This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.6 from ./send-pr.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * send-pr: (send-pr). Reporting problems--using send-pr END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.  File:, Node: default site, Prev: installation, Up: Installing send-pr Setting a default SITE ====================== `send-pr' is capable of sending Problem Reports to any number of Support Sites, using mail aliases which have `-gnats' appended them. `send-pr' automatically appends the suffix, so that when you type send-pr SITE the Problem Report goes to the address noted in the `aliases' file as `SITE-gnats'. You can do this in the Emacs version of `send-pr' by invoking the program with C-u M-x send-pr You are prompted for SITE. SITE is also used to error-check the `>Category:' field, as a precaution against sending mistaken information (and against sending information to the wrong site). You may also simply type send-pr from the shell (or `M-x send-pr' in Emacs), and the Problem Report you generate will be sent to the SITE, which is usually the site from which you received your distribution of `send-pr'. If you use GNATS at your own organization, the default is usually your local address for reporting problems. To change this, simply edit the file `Makefile' before installing and change the line GNATS_SITE = SITE to reflect the site where you wish to send PRs by default.  File:, Node: Index, Prev: Installing send-pr, Up: Top Index ***** * Menu: * >Arrival-Date:: Problem Report fields. * >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * >Category:: Problem Report fields. * >Class:: Problem Report fields. * >Confidential:: Problem Report fields. * >Description:: Problem Report fields. * >Environment:: Problem Report fields. * >Fix:: Problem Report fields. * >How-To-Repeat:: Problem Report fields. * >Number:: Problem Report fields. * >Organization:: Problem Report fields. * >Originator:: Problem Report fields. * >Priority:: Problem Report fields. * >Release:: Problem Report fields. * >Responsible:: Problem Report fields. * >Severity:: Problem Report fields. * >State:: Problem Report fields. * >Submitter-Id: <1>: using send-pr. * >Submitter-Id:: Problem Report fields. * >Synopsis:: Problem Report fields. * >Unformatted:: Problem Report fields. * _analyzed_ state: States. * _change-request_ class: Problem Report fields. * _closed_ state: States. * _critical_ severity problems: Problem Report fields. * _doc-bug_ class: Problem Report fields. * _duplicate_ class: Problem Report fields. * _Enumerated_ data types: Fields. * _feedback_ state: States. * _high_ priority problems: Problem Report fields. * _low_ priority problems: Problem Report fields. * _medium_ priority problems: Problem Report fields. * _MultiText_ data types: Fields. * _non-critical_ severity problems: Problem Report fields. * _open_ state: States. * _serious_ severity problems: Problem Report fields. * _support_ class: Problem Report fields. * _suspended_ state: States. * _sw-bug_ class: Problem Report fields. * _Text_ data types: Fields. * an example: An Example. * appending PRs <1>: Problem Report fields. * appending PRs: using send-pr. * Arrival-Date field: Problem Report fields. * Audit-Trail field: Problem Report fields. * automatic notification: States. * bad Problem Reports: using send-pr. * bifrabulator: An Example. * blank PR template: An Example. * Category field: Problem Report fields. * Class field: Problem Report fields. * command line options: send-pr from the shell. * comment section in the PR template: using send-pr. * completed Problem Report: An Example. * completion in Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * Confidential field: Problem Report fields. * confidentiality in PRs: Problem Report fields. * Cygnus Solutions: An Example. * database similarities: Fields. * default PR template: An Example. * default SITE: default site. * Description field: Problem Report fields. * details about send-pr: send-pr in detail. * Direct e-mail: Submitting via e-mail. * editing and sending PRs: Invoking send-pr. * effective problem reporting: Helpful hints. * Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * Environment field: Problem Report fields. * errors: using send-pr. * example of a completed PR: An Example. * example of a default template: An Example. * example of a list of valid categories: Valid Categories. * example of a state change: An Example. * example PR: An Example. * example Problem Report: Fields. * field format: Problem Report fields. * fields: Fields. * fields - list: Problem Report fields. * final state ("closed"): States. * Fix field: Problem Report fields. * foreword to send-pr: Top. * format: Fields. * From: header: Mail header fields. * generating new PRs: Invoking send-pr. * GNATS: Top. * GNATS database fields: Problem Report fields. * GNATS fields - list: Problem Report fields. * GNU software support: An Example. * helpful hints: Helpful hints. * How-To-Repeat field: Problem Report fields. * Imaginary Software, Ltd.: An Example. * information to submit: Helpful hints. * initial state ("open"): States. * installation: Installing send-pr. * installation procedure: installation. * interactive interface: send-pr in Emacs. * Internet standard RFC-822: Mail header fields. * introduction to send-pr: Top. * invalid Problem Reports: using send-pr. * invoking send-pr: Invoking send-pr. * invoking send-pr from Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * invoking send-pr from the shell: send-pr from the shell. * kinds of helpful information: Helpful hints. * life-cycle of a Problem Report: States. * listing valid categories: send-pr from the shell. * mail header fields: Mail header fields. * mail header section: using send-pr. * name completion in Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * Number field: Problem Report fields. * Organization field: Problem Report fields. * Originator field: Problem Report fields. * other mail <1>: Problem Report fields. * other mail: using send-pr. * overview to send-pr: Top. * PR confidentiality: Problem Report fields. * Priority field: Problem Report fields. * Problem Report data types: Fields. * Problem Report format: Fields. * Problem Report states: States. * Problem Report template: Fields. * Problem Reports: send-pr in detail. * related mail <1>: using send-pr. * related mail: Problem Report fields. * Release field: Problem Report fields. * Reply-To: header: Mail header fields. * Report all the facts!: Helpful hints. * Responsible field: Problem Report fields. * Responsible-Changed--: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * Responsible-Changed-By: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * Responsible-Changed-When: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * Responsible-Changed-Why: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * sample Problem Report: Fields. * saving related mail <1>: using send-pr. * saving related mail: Problem Report fields. * send-pr fields <1>: using send-pr. * send-pr fields: send-pr from the shell. * send-pr within Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * sending PRs: Invoking send-pr. * setting a default SITE: default site. * Severity field: Problem Report fields. * shell invocation: send-pr from the shell. * state change example: An Example. * State field: Problem Report fields. * state--"analyzed": States. * state--"closed": States. * state--"feedback": States. * state--"open": States. * state--"suspended": States. * State-Changed--: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * State-Changed-By: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * State-Changed-When: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * State-Changed-Why: in >Audit-Trail:: Problem Report fields. * states of Problem Reports: States. * Subject: header: Mail header fields. * Submitter-Id field <1>: using send-pr. * Submitter-Id field: Problem Report fields. * Submitting a PR via e-mail: Submitting via e-mail. * subsequent mail <1>: using send-pr. * subsequent mail: Problem Report fields. * Synopsis field: Problem Report fields. * template: using send-pr. * template comment section: using send-pr. * To: header: Mail header fields. * Unformatted field: Problem Report fields. * Using and Porting GNU CC: Helpful hints. * using send-pr: Invoking send-pr. * using send-pr from within Emacs: send-pr in Emacs. * valid categories: Valid Categories.