Begin3 Title: dcd Version: 0.92 Entered-date: 19JUN01 Description: dcd (Dave's CD player) is a small CD player, for people who think workbone is too bloated and graphical. All functions are accessible from the command line. Loop tracks in the background, use it with 'at' as an alarm clock, whatever. It includes (minimal) support for track-name lookups, via the CD Index ( Keywords: cdrom cdplayer dcd compact disc player Author: (David E. Smith) Maintained-by: (David E. Smith) Primary-site: Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/apps/sound/cdrom/cli Platforms: Linux, with most any CD-ROM drive that handles the standard IOCTLs (yours probably does). An Internet connection isn't required, but can be useful. Not heavily tested; bug reports would be greatly appreciated, as would patches (if required). Copying-policy: GPL End