values2 ) ## ----haplinSlide_plot_RR,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=8,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinSlide analysis in a plot of the relative risks, for windows with p-values below 0.05. Coding of symbols: 'cdd' means a double allele dose (both parents gave the same allele), while 'cm_cf' is the ratio of the risks calculated for when the minor allele came from the mother to the risk when the minor allele came from the father (RRR = RR_cm / RR_cf)."---- plot( hapSlide.res2, plot.signif.only = TRUE ) ## ----haplinSlide_maternal,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=8,fig.height=5,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinSlide analysis in a plot of the relative risks, for windows with p-values below 0.05. The top panels show the relative risks (RR) when a given haplotype was found in the child, while the bottom panels show RR of the disease in the child, when a given haplotype occured in the mother. Coding of symbols: 'c' and 'cdd' means a single and double haplotype dose in the child, respectively; while 'm' and 'mdd' is a single and double haplotype dose in the mother."---- hapSlide.res3 <- haplinSlide( hapSlide.subset.data.prep, use.missing = TRUE, ccvar = 10, design = "cc.triad", maternal = TRUE, reference = "ref.cat", response = "mult", winlength = 2 ) plot( hapSlide.res3, plot.signif.only = TRUE, signif.thresh = 0.01 ) ## ----haplinStrat-------------------------------------------------------------- hapStrat.res <- haplinStrat( data = trial.data2.prep, strata = 1, use.missing = TRUE, ccvar = 2, design = "cc.triad", reference = "ref.cat", response = "mult" ) ## ----haplinStrat_summary------------------------------------------------------ lapply( hapStrat.res, haptable ) ## ----haplinStrat_plot,fig.keep='high',fig.show='hold',fig.width=9,fig.height=4,fig.pos='!hb',fig.cap="Results of haplinStrat run."---- plot( hapStrat.res ) ## ----haplinStrat_gxe---------------------------------------------------------- gxe( hapStrat.res )