##VERSION: $Id: ldapaddressbook.dist,v 1.1 2000/12/10 18:02:12 mrsam Exp $ # # ldapaddressbook created from ldapaddressbook.dist by sysconftool # # Do not alter lines that begin with ##, they are used when upgrading # this configuration. # # This is a list of some public LDAP address books. This is a global # list -- all clients will have this list by default. # ##NAME: ldapaddressbook:0 Bigfoot ldap.bigfoot.com 389 c=US Infospace ldap.infospace.com 389 c=US Netscape Netcenter memberdir.netscape.com 389 ou=member_directory,o=netcenter.com ou=people,o=netcenter.com WhoWhere ldap.whowhere.com 389 c=US