Como mencionamos, la estructura PGresult contiene toda la información referente al resultado regresado por el servidor luego de una consulta. El método para obtener esta información es:
Pg proveé de algunos métodos para examinar la estructura resultante:
Si se le pasan valores adicionales, serán tomados como nombres de las columnas.
El siguiente es un ejemplo que toma la salida de una consulta al servidor de CDDB y lo inserta en una base de datos.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Pg; use Getopt::Std; getopts('ig:'); @args = @ARGV; $ini = (defined $opt_i) ? 1 : 0; $genero = (defined $opt_g) ? $opt_g : 'Sin Clasificar'; $DBUG = 10000; $| = 1; &inicializa(); &inidb(); foreach $a (@ARGV) { &jalacddb($a); } # # xmcd CD database file # # Copyright (C) 1993-1998 CDDB, Inc. # # # # Track frame offsets: # # 200 # # 36531 # # 55138 # # 98442 # # 112786 # # 165902 # # 185123 # # 235011 # # # # Disc length: 3225 seconds # # # # Revision: 6 # # Processed by: cddbd v1.4.1b10PL0 Copyright (c) 1996-1998 CDDB Inc. # # Submitted via: NotifyCDPlayer(CDDB) 1.51.3 # # # DISCID=530c9708,540c9c08,560c9508,570c9508,590c9708,590c9c08 # DTITLE=Genesis / Selling England by the Pound # TTITLE0=Dancing with the Moonlight Knight # TTITLE1=I know what I like (in your Wardrobe) # TTITLE2=Firth of Fifth # TTITLE3=More fool Me # TTITLE4=The Battle of Epping Forest # TTITLE5=After the Ordeal # TTITLE6=The Cinema Show # TTITLE7=Aisle of Plenty # EXTD=Phil Collins : Drums, Percussion, Vocal\nMichael Rutherford : 12-String # EXTD=, Bass, Electric Sitar\nStephen Hackett : Elec Guitar, Nylon Guitar\nTo # EXTD=ny Banks : Keyboards, 12-String\nPeter Gabriel : Vocals, Flute, Percuss # EXTD=ion, Oboe\n\nProduced by John Burns & Genesis\nCASCD 1074 (P) 1973 Virg # EXTD=in Records LTD (C) 1985 Charisma Records LTD\n\nSubmitted by Stephane G # EXTD=rienenberger, 17/12/1998 # EXTT0= # EXTT1= # EXTT2= # EXTT3=Vocals : Phil # EXTT4= # EXTT5= # EXTT6= # EXTT7= # PLAYORDER= # . sub jalacddb { # Esta funcion es mas grande de lo que puedo tolerar. Y todavia falta # aniadirle una tonelada de chequeos. local ($arc) = @_; print "Insertando $arc\n" if ($DBUG <= 2); open (DATA, $arc) or die "No puedo leer de $arc\n"; while (<DATA>) { chomp; if (m/Track frame offsets:/) { foreach my $i (0..100) { $disc[$TROLA][$i] = ""; } $ind = 0; $max_ind = 0; $extd = ""; $disc[$EXTD] = ""; $auxtit = ""; print "Machea Track frame:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); $nt = 0; while (<DATA>) { next if (m/^\#\s+$/); chomp; if (m/Disc length:/) { print "Machea Disc length:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 2); $aux = $_; $aux =~ s/(Disc)(\s)(length:)(\s)([0-9]+)/$5/; $disc[$DURS][$nt] = $5 + 0; $disc[$NROL] = $nt - 1; print "Tenemos $disc[$NROL] rolas: " if ($DBUG <= 2); foreach my $i (0..$disc[$NROL]) { print "$disc[$DURS][$i]:" if ($DBUG <= 2); $disc[$TREX][$i] = ""; } print "$disc[$DURS][$disc[$NROL]+1]\n" if ($DBUG <= 2); last; } else { @a = split (' ', $_); $disc[$DURS][$nt++] = $a[1] + 0; } } } if (m/^DISCID/) { print "Machea DISCID:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); @a = split (/=/, $_); $disc[$DISCID][0] = $a[1]; } if (m/^DTITLE/) { # Recuerda que a veces vienen en dos lineas: # DTITLE=Fischer-Dieskau/Moore / Schubert, Franz: Die schone Mull # DTITLE=erin, D795 print "Machea DTITLE:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); @a = split (/=/, $_); $auxtit .= $a[1]; } if (m/^EXTD/) { print "Machea EXTD:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); @a = split (/=/, $_); $disc[$EXTD] .= $a[1]; } if (m/^TTITLE/) { # Hay que guardar tambien el numero de rola... print "Machea TTITLE:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); $aux = $_; @a = split (/=/, $_); $a[0] =~ s/(TITLE)([0-9]+)/$2/; $ind = $2 + 0; print "$aux->$ind\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); $disc[$TROLA][$ind] .= $a[1]; $max_ind = $ind; } if (m/^EXTT/) { print "Machea EXTT:[$_]\n" if ($DBUG <= 1); $aux = $_; @a = split (/=/, $_); $a[0] =~ s/(EXTT)([0-9]+)/$2/; $ind = $2 + 0; print "indice extension: $aux->$ind:[$a[1]]\n" if ($DBUG <= 10); $disc[$TREX][$ind] .= $a[1]; } if (m/^PLAYORDER/) { # Usualmente el archivo termina con un `.', # pero en la practica, muchos terminan con el PLAYORDER print "max_ind ==> $max_ind\n" if ($DBUG <= 3); if ($max_ind <= 0) { print ILOG "$arc: con ", $max_ind+1, " rolas\n"; } foreach my $i (0..$max_ind) { if ($i == $max_ind) { $frames = $disc[$DURS][$i+1] * 75 - $disc[$DURS][$i]; } else { $frames = $disc[$DURS][$i+1] - $disc[$DURS][$i]; } if ($frames >= 270000) { print STDERR "\n\n\t\t!!!PELIGRO!!!\n\nframes:$frames\n"; print ILOG "$arc:frames absurdos $frames\n"; } $framesres = $frames % 75; $j = ($frames - $framesres) / 75; $segundos = $j % 60; $j = $j - $segundos; $minutos = ($j / 60) % 60; $horas = int (int ($j / 60) / 60); print ">$i:$disc[$DURS][$i+1]:$disc[$DURS][$i]:$frames=>" ."f$framesres:s$segundos:m$minutos:h$horas<\n" if ($DBUG <= 3); $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TFRM] = $framesres; $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TSEG] = $segundos; $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TMIN] = $minutos; $disc[$TTIM][$i][$THOR] = $horas; $disc[$MSDURS][$i] = sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", $horas, $minutos, $segundos, $framesres); } print "auxtit:$auxtit\n" if ($DBUG <= 3); $disc[$TTOT][$TFRM] = 0; $disc[$TTOT][$TSEG] = 0; $disc[$TTOT][$TMIN] = 0; $disc[$TTOT][$THOR] = 0; $tfrm = 0; $tseg = 0; $tmin = 0; $thor = 0; if ($auxtit =~ m/\//) { @a = split (/\//, $auxtit, 2); } elsif ($auxtit =~ m/\-/) { @a = split (/\-/, $auxtit, 2); } elsif ($auxtit =~ m/:/) { @a = split (/:/, $auxtit, 2); } else { $a[0] = $auxtit; $a[1] = $auxtit; } $a[0] =~ s/^\s+//; $a[0] =~ s/\s+$//; $a[1] =~ s/^\s+//; $a[1] =~ s/\s+$//; $disc[$AUTOR] = $a[0]; $disc[$TITULO] = $a[1]; print "ID: $disc[$DISCID][0]\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); print "Autor: $disc[$AUTOR]\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); print "Titulo:$disc[$TITULO]\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); print "Ext.: $disc[$EXTD]\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); print "Tracks:\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); foreach my $i (0..$max_ind) { print "\t$disc[$TROLA][$i]:$disc[$TREX][$i]:$disc[$DURS][$i]" . "($disc[$MSDURS][$i])\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); $tfrm += $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TFRM]; $tseg += $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TSEG]; $tmin += $disc[$TTIM][$i][$TMIN]; $thor += $disc[$TTIM][$i][$THOR]; $disc[$TTOT][$TFRM] = $tfrm % 75; $carry = ($tfrm - $disc[$TTOT][$TFRM]) / 75; $disc[$TTOT][$TSEG] = ($tseg + $carry) % 60; $carry = ($tseg + $carry - $disc[$TTOT][$TSEG]) / 60; $disc[$TTOT][$TMIN] = ($tmin + $carry) % 60; print "........................................." . "tmin:$tmin:carry:$carry\n" if ($DBUG <= 4); $carry = ($tmin + $carry - $disc[$TTOT][$TMIN]) / 60; $disc[$TTOT][$THOR] = $thor + $carry; } $disc[$TTOT][$TTTO] = sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", $disc[$TTOT][$THOR], $disc[$TTOT][$TMIN], $disc[$TTOT][$TSEG], $disc[$TTOT][$TFRM]); &mete_disco(); print "=" x 78, "\n"; } } close (DATA); } sub dame_seq { $manda = "select nextval(\'seqdis\')"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("jalando sequencia", PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); $leseq = $result->fetchrow; if ($GranError == 1) { $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); print ILOG "dame_seq:$manda --> [$leseq]\n"; } return $leseq; } sub inserta_id { local ($id, $seq) = @_; print STDERR "Insertando: $id\n"; $manda = "insert into ids values (\'$id\', $seq)"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; # print LOG "$stat\n" if ($LOGGING); cmp_eq("insertando $id:$seq",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); if ($GranError == 1) { $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); print ILOG "inserta_id:$manda\n"; } } sub busca_id { local ($id) = @_; $manda = "select discid from ids where discid = '$id'"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("Buscando $id", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status", 0, $result->oidStatus); if ($GranError == 1) { $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); } return $result->ntuples; } sub mete_disco { $seq = &dame_seq (); @dd = split /,/, $disc[$DISCID][0]; foreach my $id (@dd) { &inserta_id ($id, $seq); } $numrolas = $max_ind + 1; $disc[$AUTOR] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $disc[$AUTOR] =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $disc[$TITULO] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $disc[$TITULO] =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $disc[$EXTD] =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $disc[$EXTD] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $disc[$EXTD] =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; foreach my $i (0..$max_ind) { $disc[$TROLA][$i] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $disc[$TROLA][$i] =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $disc[$TREX][$i] =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $disc[$TREX][$i] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; $disc[$TREX][$i] =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; } $values = "$seq, \'$disc[$TITULO]\', \'$disc[$AUTOR]\', \'$disc[$EXTD]\'" . ", $numrolas, \'$disc[$TTOT][$TTTO]\', $legenero"; $manda = "insert into ndis values ($values)"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("insertando $disc[$AUTOR]:$disc[$TITULO]", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); if ($GranError == 1) { $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); print ILOG "mete_disco:$manda\n"; } foreach my $i (0..$max_ind) { &inserta_rola ($seq, ($i+1), $disc[$TROLA][$i], $disc[$MSDURS][$i], $disc[$TREX][$i]); } } sub inserta_rola { local ($seq, $nrola, $tit, $dur, $ext) = @_; $values = "$seq, $nrola, \'$tit\', \'$dur\', \'$ext\'"; $manda = "insert into rolas values ($values)"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("insertando $seq:$tit",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); if ($GranError == 1) { $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); print ILOG "inserta_rola:$manda\n"; } } sub inicializa { $dbmain = 'mancha'; $dbname = 'pruebas'; $tabname = 'discos'; $dbhost = 'caserola'; $trace = '/tmp/pgtrace.out'; $cnt = 2; $DEBUG = 1; # set this to 1 for traces $errorlog = 'log.inscddb.log'; $ellog = '/tmp/inscddb.log'; $logirrec = 'irrecuperables.inscddb.log'; $LOGGING = 1; $GranError = 0; $DURS = 0; $DISCID = 1; $AUTOR = 2; $TITULO = 3; $NROL = 4; $TROLA = 5; $TREX = 6; $EXTD = 7; $MSDURS = 8; $TTIM = 9; $TTOT = 10; $THOR = 0; $TMIN = 1; $TSEG = 2; $TFRM = 3; $TTTO = 4; $SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "Se rompio la canieria\n!Llamen al plomero!\n\n" }; open (LOG, ">>$ellog") || die "No puedo crear $ellog\n"; open (ELOG, ">>$errorlog") || die "No puedo crear $errorlog\n"; open (ILOG, ">>$logirrec") || die "No puedo crear $logirrec\n"; } sub inidb { $conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbname host=$dbhost"); cmp_eq("probando conexion", PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, ($estatus=$conn->status)); if ($estatus != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) { print STDERR "Error fatal en la conexion ($estatus), terminamos\n"; exit (1); } if ($DEBUG) { open(TRACE, ">$trace") || die "can not open $trace: $!"; $conn->trace(TRACE); } $db = $conn->db; cmp_eq("comparando bases", $dbname, $db); $user = $conn->user; cmp_ne("comparando usuarios", "", $user); $host = $conn->host; cmp_ne("comparando hosts", "", $host); $port = $conn->port; cmp_ne("comparando puertos", "", $port); $result = $conn->exec("SET DateStyle to 'ISO'"); cmp_eq("fijando la fecha", $result->resultStatus, $result->resultStatus); if ($ini == 1) { &limpia_base (); &crea_base (); } $legenero = &busca_genero ($genero); print "El id para genero $genero es $legenero\n"; } sub busca_genero { local $legenero; $manda = "select genid from genero where genero='$genero'"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("obteniendo $genero", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status", 0, $result->oidStatus); if ($result->ntuples) { # ya existe, obtenlo $legenero = $result->fetchrow; } elsif ($GranError == 1) { # no existe, insertalo $GranError = 0; print ELOG "$manda ($.)\n" if ($LOGGING); print STDERR "Error al sacar el genero\n"; $manda = "insert into genero (genero) values ('$genero')"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("insertando $genero",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); $manda = "select genid from genero where genero='$genero'"; $result = $conn->exec($manda); $stat = $result->resultStatus; cmp_eq("obteniendo $genero",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_ne("OID status",0, $result->oidStatus); $legenero = $result->fetchrow; } return $legenero; } sub cmp_eq { my $mns = shift; my $cmp = shift; my $ret = shift; my $msg; print ELOG "$mns: "; if ("$cmp" eq "$ret") { print ELOG "ok $cnt\n"; } else { $msg = $conn->errorMessage; print ELOG "error $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n"; $GranError = 1; } $cnt++; } sub cmp_ne { my $mns = shift; my $cmp = shift; my $ret = shift; my $msg; print ELOG "$mns: "; if ("$cmp" ne "$ret") { print ELOG "ok $cnt\n"; } else { $msg = $conn->errorMessage; print ELOG "error $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n"; $GranError = 1; } $cnt++; } sub limpia_base { $des[0] = "DROP TABLE ids"; $des[1] = "DROP TABLE ndis"; $des[2] = "DROP TABLE rolas"; $des[3] = "DROP INDEX xautor"; $des[4] = "DROP INDEX xtitulo"; $des[5] = "DROP SEQUENCE seqdis"; $des[6] = "DROP SEQUENCE genero_genid_seq"; $des[7] = "DROP INDEX genero_genid_key"; $des[8] = "DROP TABLE genero"; $Max_Tab = 8; foreach my $i (0..$Max_Tab) { print "Actuando $i:"; print "\tDestruir: $des[$i]\n"; if (defined $des[$i]) { $result = $conn->exec($des[$i]); cmp_eq("destruyendo la tabla",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_eq("redestruyendo la tabla","DROP", $result->cmdStatus); } } } sub crea_base { $tab[0] = "CREATE TABLE ids (discid CHAR(8) NOT NULL, discseq INT4 NOT NULL)"; $tab[1] = "CREATE TABLE ndis (discseq INT4 NOT NULL, titulo TEXT, " . "autor TEXT, extdisc TEXT, numrolas INT2, durdisc TIME, genid INT4 NOT NULL)"; $tab[2] = "CREATE TABLE rolas (discseq INT4 NOT NULL, nrola int4, " . "rolatit TEXT, roladur TIME, rolaext TEXT)"; $tab[3] = "CREATE INDEX xautor on ndis using btree (autor text_ops)"; $tab[4] = "CREATE INDEX xtitulo on ndis using btree (titulo text_ops)"; $tab[5] = "CREATE SEQUENCE seqdis"; $tab[6] = "CREATE TABLE genero (genid serial, genero varchar(32))"; $Max_Tab = 6; foreach my $i (0..$Max_Tab) { print "Actuando $i:"; print "\tConstruir: $tab[$i]\n"; if (defined $tab[$i]) { $result = $conn->exec("$tab[$i]"); cmp_eq("creando la tabla",PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_eq("recreando la tabla","CREATE", $result->cmdStatus); } } }
En este otro ejemplo, hacemos un CGI que realiza consultas sobre una base de datos en PostgreSQL.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Pg; use CGI; $DBUG=1001; $cgi = new CGI; &inicializa (); &forma (); &consulta (); sub forma { print $cgi->header, "\n"; print $cgi->start_html(-title => 'Consulta a la base de discos', -author => '', -base => 'true', -expires => 'now'),"\n"; print $cgi->h1('Consulta a la base de datos de discos'); print $cgi->startform; print "Seleccione algún campo de la forma"; print "<P>Artista: "; print $cgi->scrolling_list(-name => 'autor', -values => ['Indiferente', @lesartistes], -size => 5, -default => 'Indiferente'); print "<P>Título: "; print $cgi->scrolling_list(-name => 'titulo', -values => ['Indiferente', @lestitres], -size => 5, -default => 'Indiferente'); print "<P>"; print $cgi->submit('Action','Consultar'); print $cgi->end_form; print $cgi->hr, "\n"; print $cgi->end_html; } sub by_number { $a <=> $b; } sub consulta { foreach my $key ($cgi->param) { print "[[$key]=>" if ($DBUG == 23); @valores = $cgi->param($key); print "[", join(' ', @valores), "]]<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); $cosa = join (' ', @valores); $consulta{$key} = $cosa if (length $cosa && $cosa ne 'Indiferente' && $key ne 'Action'); } print "Buscaremos por:<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); foreach my $k (keys %consulta) { print "$k ==> [$consulta{$k}]<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); push (@cbus, "$k ~~ \'%$consulta{$k}%\'"); } $manda = 'SELECT *,oid FROM discos WHERE ' . join (' AND ', @cbus); $manda .= ' order by autor,titulo'; print STDERR "query: [$manda]\n"; print "query: $manda<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); print LOG "$manda\n"; &presenta ($manda); } sub presenta { local ($query) = @_; print "en presenta enviaremos: $query<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); $result = $conn->exec($query); cmp_eq("consultando $tabname", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_eq("Status $tabname", PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->cmdStatus); my $i = 0; while (@renglon = $result->fetchrow) { @{$renglones[$i]} = @renglon; $i++; } $tot = --$i; $total = $tot + 1; print $cgi->hr; print "<H1>Recibimos un total de $total registro", ($total == 1) ? "" : "s","</H1>"; print $cgi->hr; print "Recibimos un total de $tot registros<BR>" if ($DBUG == 23); if ($forma1) { foreach my $i (0..$tot) { print "<TABLE BORDER=2>"; print "<TR><TD><B>Autor</B></TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[0]</TD></TR>\n"; print "<TR><TD><B>Titulo</B></TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[1]</TD></TR>\n"; print "<TR><TD><B>NDis</B></TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[2]</TD></TR>\n"; print "<TR><TD><B>Medio</B></TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[3]</TD></TR>\n"; print "</TABLE>"; print $cgi->hr; } } else { print "<TABLE BORDER=2><TR>"; print "<TD><B>Autor</B></TD>"; print "<TD><B>Título</B></TD>"; print "<TD><B>NDis</B></TD>"; print "<TD><B>Medio</B></TD></TR>"; foreach my $i (0..$tot) { print "<TR><TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[0]</TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[1]</TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[2]</TD>"; print "<TD>@{$renglones[$i]}[3]</TD></TR>"; } print "</TABLE>"; } close (LOG); } sub inicializa { $dbname = 'discos'; $dbhost = 'caserola'; $tabname = 'discos'; $ellog = '/tmp/consultas.discos'; chomp ($soy = `whoami`); chomp ($estoy = `hostname`); $cnt = 1; print "Yo soy: [$soy]\ny estoy en la maquina: [$estoy]<P>" if ($DBUG == 23); $conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$dbname host=$dbhost"); cmp_eq("<P>probando conexion", PGRES_CONNECTION_OK, $conn->status); $db = $conn->db; cmp_eq("<P>comparando bases", $dbname, $db); $user = $conn->user; cmp_ne("<P>comparando usuarios", "", $user); $host = $conn->host; cmp_ne("<P>comparando hosts", "", $host); $port = $conn->port; cmp_ne("<P>comparando puertos", "", $port); $result = $conn->exec("SET DateStyle to \'Postgres\'"); cmp_eq("<P>fijando la fecha", $result->resultStatus, $result->resultStatus); $manda = "select distinct on autor autor from discos"; print "<P>enviaremos: $manda\n" if ($DBUG > 0); $result = $conn->exec($manda); cmp_eq("<P>consultando $tabname", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_eq("<P>Status $tabname", PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->cmdStatus); $cuantos = $result->ntuples; print "<P>obtuvimos $cuantos autores\n" if ($DBUG > 0); while ($aux = $result->fetchrow) { print "<P>($aux)" if ($DBUG > 101); push (@autores, $aux); } @lesartistes = sort @autores; $manda = "select distinct on titulo titulo from discos"; print "<P>enviaremos: $manda\n" if ($DBUG > 0); $result = $conn->exec($manda); cmp_eq("<P>consultando $tabname", PGRES_COMMAND_OK, $result->resultStatus); cmp_eq("<P>Status $tabname", PGRES_TUPLES_OK, $result->cmdStatus); $cuantos = $result->ntuples; print "<P>obtuvimos $cuantos titulos\n" if ($DBUG > 0); while ($aux = $result->fetchrow) { push (@titulos,$aux); } @lestitres = sort @titulos; open(LOG, ">>$ellog") || die "No puedo escribir en $ellog"; } sub cmp_eq { my $mns = shift; my $cmp = shift; my $ret = shift; my $msg; print "<P>$mns: " if ($DBUG > 23); if ("$cmp" eq "$ret") { print "<P>ok $cnt\n" if ($DBUG > 23); } else { $msg = $conn->errorMessage; print "<P>error $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n" if ($DBUG > 23); $GranError = 1; } $cnt++; } sub cmp_ne { my $mns = shift; my $cmp = shift; my $ret = shift; my $msg; print "<P>$mns: " if ($DBUG > 23); if ("$cmp" ne "$ret") { print "<P>ok $cnt\n" if ($DBUG > 23); } else { $msg = $conn->errorMessage; print "<P>error $cnt: $cmp, $ret\n$msg\n" if ($DBUG > 23); $GranError = 1; } $cnt++; }