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Securing Debian HOWTO
Chapter 7 After the compromise

7.1 General behavior

If you really want to clean up residual waste, you should remove the compromised host from your network and re-install the OS from scratch. This might not have any effect if you do not know how the intruder got root. In this case you must check everything: firewall/file integrity/loghost logfiles and so on. For more information on what to do following a breakin, see Sans' Incident Handling Guide

If you wish to gather more information, the tct (The Coroner's Toolkit from Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema) package contains utilities which perform a 'post mortum' of a system. tct allows the user to collect information about deleted files, running processes and more. See the included documentation for more information.

FIXME.This paragraph will hopefully provide more information about forensics in a Debian system in the coming future.

FIXME: continue the list, maybe?.

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Securing Debian HOWTO
v1.92 6 November 2001Tue Oct 23 00:59:57 CEST 2001
Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña jfs@computer.org