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Re: Problems with the DSSSL style-sheets
>>>>> Eric S Raymond writes:
> 1. Missing <newsgroup> tag.
> The problem with the DocBook markup itself is that I cannot find
> any way to semantically tag a USENET newsgroup name. This comes
> up especially frequently in connection with LDP HOWTOs, which
> often cite newsgroups.
I'll make an RFE of this to the DocBook TC...
I've also needed it before but, as Poet said, I've used <ulink>... I
agree with you.
> 2. Stylesheet problems in HTML output.
> Using the docbook-style-dsssl-1.54-4 package, I note that in
> HTML output
> A: Contents and title are badly ordered. That is, the table of
> contents is set before the document title and front matter.
A ToC before the document title??? I think that you have some problems
with your stylesheets. Please look at other DocBook documents at LDP
to see how they were rendered...
> B: No break between front matter and first body section.
We have it. Are you using ldp.dsl as your stylesheet?
> C: Contents of the author tag is rendered as a single
> run-on-line with no line breaks or spacing. -- <a
> href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
Hmmm... Are you using
<author><ulink url="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/";>Eric
S. Raymond</ulink></author>?
I don't know if the second is valid, but I recommend using the
first. I haven't thought about using an URL as your contact
information. I'll post another message later (please, remind me) with
a suggestion to it.
See you,
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>
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