What is Linux? by Miguel
Torrealba (mtorreal[at]strix.ciens.ucv.ve)
A brief history of Linux
Installation of Manpages-es by Miguel Angel
Sepulveda (sepulveda[at]linuxfocus.org)
The author describes the installation and
configuration of the spanish online manual pages
Conneting to the Internet by Manuel Trujillo
Albarral (sneaker[at]dracnet.es)
A step by step procedure to connect your linux box to
the internet using a ppp protocol
got Linux Installed, What next? by Jose Maria Laveda (jmlm[at]ctv.es)
Some information on resources available to new
Some Tips by Manuel Trujillo
Albarral (sneaker[at]dracnet.es)
Some tips and answers to common problems
Making Shared Libraries by Luis Colorado (luis[at]ctv2247.ctv.es)
All what you wanted to know about shared
PGP Under Linux by Angel Lopez (alogo[at]mx2.redestb.es)
The author takes us on a tour of PGP
Managing Your Mail with procmail by
Lopez (alogo[at]mx2.redestb.es)
Sort your mail into folders, automatic replies,
mailing lists, learn how to do these and more using
Linux in Hospitals by Manuel Soriano (m_soriano[at]dapsys.ch)
Linux means business, see how linux is been used in a
healthcare environment