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of an empty partitionNo more partitionsIllegal command000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000P00h00@x0000000000000020000P00h00@xCopyright (C) 1994-2000 Kevin E. Martin & aeb Usage: Print version: %s -v Print partition table: %s -P {r|s|t} [options] device Interactive use: %s [options] device Options: -a: Use arrow instead of highlighting; -z: Start with a zero partition table, instead of reading the pt from disk; -c C -h H -s S: Override the kernel's idea of the number of cylinders, the number of heads and the number of sectors/track. /usr/share/localeutil-linuxac:gh:s:vzP:cfdisk %s /dev/sdaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeePe`eeeeeeeeeeeee#eeeeeBBTLANstepLinux raid autodetectDOS secondaryLinux/PA-RISC bootEFI (FAT-12/16/32)EFI GPTBeOS fsDOS R/ODOS accessBootItDell UtilityCP/M / CTOS / ...Non-FS dataSyrinxDRDOS/sec (FAT-16)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)Solaris bootBoot Wizard hiddenBSDI swapBSDI fsDarwin bootNetBSDDarwin UFSNeXTSTEPOpenBSDFreeBSDIBM Thinkpad hibernationBSD/OSAmoeba BBTAmoebaLinux LVMNTFS volume setLinux extendedOS/2 hidden C: driveLinuxLinux swapMinix / old LinuxOld MinixPC/IXDiskSecure Multi-BootNovell Netware 386Novell Netware 286GNU HURD or SysVSpeedStorPriam EdiskGolden BowEZ-DriveOnTrackDM6OnTrack DM6 Aux3CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux1OnTrack DMQNX4.x 3rd partQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.xSFSPPC PReP BootVenix 80286PartitionMagic recoveryPlan 9NEC DOSHidden Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32AST SmartSleepHidden HPFS/NTFSHidden FAT16Hidden FAT16 <32MCompaq diagnosticsHidden FAT12OPUSWin95 Ext'd (LBA)Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Win95 FAT32OS/2 Boot ManagerAIX bootableAIXHPFS/NTFSFAT16ExtendedFAT16 <32MXENIX usrXENIX rootFAT12Empty=P&6Fc [plubec@ur  s  t_ @  chs dpbdghwem\ npq`tX uW&&&&&&&&& & & |& j&X&F&A&4&!&&&%%%%%$%9%<v%@j%A\%BX%MQ%NA%O1%P&%Q%R%S$T$U$V$\$a$c$d$e$p}$uw$m$[$P$J$5$&$$$ $$###########~#q#^#E#2#+## ##"""$""""$$"""" ȍ `(,l  =Xoxooފ =&6FVfvƎ֎&6FVfvƏ֏&6FVfvƐ֐&6FVfGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss.comment.note  !((D' ll/,,7oފ Doxx @S  X\   eȍ %` kpplq``~w~p) 7= = =ܭ==> |\$ELF4G4 (444DDDH,lFll /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNUCJF  :&5.E/0 ? 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Can't lock, lock is held by pid %d. %d Can't write pid , %s. Can't unlock pidfile %s, %s. /System.map/boot/System.maprCannot open map file: %s.Cannot find map file.Cannot find map file. Cannot open map file.Cannot open map file. %lx %c %s Error in symbol table input (#1).Address: %lx, Type: %c, Symbol: %s Error adding symbol - %s.Loaded %d symbols from %s.Symbols do not match kernel version.Cannot verify that symbols match kernel version.Symbols match kernel version %s.Cannot get kernel version information.Searching for symbol map. %s-%sTrying %s. %sEnd of search list encountered. Version_Version string = %s, Major = %d, Minor = %d, Patch = %d. %d.%d.%dComparing kernel %s with symbol table %s. Kernel send bogus release string `%s'.Inspecting %sError in symbol table input (#2).Symbol table has incorrect version number. No version information found. Found table with matching version number. Oops:Cannot load kernel module symbols. 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Blocks %d through %d must be good in order to build a filesystem. Aborting.... Warning: the backup superblock/group descriptors at block %d contain bad blocks. while marking bad blocks as usedext2fs_badblocks_list_iterate_begin%%%dd/%%%dlddone while allocating zeroizing buffermallocWriting inode tables: Could not write %d blocks in inode table starting at %d: %s while creating root dirext2fs_mkdirwhile reading root inodeext2fs_read_inodewhile setting root inode ownershipext2fs_write_inodelost+foundwhile creating /lost+foundwhile looking up /lost+foundext2_lookupwhile expanding /lost+foundext2fs_expand_dirwhile setting bad block inodeext2fs_update_bb_inodeOut of memory erasing sectors %d-%d Warning: could not read block 0: %s Warning: could not erase sector %d: %s while initializing journal superblockcreate_journal_devZeroing journal device: while zeroing journal device (block %u, count %d)while writing journal superblockwarning: %d blocks unused. Filesystem label=%s OS type: LinuxGNU/HurdMasix(unknown os) Block size=%u (log=%u) Fragment size=%u (log=%u) %u inodes, %u blocks %u blocks (%2.2f%%) reserved for the super user First data block=%u %u block groups %u block group %u blocks per group, %u fragments per group %u inodes per group Superblock backups stored on blocks: , %u Y@linuxGNUhurdmasixCouldn't allocate memory to parse raid options! strideInvalid stride parameter. Bad raid options specified. Raid options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid raid options are: stride= PATHPATH=/sbin:MKE2FS_SYNCuname8-Mar-20021.27mke2fs %s (%s) mkfs.ext3b:cf:g:i:jl:m:no:qr:R:s:tvI:J:ST:FL:M:N:O:Vbad block size - %sbad fragment size - %sWarning: fragments not supported. Ignoring -f option Illegal number for blocks per groupblocks per group must be multiple of 8bad inode ratio - %sin malloc for bad_blocks_filenamebad reserved blocks percent - %snoneInvalid filesystem option set: %s Using %s bad blocks count - %swhile trying to open journal device %s filesystemwhile trying to determine filesystem sizeCouldn't determine device size; you must specify the size of the filesystem Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to a modified partition being busy and in use. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table. Filesystem larger than apparent filesystem size.blocks per group count out of range ``İ4`0@P`` `0```````````P֭``b`خP`sׯ0@`P֭`while setting up superblockunknown os - %swhile trying to allocate filesystem tableszeroing block %u at end of filesystemAdding journal to device %s: while trying to add journal to device %sdone Creating journal (%d blocks): while trying to create journalWriting superblocks and filesystem accounting information: Warning, had trouble writing out superblocks.done yYProceed anyway? (y,n) Could not stat %s --- %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? %s is not a block special device. %s is entire device, not just one partition! while determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. will not make a %s here! Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! devicesizev1_superblock Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid raid options are: size= device= The journal size must be between 1024 and 102400 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 102400 blocks. Aborting. Journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. @XFSB/proc/lvm/VGs...%s/%s/LVs/dev%s/%s/%sr/proc/partitions %d %d %d %[^ ]md%s/%sWARNING: %s: bad UUIDUUID=LABEL=@default   @  4 0(\<  Dl@o,oofLr“ғ"2BRbr”Ҕ"2BRbr•ҕ"2BRbr–Җ"2BRbr—җ"2BRbrGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((' << /\\ 7offDo,,@S ll\ tt8e  n44%i\\ t1z00J``J@ bHHcLLc44d<> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$2" = "64" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/$4 >> $TMP/SeTfdisk fi } list_scsi() { # find drive # 0 - 15 DRV=`expr $1 / 16` NUM=`expr $1 % 16` if [ ! "$NUM" = "0" ]; then return fi if [ "$DRV" = "0" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sda >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "1" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdb >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "2" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdc >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "3" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdd >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "4" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sde >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "5" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdf >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "6" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdg >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "7" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdh >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "8" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdi >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "9" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdj >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "10" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdk >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "11" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdl >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "12" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdm >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "13" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdn >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "14" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdo >> $TMP/SeTfdisk elif [ "$DRV" = "15" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/sdp >> $TMP/SeTfdisk fi } # List Mylex RAID device list_rd() { # find drive DRV=`expr $2 / 8` NUM=`expr $2 % 8` if [ ! "$NUM" = "0" ]; then return fi fdisk -l /dev/rd/c$1d$DRV >> $TMP/SeTfdisk } # List Cpq SMART/2 RAID device list_ida() { # find drive DRV=`expr $2 / 16` NUM=`expr $2 % 16` if [ ! "$NUM" = "0" ]; then return fi fdisk -l /dev/ida/c$1d$DRV >> $TMP/SeTfdisk } list_cciss() { # find drive DRV=`expr $2 / 16` NUM=`expr $2 % 16` if [ ! "$NUM" = "0" ]; then return fi fdisk -l /dev/cciss/c$1d$DRV >> $TMP/SeTfdisk } list_ataraid() { # find drive DRV=`expr $2 / 16` NUM=`expr $2 % 16` if [ "$NUM" = "0" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/ataraid/d$DRV >> $TMP/SeTfdisk else return fi } list_amiraid() { # find drive DRV=`expr $2 / 16` NUM=`expr $2 % 16` if [ "$NUM" = "0" ]; then fdisk -l /dev/amiraid/ar$DRV >> $TMP/SeTfdisk else return fi } if cat /proc/partitions | grep / 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # new cat /proc/partitions | grep / | while read line ; do SMASHED_LINE=$line MAJOR=`echo $SMASHED_LINE | cut -f 1 -d ' '` MINOR=`echo $SMASHED_LINE | cut -f 2 -d ' '` if [ "$MAJOR" = "3" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hda hdb elif [ "$MAJOR" = "8" ]; then list_scsi $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "22" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdc hdd elif [ "$MAJOR" = "33" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hde hdf elif [ "$MAJOR" = "34" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdg hdh elif [ "$MAJOR" = "48" ]; then list_rd 0 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "49" ]; then list_rd 1 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "50" ]; then list_rd 2 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "51" ]; then list_rd 3 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "52" ]; then list_rd 4 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "53" ]; then list_rd 5 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "54" ]; then list_rd 6 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "55" ]; then list_rd 7 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "56" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdi hdj elif [ "$MAJOR" = "57" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdk hdl elif [ "$MAJOR" = "72" ]; then list_ida 0 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "73" ]; then list_ida 1 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "74" ]; then list_ida 2 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "75" ]; then list_ida 3 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "76" ]; then list_ida 4 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "77" ]; then list_ida 5 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "78" ]; then list_ida 6 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "79" ]; then list_ida 7 $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "80" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdm hdn elif [ "$MAJOR" = "89" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdo hdp elif [ "$MAJOR" = "90" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hdq hdr elif [ "$MAJOR" = "91" ]; then list_ide $MAJOR $MINOR hds hdt elif [ "$MAJOR" = "101" ]; then list_amiraid $MAJOR $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "104" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "105" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "106" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "107" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "108" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "109" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "110" \ -o "$MAJOR" = "111" ]; then list_cciss $MAJOR $MINOR elif [ "$MAJOR" = "114" ]; then list_ataraid $MAJOR $MINOR fi done else # old format and no RAID: fdisk -l >> $TMP/SeTfdisk fi cat $TMP/SeTfdisk ELFЈ4\4 (444 /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU!     g 0'"N@=P8!`7?pT/ S^#"@,Ї-i{ 0/@4FP`|pW#DD*v='  libc.so.6strcpystdoutreaddir64__ctype_b__strtol_internalperrorstrrchrwritedcgettext__deregister_frame_inforead__xstat64open64opendirstrcmpsprintfsetlocale__lxstat64exitbindtextdomain_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainlseek64strchrfputsclosedir__register_frame_infoclose__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0GLIBC_2.2ii 6ii @ii J4@ Dħȧ̧Чԧاܧ      $(,0 US[  [5%%ħh%ȧh%̧h%Чh%ԧh %اh(%ܧh0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h% h%h%h%h%h% hp%$h`%(hP%,h@%0h01^PTRhh؆QVhpUS[ø|t[ÉU=u>PС8u丰t hܦMÐUU0thHhܦÐUÍ jh`jP jhjP jh jP jh`jbP| jhjEP_ jhj(PB jh@j P% jhjP jhjP jhjP jh@jP jhjzP jw& D$P@jV|UWVS$WŃuhܕtzt8&t+F8&t&F8&t!Fttt uFF)H@%P҉˅u1ҊQu1Au1A؉ڃtzt80t-@80t(@80t#@tttu@@)؍D=>/SD>PiD$ PWj|^D$0%=`u&$D$D$D$9D$@u T$9T$DtW@u$PWxu(U8>Up1[^_]|ÍvS\$ uH`/devdSh`uShh`D``[Ã|UWVS$$D$h jhKh] h]bD$ j/P}Ń Eu/1ۃPU^#C~PotPRtt&rtvt&yt&D$BD$2D$"xtjj jPkD$N(~Gjj jPJD$~ G8-Muk|$u_D$ Phhj%}hh1D$4PPhj# jv\$~{D$)Ń|$|l$uG jj jP1|$_DDPtbj,SƅujhpjPd Gjj jPÃFjj jPƒ BD$ PSj} SD$@&Gjj jPfD$fjGPÃ}GPjRPSx}h~jD$&PStGPmS hIt&jGPRÃ}GPjRPS}h~D$jD$ PSntGPS}h@PT$ĦP=|$u#D$,PcPhx vD$ Ph^1[^_]|ÐUS=t Ѓ;u[UÍt&US[Ü[usage: rdev [ -rv ] [ -o OFFSET ] [ IMAGE [ VALUE [ OFFSET ] ] ] rdev /dev/fd0 (or rdev /linux, etc.) displays the current ROOT device rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hda2 sets ROOT to /dev/hda2 rdev -R /dev/fd0 1 set the ROOTFLAGS (readonly status) rdev -r /dev/fd0 627 set the RAMDISK size rdev -v /dev/fd0 1 set the bootup VIDEOMODE rdev -o N ... use the byte offset N rootflags ... same as rdev -R ramsize ... same as rdev -r vidmode ... same as rdev -vNote: video modes are: -3=Ask, -2=Extended, -1=NormalVga, 1=key1, 2=key2,... use -R 1 to mount root readonly, -R 0 for read/write.opendir...Boot device/dev0x%04xrootflagsramsizevidmoderdevRoot flagsRamsizeVideo modeRoot device/usr/share/localeutil-linux/%s / missing commalseekclose %s %d    ?4,  ! ؆ ( T ooo\&6FVfvƇև&6FVfvƈGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss.comment.note  !((' /T7o\\BDo@S \  e؆%`kЈ@ qw@@` <ܦ@@@ @$xELFp4D4 (444PPPP5P5ll:l: /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNUCL284#7<I">+G9%(;EKCD@&B3HF?'0    , 1.)-$=:!5A /6*J ;|/6 g=@<l:M0'"U@=P7[`*pP!Nc/4 Ў'O'.ȍ 5m#"4 b=0ZD<H<D@MP'`,p/'R'>L<.iYЏ98<`h%nH 70/t z@JtP4`\ps5*P<[{8<L;nАK=0T<X<N-\<  0*`<d<@=cP`/ libncurses.so.5_DYNAMICendwinmvcurwerase_initwrefreshcbreakwaddnstrnonlnoechowaddchinitscrwinchwmove_finimvprintwwgetchstdscr_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_wclearCOLSwclrtoeolLINES__gmon_start__libc.so.6__divdi3ioctl__strtod_internalstdout__ctype_b__strtol_internalmallocsleepoptargvsnprintf__ctype_toupperrindexwritefprintfdcgettext__deregister_frame_infooptindsignalreadstrncmpstrncpysyncstrcasecmpgetoptsprintffclosesetlocalestderr__errno_locationexitbindtextdomain_IO_putc_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainlseek64strchr__ctype_tolower__register_frame_info__fxstat64freefopen64_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0ii ii ii 4<K@<D<H<L<"P<4T<>X<?\<B`<Fd<GX;\;`;d;h;l; 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Martin & aeb Usage: Print version: %s -v Print partition table: %s -P {r|s|t} [options] device Interactive use: %s [options] device Options: -a: Use arrow instead of highlighting; -z: Start with a zero partition table, instead of reading the pt from disk; -c C -h H -s S: Override the kernel's idea of the number of cylinders, the number of heads and the number of sectors/track. /usr/share/localeutil-linuxac:gh:s:vzP:cfdisk %s /dev/sda&(7BBTLANstepLinux raid autodetectDOS secondaryLinux/PA-RISC bootEFI (FAT-12/16/32)EFI GPTBeOS fsDOS R/ODOS accessBootItDell UtilityCP/M / CTOS / ...Non-FS dataSyrinxDRDOS/sec (FAT-16)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)Solaris bootBoot Wizard hiddenBSDI swapBSDI fsDarwin bootNetBSDDarwin UFSNeXTSTEPOpenBSDFreeBSDIBM Thinkpad hibernationBSD/OSAmoeba BBTAmoebaLinux LVMNTFS volume setLinux extendedOS/2 hidden C: driveLinuxLinux swapMinix / old LinuxOld MinixPC/IXDiskSecure Multi-BootNovell Netware 386Novell Netware 286GNU HURD or SysVSpeedStorPriam EdiskGolden BowEZ-DriveOnTrackDM6OnTrack DM6 Aux3CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux1OnTrack DMQNX4.x 3rd partQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.xSFSPPC PReP BootVenix 80286PartitionMagic recoveryPlan 9NEC DOSHidden Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32AST SmartSleepHidden HPFS/NTFSHidden FAT16Hidden FAT16 <32MCompaq diagnosticsHidden FAT12OPUSWin95 Ext'd (LBA)Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Win95 FAT32OS/2 Boot ManagerAIX bootableAIXHPFS/NTFSFAT16ExtendedFAT16 <32MXENIX usrXENIX rootFAT12EmptyH;P&6Fcip_@lb erF  s  t   c<#hs dbn@d* ghmne@p1qtu[ WJ$D$9$/$$$$$ $$ # # # ######o#b#Q#B#/##"$"9"<"@"A"B"M"N"O"P"Qu"Rp"S_"TT"UK"V@"\4"a*"c"d"e!p!u!!!!!!!v!v!l!e!Z!S!:!2!*!!!!!!         m ` Y N F *"> 6 #  *"*"  ȍ (,l  L;Xoxooފl:&6FVfvƎ֎&6FVfvƏ֏&6FVfvƐ֐&6FVfGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss.comment.note  !((D' ll/,,7oފ Doxx @S  X\   eȍ %` kpp@jq{w{p) P5Ph:hl:l<;<D;DL;L@<@ @|ELF4 4 (444D< /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU%B"*86A@,;+= >5./?&734# 9  ')(!$- 02%<:1,gp<K`L'"\=?l8O|7i*/1̌ ܌/U  |l Su,5)<L#"d_h\,*l/\| V|̍7D܍Vi f ,<LR\3l/b|;4N\1*̎[܎0} * ,<=:lpL$tC\ Fl*x|=/ libc.so.6longjmpioctlstdoutstrerrormemmovesnprintf__ctype_b__strtol_internalqsortfgetsmemcpyperrorfeofmallocsleepoptargfflushbzerounamecallocwritefprintfdcgettext__deregister_frame_infooptindstdinstrstrreadstrncmpsyncstrcasecmpreallocbcopystrtoksscanf__xstat64getopt__assert_failstrcmpsprintffclosesetlocalestderrfputc__errno_locationexitbindtextdomain_IO_putc_setjmp_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainlseek64strchrfputs__ctype_tolower__register_frame_info__fxstat64freefopen64__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0ii %ii /ii 9TA`dhl6p7t9x=tx|     īȫ̫Ыԫثܫ !"#$%&'() *+,-. /$0(1,2034485<8@;D<H>L?P@US[hGJ[5l%p%th%xh%|h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%īh%ȫh%̫h%Ыhp%ԫh`%ثhP%ܫh@%h0%h %h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h %h(% h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@% hX0%$h` %(hh%,hp%0hx%4h%8h%<h%@h%Dh%Hh%Lh%Php1^PTRhChQVh0kUS[Èt[ÉU=u>PС8uLt h ÐUULth|hÐUÍD$‰ÍT$1Uu%ÐD$ƀUƀÍ'L$D$QQA T$1Ɋ 1B1B1BÍ& D$PD$P Ð D$P Í D$PD$ PH Ð D$ P] Í8S$@\$=t$Pjh@$tGjhCjhEPjhFjoPh D$P\PjhFj@Ph D$P-PjhFjPh D$PPjhGjPh D$PTPjh GjPh D$P't&jh@Gt&jhdGj{ÃhPj hPS' jz&'VSt$ D$$%jSQVRuu j[^ VS\$ D$$t$(PSPVS ;t j[^Í&VS\$ D$$t$(PSEPVS ;t jp[^Í&VSD$$t$( s PCu j$CPVD$,PCC[^Ðt&S\$ P}C [ÉD$ Ð1ҹ DB;~Ív'D$(ËT$1tYtTtO tJ tEt@t;t6t1t,t't"t$tttuÍ =УtijhGjPF jhGjP) jhGjP jhH=ԣjhGjvP jhJjYP jhKj

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Bootstrap installed on %s. Partition (a-%c): The maximum number of partitions has been created This partition already exists. /dev/sdWarning: too many partitions (%d, maximum is %d). Syncing disks. Linux RAIDLinux LVMLinux nativeLinux swapSGI xvmSGI xlvSGI xfslogSGI xfsSGI rlvolSGI lvolSGI efsSGI volumeSGI sysvSGI bsdSGI rawSGI secreplSGI trkreplSGI volhdrAccording to MIPS Computer Systems, Inc the Label must not contain more than 512 bytes Detected sgi disklabel with wrong checksum. Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors %d cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Device----- partitions ----- Pt# %*s Info Start End Sectors Id System Unknownboot swap%2d: %s %4s %9ld %9ld %9ld %2x %s ----- Bootinfo ----- Bootfile: %s ----- Directory Entries ----- %2d: %-10s sector%5u size%8u Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Bootfile is changed to "%s". sgilabelsgi_write_tablefdisksgilabel.ctwo_s_complement_32bit_sum( (unsigned int*)((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer), sizeof(*((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer)) ) == 0More than one entire disk entry present. No partitions defined IRIX likes when Partition 11 covers the entire disk. The entire disk partition should start at block 0, not at diskblock %d. The entire disk partition is only %d diskblock large, but the disk is %d diskblocks long. One Partition (#11) should cover the entire disk. sysid=%d partition=%d Partition %d does not start on cylinder boundary. Partition %d does not end on cylinder boundary. The Partition %d and %d overlap by %d sectors. Unused gap of %8d sectors - sectors %8d-%d %2d:%12d %12d %12d The boot partition does not exist. The swap partition does not exist. The swap partition has no swap type. /unix You have chosen an unusual boot file name. Sorry You may change the Tag of non-empty partitions. It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is of type "SGI volhdr", the IRIX system will rely on it to retrieve from its directory standalone tools like sash and fx. Only the "SGI volume" entire disk section may violate this. Type YES if you are sure about tagging this partition differently. YES Do You know, You got a partition overlap on the disk? Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Attempting to generate entire disk entry automatically. The entire disk is already covered with partitions. You got a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! First %sIt is highly recommended that eleventh partition covers the entire disk and is of type `SGI volume' You will get a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! Last %sBuilding a new SGI disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content will be unrecoverably lost. Trying to keep parameters of partition %d. ID=%02x START=%d LENGTH=%d IBM OEM 0662S12 3 300000Sfx version 5.3, Oct 18, 1994Linux raid autodetectLinux LVMLinux nativeLinux swapSunOS homeSunOS varSunOS standWhole diskSunOS usrSunOS swapSunOS rootBootEmptyDetected sun disklabel with wrong checksum. Probably you'll have to set all the values, e.g. heads, sectors, cylinders and partitions or force a fresh label (s command in main menu) JazIOMEGASUN2.1GSUN1.3GSUN1.05SUN1.0GSUN0669SUN0535SUN0424SUN0340SUN0327SUN0207SUN0104ST34371SEAGATEDNES-318350DORS-32160DPES-31080IBMWren IV 94171-344CDCProDrive 105SProDrive 80SQuantumHost: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d r/proc/scsi/scsiVendor: Model: Rev: Autoconfigure found a %s%s%s Building a new sun disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Drive type ? auto configure 0 custom (with hardware detected defaults) %c %s%s%s Select type (? for auto, 0 for custom): Autoconfigure failed. HeadsSectors/trackCylindersAlternate cylindersPhysical cylindersRotation speed (rpm)Interleave factorExtra sectors per cylinderYou may change all the disk params from the x menu3,5" floppyLinux custom%s%s%s cyl %d alt %d hd %d sec %dPartition %d doesn't end on cylinder boundary Partition %d overlaps with others in sectors %d-%d No partitions defined Unused gap - sectors 0-%d Unused gap - sectors %d-%d Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Other partitions already cover the whole disk. Delete some/shrink them before retry. First %sIt is highly recommended that the third partition covers the whole disk and is of type `Whole disk' Sector %d is already allocated Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKYou haven't covered the whole disk with the 3rd partition, but your value %d %s covers some other partition. Your entry has been changed to %d %s If you want to maintain SunOS/Solaris compatibility, consider leaving this partition as Whole disk (5), starting at 0, with %u sectors It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is UFS, EXT2FS filesystem or SunOS swap. Putting Linux swap there may destroy your partition table and bootblock. Type YES if you're very sure you would like that partition tagged with 82 (Linux swap): YES Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d rpm %d cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Device%*s Flag Start End Blocks Id System Unknown%*s%-2d %c%c %9ld %9ld %9ld%c %2x %s Number of alternate cylindersNumber of physical cylinders There is a valid AIX label on this disk. Unfortunately Linux cannot handle these disks at the moment. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) 3. Before deleting this physical volume be sure to remove the disk logically from your AIX machine. (Otherwise you become an AIXpert).BBTLANstepLinux raid autodetectDOS secondaryLinux/PA-RISC bootEFI (FAT-12/16/32)EFI GPTBeOS fsDOS R/ODOS accessBootItDell UtilityCP/M / CTOS / ...Non-FS dataSyrinxDRDOS/sec (FAT-16)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)Solaris bootBoot Wizard hiddenBSDI swapBSDI fsDarwin bootNetBSDDarwin UFSNeXTSTEPOpenBSDFreeBSDIBM Thinkpad hibernationBSD/OSAmoeba BBTAmoebaLinux LVMNTFS volume setLinux extendedOS/2 hidden C: driveLinuxLinux swapMinix / old LinuxOld MinixPC/IXDiskSecure Multi-BootNovell Netware 386Novell Netware 286GNU HURD or SysVSpeedStorPriam EdiskGolden BowEZ-DriveOnTrackDM6OnTrack DM6 Aux3CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux1OnTrack DMQNX4.x 3rd partQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.xSFSPPC PReP BootVenix 80286PartitionMagic recoveryPlan 9NEC DOSHidden Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32AST SmartSleepHidden HPFS/NTFSHidden FAT16Hidden FAT16 <32MCompaq diagnosticsHidden FAT12OPUSWin95 Ext'd (LBA)Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Win95 FAT32OS/2 Boot 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VVD W8e[^_]ÉU,WVSUPU BPUB$PEuU BPh-IPUPU BPUB$PEu+U BPh .IPڒEPUER UU@ EBP UU @EB+EpE1PE U;x sM;}} E UDP1uEPWE PUREЋU GF;z rEPURe[^_]ÐUUE h PR1]ÍvUPRh4IP谉hJ4h`4IP t EЉEE1ۍM;MuoU;UvgEPEPEPEPRQh4IPJ EPW*EEFEFEPjEPC EPWhqSh5IPوGPjTG P1e[^_]ÐULWVSuE Ee E؋EEdE.TEk>E[E셤dE.T E؃} EF EF EF EFEF EF EF EFEF  EF  EF  E~ F  F F EM]E EEȃuāEԹy7uԉU1‰E1щU܍1‰1MuM]EȋuĉE } } ~ }EF EF EF EFEF EF EF EFEF  EF  EF  Eܺ ;U 02 B;U |t&} } ~ }EF EF EF EFEF EF EF E}ܺ;U e2 EB;U |v} ~]} ~ }EF EF EF E}܉};U }:ve2 EB;U |$}؉}܉}}1;U }e2 EB;U |M]1E ƹy7U1‰E1щU܍1‰1MuM]u1uE[^_]UWVS} ~ M IIu} uUЉEvU؉];M }=E HEUyp;M}U)ʍt&Juu;M |ʃ'E Hy9} )ʐt&Ju'~-u Ny9} )ʍJu]~eE[^_]ÍvUVS]u 119}ŠBA9|[^]ÍUPWVEEU EUUMUM}} EE؉ƋMمtIωu}}}$UE؉EMمtIMEUEU}UUċMMuuC9vȉE}u 1ljU֋EEt&9uv EUău;uw9}rEivE )U܋Eĉ}MmM ȉEĉu؋Mm؉EEMm ueUuĉEĉ9wu;uvM1ɋEĉEЉMԋUЋMԃ}t؉EȉڅtJŰUȋM̉Љ^_ÉUSH=Ht Ѓ;u[UÍt&US[hnw[%s: %s Usage: %s [options] device [block-count] Options: -b | --block-size N size of file-system block, in bytes -j | --journal-device FILE path to separate device to hold journal -s | --journal-size N size of the journal in blocks -o | --journal-offset N offset of the journal from the start of the separate device, in blocks -t | --transaction-max-size N maximal size of transaction, in blocks -h | --hash rupasov|tea|r5 hash function to use by default -u | --uuid UUID store UUID in the superblock -l | --label LABEL store LABEL in the superblock --format 3.5|3.6 old 3.5 format or newer 3.6 -f | --force specified once, make mkreiserfs the whole disk, not block device or mounted partition; specified twice, do not ask for confirmation -d | --debug print debugging information during mkreiser -V print version and exit failed to genetate UUID Specified LABEL is longer then 16 characters, will be truncated Unable to read first blocks of the deviceInitializing journal - zero_journal: getblk failed make_root_block: getblk failedBlock %lu (0x%x) contains super block. Format 3.5 with Format 3.6 with non-standard journal Count of blocks on the device: %u Number of blocks consumed by mkreiserfs formatting process: %u Free blocks: %u Blocksize: %d Hash function used to sort names: %s Number of bitmaps: %u Root block: %u Tree height: %d Objectid map size %d, max %d Journal parameters: Journal Device [0x%x] Journal Size %u blocks (first block %u) Journal Max transaction length %u Space on this device reserved by journal: %u Filesystem state 0x%x sb_version %u inode generation number: %u UUID: %U LABEL: %s tearupasovr5wrong hash type specified. Using default3.53.6wrong reiserfs version specified. Using default 3.6 format%s: strtol is unable to make an integer of %s %s: wrong blocksize %s specified, only 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 is supported currentlyUnknown fromat %s specified Guessing about desired format.. could not get system info: %mKernel %s is running. should run either 2.4 or 2.2 to be able to create reiserfs filesystem or specify desired format with -vCreating filesystem of format 3.53.x.1b <-------------%s, 2002-------------> reiserfsprogs %s formatlabeluuidhashjournal-offsettransaction-max-sizejournal-sizejournal-deviceblock-sizeb:j:s:t:o:h:u:l:Vfdwrong UUID specified UUID can be specified only with 3.6 format ATTENTION: YOU SHOULD REBOOT AFTER FDISK! ALL DATA WILL BE LOST ON '%s' AND ON JOURNAL DEVICE '%s'y ! Continue (y/n):Syncing..ok The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the primary sponsor of Reiser4. DARPA does not endorse this project; it merely sponsors it. Continuing core development of version 3 is mostly paid for by Hans Reiser from money made selling licenses in addition to the GPL to companies who don't want it known that they use ReiserFS as a foundation for their proprietary product. And my lawyer asked 'People pay you money for this?'. Yup. Hee Hee. Life is good. If you buy ReiserFS, you can focus on your value add rather than reinventing an entire FS. You should buy some free software too.... SuSE pays for continuing work on journaling for version 3, and paid for much of the previous version 3 work. Reiserfs integration in their distro is consistently solid. MP3.com paid for initial journaling development. Bigstorage.com contributes to our general fund every month, and has done so for quite a long time. Thanks to all of those sponsors, including the secret ones. Without you, Hans would still have that day job, and the merry band of hackers would be missing quite a few.... Have fun. v`up5՟Hshow_buffers (dev %d, size %d): free %d, count != 0 %d, dirty %d, all %d insert_into_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedremove_from_hash_queue: hash queue corruptedput_buffer_list_end: buffer list corruptedgrow_buffers: no memory for new buffer dataget_free_buffer: buffer list is corruptedsync_buffers: buffer list is corruptedflush_buffers: device is not specifedgetblk: no free buffers after grow_buffers and refill (%d)brelse: can not free a free buffer %luw+Cannot create file %s, work w/out a rollback file _RollBackFileForReiserfsFSCKrollback: file (%s) initialize Cannot stat rollback file (%s) r+Cannot open file (%s) Specified file (%s) does not look like a rollback file rollback: wrong rollback blocksize, exit rollback: file (%s) opened rollback: %d blocks backed up rollback: unspecified device, exit rollback: specified journal device cannot be stated rollback: specified device cannot be stated, exit rollback: fread: %s rollback: block from unknown device, skip block device cannot be lseeked, skip block rollback: write %d bytes returned error (block=%Ld, dev=%Ld): %s rollback: (%u) blocks restored bwrite: bad block is going to be written: %lu bwrite: lseek to position %Ld (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: read (block=%lu, dev=%d): %s bwrite: fstat of (%d) returned -1: %s rollback: block (%lu) has the size different from the fs uses, block skipped bwrite: write %ld bytes returned %ld (block=%ld, dev=%d): %s check_and_free_buffer_mem: not free buffer (%x, %ld, %ld, %d) check_and_free_buffer_mem: dirty buffer (%x %lu) found check_and_free_buffer_mem: found %d buffers, must be %dinvalidate_buffers: dirty buffer or used buffer (%d %lu) found %s %s _mem_begin_checkmem: memory corrupted - invalid head signcheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid sizemem_endcheckmem: memory corrupted - invalid end signgetmem: no more memory (%d)expandmem: no more memory (%d)__free_stat failed/is_mounted: could not stat "/": %m is_mounted: %s is neither regular file nor block device/procr/proc/mountsYes (could not figure out) Is filesystem mounted read-only? (Yes) (could not figure out) Is filesystem mounted? (Yes)left %lu, %d /secdone %lu, %d /sec%s%s%s100%80%60%40%20%.0%count_blocks: open failed (%s)/dev/urandomwhen_delbalance_leaf_when_deletedo_balan.c%s %d %s INSERTUNKNOWNPASTEPAP-12040: balance_leaf_when_delete: unexpectable mode: %s(%d) balance_leafCUTDELETEPAP-12130: balance_leaf: lnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)PAP-12175: balance_leaf: rnum > 0: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)vs-12195: balance_leaf: CFR not initializedPAP-12230: balance_leaf: invalid action with indirect itemPAP-12245: balance_leaf: blknum > 2: unexpectable mode: %s(%d)get_FEBvs-12300: get_FEB: FEB list is emptycheck_leftfix_node.c%s %d %s vs: 8065: check_left: all items fit in the left neighbor check_rightvs-8095: check_right: all items fit in the left neighborvs-8125: decrement_key: item of wrong type found %kare_items_mergeablevs-16070: are_items_mergeable: left %k, right %kget_right_neighborvs-16080: get_right_neighbor: get_rkey returned min key (path has changed)are_leaves_removablevs-8135: are_leaves_removable: empty node in the treeget_empty_nodes: not free empty bufferget_lfree: block %u block_head %z has bad child pointer %y, order %d get_far_parentget_far_parent: buffer of path is notin the treeget_far_parent: incorrect position in the parentget_far_parent: incorrect disk child in the parentget_far_parent: root not found in the pathget_far_parent: position is not definedip_check_balancevs-8210: ip_check_balance: S[0] can not be 0vs-8215: ip_check_balance: incorrect return value of get_empty_nodesget_direct_parentPAP-8260: get_direct_parent: illegal offset in the pathget_direct_parent: root changedget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not in the treeget_direct_parent: wrong position in the pathget_direct_parent: parent in the path is not parent of the current node in the treefix_nodesfix_nodes: no memory for virtual nodeinternal_define_dest_src_infosibalance.c%s %d %s shift type is unknown (%d) $r%%%h&E&&balance_internal_when_deleteunexpected tb->lnum[%d]==%d or tb->rnum[%d]==%dbalance_internalOne new node required for creating the new rootbalance_internal: invalid child_posleaf_define_dest_src_infoslbalance.c%s %d %s vs-10250: leaf_define_dest_src_infos: shift type is unknown (%d) BGtGGG&Hleaf_insert_into_bufleaf_insert_into_buf: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_paste_in_bufferleaf_paste_in_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_cut_from_bufferleaf_cut_from_buffer: bad leaf %lu: %bleaf_delete_items_entirelyleaf_delete_items_entirely: bad leaf %lu: %blevel=%d, nr_items=%d, free_space=%d rdkey%*s%u %u%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d)oldBADnew%u %u 0x%Lx %s (%d), len %u, location %u entry count %u, fsck need %u, format %s[dc_number=%u, dc_size=%u]%c%c%c%c-%02xstat dataindirectdirectdirectoryvi_typeprints.c%s %d %s vi_type: 6000: unknown type (0x%x) right mergeableleft mergeableVIRTUAL NODE CONTAINS %d items, has size %d,%s,%s, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d MODE='%c' %s %d %dIt is directory with %d entries: %d Offset Bh (b_blocknr, b_count) Position Nr_item %6d %10p (%9lu, %7d) %8d %7d Gen number Hash Object keylengthName###%3s: %-25s%s%-22s%-12s%s %3d: wrong entry location %u, deh_offset %u %3d: "%-25.*s"(%3d)%20K%12d%5d, loc %u, state %x %s %d %d(%d)print_indirect_item: invalid item lens%d pointer%s [] %m/%d/%Y %T(OLD SD), mode %M, size %u, nlink %u, uid %d, FDB %d, mtime %s blocks %d%s %s (NEW SD), mode %M, size %Lu, nlink %u, mtime %s blocks %d, uid %dblock %lu, item %d: %H direct item: block %lu, start %d, %d bytes INTERNAL NODE (%ld) contains %b PTR %d: %y KEY %d: %20k PTR %d: %20y =================================================================== LEAF NODE (%ld) contains %b (real items %d) FIRST ITEM_KEY: %k, LAST ITEM KEY: %k ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |###|type|ilen|f/sp| loc|fmt|fsck| key | | | | |e/cn| | |need| | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |%3d|%30H| "\n" =================================================================== Device [0x%x] Magic [0x%x] Size %u blocks (including 1 for journal header) (first block %u) Max transaction length %u blocks Max batch size %u blocks Max commit age %u Reiserfs super block in block %lu on 0x%x of format 3.5 with format 3.6 with unknown format with non-standard journal Blocks (total/free): %u/%u by %d bytes Count of blocks on the device: %u Number of bitmaps: %u Blocksize: %d Free blocks (count of blocks - used [journal, bitmaps, data, reserved] blocks): %u Root block: %u NOT Filesystem is %scleanly umounted Tree height: %d Hash function used to sort names: %s Objectid map size %d, max %d Journal parameters: Blocks reserved by journal: %u Fs state field: 0x%x sb_version: %u inode generation number: %u UUID: %U LABEL: %.16s Set flags in SB: ATTRIBUTES CLEAN %s Filesystem state: consistent consistency is not checked after last mounting ReIsErLBDesc block %lu (j_trans_id %ld, j_mount_id %ld, j_len %ld) print_block: buffer is NULL Block %ld contains unformatted data ********************** PRINT_TB for %s ******************* MODE=%c, ITEM_POS=%d POS_IN_ITEM=%d ********************************************************************* * h * S * L * R * F * FL * FR * CFL * CFR * * %d * %3ld(%2d) * %3ld(%2d) * %3ld(%2d) * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * %5ld * * h * size * ln * lb * rn * rb * blkn * s0 * s1 * s1b * s2 * s2b * curb * lk * rk * * %d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %2d * %4d * %2d * %2d * %3d * %2d * %3d * %4d * %2d * %2d * * %d * %4d * %2d * * %2d * * %2d * FEB list: , %s%p (%lu %d)********************** END OF PRINT_TB ******************* #%d: block %lu: Busy (%d-%d) %d) Free(%d-%d) Busy(%d-Free (%d-used %d, free %d Bitmap blocks are: print_bmap: bread failed for %d: %lu print_objectid_map: proper signature is not found Map of objectids (super block size %d) busy(%u-%u) free(%u-%u) Object id array has size %d (max %d):*%s%u Journal header (block #%lu of %s): j_last_flush_trans_id %ld j_first_unflushed_offset %ld j_mount_id %ld #%d B%lu->%lu%s Mountid %u, transid %u, desc %lu, length %u, commit %lu print_journal: journal is not opened search_by_keystree.c%s %d %s search_by_key: something wrong with the tree search_by_key: expected level %dReIsErLBReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsEr3Fsreiserfs_super_block_sizenode_formats.c%s %d %s Unknown format found leafleaf w/o block headinternalunknownget_bytes_number: called for wrong type of item %hH@"r5""rupasov""tea"not setDetecting hash code: could not detect hash with name "%.*s" func2codefunc2code: no hashes matches this function code2func: wrong hash code %d. Using default %s hash function ...SDINDDRCTDIR???set_bit_field: val %d is too big for %d bitsget_set_sd_fieldget_set_sd_field: unknown field of old stat dataget_set_sd_field: unknown field of new stat data@"`P4gmark_objectid_as_used: objectid map corruptedmin_block_amount: journal is too big, %lu%sreiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d reiserfs_open: neither new nor old reiserfs format found on %s reiserfs_open: bread failed reading block %d, size %d reiserfs_open: no reiserfs in %d, size %d reiserfs_create: no enough blocks on device reiserfs_create: can not create that small (%d blocks) filesystem reiserfs_create: getmem failed reiserfs_create: could not open %s: %m reiserfs_create: getblk failed ReIsErFsReIsEr2FsReIsEr3Fsreiserfs_reopen: closed failed: %mreiserfs_reopen: could not reopen device: %mreiserfs_reopen: reading super block failedblock allocator is not defined block deallocator is not defined search_by_key: you can not get here _get_rkey: illegal offset in the path (%d)_get_rkey: parent is not uptodate_get_rkey: buffer on the path is not in tree_get_rkey: invalid position (%d) in the path_get_rkey: invalid block number (%d). Must be %ldreiserfs_search_by_entry_keyreiserfslib.c%s %d %s reiserfs_search_by_entry_key: found item is not of directory type %H _search_by_entry_key: %k is not a directory_search_by_entry_key: item corresponding to delimiting key %k not foundreiserfs_paste_into_itemreiserfs_paste_into_item: fix_nodes failedreiserfs_insert_item: fix_nodes failed...reiserfs_locate_entryreiserfs_locate_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_locate_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_find_entryreiserfs_find_entry: can not find name in broken directory yetreiserfs_find_entry: wrong delimiting key in the treereiserfs_add_entryunknown fs formatreiserfs_add_entry: looking for %k (inserting name "%s") search_by_entry_key returned %d'%s' looks mounted.Use -f to force over y Continue (y/n):%s is not a block special device%s is entire device, not just one partition!reiserfs_shrink_bitmapbitmap.cbm->bm_bit_size >= bit_countreiserfs_bitmap_copyto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_sizereiserfs_bitmap_comparebm1->bm_byte_size == bm2->bm_byte_size && bm1->bm_bit_size == bm2->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_bitmap_disjunctionto->bm_byte_size == from->bm_byte_size && to->bm_bit_size == from->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_bitmap_set_bitbit_number < bm->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_bitmap_clear_bitbit %u, bitsize %lu reiserfs_bitmap_test_bitreiserfs_bitmap_find_zero_bit*start < bm->bm_bit_sizereiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmapbm->bm_byte_size == to_copyreiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed reading bitmap (%lu) %s %d %s reiserfs_fetch_ondisk_bitmap: getblk failed reiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmap: bread failed for block %lureiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmapreiserfs_flush_to_ondisk_bitmap: getblk failed for (%lu) open_file: could not open file %s Temp file opened by fsck: "%s" .. reiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %m reiserfs_bitmap_save: fseek failed: %mis_stage_magic_correct: fseek failed: %m is_stage_magic_correct: no magic found is_stage_magic_correct: wrong pass foundreiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap start magic foundreiserfs_bitmap_load: creation failedreiserfs_bitmap_load: no bitmap end magic foundreiserfs_open_ondisk_bitmapopen: bitmap is initiaized alreadyopen_ondisk_bitmap: wrong bitmaps number, run --rebuild-sb reiserfs_create_ondisk_bitmapcreate: bitmap is initiaized alreadynext_transaction: valid transaction is expectedreplay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: reading %lu block failed replay_one_transaction: transaction %lu: block %ld should not be journalled (%lu) reading descriptor block %lu failed reading commit block %lu failed WARNING: Journal length is too small %u, resetting to minimal possible %u WARNING: wrong transaction max size (%u). Changed to %u Filesystem with standard journal found, wrong name of specified journal device %s %sreiserfs_open_journal: bread failed reading journal header reiserfs_open_journal: no journal found on %s reiserfs_create_journal: can not create filesystem on %d blocks reiserfs_create_journal: offset is %lu, blocks on device %lu NOTE: journal new size %lu is bigger than default size %lu: this may slow down journal initializing and mounting. Hope it is ok. reiserfs_create_journal: no enough blocks on device %lu, needed %lu reiserfs_create_journal: stat %s failed: %m reiserfs_create_journal: %s is not a block device (%x) reiserfs_create_journal: could not open %s: %m reiserfs_create_journal: getblk failed reiserfs_reopen_journal: closed failed: %mreiserfs_reopen_journal: could not reopen journal devicereiserfs_reopen_journal: reading journal header failedreplay_journaljournal.c%s %d %s replay_journal: journal is not opened replay_journal: fs is not opened with write permsReplaying journal.. No transactions found Journal header's mountid: %lu latest transaction found is of mountid %lu y Should those transactions be replayed?(y/n)trans replayed: mountid %lu, transid %lu, desc %lu, len %lu, commit %lu, next trans offset %lu %d transactions replayed H0b!jstohulJWPG=-6 h P(` s Hp88ooodGƍ֍&6FVfvƎ֎&6FVfvƏ֏&6FVfvƐ֐&6FVfvGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss.comment.note  !((8' ``/s7odd Do @S 88 8\ pp  ehh %` kHqPPZwZ[  F GGHHHĸ IN ؼhELF4\4 (444RRS[ /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNUC^3YQP%.#G@IE8WN,)AR72CF&T6>[J*<LHX ?\;M4ZBS=:OV"5DK]!1 9($- 0U' /+ 'J"/Y?D@"E="M"T)]dJdnt2"{)Dē^t3"$"ԔD3"dđO="d"T ĕ^Odm"tT:2)@"/$7DtK=PT4Z4["rԕ{=T%"d#"4:"43"`"D"D|48"Z"tO$$2"$$)(D$/<:A:"EN$"T$\c$k="w~\Ē"ԓ%yDt9TdĔ@" TgԒ't&4`"-ԑH"C:"I Q4"V!__gmon_start__libutil.so.1libc.so.6longjmpauthunix_createioctlconnectungetcstrerrorfdopen__ctype_berrnogetpidmemcpyexeclsvc_sendreplyfeofmallocendpwentsvctcp_createsleepxdr_bytessvcerr_decodesocketfflushxdr_voidxdr_pmapsvcerr_noprocstrncasecmpabortalarm__sigsetjmpwritefprintfsvc_registerstrcatbindinet_addr__deregister_frame_infoendgrentsetsockoptwait3waitumaskferrorsetgidsignalopenlogclntudp_createstrncpysetenvstrcasecmpxdr_u_long_IO_getcxdr_opaqueforksscanfgetoptinet_ntoagetrpcbynumbersyslogxdr_pmaplistnicedupgetpwnamfgetcsprintffclosestrcspngetpeernamestderr__xstat__errno_locationexitsetbufget_myaddressgetgrnamfopenfilenovsyslog_IO_stdin_used_exitstrspndaemon__libc_start_mainopenstrchrsvcudp_createsvc_runsetuid__register_frame_infoclosexdr_intfree_errnoGLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0ii ]ii gE  K@+ U!5 YMZ 6*-WJ1 GV,< :$9(,%0;4R8<@DFH'LDPTIX8\`d=hCl/p.t$xS|"# BT2Q?H7\(P0L>&[NA4X)3US[ûXlt7]5%%h%h%h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%hp%h`%hP% h@%h0%h %h%h% h%$h%(h%,h%0h%4h %8h(%<h0%@h8p%Dh@`%HhHP%LhP@%PhX0%Th` %Xhh%\hp%`hx%dh%hh%lh%ph%th%xh%|h%hp%h`%hP%h@%h0%h %h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%hp1^PTRh$hԐQVh0U=u8PС8u4t hBÉUÍvUԑthhÍvUÐUVSu] `dtvtH<3hK5h\5hp5~jwvhHSV8 u=u3jjt#5Ph5+j$j =t !Ph0jjjÃ}hjjuEEEEEfEfEojVS thjjvS:Ãuhjj^jeBBBB ojjj Ã}hj;jjVS{ thjjhhSà uhjjjBBB oBjh jhSUjj hj|vUuh9jbUVSu] M1ҡtv90u 9Hu9Zt@uЍe[^U WVS} =th@5MAq$ljPGPjhTW7V=IGURhĕW@Ѓ uuMqGP:uuuƒ tE9BuE9B t\vjËEECECEC Cu ‹Bt v‹@uZEEPhWB a=Th[5jGURhĕW@Ѓ uEEjuMqOMQn1t[;UuE9Ctދ[s RMqMQtE؋[u ^P룉EPhWI h=[h[5qGURhĕW@Ѓ uMqGPa uEuuuƒ t B EEEPhW =h[5%GjhTW@Ѓ u WWjMqGP u E vEEPhW u<=t3h[5IWMQfjPGPPWe[^_ÉUE h(#PPuTÉUVSu] SVNt/CPV=tC PV,t CPV1e[^ÍvUVSu] CPVu1 CPVfe[^ÍvUE ppuÉUWVSUBR@Љlj}}(#)x2]UBSR@Ѓt ߍWUs+Ey΋UBURUR@+}U zRURde[^_U`#WVSDžMI1MM AU艕RhQ@Ѓ DuuMqE P!juuà JtuhjQf[ f]SfffMڍPWVuuSÃMy uqqq qq!ECWVQhQhuSЃ uQhhM Q P PBЋCS@Ѓ2j;v[^_ÐUjjj] Uj*uhj&jvh|jÉUWVS]} uSu@hsPhh\uhVWS51#=thVWS5e[^_ÍvUUMfBff=vfBff=v+vuhuu R51ÐUWVSu}]V7uvt PRS5j5e[^ÉU0 WVSjjj }h1=vDž NVhQ }hxQ1F;vf{}uVhQ{ }h%EtXVhQT }h09| :t' E ;WQ[^_ÍvUWVS=uiu hj19}.]u]<u@9|1e[^_ÐU<jujuju jujPP#ÐUWVS}u vPw$PPh0FhFXFH&_!vhvS CF`e[^_ÉUWVSE E}EE"}1҃f#ff " fEf5'ff& % $ #  " )(  ' & Ë}1IM}DŽw|$xovfEfcvfMfGSvLGDfw<fwG0_)}1REPMQw RhtEPM$EPQe[^_ÉUE PuÐU SM UtR5PQhSMRQhS5uSuÉUE PuhjUE PuhjnjhU塀@jhBt%4UR5t%uUR5xu1UWVS]1hSRhS 1р| th 5#t{hAS<tgj:SGǃuhFFj:W$1hU RSthTE PW 8Pv8tSh\t==|~55hojCtU RP/[^_ÍvUWVS}hkuthStsU RS׃tLhS]thkj Ãu1tWU RjuhkjÃ{1e[^_ÐUWVSu} j@FPEuPV11ۍPVtPURz؉؍e[^_UWVS}u j@GP%ƒuPW;.1ۍPR)tVDPWm؉؍e[^_ÍvUWVSu} >@uh1-hVuZW$1h"WP h"Vh*VvhVuFW1j.Su%h"S_th*SMhj/VÃtWPSV!Fv1WPV= u&hV <0tW$PVt؍e[^_ÐUWVS]u ;.u<1҉)1~2PSxhSuu ]vhSYuh"VG11эQ|.t VS! 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All rights reserved. @(#) portmap.c 1.6 96/07/06 23:06:23@(#) pmap_check.c 1.8 96/07/07 10:49:10snfa]W@(#) from_local.c 1.3 96/05/31 15:52:57@(#) hosts_ctl.c 1.4 94/12/28 17:42:27@(#) update.c 1.1 94/12/28 17:42:56@(#) diag.c 1.1 94/12/28 17:42:20@(#) hosts_access.c 1.21 97/02/12 02:13:22, @(#) options.c 1.17 96/02/11 17:01:31= XRTLE;5h/(!<D  X 08@H @(#) shell_cmd.c 1.5 94/12/28 17:42:44@(#) rfc931.c 1.10 95/01/02 16:11:34 @(#) eval.c 1.3 95/01/30 19:51:45unknownparanoid@(#) percent_x.c 1.4 94/12/28 17:42:371234567890!@%-_=+:,./abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@(#) clean_exit.c 1.4 94/12/28 17:42:19@(#) workarounds.c 1.6 96/03/19 16:22:25@(#) misc.c 1.2 96/02/11 17:01:29*:JZjzʑڑ *:JZjzʒڒ *:JZjzʓړ *:JZjzʔڔ *:JZjzʕڕ *:JZjz Ԑ $( ]  očoo.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss# 1((7 ? qGo Toč 0c  l  u  ~Ԑ/2$$I@@I S YYYYp[[ [ELF44 (44444, 77 /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNUaxgdB,FA\[>R3K/@^M9c)"VNnlpUtbim` Y.vH+hf;-1]ouP2%J6 #&$qTsZwLr8 ! 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ncheckicheck70chrootchange_root_directory_\cdchange_working_directorylslist_directorystatshow_inode_infolnlinkunlinkmkdirrmdirrmkill_file(clri8freeiHsetiXtestihfreebxsetbtestbmimodify_inodeffbfind_free_blockffifind_free_inodepwdprint_working_directory' expandexpand_dir<mknodVPlsdellist_deleted_inodes~xundelundeletewritedumpdump_inodecatlcdrdumpssvset_super_valuelogdump <HwhbD'h$̪PpxadI3 PH  $H0+@$P`4pLst`@@ 4 D|l`Hw@@ Dump the contents of the journalSet superblock valueRecursively dump a directory to the native filesystemChange the current directory on your native filesystemDump an inode out to stdoutDump an inode out to a fileCopy a file from your native filesystemUndelete fileList deleted inodesCreate a special fileExpand directoryPrint current working directoryFind free inode(s)Find free block(s)Modify an inode by structureTest a block's in-use flagSet a block's in-use flagClear a block's in-use flagTest an inode's in-use flagSet an inode's in-use flagClear an inode's in-use flagClear an inode's contentsDeallocate an inode and its blocksRemove a file (unlink and kill_file, if appropriate)Remove a directoryCreate a directoryDelete a directory linkCreate directory linkShow inode information List directoryChange working directoryChange root directoryDo block->inode translationDo inode->name translationShow superblock statisticsInitalize a filesystem (DESTROYS DATA)Mark the filesystem as dirtySet/print superblock featuresClose the filesystemOpen a filesystemShow debugfs parameters if you specify the superblock, you must also specify the block sizeopening read-only because of catastrophic modewhile opening filesystemcatastrophic mode - not reading inode or group bitmapswhile reading inode bitmapwhile reading block bitmapwhile trying to close filesystemUsage: open [-s superblock] [-b blocksize] [-c] [-w] iwfcb:s:block sizesuperblock numberhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhlcdwhile trying to change native directory to %sext2fs_write_inode_bitmapext2fs_write_block_bitmapext2fs_closeclose_filesys initializeblocks countwhile initializing filesystemFilesystem features: %s(none) Usage: show_super [-h]hdirectoriesdirectoryinodesinodeblocksblock Group %2d: block bitmap at %d, inode bitmap at %d, inode table at %d %d free %s, %d free %s, %d used %s -clean, (%lld):%d(%lld-%lld):%d-%d(IND):%d(DIND):%d(TIND):%d%sBLOCKS: %s %sTOTAL: %lld regularsymlinkblock specialcharacter specialFIFOsocketbad type%sInode: %u Type: %s %sMode: %04o Flags: 0x%x Generation: %u %sUser: %5d Group: %5d Size: %lld %d %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d Translator: %d %sFile ACL: %d Directory ACL: %d %sLinks: %d Blockcount: %d %sFragment: Address: %d Number: %d Size: %d %sctime: 0x%08x -- %s%satime: 0x%08x -- %s%smtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sdtime: 0x%08x -- %s%sFast_link_dest: %.*s Warning: inode already clearWarning: inode already setInode %u is marked in use Inode %u is not in use Warning: block %d already clearWarning: block %d already setBlock %d marked in use Block %d not in use %30s [%s] Bad value - %s0x%x0%o%dModeUser IDGroup IDSizeCreation timeModification timeAccess timeDeletion timeLink countBlock countFile flagsGenerationFile aclDirectory aclHigh 32bits of sizeTranslator BlockFragment addressFragment numberFragment sizeDirect Block #%dIndirect BlockDouble Indirect BlockTriple Indirect Blockprint_working_directorywhile trying to get pathname of cwd[pwd] INODE: %6u PATH: %s while trying to get pathname of root[root] INODE: %6u PATH: %s make_link link undeleteInode is not marked as deletedunlink_file_by_nameUsage: find_free_block [count [goal]]Bad count - %sBad goal - %sFree blocks found: ext2fs_new_block%d Usage: find_free_inode [dir] [mode]Bad dir - %sBad mode - %sext2fs_new_inodeFree inode found: %u writeAllocated inode: %u copy_fileUsage: mknod [p| [c|b] ]mkdirext2fs_mkdirUnimplemented Kill file by inode %u rmwhile trying to resolve filenamefile is a directoryonlyOpen mode: read-%s --none--Filesystem in use: %s ext2fs_expand_dirUnknown feature: %s -rdebugfs: %s Usage: debugfs [-b blocksize] [-s superblock] [-f cmd_file] [-R request] [-V] [[-w] [-c] device]3-Feb-20021.26debugfs %s (%s) iwcR:f:b:s:V Using %s 0.0debugfscreating invocationadding standard requests@ 0`8PAGERmorewFilesystem not openFilesystem %s is still open. Close it first. Filesystem opened read/onlyFilesystem bitmaps not loadedBad %s - %sblock numberInvalid block number 0Usage: %s %s [count]countwhile reading inode %uwhile writing inode %uUsage: ncheck ...while allocating inode info arraydo_ncheckBad inode - %swhile opening inode scanncheckwhile starting inode scanwhile calling ext2_dir_iteratewhile doing inode scanwhile resolving pathname for inode %d (%d)Inode Pathname %u %u %s Usage: icheck ...while allocating inode info arrayicheckwhile allocating block bufferwhile opening inode scanwhile starting inode scanwhile calling ext2fs_block_iteratewhile doing inode scanBlock Inode number %u %u %u DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan%2d-%s-%4d %02d:%02d %c%6u%c %6o %5d %5d %5d%5lld %s %s %c%u%c (%d) %s %sdlUsage: ls [-l] [-d] file[secs]ls_deleted_inodesBad time - %swhile allocating deleted information storagewhile allocating block bufferwhile opening inode scanwhile starting inode scanwhile calling ext2fs_block_iteratewhile reallocating arraywhile doing inode scan Inode Owner Mode Size Blocks Time deleted %6u %6d %6o %6llu %4d/%4d %s%d deleted inodes found. while setting permissions of %swhile changing ownership of %swhile setting times of %swhile opening ext2 filewhile reading ext2 filewhile writing filewhile closing ext2 filedump_fileUsage: dump_inode [-p] pwhile opening %s for dump_inodewhile allocating for symlinkrdumpwhile opening symlinkwhile reading symlinkwhile closing symlinkwhile creating symlink %s -> %swhile allocating memory%s/%swhile dumping %s...while making directory %s while statting %s%s is not a directorylast_orphanjournal_devjournal_inumprealloc_dir_blocksprealloc_blocksalgorithm_usage_bitmaplastchecklast_mountedvolume_namefeature_ro_compatfeature_incompatfeature_compatblock_group_nrinode_sizefirst_inodef_resgiddef_resuidrev_levelcreator_oscheckintervalminor_rev_levelerrorsstatemax_mnt_countmnt_countinodes_per_groupfrags_per_groupblocks_per_grouplog_frag_sizelog_block_sizefirst_data_blockfree_inodes_countfree_blocks_countr_blocks_countblocks_countinodes_counts_Couldn't parse '%s' for field %s. Error maximum size for %s is %d. Superblock fields supported by the set_super_value command: unknownstringintegerunsigned integer %-20s %s "set_super_value -l" will list the names of superblock fields which can be set.-lset_super_valueinvalid field specifier: %sUsage: logdump [-ac] [-b] [-i] [-f] [output_file]ab:ci:f:Bad block number - %sInode %u is at group %u, block %u, offset %u wwhile opening %s for logdumpwhile opening ext2 fileUsing external journal found at %s filesystem has no journalBB BB0while seeking in reading journalwhile while reading journalshort read (read %d, expected %d) while while reading journaldescriptor blockcommit blockV1 superblockV2 superblockrevoke tableunrecognised typeExt2 superblock header found. uuid=%s blocksize=%d journal data size %ld Journal superblock magic number invalid! Journal starts at block %u, transaction %u No magic number at block %u: end of journal. Found sequence %u (not %u) at block %u: end of journal. Found expected sequence %u, type %u (%s) at block %u Unexpected block type %u at block %u. 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(i.e., without -a or -p options) %s: Memory used: %dk/%dk (%dk/%dk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f $tIwhile reading inode %ld in %sext2fs_read_inodewhile writing inode %ld in %sext2fs_write_inodedirectory mapError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Error reading block %lu (%s). Ignore errorError writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). UnlinkSuppress messagesDelete fileClone duplicate/bad blocksContinueSplitAbortClear inodeTruncateSalvageCreateConnect to /lost+foundExpandAllocateRelocateClearFix(no prompt)UNLINKEDSUPPRESSEDFILE DELETEDDUPLICATE/BAD BLOCKS CLONEDCONTINUINGSPLITABORTEDINODE CLEAREDTRUNCATEDSALVAGEDCREATEDRECONNECTEDEXPANDEDALLOCATEDRELOCATEDCLEAREDFIXED(NONE)`P PP @     @   `   `  @+, !@"#$%@ & ' ()Z*` u Y <   `@     @  @  `@@`  !"#$S%@& '()*`+ ,- /01@23456`p7 89:; <@=  >? @A`# ``2 00 00000 0 0_@ZH     ` ,`  ` `B   ! "`#0$ %&'()L00123`I5 d @    @S@ `` @A@A@@@1@ 1@ @ `@  @ @@`@@A@A@1@1@ +(%i--%j) -(%i--%j) +(%b--%c) -(%b--%c)Error copying in replacement @b @B: %m Error copying in replacement @i @B: %m Internal error: fudging end of bitmap (%N) PROGRAMMING ERROR: @f (#%N) @B endpoints (%b, %c) don't match calculated @B endpoints (%i, %j) Free @bs count wrong (%b, counted=%c). Free @bs count wrong for @g #%g (%b, counted=%c). Free @is count wrong (%i, counted=%j). Directories count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Free @is count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). +%i -%i@i @B differences: +%b -%b@b @B differences: Padding at end of @b @B is not set. Padding at end of @i @B is not set. Pass 5: Checking @g summary information WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! OR SOME BONEHEAD (YOU) IS CHECKING A MOUNTED (LIVE) FILESYSTEM. @i_link_info[%i] is %N, @i.i_links_count is %Il. They should be the same! @i %i ref count is %Il, @s %N. @u @i %i @u @z @i %i. Pass 4: Checking reference counts /@l is not a @d (ino=%i) Cannot proceed without a @r. @r is not a @d; aborting. Error creating /@l @d (%s): %m Error creating root @d (%s): %m Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: Couldn't find parent @d entry Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: %m Error while adjusting @i count on @i %i ext2fs_write_dir_@b: %m while writing the @d @b for /@l ext2fs_new_dir_@b: %m while creating new @d @b ext2fs_new_@i: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_@b: %m while trying to create /@l @d Error while trying to find /@l: %m Could not reconnect %i: %m Could not expand /@l: %m Bad or non-existent /@l. Cannot reconnect. '..' in %Q (%i) is %P (%j), @s %q (%d). /@l not found. Unconnected @d @i %i (%p) No room in @l @d. @r not allocated. Pass 3: Checking @d connectivity @f contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in @S. @a @b @F is invalid (%If). Symlink %Q (@i #%i) has an invalid size (%Is). @E has a zero-length name. @E has filetype set. @E has an incorrect filetype (was %Dt, should be %N). Setting filetype for @E to %N. @i %i (%Q) is an @I socket. @i %i (%Q) is an @I FIFO. @d @e for '.' is big. Error deallocating @i %i: %m @A new @d @b for @i %i (%s): %m Error writing @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error reading @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error interating over @d @bs: %m @A icount structure: %m @E has rec_len of %Dr, should be %N. Internal error: couldn't find dir_info for %i. @E is duplicate '..' @e. @E is duplicate '.' @e. @i %i (%Q) is an @I @b @v. @i %i (%Q) is an @I character @v. '..' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated '.' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated @d @i %i has an unallocated @b #%B. @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: filename too long @d @i %i, @b %B, offset %N: @d corrupted @i %i (%Q) has a bad mode (%Im). i_fsize @F %N, @s zero. i_frag @F %N, @s zero. i_dir_acl @F %Id, @s zero. i_file_acl @F %If, @s zero. i_faddr @F %IF, @s zero. Second @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i @s '..' First @e '%Dn' (inode=%Di) in @d @i %i (%p) @s '.' Missing '..' in @d @i %i. Missing '.' in @d @i %i. @E has illegal characters in its name. @E @L to the @r. @E @L to @d %P (%Di). @E points to @i (%Di) located in a bad @b. @E @L to '.' @E has @D/unused @i %Di. @E has bad @i #: %Di. Bad @i number for '.' in @d @i %i. Pass 2: Checking @d structure Couldn't clone file: %m Duplicated @bs already reassigned or cloned. (There are %N @is containing duplicate/bad @bs.) <@f metadata> %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) File %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) has %B duplicate @b(s), shared with %N file(s): Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate @bs Pass 1C: Scan directories for @is with dup @bs. Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i (%s): %m @A @i @B (inode_dup_map): %m Error while scanning inodes (%i): %m %bDuplicate/bad @b(s) in @i %i:Duplicate @bs found... invoking duplicate @b passes. Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad @bs @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid value). @a @b %b is corrupt (invalid name). @a @b %b is corrupt (allocation collision). Error allocating @a @b %b. @a @b %b has h_blocks > 1. Error writing @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has reference count %B, should be %N. Error reading @a @b %b (%m). @i %i has a bad @a @b %b. Error reading @a @b %b for @i %i. @A refcount structure (%N): %m @is that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. @i %i was part of the orphaned @i list. @j is not regular file. @j @i is not in use, but contains data. Special (@v/socket/fifo) @i %i has non-zero size. @i %i has @cion flag set on @f without @cion support. Special (@v/socket/fifo/symlink) file (@i %i) has immutable or append-only flag set. @i %i has imagic flag set. Error reading @i %i: %m Error storing @d @b information (@i=%i, @b=%b, num=%N): %m Error storing @i count information (@i=%i, count=%N): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i: %m Error while scanning @is (%i): %m @A @d @b array: %m @A icount link information: %m @A @b @B (%N): %m @A @i @B (%N): %m Warning: could not write @b %b for %s: %m Warning: could not read @b %b of %s: %m Relocating @g %g's %s to %c... Relocating @g %g's %s from %b to %c... @A @b buffer for relocating %s @A %N @b(s) for %s: %m Programming error? @b #%b claimed for no reason in process_bad_@b. Warning: Group %g's copy of the @g descriptors has a bad @b (%b). Warning: Group %g's @S (%b) is bad. Block %b in the primary @g descriptors is on the bad @b list The primary @S (%b) is on the bad @b list. You can clear the this @b (and hope for the best) from the bad @b list and hope that @b is really OK, but there are no guarantees. If the @b is really bad, the @f can not be fixed. This inconsistency can not be fixed with e2fsck; to fix it, use dumpe2fs -b to dump out the bad @b list and e2fsck -L filename to read it back in again. Bad @b %b used as bad @b indirect @b?!? Duplicate or bad @b in use! Bad @b @i has illegal @b(s). @I @b #%B (%b) in bad @b @i. Too many illegal @bs in @i %i. @i %i has illegal @b(s). @b #%B (%b) overlaps @f metadata in @i %i. @I @b #%B (%b) in @i %i. @i %i, i_@bs is %Ib, @s %N. @i %i, i_size is %Is, @s %N. @g %g's @i @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @b @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @i table at %b @C. @g %g's @i @B at %b @C. @g %g's @b @B at %b @C. @i %i is a @z @d. @i %i is in use, but has dtime set. @D @i %i has zero dtime. Reserved @i %i %Q has bad mode. @r has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). @r is not a @d. Pass 1: Checking @is, @bs, and sizes Found invalid V2 @j @S fields (from V1 journal). Clearing fields beyond the V1 @j @S... Error moving @j: %m Moving @j from /%s to hidden inode. @j version not supported by this e2fsck. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown incompatible feature flag set. Ext3 @j @S has an unknown read-only feature flag set. @f has feature flag(s) set, but is a revision 0 @f. @I @i %i in @o @i list. @I @o @i %i in @S. Already cleared @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. @I @b #%B (%b) found in @o @i %i. %s @o @i %i (uid=%Iu, gid=%Ig, mode=%Im, size=%Is) Recovery flag not set in backup @S, so running @j anyway. Run @j anywayClear @jext3 recovery flag clear, but @j has data. @S has ext3 needs_recovery flag set, but no @j. @S doesn't have has_@j flag, but has ext3 @j %s. Ext3 @j @S is corrupt. Ext3 @j @S is unknown type %N (unsupported). It is likely that your copy of e2fsck is old and/or doesn't support this @j format. It is also possible the @j @S is corrupt. External @j does not support this @f External @j has bad @S Can't find external @j External @j has multiple @f users (unsupported). @S has a bad ext3 @j (@i %i). The Hurd does not support the filetype feature. @i count in @S is %i, should be %j. Error determining size of the physical @v: %m Corruption found in @S. (%s = %N). Note: if there is several inode or block bitmap blocks which require relocation, or one part of the inode table which must be moved, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b %S' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptor, and the backup block group descriptor may be OK. @f did not have a UUID; generating one. @S first_data_@b = %b, should have been %c @S @bs_per_group = %b, should have been %c @S @b_size = %b, fragsize = %c. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the @b size. The @f size (according to the @S) is %b @bs The physical size of the @v is %c @bs Either the @S or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! The @S could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 @f. If the @v is valid and it really contains an ext2 @f (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the @S is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate @S: e2fsck -b %S <@v> @i table for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. @i @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) @b @B for @g %g is not in @g. (@b %b) Unhandled error code (0x%x)! %s: IGNORED%s. @@zzero-lengthvdeviceuunattachedSsuper@bsshould berroot @ioorphanedLis a linkllost+foundggroupFfor @i %i (%Q) isffilesystemE@e '%Dn' in %p (%i)eentryddirectoryDdeletedjjournalIillegaliinodeCconflicts with some other fs @bccompressBbitmapbblockAerror allocatingaextended attribute/M-???@%c%u%llu%d0%o%.24s%%I%c%%D%c%lld%sNULL0x%llx%%%c%.*stfufufufufufutfufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufuftfuufutFufufufufuttfufufufufutfu&uuGvGvvGvuGvGvGvvGv0vv`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`xv`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`xcw`xww`xx`x`x`x`xAx`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`x`xvvv`x`xw`xw0w`x`xHw`x`xww`x"xoffset < journal->j_maxlenrecovery.cjreadAssertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" JBD: bad block at offset %u JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u JBD: error %d scanning journal JBD: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log obh != NULLdo_one_passJBD: Out of memory during recovery. 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Inode table move finished. usage: %s [-d debug_flags] [-f] [-F] [-p] device [new-size] Extending the inode tableRelocating blocksScanning inode tableUpdating inode referencesMoving inode tableUnknown pass?!?Begin pass %d (max = %lu)  'while determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; can't resize a mounted filesystem! 3-Feb-20021.26resize2fs %s (%s) d:fFhpbad filesystem size - %swhile opening %s for flushingopenwhile trying to flush %swhile trying to open %sCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock. (%s)while trying to determine filesystem sizeThe containing partition (or device) is only %d blocks. You requested a new size of %d blocks. The filesystem is already %d blocks long. Nothing to do! Please run 'e2fsck -f %s' first. while trying to resize %sThe filesystem on %s is now %d blocks long. дддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддддȴ 6F  (T ` @ooo&6FVfvƏ֏&6FVfvƐ֐&6FVfvƑ֑&GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((,' TT`/`7o Do S  \ Ȍ 8e   n%iЎ`t00(z;  ; A AABBWB`C<CVDEELF 4pO4 (444JJJ8|J /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNUCR@!;MQ0/=$,(N>8'AL<P6DJ54%2I&H"*F 3OC7:K    )#.+? -BE19GyI-$%j4-GD>Tgcddtp'"8j7*ĐyԐTȌ }X5$#"4G(<D;CTdtA9/K#đPKԑ69 $34/D[зT=Qd;5t\, YĒ|ԒW=[$-e$ 4D*0TFd=t+/sns_N'yfē-ԓ*f= ! libext2fs.so.2ext2fs_unmark_generic_bitmapext2fs_update_dynamic_revinitialize_ext2_error_tableext2fs_close_DYNAMICext2fs_find_block_deviceext2fs_block_iterate_initext2fs_add_journal_deviceerror_messageext2fs_read_inodeext2fs_read_bitmaps_finiext2fs_openext2fs_write_inodeunix_io_manager_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_com_errext2fs_check_if_mountedext2fs_add_journal_inode__gmon_start__libe2p.so.2e2p_edit_featurelist_superlibcom_err.so.2libuuid.so.1uuid_unparseuuid_generate_timeuuid_generateuuid_clearuuid_parselibc.so.6strcpystdout__ctype_b__strtol_internalfgetsmemcpymallocoptargreaddir__strtoul_internalfflushlseekstrrchrcallocfprintfctime__deregister_frame_infofseekoptindstdinmktimereadstrncmpstrncpystrcasecmpsscanf__xstat64getoptopendirstrcmpgetpwnamsprintffclosestderr__xstatstrptime__errno_locationexitgetgrnamfopen_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainstrchrclosedir__register_frame_infofree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.0ii ii ii P:CDHN      $(,048< @!D"H#L$P%T'X(\)`*d,h-l.p/t0x1|23456789;<?@BEFGIKLMOQUS[K`'[5%%h%h%h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp% hx%h%h%h%h% h%$h%(h%,hp%0h`%4hP%8h@%<h0%@h %Dh%Hh%Lh%Ph%Th%Xh%\h%`h %dh(%hh0%lh8p%ph@`%thHP%xhP@%|hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%hp%h`%hP%h@%h0%h %h%h%h%h1^PTRhзh̏QVhUS[tGt[ÉU=u>PС8u$t hqÐUUthhÐUÍU5h5jvU,WVS= ЉQUBPQ} u)UB1RP4P5MqjhPƒ t hB@`uRhRB@Qhjr@Љƒt h@S;9u th5G;@ff19}WMQrht,C9}h׹u9|%h5DžH~?Y KuffH@B@Qhjr@ЉƒthR5 Džuh5jNUBǀBǀǀǀǀJhQ#[^_UVS]E 0Vs0K+q1q C$fD C@ 1e[^ÍvUWVSuF|]SPVth(P5jO|VYthDP5^jjh<jjjV t#hZP5#jt& F "FeS|PV8thwP5jFǀNh[^_ÍvUWVSu EXCdEC`EC\EhC\PVtVh5jCdES`փ{\}\uh5Gjt$h`5%j&tEPtEP_t}u=u c\{Lu!{\u {du{`tEPE9Eu;utc:5hEHe[^_ÐUVSuF@\t h5At&P^hj5m EP5vjh5à t 5hO5h@;5 uVÃuA t&5h`S5#&h=h57 V5q5PVà t8h5hS5 j8t&h7\uf Vt P*je[^ÉUS]j/S/t@t&؋]ÐUUM Bv$h5%j&Au#x0A t&PU~ 5h¾j5w=Tu TxEjjP5pƒXE8u>~ 5h¾j5뗐t&ֿؾ 1t Ӆu ft]޿ u ft=޿u ftRhj5a EjjP5alE8tU5u E@lEE8t 5h j5[$[EjjP5`U(>=1"5 o,#0xEjjP5\ƒdE8u2v 5h4j548i&=|thRj5-|-EjjP5hE8t 5hj5D<jj j5H5kLxEjjP5 pE8tU5Ou E@pEE8t 5hj5p@t& DxhE PURJ>EH9|;Uu=xu=,u{U e[^_ÍvU WVS] }t t3tƿuSEPy SMQnEP5jj5x5 t75hP5#h5` jEp=Pt FxPjhjvh\5t&5hPh)jZEH =t(TfF6EH5Th@/=t(XfF4EH5Xh=t*tfFÈ\.} F~EPjURh}51e[^_ÐUujiÍvUVSu4t sVuC u1e[^ÐUS]u1WjhSuCP2jhS}uCPJ t&Sw]ÉUS=t Ѓ;u[UÍt&US[#[tune2fsPlease run e2fsck on the filesystem. Usage: %s [-c max-mounts-count] [-e errors-behavior] [-g group] [-i interval[d|m|w]] [-j] [-J journal-options] [-l] [-s sparse-flag] [-m reserved-blocks-percent] [-r reserved-blocks-count] [-u user] [-C mount-count] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-dir] [-O [^]feature[,...]] [-T last-check-time] [-U UUID] device while trying to open external journal%s is not a journal device. while reading journal superblockJournal superblock not found! Filesystem's UUID not found on journal device. while writing journal superblock.Journal NOT removed Journal removed while reading journal inodewhile reading bitmapswhile clearing journal inodewhile writing journal inodeInvalid filesystem option set: %s The has_journal flag may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted or mounted read-only. The needs_recovery flag is set. Please run e2fsck before clearing the has_journal flag. %s The filesystem already has a journal. journal while trying to open journal on %s Creating journal on device %s: while adding filesystem to journal on %sdone Creating journal inode: while trying to create journal fileUsage: e2label device [newlabel] now%Y%m%d%H%M%SCouldn't parse date/time specifier: %s3-Feb-20021.26tune2fs %s (%s) c:e:fg:i:jlm:r:s:u:C:J:L:M:O:T:U:bad mounts count - %scontinueremount-ropanicbad error behavior - %sbad gid/group name - %sbad interval - %sbad reserved block ratio - %s-O may only be specified oncebad reserved blocks count - %sbad uid/user name - %s!000000000000U00000000000000 00ԡ05000070e2labelwhile trying to open %sCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock. %.*s while determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_if_mountSetting maximal mount count to %d Setting current mount count to %d Setting error behavior to %d Setting reserved blocks gid to %lu Setting interval between check %lu seconds Setting reserved blocks percentage to %lu (%u blocks) reserved blocks count is too big (%ul)Setting reserved blocks count to %lu The filesystem already has sparse superblocks. Sparse superblock flag set. %s The filesystem already has sparse superblocks disabled. Sparse superblock flag cleared. %sSetting time filesystem last checked to %s Setting reserved blocks uid to %lu Warning: label too long, truncating. nullcleartimerandomInvalid UUID format yYProceed anyway? (y,n) Could not stat %s --- %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? %s is not a block special device. %s is entire device, not just one partition! while determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. will not make a %s here! Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! devicesizev1_superblock Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid raid options are: size= device= The journal size must be between 1024 and 102400 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 102400 blocks. Aborting. Journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. @XFSB/proc/lvm/VGs...%s/%s/LVs/dev%s/%s/%sr/proc/partitions %d %d %d %[^ ]md%s/%sWARNING: %s: bad UUIDUUID=LABEL= @ ̏ з(  č@oDoo *:JZjzʐڐ *:JZjzʑڑ *:JZjzʒڒ *:JZjzʓړ GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((\'  /7o DoDD @S  \  8e č  n̏%i t  #zз78 J(JJKKWK`L< L0NNELF4 4 (444@@@@@\\\ /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU%1!$&0" '/-%., (   # )*+\>l|,|EdR\q'"=[̊܊*)q^$ 5,#"!< LA\/?l|iiW/̋l@܋=;F 4,<:L5ED\[l=|EHdc? libext2fs.so.2initialize_ext2_error_tableext2fs_image_super_writeext2fs_close_DYNAMICext2fs_block_iterate2ext2fs_warn_bitmap2_initext2fs_open_inode_scanext2fs_allocate_block_bitmapext2fs_image_inode_writeext2fs_image_bitmap_write_finiext2fs_mark_generic_bitmapext2fs_openext2fs_get_next_inodeunix_io_manager_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_com_errext2fs_inode_has_valid_blocks__gmon_start__libcom_err.so.2libc.so.6memcpyperrormalloclseekfprintf__deregister_frame_infooptindstrncatgetoptmemsetopen64timegethostnamestderr__xstat__errno_locationexit__fxstat_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainlseek64__register_frame_infofree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0ii ii 0&/PTX\`dhl p t x | !"ĭ#ȭ$̭%Э)ԭ*ح,ܭ.US[#[5H%L%Ph%Th%Xh%\h%`h %dh(%hh0%lh8p%ph@`%thHP%xhP@%|hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h%h%h%h%h%hp%h`%hP%h@%h0%h %ĭh%ȭh%̭h%Эh%ԭh%حh%ܭh1^PTRh@h$QVhUS[t t[ÉU=Hu>DPDСD8u,t hXHÐUUthhX3ÐUÍU5Lh5=jvU WVSu EPXÃu#h5jbjjMQ}hj.EPjSMt SEPSMQ[}hgj;EtPh 5SjSe[^_UWVSu] vjSX1SjjSEЃjSV thTP5LVj,jjSEԃ%PSVQthmP5LjjjS_E܃jSV@ thP5LjjjSE؃jSV thP5LjZDž+jhPj@Pj@5P0P,ƅoFE\W5Pju |,WSju\EhEVBhpBltBpxBt|j|EvXPS8[^_ÍvUMT9E u =uA+1ҡ(B~1ÉUT9E u u A+v%f=@u1J+ÍvUWV}T9E u 5uA+ 1^_ÉUE} t$@4@80@@lTv@4@8@@ÐUE 05 1ÍvU}}E 05 1ÐUWVS}GXS5 1;w sDP5 F;w r1;OW$TEAMt"1;w(}S5 MFC;w(|G$UtP5 'G$UDtP5 M;Ore[^_UMU ~At1 JUVSuE]t"jRPV@}h̚lt?Su V89t+ug &1uhҚP5Le[^ÍvU@WVSuDž׋1ۋF;P&;X J9r;Z vSjR1)ȋRt`FPWjSPBЃtShP5L} tvWuSvQWE PI} uSvjRjo9N~&jjPjU R>Dž CF;XjjQPU Rؿ[^_ÍvUWVS]h hS&t#hP5Ljt&S|PjSq th/P5LjC@PMƃuhHj5LjUjSEtf}EP]tTE%f=@t C;uExPhVjRSD th}P5Lj}u }u}tJxPhVjtS t%thP5LzjPt&EtP5 EPW|thdP5L%jtjS7u S;X[^_UWVS]EhhhÛ5/tU tLs}ru E hԛM QSeu95ttM P\W5jjjR t25Ph֛P5LhZ juCuIhhASr}/U th֛505Lj~}tPuR PuujD&US4=4t Ѓ;u[UÍt&US[[e2imageUsage: %s [-r] device file Couldn't allocate header buffer lseek while writing headerwrite headershort write (only %d bytes) forwriting image headerwhile writing superblockwhile writing inode tablewhile writing block bitmapwhile writing inode bitmapExt2 Image 1.0lseekerror writing block %derror reading block %din-use block mapwhile allocating block bitmapwhile opening inode scanCan't allocate block bufferwhile getting next inodewhile iterating over inode %dwhile iterating over %d3-Feb-20021.26e2image %s (%s) rwhile trying to open %sCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock. -@ $ @(  D  oooP\brŠҊ"2BRbr‹ҋ"2BRbrGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((`' /7oPPbDo0S \ e   n$$ %iLL Pt z@@`` @@XX\\44<<WDD`,x@#!/bin/sh exec /sbin/e2fsck -C 0 $* ELF44 (444     8 /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU     ^ІR}"*( 5m0`@"X \PtX@`wp/.`,mX4DhJЇ=1b* __gmon_start__libext2fs.so.2_DYNAMIC_init_fini_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_com_errlibe2p.so.2iterate_on_dirfsetflagsprint_flagsfsetversionfgetflagslibcom_err.so.2libc.so.6printfstdout__strtol_internalperrormallocfprintf__deregister_frame_infosprintfstderr__lxstat64__errno_locationexit_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_main__register_frame_infofree_edata__bss_start_endGLIBC_2.2GLIBC_2.0ii ii X \ PTX\`dh l p tx|US[àt[5H%L%Ph%Th%Xh%\h%`h %dh(%hh0%lh8p%ph@`%thHP%xhP@%|hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx%h%h%h1^PTRhhQVh?US[Xt[ÐU=(u>$P$С$8u@t h0(ÐUUth`h0ÐUÐUS] 5,u5\SUU=t8Pu &8u1U WVS}M<-t <+<=crzxMpxPkÃujh`' F>ufUpxtEt&PÃujh` F>u t&e[^_ÍvUtS]EPSjGuSh05,WE%=u ==t=t =@=ti=t7Shj55X hԐ5S#SEPSuSh֐{=|t !E=xt E=t4Shju5X hԐuSuShL05,=tR=t5Sh 5SuSh$05,E%=@u=tjh\Sy]U WVSuE H @ P҅uQt}҉u CuCte҉эP_ǃujh`SVhWWN W1e[^_U WVSu1tU t,E]~:u1t&E PVSu vE9u} t9u|jh`` xt-u =|t h5\Mjv#t#h5\ ju3=|u*u&=uh5\j=thh h5\]9}U 4C9|j<US4=4t Ѓ;u[UUS[Ì[chattrAS ac@di@jsuusage: %s [-RV] [-+=AacdijsSu] [-v version] files... bad version - 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Peter Anvin boot:  Could not find kernel image: Invalid or corrupt kernel image. It appears your computer uses a 286 or lower CPU. You cannot run Linux unless you have a 386 or higher CPU in your machine. If you get this message in error, hold down the Ctrl key while booting, and I will take your word for it. It appears your computer has less than 512K of low ("DOS") RAM. Linux needs at least this amount to boot. If you get this message in error, hold down the Ctrl key while booting, and I will take your word for it. Unknown keyword in syslinux.cfg. Missing parameter in syslinux.cfg. Could not find ramdisk image: Not enough memory to load specified kernel. Kernel transfer failure. Cannot load a ramdisk with an old kernel image. : attempted DOS system call COMBOOT image too large. Invalid or corrupt boot sector image. A20 gate not responding! Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue. ready. Loading .. aborted. SYSLINUXCFGinitrd=apdetifokbdiprlaimkesef1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9f0COMBS BSSCBT"4Z⋴ŋlinux autoBOOT_IMAGE=^n~·އ.>N^n~Έވ.>N  ܔ(D P <oooGCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)$Id: syslinux.c,v 1.13 2000/06/30 07:44:26 hpa Exp $GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.sbss.bss.comment.note# 1((7 @?DDZGoHTo c l  u/{HH`` | ܔ ((6,,6446<<6677, 7Z9:ELF4TU4 (444 O O O  `FQ /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU%-,$ )*! 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Searching for bad blocks %s: bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs s%d bad block%s r%s: Can't open file of bad blocks %ld /etc/mtab%s: %s contains a mounted file system. %s: unable to get diskette geometry for '%s' %s: unable to get loop geometry for '%s' Loop device does not match a floppy size, using default hd params %s: unable to get drive geometry for '%s' mkdosfWarning: message too long; truncated Boot jump code is %02x %02x %s: On FAT32 at least 2 reserved sectors are needed. Using %d reserved sectors %d sectors for FAT+data, starting with %d sectors/cluster Trying with %d sectors/cluster: FAT12: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u FAT12: too much clusters FAT16: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u FAT16: too much clusters FAT16: would be misdetected as FAT12 FAT32: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u FAT32: too much clusters Choosing %d bits for FAT FAT12 WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". This filesystem has an unfortunate size. A 12 bit FAT cannot provide enough clusters, but a 16 bit FAT takes up a little bit more space so that the total number of clusters becomes less than the threshold value for distinction between 12 and 16 bit FATs. %s: Make the file system a bit smaller manually. FAT16 FAT32 %s: FAT not 12, 16 or 32 bits Sector size must be %d to have less than %d log. sectors ss=%d: #clu=%d, fat_len=%d, maxclu=%d Too many clusters FAT too big %s: With this sector size, the maximum number of FAT entries would be exceeded. %s: Would need a sector size > 16k, which GEMDOS can't work with %s: Backup boot sector must be after sector 1 %s: Backup boot sector must be a reserved sector Using sector %d as backup boot sector (0 = none) %s: GEMDOS can't handle more than 65531 sectors Warning: More than 32765 sector need TOS 1.04 or higher. %s: Too many clusters for file system - try more sectors per cluster %s: Attempting to create a too large file system %s: Too few blocks for viable file system %s has %d head%s and %d sector%s per track, logical sector size is %d, using 0x%02x media descriptor, with %d sectors; file system has %d %d-bit FAT%s and %d sector%s per cluster. FAT size is %d sector%s, and provides %d cluster%s. Root directory contains %d slots. Volume ID is %08lx, volume label %s. no volume label. %s: unable to allocate space for FAT image in memory %s: unable to allocate space for root directory in memory %s: Out of memory %s: seek to start of device failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing reserved sector %s: seek to boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing boot sector %s: seek to info sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing info sector %s: seek to backup boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing backup boot sector %s: seek to first FAT failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing FAT %s: failed whilst writing root directory Usage: mkdosfs [-A] [-c] [-C] [-v] [-I] [-l bad-block-file] [-b backup-boot-sector] [-m boot-msg-file] [-n volume-name] [-i volume-id] [-s sectors-per-cluster] [-S logical-sector-size] [-f number-of-FATs] [-F fat-size] [-r root-dir-entries] [-R reserved-sectors] /dev/name [blocks] %s 2.8 (28 Feb 2001) AcCf:F:Ii:l:m:n:r:R:s:S:vBad location for backup boot sector : %s Bad number of FATs : %s Bad FAT type : %s Volume ID must be a hexadecimal number -%-11.11sBad number of root directory entries : %s Bad number of reserved sectors : %s Bad number of sectors per cluster : %s Bad logical sector size : %s Unknown option: %c Warning: block count mismatch: found %d but assuming %d. %s: Need intended size with -C. Bad block count : %s %s: -c and -l are incompatible %s: unable to open %s %s: unable to create %s %s: seek failed %s: write failed %s: unable to stat %s %s: Will not try to make filesystem on '%s' (Q0B`ŰwvPh````````0``hX<`[|"t V^2This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again ...    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Error: Device not specified or command format error Error: Cannot open device %s. %dBS16 Continue? (Y/N) %lldrc Usage: mkfs.jfs [-cOqV] [-L vol_label] [-s log_size] device Emergnecy help: -c Check device for bad blocks before building file system. -O Provide case-insensitive support for OS/2 compatability. -q Quiet execution. -V Print version information only. -L vol_label Set volume label for the file system. -s log_size Set log size (in megabytes). %s is mounted. %s is mounted 'read only'. Cannot detect if %s is mounted. Device mounted, but not type jfs! %s is NOT mounted. JFS1/.ismount-test-file0000000r/proc/mounts/etc/mtab/jfsro/etc/fstab | / - \ %s- hit Enter to continue, e[x]it -JFS1inode.cInternal error: %s(%d): Aggregate inode out of range (%d) Internal error: %s(%d): Bad map inode number (%d) Internal error: %s(%d): Error reading btree node Internal error: %s(%d): Block %lld not found! Internal error: %s(%d): does not handle PUT There is not enough memory available to process this command. The system cannot find the specified device. The system cannot open the device or file specified. An error occurred when accessing the hard disk. The specified disk is being used by another process. The value %s is not allowed for parameter %s. The specified disk did not finish formatting. Not enough memory is available to run mkfs.jfs. Warning! All data on device %s will be lost! Format completed successfully. %s kilobytes of total disk space. %s kilobytes total disk space. %s kilobytes are available. %s percent of the disk has been formatted. An error occurred when reading data from the hard disk. %s is not a valid block device. Partition must be at least %s megabytes. Log too large, no space for file system. Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fsck, fdisk, etc. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table. Invalid data format detected in root directory. Superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired because both primary and secondary copies are corrupt. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. Primary superblock is corrupt and cannot be repaired without write access. FSCK continuing. Invalid format detected in root directory. Secondary file/directory allocation structure (%s) is not a correct redundant copy of primary structure. Unable to replicate primary file/directory allocation structure (%s) to secondary. FUTURE RECOVERY CAPABILITY MAY BE COMPROMISED. Cannot create directory lost+found in root directory. MKDIR lost+found in the root directory then start FSCK with the -f parameter to reconnect lost files and/or directories. Fileset object %s%s%s: No paths found. The paths refer to an unallocated file. The paths refer to an unallocated file. Will remove. Unable to write primary superblock. Multiple parent directories for directory %s%s. Insufficient dynamic storage available for required workspace (%s,%s). FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. File system is currently mounted. Block size in bytes: %s File system size in blocks: %s Unable to get path for link from directory %s%s to fileset object %s%s%s. Format error in Extended Attributes Space or descriptor. Directory %s%s entry '..' refers to an incorrect parent directory (%s%s). File system object %s%s%s is linked as: %s Insufficient dynamic storage to validate extended attributes format. logredo failed (rc=%s). FSCK continuing. Unable to create a lost+found directory in root directory. Checking a mounted file system does not produce dependable results. %s blocks are missing. Unable to write to boot sector. FSCK continuing. Incorrect link counts detected in the file system. Unrecoverable error reading %s from %s. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and Directory Entries. Phase 2 - Count Links. Phase 3 - Rescan for Duplicate Blocks and Verify Directory Tree. Phase 4 - Report Problems. Phase 5 - Check Connectivity. Phase 6 - Perform Approved Corrections. Phase 7 - Rebuild File/Directory Allocation Maps. Phase 8 - Rebuild Disk Allocation Maps. Phase 9 - Reformat File System Log. Directory has entry for unallocated file %s%s. Will remove. Format error in Extended Attributes Space or descriptor. Will clear. Mutually exclusive 'check READ ONLY' and 'fix file system' options specified. Usage: fsck.jfs [-a] [-f] [-n] [-o] [-p] [-v] [-V] Unrecognized -f parameter value detected: %s Unsupported parameter: %s logformat failed (rc=%s). FSCK continuing. Unable to read device characteristics. Boot sector cannot be refreshed. FSCK continuing. Cannot repair an allocation error for files and/or directories %s through %s. Cannot recover files and/or directories %s through %s. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. Unrecoverable error writing %s to %s. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. The root directory has an invalid data format. Will correct. The root directory has an invalid format. Will correct. Cannot recover files and/or directories %s through %s. Will release. File claims cross linked blocks. Cannot repair the data format error(s) in this file. Cannot repair the format error(s) in this file. Cannot repair %s%s%s. The current device is: %s Cannot repair %s%s%s. Will release. Multiple parent directories for directory %s%s. Will correct. Directory %s%s entry '..' refers to an incorrect parent directory (%s%s). Will correct. %s unexpected blocks detected. Directories with illegal hard links have been detected. Directory entries ('..') referring to incorrect parent directories have been detected. Directory entries for unallocated files and/or directories were detected. Unable to write secondary superblock. Incorrect link counts have been detected. Will correct. Duplicate block references have been detected in meta-data. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. Unrecoverable error during UNLOCK processing. Unrecoverable error during CLOSE processing! %s appears to be the correct path for directory %s%s. ERRORS HAVE BEEN DETECTED. Run fsck with the -f parameter to repair. %s directory reconnected to /lost+found/. Unable to reconnect %s directory. FSCK continuing. Files and/or directories not connected to the directory tree have been detected. Directory entries for unallocated files have been detected. Will remove. Files and/or directories not connected to the directory tree have been detected. Will reconnect. Directories with illegal hard links have been detected. Will correct. Directories (entries '..') referring to incorrect files have been detected. Will correct. File system is clean. File system is clean but is marked dirty. Start FSCK with the -f parameter to fix. File system is dirty. File system is dirty but is marked clean. In its present state, the results of accessing %s (except by this utility) are undefined. FSCK has marked the file system dirty because it contains critical errors. File system may be unrecoverable. Directory has an entry for unallocated file %s%s. Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map. Errors detected in the Fileset File/Directory Allocation Map control information. Incorrect data detected in disk allocation structures. Incorrect data detected in disk allocation control structures. Directory claims cross linked blocks. File system object claims cross linked blocks. File system is formatted for sparse files. %s directories reconnected to /lost+found/. %s file reconnected to /lost+found/. %s files reconnected to /lost+found/. Cannot repair the data format error(s) in this directory. Cannot repair the data error(s) in this directory. Cannot repair the data format error(s) in this file system object. Cannot repair the format error(s) in this file system object. Phase 7 - Verify File/Directory Allocation Maps. Phase 8 - Verify Disk Allocation Maps. NOTE: The file system type for %s is not listed as jfs in the file system description file /etc/fstab. Unable to read the secondary File/Directory Allocation Table. Errors detected in the File System File/Directory Allocation Map. Errors detected in the File System File/Directory Allocation Map control information. Errors detected in the secondary File/Directory Allocation Table. Unable to reconnect %s directories. FSCK continuing. Unable to reconnect %s file. FSCK continuing. Unable to reconnect %s files. FSCK continuing. Unable to read the primary File/Directory Allocation Table. Errors detected in the primary File/Directory Allocation Table. CANNOT CONTINUE. The LVM has detected bad blocks in the partition. Start FSCK with the -b parameter to transfer entries from the LVM bad block table to the JFS bad block table. THE FILE SYSTEM IS NOW AVAILABLE. Transferring entries from the LVM Bad Block Table for this file system to the JFS Bad Block Table for this file system. INTERNAL ERROR (%s,%s,%s,%s). FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. LVM reports %s bad blocks. Of these, %s have been transferred to the JFS Bad Block List. Device unavailable or locked by another process. FSCK CANNOT CONTINUE. File system object %s%s%s is illegally linked as: %s Insufficient storage (%s) available to continue reconnecting lost files and/or directories. Continuing. Format error in Access Control List space or descriptor. Format error in Access Control List space or descriptor. Will clear. Minor format error detected. Minor format error detected. Will fix. File system checked READ ONLY. Error: device does not exist. Error: no device given. The specified device is not a mounted JFS file system. The file system version is incompatible with this program, or the superblock is corrupted. The file system is marked dirty. EXTENDFS completed successfully. Usage: EXTENDFS [-LS:logSize] . The system failed to extend the file system. Defragmenting device %s. Please wait. DEFRAGFS completed successfully. %s allocation groups defragmented. %s allocation groups skipped - entirely free. %s allocation groups skipped - too few free blocks. %s allocation groups skipped - contains a large contiguous free space. Total allocation groups: %s Usage: defragfs [-q] %s allocation groups are candidates for defragmenting. Average number of free runs in candidate allocation groups: %s. DEFRAGFS FATAL ERROR (%s). DEFRAGFS CANNOT CONTINUE. The specified device is currently mounted! Please unmount the device and try again. Error accessing the list of mounted devices! Operation aborted! The specified device is currently mounted read only! fsck will report, but not repair, any errors. 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sunit/swidth should not be used in conjunction with su/sw both su and sw options have to be specified su must be a multiple of %d stripe width (%d) has to be a multiple of the stripe unit (%d) %s: %s appears to contain an existing filesystem (%s). %s: %s appears to contain a partition table (%s). b:d:i:l:L:n:p:qr:CfVb logb sized agcount1d filed unwritteni aligni logi maxpcti perblocki sizeMust specify log device l internalLn logn sizen version2.0.3%s version %s extra arguments cannot specify both %s and -d name=%s illegal block size %d illegal directory block size %d both -d agcount= and agsize= specified, use one or the other if -d file then -d name and -d size are required illegal data length %lld, not a multiple of %d warning: data length %lld not a multiple of %d, truncated to %lld illegal log length %lld, not a multiple of %d warning: log length %lld not a multiple of %d, truncated to %lld illegal rt length %lld, not a multiple of %d warning: rt length %lld not a multiple of %d, truncated to %lld illegal rt extent size %lld, not a multiple of %d rt extent size %s too large, maximum %d rt extent size %s too small, minimum %d illegal inode size %d allowable inode size with %d byte blocks is %d allowable inode size with %d byte blocks is between %d and %d no device name given in argument list %s: Use the -f option to force overwrite. unable to initialize mount checking routines, bypassing protection checks. %s: %s is already in use. %s: %s overlaps partition(s) already in use. internal logvolume logno log subvolume or internal log volume rtnonesize %s specified for data subvolume is too large, maximum is %lld blocks can't get size of data subvolume size %lld of data subvolume is too small, minimum %d blocks can't have both external and internal logs size %s specified for log subvolume is too large, maximum is %lld blocks size specified for non-existent log subvolume size %lld too large for internal log log size %lld blocks too small, minimum size is %d blocks log size %lld blocks too large, maximum size is %d blocks log size %lld bytes too large, maximum size is %d bytes size %s specified for rt subvolume is too large, maximum is %lld blocks size specified for non-existent rt subvolume agsize (%lld) not a multiple of fs blk size (%d) agsize (%lldb) too small, need at least %lld blocks agsize (%lldb) too big, maximum is %lld blocks agsize (%lldb) too big, data area is %lld blocks too many allocation groups for size = %lld need at most %lld allocation groups too few allocation groups for size = %lld need at least %lld allocation groups agsize set to %lld, agcount %lld > max (%lld) %s: can't compute agsize/agcount %s: Specified data stripe unit %d is not the same as the xlv stripe unit %d %s: Specified data stripe width (%d) is not the same as the xlv stripe width (%d) agsize rounded to %lld, swidth = %d Allocation group size %lld is not a multiple of the stripe unit %d %s: Stripe unit(%d) or stripe width(%d) is not a multiple of the block size(%d) internal log size %lld too large, must fit in allocation group log ag number %d too large, must be less than %lld internal log size %lld is not a multiple of the stripe unit %d Due to stripe alignment, the internal log size %lld is too large. Must fit in allocation group meta-data=%-22s isize=%-6d agcount=%lld, agsize=%lld blks data =%-22s bsize=%-6d blocks=%lld, imaxpct=%d =%-22s sunit=%-6d swidth=%d blks, unwritten=%d naming =version %-14d bsize=%-6d log =%-22s bsize=%-6d blocks=%lld realtime =%-22s extsz=%-6d blocks=%lld, rtextents=%lld %s: Growing the data section file failed %s: mount initialization failed %s: log size (%lld) is too small for transaction reservations %s: root inode not created in AG 0, created in AG %ur0P'СpצЙTrcUpРCannot specify both -%c %s and -%c %s Illegal value %s for -%s option -%c %s option requires a value -%c %s option respecified unknown option -%c %s blocksize not available yet. Usage: %s /* blocksize */ [-b log=n|size=num] /* data subvol */ [-d agcount=n,agsize=n,file,name=xxx,size=num, sunit=value,swidth=value,unwritten=0|1, su=value,sw=value] /* inode size */ [-i log=n|perblock=n|size=num,maxpct=n] /* log subvol */ [-l agnum=n,internal,size=num,logdev=xxx] /* naming */ [-n log=n|size=num|version=n] /* label */ [-L label (maximum 12 characters)] /* prototype file */ [-p fname] /* quiet */ [-q] /* version */ [-V] /* realtime subvol */ [-r extsize=num,size=num,rtdev=xxx] devicename is required unless -d name=xxx is given. Internal log by default, size is scaled from 1,000 blocks to 32,768 blocks based on the filesystem size. Default log reaches its largest size at 1TB. This can be overridden with the -l options or using a volume manager with a log subvolume. is xxx (bytes), or xxxb (blocks), or xxxk (xxx KB), or xxxm (xxx MB) is xxx (512 blocks). %s: failed to open %s: %s %s: read failed on %s: %s %s: proto file %s premature EOF %s: %s [%d - %s] cannot reserve space%s: premature EOF in prototype file error reserving space for a fileerror allocating space for a file%s: cannot allocate space for file %s: cannot open %s: %s directory createname errordirectory create error%s: bad format string %s Inode allocation failedInode pre-allocation failedPre-allocated file creation failedDirectory creation failed$Error encountered creating file from prototypeR@VBRealtime bitmap inode allocation failedAllocation of the realtime bitmap failedError initializing the realtime bitmaplibxfs%s: %s contains a mounted filesystem /proc/mounts/etc/mtabr%s: %s contains a possibly writable, mounted filesystem ro%s: %s contains a writable, mounted filesystem %s: cannot stat the device special file "%s": %s %s: error opening the device special file "%s": %s %s: can't determine device size %s: device_to_fd: device %lld is not open %s: cannot open %s: %s %s: cannot stat %s: %s %s: warning - cannot set blocksize on block device %s: %s %s: device %lld is already open %s: device_open: too many open devices %s: device_close: device %lld is not open %s: can't find a character device matching %s %s: can't find a block device matching %s %s: %s is not a volume device name %s: stat64 failed on %s: %s %s: can't find a char device matching %s %s: can't get size for data subvolume %s: can't get size for log subvolume %s: can't get size for realtime subvolume xfs_inodexfs_iforkxfs_dabufxfs_inode_log_itemxfs_buf_log_itemxfs_da_statexfs_btree_curxfs_bmap_free_item%s: cannot read realtime bitmap inode (%d) %s: cannot read realtime summary inode (%d) %s: size check failed %s: data size check failed %s: log size checks failed %s: real-time device init failed %s: failed to alloc %ld bytes: %s %s: cannot read root inode (%d) %s: device_zero can't memalign %d bytes: %s %s: device_zero lseek64 failed: %s %s: device_zero write failed: %s %s: buf calloc failed (%ld bytes): %s %s: lseek64 to %llu failed: %s %s: read failed: %s %s: write failed: %s %s: error - wrote only %d of %d bytes %s: zone init failed (%s, %d bytes): %s %s: zone calloc failed (%s, %d bytes): %s %s: calloc failed (%d bytes): %s %s: realloc failed (%d bytes): %s %s: xact calloc failed (%d bytes): %s ----------------%s: warning - itobp failed (%d) %s: warning - iflush_int failed (%d) %s: unrecognised log item type %s: cannot reserve space: %s Inode %lx i_ino %llx EXTENTS i_df.if_bytes %d i_df.if_u1.if_extents/if_data %lx %d: startoff %llu, startblock 0x%llx, blockcount %llu, state %d i_df.if_broot %lx i_df.if_broot_bytes %x On disk portion di_magic %x di_mode %o di_version %x Inline inode Extents inode B-tree inode Other inode di_nlink %x di_uid %d di_gid %d di_nextents %d di_size %llu di_gen %x di_extsize %d di_flags %x di_nblocks %llu  (,048<eeedpedd  (08@HLPRSTXZ\`d|  $((XFS: This FS has an RT subvol - specify -o rtdev on mount XFS: RT mount - %llu != %llu XFS: RT mount - xfs_read_buf returned %d corrupt dinode %Lu, extent total = %d, nblocks = %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt dinode %Lu, forkoff = 0x%x. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode (local format for regular file) %Lu. Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %Ld for local inode). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (bad size %d for local fork, size = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu ((a)extents = %d). Unmount and run xfs_repair.corrupt inode %Lu (btree). Unmount and run xfs_repair.@BTBACTBAPAMBTBAI  ...Invalid inode number 0x%Lx ...0333!+)33.33-3)'#(&>???:`9??<?;?8675corrupt dinode %Lu, (btree extents). Unmount and run xfs_repair./dev/urandom/dev/random@TEA01NSR03NSR02CDW02CD001BOOT2BEA01SWAP-SPACESWAPSPACE2ReIsErFsReIsEr2Fsext2ext3,ext2minixextreiserfsxiafs-rom1fs-romfsXFSBxfsQNX4FSqnx4fsbfsNTFSntfscramfsMSDOSMSWINMTOOLmkdosfskmkdosfsCH-FOR18FAT12 FAT16 FAT32 vfatufsCDROMiso9660udfhfshpfsadfsswapSGISunAIXDOSCannot stat %s: %s r/proc/devicesBlock devices: %u %s /proc/mounts/etc/mtabrmnt_causes_test: unknown cause %d mnt_causes_show: not implemented. Called with %s Error getting MD array info from %s MD array %s not in clean state xvm/usr/local/sbin/lvdisplay/usr/sbin/lvdisplay/sbin/lvdisplayWarning - LVM device, but no lvdisplay(8) found Could not open pipe Failed to execute %s Failed forking lvdisplay process rStripesStripes %dStripe sizeStripe size (KByte) %d372-'   OH?e\Ukysd--755 0 0 $  08@HPTX\`dfhjlxyz{|}~PJD>82,  (@p  30oxoo܊3.>N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ.>N^n~ΐސ.>N^n~Αޑ.GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 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:) couldn't get device size for %s -- %s %s's size: %ld KB. %s's rounded size: %ld KB. PV sb word %d uninitialized! initializing block groups on %s: #%d /etc/raidtabconfigfileforcehelpversionmkpv%s: %s mkpv version %d.%d.%d Couldn't open %s -- %s nothing to do! cannot determine md version: %s DESTROYING the contents of %s in 5 seconds, Ctrl-C if unsure! mkpv: aborted right-symmetricleft-symmetricright-asymmetricleft-asymmetricraiddevcouldn't allocate configuration entry out of memory raid-levellineartranslucentlvmraid level %d not supported nr-raid-diskspersistent-superblocknr-spare-disksnr-spare-disks must be zero for raid level %d parity-algorithmparity-algorithm undefined for raid level %d chunk-sizeinvalid chunk-size (%dkB) devicea maximum of %d devices in a set is supported raid-disk"device" line expected raid-disk should be smaller than raid_disks spare-diskspare-disk not supported for raid level %d parity-diskparity_disk only supported for raid level 4 failed-diskfailed-disk not supported for raid level %d failed-disk should be smaller than raid_disks unrecognized option %s %s %s detected error on line %d: %schunk_size must be an integral number of k Cannot handle %dk chunks. Defaulting to %dk /dev/urandom%s: already running ?%s: not an MD device! %s: device already read-write! %s: not running! %s: old kernel? ?%s: already stopped %s: old kernel! ?kernel does not support hot-add! %s: can not hot-add disk: disk does not exist! disk busy! too small disk! array not running! invalid argument. ?Уkernel does not support hot-remove! %s: can not hot-remove disk: disk not in array! ?UUUUUUUUUUU0UU@UUUUU %s: can not set disk faulty: ?uŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦŦV'''''cannot determine md version: %s /dev/md0/dev/md/0(%2ld%% done; ~%d:%02d left %d:%02d elapsed [%.1f KB/sec])array needs no upgrade cannot downgrade array ... MD ID: %x Changing MD version from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d. preferred minor %d (md%d) %s: file doesn't exist! changed preferred minor to %d (md%d) couldn't call stat() disk weird superblock ... strange superblock, order of disks mixed up?... upgrading RAID disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d => to major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d changed chunksize to %d Conforms to MD version: %d.%d.%d preferred minor %d (md%d) gvalid_words: %d Raid set ID: %x Creation time: %sUpdate time: %s (clean)State: %d%s Raid level: %d Individual disk size: %uMB (%ukB) Chunk size: %dkB unknownParity algorithm: %d (%s) Total number of disks: %d Number of raid disks: %d Number of active disks: %d Number of working disks: %d Number of failed disks: %d Number of spare disks: %d Disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d, syncnot in syncactivenot activefaultyoperationalstate: %d (%s, %s, %s) r/etc/mtab%s is mounted %s appears to contain an ext2 filesystem -- use -f to override %s appears to be already part of a raid array -- use -f to force the destruction of the old superblock upgrading superblock on %s ... old superblock: new superblock: could not write new superblock! sb->minor after write: %d cannot upgrade magic-less superblock on %s ... %s: not an MD device! handling MD device %s analyzing super-block raid_disks + spare_disks != nr_disks raid level %d can't have more than 1 failed disk couldn't call stat() on device %s -- %s raid_disk for %s (%d) > nr_disks (%d) raid_disk conflict on %s and %s (%d) invalid chunk-size (%dkB) couldn't open device %s -- %s couldn't get device size for %s -- %s %s: device too small (%dkB) disk %d: %s, %ukB, raid superblock at %dkB disk %d: %s, failed /md/proc/mdstatinactive%s: active -- run raidstop option type not implemented in popt alias/etc/poptHOME%s/.popt_POPT_ALIASES--missing argumentunknown optionaliases nested too deeplyerror in paramter quotinginvalid numeric valuenumber too large or too smallunknown errorP?0  D p($  Ĉ(olooŠҊ"2BRbr‹ҋ"2BRbrŒҌ"2BRbrGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((|' /$$7opDoll0S \  e Ĉ nDD %ill t ?zppMM  d@eeeeWe`f<fthdiELF`4Dq4 (444kkk$$l$$ /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU%7 !#.45 %/" &26,*+-$  '() 103 \gl'"|=8'7b*<̊}܊!/7B p5,#"-:<LAU\Xl|wC47̋܋R//i u=[,;&<\L\,l;|`b=S*ǧ܌= E2ap *,=*<u L libc.so.6strcpy__divdi3ioctlstrerrorgeteuid__ctype_bgetenv__strtol_internalfgetsmemcpyperrorgetuidmallocsleepfflush__ctype_toupperlseekmmapstrrchrwritefprintfctimestrcat__deregister_frame_infostrstrreadstrncmpreallocsscanfgettimeofdaymemsetsrandstrcmpsprintffclosestderrfsync__xstat__errno_locationexit__fxstatfopen_IO_putc_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_mainstrchr__register_frame_infofree__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.1GLIBC_2.0ii ii 5.  $ ( , 0 4 8<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx |!"#$%&'()*+,-/12346US[rH E[5%%h% h%h%h%h %h(% h0%$h8p%(h@`%,hHP%0hP@%4hX0%8h` %<hh%@hp%Dhx%Hh%Lh%Ph%Th%Xh%\h%`h%dhp%hh`%lhP%ph@%th0%xh %|h%h%h%h%h%h%h%h %h(%h0%h8p%h@`%hHP%hP@%hX0%h` %hh%hp%hx1^PTRhh$QVh4KUS[lot[ÉU=u>PС8u,t h 9ÐUUlthh CÐUÍUhhÉU WVS]EP,uVuSuEPu u& u6~jEǃEPh# H@W tK1E;ps(ÃHSh! 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raid0run--force not possible for raid0run! --really-force not possible for raid0run! --upgrade not possible for raid0run! --dangerous-no-resync not possible for raid0run! Unknown command %s mkraid version %d.%d.%d rCouldn't open %s -- %s nothing to do! cannot determine md version: %s --force and the new RAID 0.90 hot-add/hot-remove functionality should be used with extreme care! If /etc/raidtab is not in sync with the real array configuration, then a --force will DESTROY ALL YOUR DATA. It's especially dangerous to use -f if the array is in degraded mode. PLEASE dont mention the --really-force flag in any email, documentation or HOWTO, just suggest the --force flag instead. Thus everybody will read this warning at least once :) It really sucks to LOSE DATA. If you are confident that everything will go ok then you can use the --really-force flag. Also, if you are unsure what this is all about, dont hesitate to ask questions on linux-raid@vger.rutgers.edu could not open filedebug ioctl faileddumped RAID status into the syslog. considering %s... %s is not a RAID0 or LINEAR array, skipping. %s is persistent, skipping. DESTROYING the contents of %s in 5 seconds, Ctrl-C if unsure! %s is not a RAID0 or LINEAR array! %s must be a nonpersistent RAID0 or LINEAR array! device %s is not described in config file mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential clues. major_version%18s: %d minor_versionpatch_versionctimelevelsizenr_disksraid_disksmd_minorutimestateactive_disksworking_disksfailed_disksspare_diskslayoutchunk_size numbermajorminorraid_diskright-symmetricleft-symmetricright-asymmetricleft-asymmetricraiddevcouldn't allocate configuration entry out of memory raid-levellineartranslucentlvmraid level %d not supported nr-raid-diskspersistent-superblocknr-spare-disksnr-spare-disks must be zero for raid level %d parity-algorithmparity-algorithm undefined for raid level %d chunk-sizeinvalid chunk-size (%dkB) devicea maximum of %d devices in a set is supported raid-disk"device" line expected raid-disk should be smaller than raid_disks spare-diskspare-disk not supported for raid level %d parity-diskparity_disk only supported for raid level 4 failed-diskfailed-disk not supported for raid level %d failed-disk should be smaller than raid_disks unrecognized option %s %s %s detected error on line %d: %schunk_size must be an integral number of k Cannot handle %dk chunks. Defaulting to %dk /dev/urandom%s: already running ?%s: not an MD device! %s: device already read-write! %s: not running! %s: old kernel? ?%s: already stopped %s: old kernel! ?kernel does not support hot-add! %s: can not hot-add disk: disk does not exist! disk busy! too small disk! array not running! invalid argument. ?Хkernel does not support hot-remove! %s: can not hot-remove disk: disk not in array! ?eeeeeeeee ee@eePeeeee0%s: can not set disk faulty: ?ըըըըըըըըըըըըըըըըըը&f77777cannot determine md version: %s /dev/md0/dev/md/0(%2ld%% done; ~%d:%02d left %d:%02d elapsed [%.1f KB/sec])array needs no upgrade cannot downgrade array ... MD ID: %x Changing MD version from %d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d. preferred minor %d (md%d) %s: file doesn't exist! changed preferred minor to %d (md%d) couldn't call stat() disk weird superblock ... strange superblock, order of disks mixed up?... upgrading RAID disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d => to major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d changed chunksize to %d Conforms to MD version: %d.%d.%d preferred minor %d (md%d) gvalid_words: %d Raid set ID: %x Creation time: %sUpdate time: %s (clean)State: %d%s Raid level: %d Individual disk size: %uMB (%ukB) Chunk size: %dkB unknownParity algorithm: %d (%s) Total number of disks: %d Number of raid disks: %d Number of active disks: %d Number of working disks: %d Number of failed disks: %d Number of spare disks: %d Disk %d: major %d, minor %d, raid_disk %d, syncnot in syncactivenot activefaultyoperationalstate: %d (%s, %s, %s) r/etc/mtab%s is mounted %s appears to contain an ext2 filesystem -- use -f to override %s appears to be already part of a raid array -- use -f to force the destruction of the old superblock upgrading superblock on %s ... old superblock: new superblock: could not write new superblock! sb->minor after write: %d cannot upgrade magic-less superblock on %s ... %s: not an MD device! handling MD device %s analyzing super-block raid_disks + spare_disks != nr_disks raid level %d can't have more than 1 failed disk couldn't call stat() on device %s -- %s raid_disk for %s (%d) > nr_disks (%d) raid_disk conflict on %s and %s (%d) invalid chunk-size (%dkB) couldn't open device %s -- %s couldn't get device size for %s -- %s %s: device too small (%dkB) disk %d: %s, %ukB, raid superblock at %dkB disk %d: %s, failed /md/proc/mdstatinactive%s: active -- run raidstop option type not implemented in popt alias/etc/poptHOME%s/.popt_POPT_ALIASES--missing argumentunknown optionaliases nested too deeplyerror in paramter quotinginvalid numeric valuenumber too large or too smallunknown errorp_P@ $ (   oToo$brŠҊ"2BRbr‹ҋ"2BRbrŒҌ"2BRGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((x' p/7onDoTT0S \ e  n$$ %iLL t`` BzOO@ k@  l$$lllWl`m8mopELF4TH4 (444CCCC /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU%+ "() #&* ! 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nothing to do! Can do --readonly only with raidstop! no target disk specified! device %s is not described in config file chunk_size must be an integral number of k Cannot handle %dk chunks. Defaulting to %dk /dev/urandom%s: already running ?%s: not an MD device! %s: device already read-write! %s: not running! %s: old kernel? ?%s: already stopped %s: old kernel! ?kernel does not support hot-add! %s: can not hot-add disk: disk does not exist! disk busy! too small disk! array not running! invalid argument. ?Йkernel does not support hot-remove! %s: can not hot-remove disk: disk not in array! ?%uuuuuuuuu0uuPuu`uuuuu@%s: can not set disk faulty: ?М6vGGGGGcannot determine md version: %s right-symmetricleft-symmetricright-asymmetricleft-asymmetricraiddevcouldn't allocate configuration entry out of memory raid-levellineartranslucentlvmraid level %d not supported nr-raid-diskspersistent-superblocknr-spare-disksnr-spare-disks must be zero for raid level %d parity-algorithmparity-algorithm undefined for raid level %d chunk-sizeinvalid chunk-size (%dkB) devicea maximum of %d devices in a set is supported raid-disk"device" line expected raid-disk should be smaller than raid_disks spare-diskspare-disk not supported for raid level %d parity-diskparity_disk only supported for raid level 4 failed-diskfailed-disk not supported for raid level %d failed-disk should be smaller than raid_disks unrecognized option %s %s %s detected error on line %d: %s/dev/md0/dev/md/0option type not implemented in popt alias/etc/poptHOME%s/.popt_POPT_ALIASES--missing argumentunknown optionaliases nested too deeplyerror in paramter quotinginvalid numeric valuenumber too large or too smallunknown error '88߾о  ( p  (X8 oooΈވ.>N^n~Ήމ.>N^n~ΊފGCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.comment.note  !((H' pp/  7oVDo0S 88\ @@e XX( n%i`t -z8@@8` C0CCDDWD`PPE0PE|FGELF44 (444 , /lib/ld-linux.so.2GNU  ZX'" hx*p!#"2Hq9pw libc.so.6perrorfprintf__deregister_frame_infostderr_IO_stdin_used__libc_start_main__register_frame_info_errno__gmon_start__GLIBC_2.0ii  US[X[5%%h%h%h%h%h 1^PTRhPh QVhUS[ä t[ÉU=u>PС8u丈t hEÐUUXthhÐUÍS\$L$ ̀v أ[Í' T$|$tPhtP$BPBP}h^1 ÍUSt=tt Ѓ;u[UÍt&US[([usage: %s new_root put_old pivot_root  P(h (ooo^n~GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)GCC: (GNU) 2.95.3 20010315 (release)01.0101.0101.0101.0101.0101.01.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.dynamic.ctors.dtors.got.bss.comment.note  !((@' hh/7oDo S \ ( e  %`HH`kqPPwll/ tt||$ x . ..README.h8^۱ri@v\ D[HE{!fζ@":4U?j[p?|plZ&.s|䨖9 /ђ`*,A ua|)614This used to be a place to make custom tagfiles, but now it's just here as a "non-standard directory" so that we have a good way to probe if we're running off the rootdisk and not an installed system. We need to know this within pkgtool when it's started up at a prompt so we know to emit some mounting instructions.  ...xYo6|zێC\^ %:VCK^=b)E!%agwkDP;,I#~[e,]eBۮh3,Jbv4smUcp)TW;킄izZ Uiɽ(WbQqH.<#WvWQ@XGȼ"ɚ6 'r sNNIBu|e|eõEI虅$yE5aQa@P1&J WY‹8!Əm^8ICf0g,R4΂!@Q\pP]6X"?Qw|pRƻd#n<՗YڤNq2;sI!G#,b4p0Sz"5'+ T L 1m4퀜 J9{Ajl1`?>h/w%gъ=gt뗊[S8>|Bq8d9rI[&q?Ut*~lƷse(x,vδJՒPq?1{##IipO& . .. bin! etcu libshareJT sbinUlibexecWU0z\΋ hJ{\Py\D}-vi'iEIi ;MBMV ԪkvFLIu5JcJrxLtt o$D.UmBTմJ" >ƒ)}8(kq#yrh}Z_tvnݾEJm /T^tM_eOb6nkyeMf-:8]A>|Sv֗ޒҨu;M5p=8F/t5x]kFr.G 0Hk< &bh54rŽ0=u{I6y"8UuԩκO~ |y GYgFYc,?_@t;'@]o/ %s{%|ySq\OMR9=m<7&/7d? ]mlqޮlQ"ʷ]\X_RtBKDizy Qi< tzY|]?믖O={ճã/wዯ=n_}/:J!Uwnny}{w#Տ~+ztoqdp@r8rp8)Ίz(QGš kOCsP?Y釱^r٣g/ۗ_?cɃ^ؗ?޼w8Q77/s o . ..zcat/Ƥ,sh0\I M)$uƞL yw7C6/m04&Ҍ˜N "'NN!@Aq.;խ:F@.9o"%N0h4+I'z4"Vhs q7qe51}u1z i yFxz#D;W$ ʧ DM )L͂Ž5BTCra*g[U \\?mVU?T}@m64QŎt8˜]k\_X¯:ʠNQ z?BKy]+*Y_H]zcL.K w9ԨM(!rD/CL.Zo)gxG#v/9JXL8W<{IFN l)RJuGjBPZ}`!_-7\ٞ9Y'm3$g|e#aFPQع< Cqÿ 5YcXglǝ(ٲoǝ (e7W{DO 6ڊHɭ]xmk(+6Q_ӤOK ΢6kge;<6ȁr`T+; ;CkjSl` ;^^h hy2<&+}FFGb̰=; XGCؚC^= w6 A5 4ryl*%}%콈ygO9kހ`Bs3ASc](kSfܳqP=3R\&-1#3!Jj Sƽg1ϞX ,.?T;uwVMaIw~YALՙiŦp(?4[^\I\ᆝqKJm]Q̤!zwTORGФ n.'k{`\Mǽx$׭AUdn&k᫡JOBNɄ}_2ENQxlYqpI3p2..Q8 I@o?YϧlTZ3o52=g_2χNj>81yU OO0 ?d6 ֯dR.(÷t #Jq:[gD ?} we^pTfGMֈnjId1[!e_8{vsܣ$r Ӗ.fa5| ;y Z8l)E08p|`#!/bin/sh # # Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, # 1998, 1999 Patrick Volkerding, Moorhead, MN USA # Copyright 2001 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Wed, 27 Apr 1994 00:06:50 -0700 (PDT) # Optimization by David Hinds. SOURCE_DIR=/var/log/mount ASK="tagfiles" if [ -L /bin/chmod -a -L /bin/chown ]; then # probably on the bootdisk using busybox TARGET_DIR=/mnt TMP=/mnt/var/log/setup/tmp if mount | grep "on /mnt" 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then # good true else # bad echo echo echo "You can't run pkgtool from the rootdisk until you've mounted your Linux" echo "partitions beneath /mnt. Here are some examples of this:" echo echo "If your root partition is /dev/hda1, and is using ext2fs, you would type:" echo "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt -t ext2" echo echo "Then, supposing your /usr partition is /dev/hda2, you must do this:" echo "mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/usr -t ext2" echo echo "Please mount your Linux partitions and then run pkgtool again." echo exit fi else TARGET_DIR=/ TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp fi if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP chmod 700 $TMP fi ADM_DIR=$TARGET_DIR/var/log LOG=$TMP/PKGTOOL.REMOVED # remove whitespace crunch() { while read FOO ; do echo $FOO done } package_name() { STRING=`basename $1 .tgz` # Check for old style package name with one segment: if [ "`echo $STRING | cut -f 1 -d -`" = "`echo $STRING | cut -f 2 -d -`" ]; then echo $STRING else # has more than one dash delimited segment # Count number of segments: INDEX=1 while [ ! "`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" = "" ]; do INDEX=`expr $INDEX + 1` done INDEX=`expr $INDEX - 1` # don't include the null value # If we don't have four segments, return the old-style (or out of spec) package name: if [ "$INDEX" = "2" -o "$INDEX" = "3" ]; then echo $STRING else # we have four or more segments, so we'll consider this a new-style name: NAME=`expr $INDEX - 3` NAME="`echo $STRING | cut -f 1-$NAME -d -`" echo $NAME # cruft for later ;) #VER=`expr $INDEX - 2` #VER="`echo $STRING | cut -f $VER -d -`" #ARCH=`expr $INDEX - 1` #ARCH="`echo $STRING | cut -f $ARCH -d -`" #BUILD="`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" fi fi } remove_packages() { for pkg_name in $* do if [ -r $ADM_DIR/packages/$pkg_name ]; then dialog --title "PACKAGE REMOVAL IN PROGRESS" --cr-wrap --infobox \ "\nRemoving package $pkg_name.\n\ \n\ Since each file must be checked \ against the contents of every other installed package to avoid wiping out \ areas of overlap, this process can take quite some time. If you'd like to \ watch the progress, flip over to another virtual console and type:\n\ \n\ tail -f $TMP/PKGTOOL.REMOVED\n" 13 60 export ROOT=$TARGET_DIR removepkg $pkg_name >> $LOG 2> /dev/null else echo "No such package: $pkg_name. Can't remove." >> $LOG fi done } # Here, we read the list of arguments passed to the pkgtool script. if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # there are arguments to the command while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in "-sets") DISK_SETS=`echo $2 | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` ; shift 2 ;; "-source_mounted") SOURCE_MOUNTED="always" ; shift 1 ;; "-ignore_tagfiles") ASK="never" ; shift 1 ;; "-tagfile") USETAG=$2 ; shift 2 ;; "-source_dir") SOURCE_DIR=$2 ; shift 2 ;; "-target_dir") TARGET_DIR=$2 ADM_DIR=$TARGET_DIR/var/log shift 2 ;; "-source_device") SOURCE_DEVICE=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac done else # there were no arguments, so we'll get the needed information from the # user and then go on. CMD_START="true" rm -f $TMP/SeT* while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "Slackware Package Tool (pkgtool version 8.1.0)" \ --menu "\nWelcome to the Slackware package tool.\n\ \nWhich option would you like?\n" 17 70 7 \ "Current" "Install packages from the current directory" \ "Other" "Install packages from some other directory" \ "Floppy" "Install packages from floppy disks" \ "Remove" "Remove packages that are currently installed" \ "View" "View the list of files contained in a package" \ "Setup" "Choose Slackware installation scripts to run again" \ "Exit" "Exit Pkgtool" 2> $TMP/reply if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/reply dialog --clear exit fi REPLY="`cat $TMP/reply`" rm -f $TMP/reply if [ "$REPLY" = "Exit" ]; then dialog --clear exit fi if [ "$REPLY" = "Setup" ]; then echo 'dialog --title "SELECT SYSTEM SETUP SCRIPTS" --item-help --checklist \ "Please use the spacebar to select the setup scripts to run. Hit enter when you \ are done selecting to run the scripts." 17 68 9 \' > $TMP/setupscr for script in $ADM_DIR/setup/setup.* ; do BLURB=`grep '#BLURB' $script | cut -b8-` if [ "$BLURB" = "" ]; then BLURB="\"\"" fi echo " \"`basename $script | cut -f2- -d .`\" $BLURB \"no\" $BLURB \\" >> $TMP/setupscr done echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/setupscr . $TMP/setupscr if [ ! "`cat $TMP/return`" = "" ]; then # Run each script: for script in `cat $TMP/return` ; do scrpath=$ADM_DIR/setup/setup.`echo $script | tr -d \"` ( COLOR=on ; cd $TARGET_DIR ; . $scrpath ) done fi rm -f $TMP/return $TMP/setupscr continue fi # end Setup if [ "$REPLY" = "View" ]; then DEFITEM="" export DEFITEM dialog --title "SCANNING" --infobox "Please wait while \ Pkgtool scans your system to determine which packages you have \ installed and prepares a list for you." 0 0 echo 'dialog $DEFITEM --item-help --menu "Please select the package you wish to view." 17 68 10 \' > $TMP/viewscr for name in `ls $ADM_DIR/packages` ; do pkg_name=`package_name $name` BLURB="`sed -n \"/$pkg_name:/{s/\\"//g;p;q;}\" $ADM_DIR/packages/$name | cut -f 2- -d : | crunch`" # Let's have some backward compatibility with the interim beta (for now): if [ "$BLURB" = "" ]; then BLURB="`sed -n \"/$name:/{s/\\"//g;p;q;}\" $ADM_DIR/packages/$name | cut -f 2- -d : | crunch`" fi echo " \"$name\" \"$BLURB\" \"View information about package $name\" \\" >> $TMP/viewscr done echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/viewscr while [ 0 ]; do . $TMP/viewscr if [ ! "`cat $TMP/return`" = "" ]; then DEFITEM="--default-item `cat $TMP/return`" dialog --title "CONTENTS OF PACKAGE: `cat $TMP/return`" --no-shadow --textbox "$ADM_DIR/packages/`cat $TMP/return`" \ 0 0 2> /dev/null else break fi done rm -f $TMP/return $TMP/viewscr $TMP/tmpmsg # This will clean up after most defective packages: chmod 755 / chmod 1777 /tmp continue fi if [ "$REPLY" = "Remove" ]; then dialog --title "SCANNING" --infobox "Please wait while Pkgtool scans \ your system to determine which packages you have installed and prepares \ a list for you." 0 0 # end section cat << EOF > $TMP/rmscript dialog --title "SELECT PACKAGES TO REMOVE" --item-help --checklist \ "Please select the \ packages you wish to Remove. Use the \ spacebar to select packages to delete, and the UP/DOWN arrow keys to \ scroll up and down through the entire list." 20 75 11 \\ EOF for name in `ls $ADM_DIR/packages` ; do pkg_name=`package_name $name` BLURB="`sed -n \"/$pkg_name:/{s/\\"//g;p;q;}\" $ADM_DIR/packages/$name | cut -f 2- -d : | crunch`" # Let's have some backward compatibility with the interim beta (for now): if [ "$BLURB" = "" ]; then BLURB="`sed -n \"/$name:/{s/\\"//g;p;q;}\" $ADM_DIR/packages/$name | cut -f 2- -d : | crunch`" fi echo " \"$name\" \"$BLURB\" off \"Select/Unselect removing package $name\" \\" >> $TMP/rmscript done echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/rmscript if [ -L $LOG -o -r $LOG ]; then rm -f $LOG fi cat /dev/null > $LOG chmod 600 $LOG chmod 700 $TMP/rmscript export ADM_DIR; $TMP/rmscript remove_packages `cat $TMP/return | tr -d "\042"` if [ "`cat $TMP/PKGTOOL.REMOVED`" = "" ]; then rm -f $TMP/PKGTOOL.REMOVED dialog --title "NO PACKAGES REMOVED" --msgbox "Hit OK to return \ to the main menu." 5 40 else dialog --title "PACKAGE REMOVAL COMPLETE" --msgbox "The packages have \ been removed. A complete log of the files that were removed has been created \ in $TMP: PKGTOOL.REMOVED. Pkgtool does not remove empty directories, so you \ may want to do that yourself." 0 0 fi rm -f $TMP/rmscript $TMP/return $TMP/tmpmsg $TMP/SeT* chmod 755 / chmod 1777 /tmp # No, return to the main menu: # exit elif [ "$REPLY" = "Floppy" ]; then dialog --title "SELECT FLOPPY DRIVE" --menu "Which floppy drive would \ you like to install from?" \ 11 70 4 \ "/dev/fd0u1440" "1.44 MB first floppy drive" \ "/dev/fd1u1440" "1.44 MB second floppy drive" \ "/dev/fd0h1200" "1.2 MB first floppy drive" \ "/dev/fd1h1200" "1.2 MB second floppy drive" 2> $TMP/wdrive if [ $? = 1 ]; then dialog --clear exit fi SOURCE_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/wdrive`" rm -f $TMP/wdrive cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg Enter the names of any disk sets you would like to install. Separate the sets with a space, like this: a b oi x To install packages from one disk, hit [enter] without typing anything. EOF dialog --title "SOFTWARE SELECTION" --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 13 70 2> $TMP/sets DISK_SETS="`cat $TMP/sets`" rm -f $TMP/sets if [ "$DISK_SETS" = "" ]; then DISK_SETS="disk" else DISK_SETS=`echo $DISK_SETS | sed 's/ /#/g'` DISK_SETS="#$DISK_SETS" fi break; elif [ "$REPLY" = "Other" ]; then dialog --title "SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY" --inputbox "Please enter the name of the directory that you wish to \ install packages from:" 10 50 2> $TMP/pkgdir if [ $? = 1 ]; then rm -f $TMP/pkgdir $TMP/SeT* dialog --clear exit fi SOURCE_DIR="`cat $TMP/pkgdir`" SOURCE_MOUNTED="always" DISK_SETS="disk" chmod 755 $TARGET_DIR chmod 1777 $TARGET_DIR/tmp rm -f $TMP/pkgdir if [ ! -d $SOURCE_DIR ]; then dialog --title "DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" --msgbox "The directory you want to \ install from ($SOURCE_DIR) \ does not seem to exist. Please check the directory and then try again." \ 10 50 dialog --clear exit fi break; else # installing from current directory SOURCE_MOUNTED="always" SOURCE_DIR="$PWD" DISK_SETS="disk" chmod 755 $TARGET_DIR chmod 1777 $TARGET_DIR/tmp break; fi done fi if [ "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" ]; then ASK="always" fi mount_the_source() { # is the source supposed to be mounted already? if [ "$SOURCE_MOUNTED" = "always" ]; then # The source should already be mounted, so we test it if [ ! -d $SOURCE_DIR ]; then # the directory is missing cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg Your source device cannot be accessed properly. Please be sure that it is mounted on $SOURCE_DIR, and that the Slackware disks are found in subdirectories of $SOURCE_DIR like specified. EOF dialog --title "MOUNT ERROR" --msgbox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 11 67 rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg exit 1; fi return 0; fi dialog --title "INSERT DISK" --menu "Please insert disk $1 and \ press ENTER to continue." \ 11 50 3 \ "Continue" "Continue with the installation" \ "Skip" "Skip the current disk series" \ "Quit" "Abort the installation process" 2> $TMP/reply if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then REPLY="Quit" else REPLY="`cat $TMP/reply`" fi rm -f $TMP/reply if [ "$REPLY" = "Skip" ]; then return 1; fi if [ "$REPLY" = "Quit" ]; then dialog --title "ABORTING" --msgbox "Aborting software installation." 5 50 chmod 755 $TARGET_DIR chmod 1777 $TARGET_DIR/tmp exit 1; fi; # Old line: # mount -r -t msdos $SOURCE_DEVICE $SOURCE_DIR # New ones: (thanks to Andy Schwierskott!) go_on=y not_successfull_mounted=1 while [ "$go_on" = y -a "$not_successfull_mounted" = 1 ]; do mount -r -t msdos $SOURCE_DEVICE $SOURCE_DIR not_successfull_mounted=$? if [ "$not_successfull_mounted" = 1 ]; then mount_answer=x while [ "$mount_answer" != "y" -a "$mount_answer" != "q" ] ; do dialog --title "MOUNT PROBLEM" --menu "Media was not successfully \ mounted! Do you want to \ retry, or quit?" 10 60 2 \ "Yes" "Try to mount the disk again" \ "No" "No, abort." 2> $TMP/mntans mount_answer="`cat $TMP/mntans`" rm -f $TMP/mntans if [ "$mount_answer" = "Yes" ]; then mount_answer="y" else mount_answer="q" fi done go_on=$mount_answer fi done test $not_successfull_mounted = 0 } umount_the_source() { if [ ! "$SOURCE_MOUNTED" = "always" ]; then umount $SOURCE_DEVICE 1> /dev/null 2>&1 fi; } install_disk() { mount_the_source $1 if [ $? = 1 ]; then umount_the_source; return 1; fi CURRENT_DISK_NAME="$1" PACKAGE_DIR=$SOURCE_DIR if [ "$SOURCE_MOUNTED" = "always" -a ! "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" ]; then PACKAGE_DIR=$PACKAGE_DIR/$1 fi # If this directory is missing or contains no *.tgz files, bail. if [ ! -d $PACKAGE_DIR ]; then return 1 fi if ls $PACKAGE_DIR/*.tgz 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then true else return 1 fi # # look for tagfile for this series and copy into $TMP/tagfile # touch $TMP/tagfile if [ ! "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" ]; then if [ -r $TMP/SeTtagext ]; then if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile`cat $TMP/SeTtagext` ]; then cat $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile`cat $TMP/SeTtagext` >> $TMP/tagfile else if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile ]; then cat $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile >> $TMP/tagfile fi fi # # Do we need to follow a custom path to the tagfiles? # elif [ -r $TMP/SeTtagpath ]; then custom_path=`cat $TMP/SeTtagpath` short_path=`basename $PACKAGE_DIR` # If tagfile exists at the specified custom path, copy it over. if [ -r $custom_path/$short_path/tagfile ]; then cat $custom_path/$short_path/tagfile >> $TMP/tagfile else # well, I guess we'll use the default one then. if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile ]; then cat $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile >> $TMP/tagfile fi fi # # We seem to be testing for this too often... maybe this code should # be optimized a little... # elif [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile ]; then cat $PACKAGE_DIR/tagfile >> $TMP/tagfile fi # # Execute menus if in QUICK mode: # if [ -r $TMP/SeTQUICK -a -r $PACKAGE_DIR/maketag ]; then if [ ! "$MAKETAG" = "" -a -r $PACKAGE_DIR/$MAKETAG ]; then # use alternate maketag sh $PACKAGE_DIR/$MAKETAG else sh $PACKAGE_DIR/maketag fi if [ -r $TMP/SeTnewtag ]; then mv $TMP/SeTnewtag $TMP/tagfile fi fi # # Protect tagfile from hacker attack: # if [ -r $TMP/tagfile ]; then chmod 600 $TMP/tagfile fi fi # ! "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" # It's possible that the tagfile was specified on the command line. If that's # the case, then we'll just override whatever we figured out up above. if [ ! "$USETAG" = "" ]; then cat $USETAG > $TMP/tagfile fi # If there's a catalog file present, use it to check for missing files. # If not, forget about that and install whatever's there. if [ "$1" = "single_disk" -o -r $PACKAGE_DIR/disk$1 -o -r $PACKAGE_DIR/package-list.txt ]; then if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/package-list.txt ]; then CATALOG_FILE=$PACKAGE_DIR/package-list.txt else CATALOG_FILE=`basename $PACKAGE_DIR/disk*`; fi if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/$CATALOG_FILE -a ! -d $PACKAGE_DIR/$CATALOG_FILE ]; then if grep CONTENTS: $PACKAGE_DIR/$CATALOG_FILE 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then # First we check for missing packages... for PKGTEST in `grep "^CONTENTS:" $PACKAGE_DIR/$CATALOG_FILE | cut -f2- -d : 2> /dev/null` ; do # This is not a perfect test. (say emacs is missing but emacs-nox is not) if ls $PACKAGE_DIR/$PKGTEST*.tgz 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # found something like it true else cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg WARNING!!! While looking through your index file ($CATALOG_FILE), I noticed that you might be missing a package: $PKGTEST-\*-\*-\*.tgz that is supposed to be on this disk (disk $1). You may go on with the installation if you wish, but if this is a crucial file I'm making no promises that your machine will boot. EOF dialog --title "FILE MISSING FROM YOUR DISK" --msgbox \ "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 17 67 fi done # checking for missing packages # Now we test for extra packages: ALLOWED="`grep CONTENTS: $PACKAGE_DIR/$CATALOG_FILE | cut -b10- 2> /dev/null`" for PACKAGE_FILENAME in $PACKAGE_DIR/*.tgz; do BASE="`basename $PACKAGE_FILENAME .tgz`" BASE="`package_name $BASE`" if echo $ALLOWED | grep $BASE 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then true else cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg WARNING!!! While looking through your index file ($CATALOG_FILE), I noticed that you have this extra package: ($BASE.tgz) that I don't recognize. Please be sure this package is really supposed to be here, and is not left over from an old version of Slackware. Sometimes this can happen at the archive sites. EOF dialog --title "EXTRA FILE FOUND ON YOUR DISK" \ --msgbox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 17 67 rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg fi done fi fi fi # check for missing/extra packages # Install the packages: for PACKAGE_FILENAME in $PACKAGE_DIR/*.tgz; do if [ "$PACKAGE_FILENAME" = "$PACKAGE_DIR/*.tgz" ]; then continue; fi if [ "$ASK" = "never" ]; then # install the package installpkg -root $TARGET_DIR -infobox -tagfile $TMP/tagfile $PACKAGE_FILENAME ERROR=$? elif [ "$ASK" = "tagfiles" ]; then installpkg -root $TARGET_DIR -menu -tagfile $TMP/tagfile $PACKAGE_FILENAME ERROR=$? else # ASK should be = always here, and that's how we'll treat it installpkg -root $TARGET_DIR -menu -ask -tagfile $TMP/tagfile $PACKAGE_FILENAME ERROR=$? fi # Check for abort: if [ "$ERROR" = "99" ]; then umount_the_source; chmod 755 $TARGET_DIR chmod 1777 $TARGET_DIR/tmp exit 1; fi done OUTTAHERE="false" if [ -r $PACKAGE_DIR/install.end ]; then OUTTAHERE="true" fi umount_the_source; if [ "$OUTTAHERE" = "true" ]; then return 1; fi } install_disk_set() { # accepts one argument: the series name in lowercase. SERIES_NAME=$1 CURRENT_DISK_NUMBER="1"; while [ 0 ]; do # Don't start numbering the directories until 2: if [ $CURRENT_DISK_NUMBER = 1 ]; then DISKTOINSTALL=$SERIES_NAME else DISKTOINSTALL=$SERIES_NAME$CURRENT_DISK_NUMBER fi install_disk $DISKTOINSTALL if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then # install.end was found, or the user chose # to quit installing packages. return 0; fi CURRENT_DISK_NUMBER=`expr $CURRENT_DISK_NUMBER + 1` done; } # /* main() */ ;) if [ "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" ]; then install_disk single_disk; ASK="always" else touch $TMP/tagfile chmod 600 $TMP/tagfile if echo $DISK_SETS | grep "#a#" 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then A_IS_NEEDED="true" else A_IS_NEEDED="false" fi while [ 0 ]; do while [ 0 ]; # strip leading '#'s do if [ "`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b1`" = "#" ]; then DISK_SETS="`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b2-`" else break; fi done if [ "$A_IS_NEEDED" = "true" ]; then cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg --- Installing package series ==>a<== EOF dialog --infobox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 5 45 sleep 1 rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg install_disk_set a; A_IS_NEEDED="false" fi count="1" if [ "`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b$count`" = "" ]; then break; # we be done here :^) else count="2" while [ 0 ]; do if [ "`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b$count`" = "" -o "`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b$count`" = "#" ]; then count="`expr $count - 1`" break; else count="`expr $count + 1`" fi done fi diskset="`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b1-$count`" count="`expr $count + 1`" DISK_SETS="`echo $DISK_SETS | cut -b$count-`" if [ "$diskset" = "a" ]; then continue; # we expect this to be done elsewhere fi cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpmsg Installing package series ==>$diskset<== EOF dialog --infobox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg`" 5 45 sleep 1 rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg install_disk_set $diskset; done fi if [ "$DISK_SETS" = "disk" -o "$CMD_START" = "true" ]; then if [ -r $TMP/tagfile ]; then rm $TMP/tagfile fi dialog --clear fi chmod 755 $TARGET_DIR $TARGET_DIR/var $TARGET_DIR/usr chmod 1777 $TARGET_DIR/tmp Slackware Linux Help ____________________ First, a little help on help. Whenever you encounter a text viewer like this during the installation, you can move around with these commands: PGDN/SPACE - Move down one page PGUP/'b' - Move up one page ENTER/DOWN/'j' - Move down one line UP/'k' - Move up one line LEFT/'h' - Scroll left RIGHT/'l' - Scroll right '0' - Move to beginning of line HOME/'g' - Move to beginning of file END/'G' - Move to end of file '/' - Forward search '?' - Backward search 'n' - Repeat last search (forward) Also, you're running a real multitasking operating system now, so you're not confined to the installation program. You can log into other consoles and look around at any time without disturbing the installation process. To do this, you need to learn the commands that control the Linux console. You'll use these commands all the time when you're logged into Linux. "Virtual" consoles and scrollback: Right now, the screen you're looking at is probably VIRTUAL CONSOLE NUMBER ONE, (or /dev/tty1 in Linux-speak). There are usually several virtual consoles available. When you log into the install disk, there are four consoles. To switch among them, use Alt-F1, Alt-F2, Alt-F3, or Alt-F4 to select which of the four consoles you wish to use. While you're using a console, you get a small amount of text scrollback buffer. To scroll the console back, hold down the right shift key and hit PageUp. To scroll the console forward, hit PageDown while holding the right shift key down. This can be especially useful for reading the boot messages, which can go by too fast to read otherwise. On the install disk, the first three consoles are login consoles. The fourth console is used to show informational messages during installation, such as disk formatting status, kernel messages, and so on. A useful trick is to log into the second virtual console during the installation. Then you can use commands such as 'df' to check how full your hard drive is getting. Also, once the Slackware CD-ROM has been mounted on /cdrom, most of the commands in the disc's live filesystem will be usable. PARTITIONING YOUR DRIVE Now lets take a look at how you progress through a typical Linux installation with the Slackware distribution. First, you'll have to make sure your hard drive has been partitioned to accept Linux. The setup program does not do this for you. You will need at least one type Linux partition, and optionally a swap partition. In my opinion, (if you have a fair amount of drive space) it's easiest to manage a system that's partitioned along these lines (ignoring any DOS or Boot Manager partitions for the purposes of this illustration): [ 2 gig or more for / ] [ whatever space users need for /home ] [ swap space (128 MB) ] Some people like a separate partition for /usr/local, but I find that I usually regret dividing my free space when I don't have to... the partition I want to add to is always full that way. :^) Besides, when the time comes for an operating system upgrade you can always back up /usr/local regardless of whether it occupies its own partition. In fact, having a separate /home partition is also optional. Probably the simplest way to approach things initially is with just a single root Linux partition, and a swap partition of about 128 megabytes. The amount of drive space you'll want to give Linux depends on what software you plan to install, and how much space you have to spare. My primary Linux partition is 4 gigabytes. If you've got that kind of room to spare, it will make it easier to compile and try out large pieces of software, or to work with large files such as might be used in desktop publishing or CD-ROM mastering applications. The entire Slackware system (everything -- all the X servers, Emacs, the works) will use a little more than one gigabyte of hard drive space, so 1.5 - 2 gigs is sufficient for a complete installation. In the past, I've actually done development work on a single / partition of 110 MB. (Of course, that was back in the days of Linux version 0.99p11 or so...) Still, with careful selection you can still squeeze a small Linux system onto a Zip disk. (In fact, we do exactly that with "ZipSlack") Partitioning is done with a partitioning tool such as fdisk. There are two versions of Linux fdisk available now. 'fdisk' is the standard version, and 'cfdisk' is a friendlier full screen version. Most people will probably want to use 'cfdisk' now, unless they're used to the older version (like me). Either one will get the job done. If you're using OS/2's Boot Manager, you'll want to create your Linux partitions with OS/2 fdisk or Partition Magic (which also includes the same Boot Manager program) and format them under DOS or OS/2. This seems to make Boot Manager boot Linux partitions more reliably. Otherwise, Boot Manager might refuse to boot your root Linux partition, giving you a "Selected partition is not formatted" error. Make sure you use Linux fdisk to tag them as type 83 (Linux) or type 82 (Linux swap) or the Slackware setup program will not recognize them. Use the 't' command for that, and 'w' to write out the changes. If you're not using the OS/2 Boot Manager, you can make all your Linux partitions directly from Linux 'cfdisk'. Or you can make them with the older 'fdisk' using the 'n' command to create a partition and the 'w' command to write out the changes when you're done. By default, 'fdisk' and 'cfdisk' will partition the first hard drive in your machine. On machines with IDE, this will be /dev/hda. On machines with only SCSI, it will be /dev/sda. To partition other drives, you'll have to specify the drive to partition when you start 'cfdisk'. For example, to partition the second IDE drive: # cfdisk /dev/hdb SWAP SPACE If your machine doesn't have much memory, you might have already learned how to activate a swap partition just to make it this far. Normally you won't need to format or activate your swap space by hand, but if you're installing on a machine with low memory you will need to format and activate a swap partition of 4 (or preferably more, anywhere up to about 64) megabytes to be able to install. Once you've made the partition with fdisk, you need to use 'mkswap' on it, and then activate it with 'swapon'. Checking the partition table with 'fdisk -l', we see these lines: Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hdb2 922 922 966 11160 82 Linux swap So, the command to format would be: # mkswap /dev/hdb2 # sync And to activate it: # swapon /dev/hdb2 RUNNING THE SETUP PROGRAM Setup has quite a few options, which can be slightly confusing the first time you look at the menu. It's not really that hard, though. You just need to start at the top of the screen and work towards the bottom through the menu options. When I install, I usually do these options in order: ADDSWAP (set up my swapspace) TARGET (set up my Linux partitions and /etc/fstab) SOURCE (select the source location for the Slackware Linux packages) SELECT (pick the package categories to install) INSTALL (install the software) CONFIGURE (configure the newly installed system) Note that after I select the SWAP option, setup will allow me to run through all of the other options without ever returning to the main menu. I hope that these options will be mostly self-explanatory. Just read the screen carefully as you install and you should do just fine. REMAPPING YOUR KEYBOARD: KEYMAP: This option lets you remap your keyboard to one of the many international maps provided with Linux. If you are using a US keyboard, you can skip this option. ...WHEN YOU'RE DONE: EXIT: This leaves Slackware Linux setup. Have fun installing and running Linux! --- Patrick Volkerding volkerdi@slackware.com #!/bin/sh # Slackware remove package script # # Revision 1.8 Thu Nov 22 14:00:13 PST 2001 volkerding Rel $ # - Move $TMP underneath $ROOT # - Understand the idea of a base package name, so that packages # can be removed with any of these notations: # removepkg foo-1.0-i386-1.tgz # removepkg foo-1.0-i386-1 # removepkg foo.tgz # removepkg foo # # Revision 1.7 2001/03/30 12:36:28 volkerding # - Strip extra ".tgz" from input names. # # Revision 1.6 1999/03/25 18:26:41 volkerding # - Use external $ROOT variable, like installpkg. # # Revision 1.5.1 1998/03/18 15:37:28 volkerding # - Since removepkg is always run by root, the temp directory has been # moved from /tmp to a private directory to avoid symlink attacks from # malicious users. # # Revision 1.5 1997/06/26 12:09:53 franke # - Fixed old bug in TRIGGER regex setting # - -preserve/-copy options now preserve non-unique files # and empty directories also # # Revision 1.4 1997/06/09 13:21:36 franke # - Package file preserve (-preserve, -copy) added. # - Don't execute "rm -rf" lines from doinst.sh, removing links explicit. # - Warning on no longer existing files added. # - Warning on files changed after package installation added. # - Intermediate file preserve (-keep) added. # - Check for required files/links now done on a combined list. # - Write access to /var/log/{packages,scripts} no longer necessary for -warn. # # Revision 1.3 1997/06/08 13:03:05 franke # Merged with revision # # Revision 1.2 1996/06/01 20:04:26 franke # Delete empty directories & formated manual pages added # # Revision 1995/12/18 21:20:42 volkerding # Original Version from Slackware 3.1 # # Revision 1.1 1995/06/05 22:49:11 volkerding # Original Version from Slackware 3.0 # # Copyright 1994, 1995, 1998 Patrick Volkerding, Moorhead, Minnesota USA # Copyright 2001, Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Make sure there's a proper temp directory: TMP=$ROOT/var/log/setup/tmp # If the $TMP directory doesn't exist, create it: if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then rm -rf $TMP # make sure it's not a symlink or something stupid mkdir -p $TMP chmod 700 $TMP # no need to leave it open fi ADM_DIR=$ROOT/var/log PRES_DIR=$TMP/preserved_packages cat_except() { ( cd "$1" && cat `ls * | sed "/^$2\$/d"` ) } extract_links() { sed -n 's,^( *cd \([^ ;][^ ;]*\) *; *rm -rf \([^ )][^ )]*\) *) *$,\1/\2,p' } preserve_file() { if [ "$PRESERVE" = "true" ]; then F="`basename "$1"`" D="`dirname "$1"`" if [ ! -d "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/$D" ]; then mkdir -p "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/$D" || return 1 fi cp -p "$ROOT/$D/$F" "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/$D" || return 1 fi return 0 } preserve_dir() { if [ "$PRESERVE" = "true" ]; then if [ ! -d "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/$1" ]; then mkdir -p "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/$1" || return 1 fi fi return 0 } keep_files() { while read FILE ; do if [ ! -d "$ROOT/$FILE" ]; then if [ -r "$ROOT/$FILE" ]; then echo " --> $ROOT/$FILE was found in another package. Skipping." preserve_file "$FILE" else if [ "`echo $FILE | cut -b1-8`" != "install/" ]; then echo "WARNING: Nonexistent $ROOT/$FILE was found in another package. Skipping." fi fi else preserve_dir "$FILE" fi done } keep_links() { while read LINK ; do if [ -L "$ROOT/$LINK" ]; then echo " --> $ROOT/$LINK (symlink) was found in another package. Skipping." else echo "WARNING: Nonexistent $ROOT/$LINK (symlink) was found in another package. Skipping." fi done } delete_files() { while read FILE ; do if [ ! -d "$ROOT/$FILE" ]; then if [ -r "$ROOT/$FILE" ]; then if [ "$ROOT/$FILE" -nt "$ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME" ]; then echo "WARNING: $ROOT/$FILE changed after package installation." fi if [ ! "$WARN" = "true" ]; then echo " --> Deleting $ROOT/$FILE" preserve_file "$FILE" && rm -f "$ROOT/$FILE" else echo " --> $ROOT/$FILE would be deleted" preserve_file "$FILE" fi else echo " --> $ROOT/$FILE no longer exists. Skipping." fi else preserve_dir "$FILE" fi done } delete_links() { while read LINK ; do if [ -L "$ROOT/$LINK" ]; then if [ ! "$WARN" = "true" ]; then echo " --> Deleting symlink $ROOT/$LINK" rm -f $ROOT/$LINK else echo " --> $ROOT/$LINK (symlink) would be deleted" fi else echo " --> $ROOT/$LINK (symlink) no longer exists. Skipping." fi done } delete_dirs() { sort -r | \ while read DIR ; do if [ -d "$ROOT/$DIR" ]; then if [ ! "$WARN" = "true" ]; then if [ `ls -a "$ROOT/$DIR" | wc -l` -eq 2 ]; then echo " --> Deleting empty directory $ROOT/$DIR" rmdir $ROOT/$DIR else echo "WARNING: Unique directory $ROOT/$DIR contains new files" fi else echo " --> $ROOT/$DIR (dir) would be deleted if empty" fi fi done } delete_cats() { sed -n 's,/man\(./[^/]*$\),/cat\1,p' | \ while read FILE ; do if [ -f "$ROOT/$FILE" ]; then if [ ! "$WARN" = "true" ]; then echo " --> Deleting $ROOT/$FILE (fmt man page)" rm -f $ROOT/$FILE else echo " --> $ROOT/$FILE (fmt man page) would be deleted" fi fi done } package_name() { STRING=`basename $1 .tgz` # Check for old style package name with one segment: if [ "`echo $STRING | cut -f 1 -d -`" = "`echo $STRING | cut -f 2 -d -`" ]; then echo $STRING else # has more than one dash delimited segment # Count number of segments: INDEX=1 while [ ! "`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" = "" ]; do INDEX=`expr $INDEX + 1` done INDEX=`expr $INDEX - 1` # don't include the null value # If we don't have four segments, return the old-style (or out of spec) package name: if [ "$INDEX" = "2" -o "$INDEX" = "3" ]; then echo $STRING else # we have four or more segments, so we'll consider this a new-style name: NAME=`expr $INDEX - 3` NAME="`echo $STRING | cut -f 1-$NAME -d -`" echo $NAME # cruft for later ;) #VER=`expr $INDEX - 2` #VER="`echo $STRING | cut -f $VER -d -`" #ARCH=`expr $INDEX - 1` #ARCH="`echo $STRING | cut -f $ARCH -d -`" #BUILD="`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" fi fi } # Conversion to 'comm' utility by Mark Wisdom. # is pretty nifty! :^) remove_packages() { for PKGLIST in $* do PKGNAME=`basename $PKGLIST .tgz` echo # If we don't have a package match here, then we will attempt to find # a package using the long name format (name-version-arch-build) for # which the base package name was given. On a properly-managed machine, # there should only be one package installed with a given basename, but # we don't enforce this policy. If there's more than one, only one will # be removed. If you want to remove them all, you'll need to run # removepkg again until it removes all the same-named packages. if [ ! -e $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME ]; then SHORT="`package_name $PKGNAME`" for long_package in $ADM_DIR/packages/${PKGNAME}* ; do if [ "`package_name $PKGNAME`" = "`package_name $long_package`" ]; then PKGNAME="`basename $long_package`" fi done fi if [ -r $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME ]; then if [ ! "$WARN" = true ]; then echo "Removing package $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME..." fi if fgrep "./" $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then TRIGGER="^\.\/" else TRIGGER="FILE LIST:" fi if [ ! "$WARN" = true ]; then echo "Removing files:" fi sed -n "/$TRIGGER/,/^$/p" < $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME | \ fgrep -v "FILE LIST:" | sort -u > $TMP/delete_list$$ # Pat's new-new && improved pre-removal routine. cat_except $ADM_DIR/packages $PKGNAME | sort -u > $TMP/required_list$$ if [ -r $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME ]; then extract_links < $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME | sort -u > $TMP/del_link_list$$ cat_except $ADM_DIR/scripts $PKGNAME | extract_links | \ sort -u > $TMP/required_links$$ mv $TMP/required_list$$ $TMP/required_files$$ sort -u $TMP/required_links$$ $TMP/required_files$$ > $TMP/required_list$$ comm -12 $TMP/del_link_list$$ $TMP/required_list$$ | keep_links comm -23 $TMP/del_link_list$$ $TMP/required_list$$ | delete_links else cat $ADM_DIR/scripts/* | extract_links | \ sort -u > $TMP/required_links$$ mv $TMP/required_list$$ $TMP/required_files$$ sort -u $TMP/required_links$$ $TMP/required_files$$ >$TMP/required_list$$ fi comm -12 $TMP/delete_list$$ $TMP/required_list$$ | keep_files comm -23 $TMP/delete_list$$ $TMP/required_list$$ > $TMP/uniq_list$$ delete_files < $TMP/uniq_list$$ delete_dirs < $TMP/uniq_list$$ delete_cats < $TMP/uniq_list$$ if [ ! "$KEEP" = "true" ]; then rm -f $TMP/delete_list$$ $TMP/required_files$$ $TMP/uniq_list$$ rm -f $TMP/del_link_list$$ $TMP/required_links$$ $TMP/required_list$$ fi if [ "$PRESERVE" = "true" ]; then if [ -r $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME ]; then if [ ! -d "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/install" ]; then mkdir -p "$PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/install" fi cp -p $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME $PRES_DIR/$PKGNAME/install/doinst.sh fi fi if [ ! "$WARN" = "true" ]; then for DIR in $ADM_DIR/removed_packages $ADM_DIR/removed_scripts ; do if [ ! -d $DIR ] ; then mkdir -p $DIR ; chmod 755 $DIR ; fi done mv $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME $ADM_DIR/removed_packages if [ -r $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME ]; then mv $ADM_DIR/scripts/$PKGNAME $ADM_DIR/removed_scripts fi fi else echo "No such package: $ADM_DIR/packages/$PKGNAME. Can't remove." fi done } if [ "$#" = "0" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` [-copy] [-keep] [-preserve] [-warn] packagename ..."; exit 1 fi while : ; do case "$1" in -copy) WARN=true; PRESERVE=true; shift;; -keep) KEEP=true; shift;; -preserve) PRESERVE=true; shift;; -warn) WARN=true; shift;; -*) echo "Usage: `basename $0` [-copy] [-keep] [-preserve] [-warn] packagename ..."; exit 1;; *) break esac done if [ "$WARN" = "true" ]; then echo "Only warning... not actually removing any files." if [ "$PRESERVE" = "true" ]; then echo "Package contents is copied to $PRES_DIR." fi echo "Here's what would be removed (and left behind) if you" echo "removed the package(s):" echo else if [ "$PRESERVE" = "true" ]; then echo "Package contents is copied to $PRES_DIR." fi fi remove_packages $* #!/bin/sh RDIR=/dev/tty4 NDIR=/dev/null TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi T_PX="`cat $TMP/SeTT_PX`" rm -f $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/reply dialog --title "SCAN FOR CD-ROM DRIVE?" --menu \ "Would you like to have Setup scan for your drive automatically \ (recommended), or would you like to choose your CD-ROM drive \ manually from a list of devices?" \ 11 70 2 \ "auto" "Scan for the CD-ROM drive automatically" \ "manual" "Manually select CD-ROM device" \ 2> $TMP/reply if [ ! -r $TMP/reply ]; then # cancel or esc rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi #*********************** # testing hack: #echo "auto" > $TMP/reply #*********************** if [ "`cat $TMP/reply`" = "manual" ]; then dialog --title "MANUAL CD-ROM DEVICE SELECTION" --menu \ "Please select your CD-ROM device from the list below. \ If you don't see your device listed, choose 'custom'. \ This will let you type in any device name. (and if necessary, \ will create the device)" \ 18 70 9 \ "custom" "Type in the CD-ROM device to use" \ "/dev/hdb" "CD-ROM slave on first IDE bus" \ "/dev/hda" "CD-ROM master on first IDE bus (unlikely)" \ "/dev/hdc" "CD-ROM master on second IDE bus" \ "/dev/hdd" "CD-ROM slave on second IDE bus" \ "/dev/hde" "CD-ROM master on third IDE bus" \ "/dev/hdf" "CD-ROM slave on third IDE bus" \ "/dev/hdg" "CD-ROM master on fourth IDE bus" \ "/dev/hdh" "CD-ROM slave on fourth IDE bus" \ "/dev/scd0" "First SCSI CD-ROM drive" \ "/dev/scd1" "Second SCSI CD-ROM drive" \ "/dev/scd2" "Third SCSI CD-ROM drive" \ "/dev/scd3" "Fourth SCSI CD-ROM drive" \ "/dev/pcd0" "First parallel port ATAPI CD" \ "/dev/pcd1" "Second parallel port ATAPI CD" \ "/dev/pcd2" "Third parallel port ATAPI CD" \ "/dev/pcd3" "Fourth parallel port ATAPI CD" \ "/dev/aztcd" "Non-IDE Aztech CD-ROM" \ "/dev/cdu535" "Sony CDU-535 CD-ROM" \ "/dev/gscd" "Non-IDE GoldStar CD-ROM" \ "/dev/sonycd" "Sony CDU-31a CD-ROM" \ "/dev/optcd" "Optics Storage CD-ROM" \ "/dev/sjcd" "Sanyo non-IDE CD-ROM" \ "/dev/mcdx0" "Non-IDE Mitsumi drive 1" \ "/dev/mcdx1" "Non-IDE Mitsumi drive 2" \ "/dev/sbpcd" "Old non-IDE SoundBlaster CD-ROM" \ "/dev/cm205cd" "Philips LMS CM-205 CD-ROM" \ "/dev/cm206cd" "Philips LMS CM-206 CD-ROM" \ "/dev/mcd" "Old non-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM" \ 2> $TMP/reply if [ ! -r $TMP/reply ]; then # cancel or esc rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi REPLY="`cat $TMP/reply`" if [ "$REPLY" = "custom" ]; then dialog --title "ENTER CD-ROM DEVICE MANUALLY" --inputbox \ "Please enter the name of the CD-ROM device (such as /dev/hdc) that \ you wish to use to mount the Slackware CD-ROM:" \ 9 70 2> $TMP/reply if [ ! -r $TMP/reply ]; then # cancel or esc rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi DRIVE_FOUND="`cat $TMP/reply`" if [ ! -r $DRIVE_FOUND ]; then # no such device rm -f $TMP/majorminor dialog --title "MKNOD CD-ROM DEVICE" --inputbox \ "There doesn't seem to be a device by the name of $DRIVE_FOUND in the \ /dev directory, so we will have to create it using the major and minor \ numbers for the device. If you're using a bootdisk with a custom CD-ROM \ driver on it, you should be able to find these numbers in the \ documentation. Also, see the 'devices.txt' file that comes with the \ Linux kernel source. If you don't know the numbers, you'll have to hit \ Esc to abort. Enter the major and minor numbers for the new device, \ separated by one space:" \ 15 72 2> $TMP/majorminor if [ ! -r $TMP/majorminor ]; then # cancel or esc rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi MAJOR="`cat $TMP/majorminor`" dialog --title "MAKING DEVICE IN /dev" --infobox \ "mknod $DRIVE_FOUND b $MAJOR" 3 40 mknod $DRIVE_FOUND b $MAJOR 2> $RDIR sleep 3 if [ ! -r $DRIVE_FOUND ]; then dialog --title "MKNOD FAILED" --msgbox \ "Sorry, but the mknod command failed to make the device. You'll need to \ go back and try selecting your source media again. Press ENTER to abort \ the source media selection process." 8 60 rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi fi else DRIVE_FOUND=$REPLY fi fi # Search the IDE interfaces: if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "PLACE DISC IN CD-ROM DRIVE" --msgbox \ "Make sure the Slackware CD-ROM is in your CD-ROM drive, \ and then press ENTER \ to begin the scanning process." \ 6 60 dialog --title "SCANNING" --infobox "Scanning for an IDE/ATAPI \ CD-ROM drive containing a Slackware CD-ROM..." 4 56 sleep 3 for device in \ /dev/hdd /dev/hdc /dev/hdb /dev/hda \ /dev/hde /dev/hdf /dev/hdg /dev/hdh \ ; do mount -o ro -t iso9660 $device /var/log/mount 1> $RDIR 2> $RDIR if [ $? = 0 ]; then DRIVE_FOUND=$device umount /var/log/mount break fi done fi # Search for SCSI CD-ROM drives: if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "SCANNING" --infobox "Scanning for a SCSI \ CD-ROM drive containing a Slackware CD-ROM..." 4 50 sleep 3 for device in \ /dev/scd0 /dev/scd1 /dev/scd2 /dev/scd3 \ ; do mount -o ro -t iso9660 $device /var/log/mount 1> $RDIR 2> $RDIR if [ $? = 0 ]; then DRIVE_FOUND=$device umount /var/log/mount break fi done fi # Search for parallel port ATAPI CD-ROM drives: if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "SCANNING" --infobox "Scanning for a parallel port \ ATAPI CD-ROM drive containing a Slackware CD-ROM..." 4 52 sleep 3 for device in \ /dev/pcd0 /dev/pcd1 /dev/pcd2 /dev/pcd3 \ ; do mount -o ro -t iso9660 $device /var/log/mount 1> $RDIR 2> $RDIR if [ $? = 0 ]; then DRIVE_FOUND=$device umount /var/log/mount break fi done fi # Still not found? OK, we will search for CD-ROM drives on old, pre-ATAPI # proprietary interfaces. There aren't too many of these still around, and # the scan won't actually work unless a bootdisk that supports the drive is # used, and any necessary parameters have been passed to the kernel. if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "SCANNING" --msgbox "No IDE/SCSI drive, so we will try \ scanning for CD-ROM drives on \ old proprietary interfaces, such as SoundBlaster pre-IDE CD-ROM drives, \ Sony CDU-31a, Sony 535, old Mitsumi pre-IDE, old Optics, etc. For this \ scan to work at all, you'll need to be using a bootdisk that supports \ your CD-ROM drive. Please press ENTER to begin this last-chance scan \ for old, obsolete hardware." 11 60 for device in \ /dev/sonycd /dev/gscd /dev/optcd /dev/sjcd /dev/mcdx0 /dev/mcdx1 \ /dev/cdu535 /dev/sbpcd /dev/aztcd /dev/cm205cd /dev/cm206cd \ /dev/bpcd /dev/mcd \ ; do mount -o ro -t iso9660 $device /var/log/mount 1> $RDIR 2> $RDIR if [ $? = 0 ]; then DRIVE_FOUND=$device umount /var/log/mount break fi done fi if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "CD-ROM DRIVE NOT FOUND" --msgbox \ "A CD-ROM drive could not be found on any of the devices that were \ scanned. Possible reasons include using a bootdisk or kernel that \ doesn't support your drive, failing to pass parameters needed by some \ drives to the kernel, not having the Slackware CD-ROM in your CD-ROM \ drive, or using a drive connected to a Plug and Play soundcard (in this \ case, connecting the drive directly to the IDE interface often helps). \ Please make sure you are using the correct bootdisk for your hardware, \ consult the BOOTING file for possible information on \ forcing the detection of your drive, and then reattempt installation. \ If all else fails, see FAQ.TXT for information about copying \ parts of this CD to your DOS partition and installing it from there.\n\ \n\ You will now be returned to the main menu. If you want to try looking \ for the CD again, you may skip directly to the SOURCE menu selection." \ 0 0 rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit fi while [ 0 ]; do # time to try to mount the CD-ROM device: mount -o ro -t iso9660 $DRIVE_FOUND /var/log/mount 1> $RDIR 2> $RDIR if [ $? = 0 ]; then # mounted successfully dialog --title "CD-ROM DRIVE FOUND" --sleep 3 --infobox "A CD-ROM was found in device $DRIVE_FOUND." 3 47 break else # failed to mount dialog --title "MOUNT ERROR" --menu "There was an error \ attempting to mount the CD-ROM on $DRIVE_FOUND. \ Maybe the device name is incorrect, the disc is not in the \ drive, or the kernel you are using does not support the \ device. (possibly an incorrect bootdisk) \ What would you like to do now?" \ 13 70 3 \ "1" "Abort CD installation" \ "2" "Attempt to mount the CD-ROM device again" \ "3" "Ignore the error and continue" 2> $TMP/errordo if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev $TMP/errordo exit; fi DOWHAT="`cat $TMP/errordo`" rm -f $TMP/errordo if [ $DOWHAT = 1 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/SeTCDdev exit elif [ $DOWHAT = 2 ]; then dialog --title "ATTEMPTING TO MOUNT CD-ROM on $DRIVE_FOUND" \ --infobox "Attempting to mount your CD-ROM again with the \ following command: mount -o ro -t iso9660 $DRIVE_FOUND \ /var/log/mount" 4 69 umount /var/log/mount 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR sleep 5 elif [ $DOWHAT = 3 ]; then # Ignore error, really bad plan but whatever break fi fi done # since we should have mounted successfully, let's refresh # the link for /dev/cdrom on the target partition: if [ ! -d $T_PX/dev ]; then mkdir $T_PX/dev chown root.root $T_PX/dev chmod 755 $T_PX/dev fi ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf $DRIVE_FOUND cdrom ) # Pass information about the source directory to the next install stage: echo "/var/log/mount/slackware" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "$DRIVE_FOUND" > $TMP/SeTCDdev echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi while [ 0 ]; do rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount # OK, at this point /var/log/mount should not have anything mounted on it, # but we will umount just in case. umount /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null # Anything mounted on /var/log/mount now is a fatal error: if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "Can't umount /var/log/mount. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi # If the mount table is corrupt, the above might not do it, so we will # try to detect Linux and FAT32 partitions that have slipped by: if [ -d /var/log/mount/lost+found -o -d /var/log/mount/recycled \ -o -r /var/log/mount/io.sys ]; then echo "Mount table corrupt. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg OK, we will install from a directory within the current filesystem. If you have mounted this directory yourself, you should not use /mnt or /var/log/mount as mount points, since Setup might need to use these directories. You may install from any part of the current directory structure, no matter what the media is (including NFS). You will need to type in the name of the directory containing the subdirectories for each source disk. Which directory would you like to install from? EOF dialog --title "INSTALL FROM THE CURRENT FILESYSTEM" \ --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 19 67 2> $TMP/sourcedir if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/sourcedir $TMP/tempmsg exit fi SOURCEDIR="`cat $TMP/sourcedir`" rm -f $TMP/sourcedir $TMP/tempmsg rm -f /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null rmdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null ln -sf $SOURCEDIR /var/log/mount if [ -d $SOURCEDIR ]; then echo "/var/log/mount" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource exit else cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Sorry - the directory you specified is not valid. Please check the directory and try again. (Directory given: $SOURCEDIR) EOF dialog --title "INVALID DIRECTORY ENTERED" --msgbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 10 65 rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount $TMP/sourcedir $TMP/tempmsg fi done; #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg The base Slackware series (A) can be installed from 1.2M or 1.44M media. Most of the other disks will not fit on 1.2M media, but can be downloaded to your hard drive and installed from there later. Which drive do you want to install from? EOF dialog --title "SELECT FLOPPY DRIVE" --menu "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 18 67 4 \ "/dev/fd0u1440" "1.44M drive a:" \ "/dev/fd1u1440" "1.44M drive b:" \ "/dev/fd0h1200" "1.2M drive a:" \ "/dev/fd1h1200" "1.2M drive b:" 2> $TMP/whichdrv if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/whichdrv $TMP/tempmsg exit fi rm -f $TMP/tempmsg mv $TMP/whichdrv $TMP/SeTsource echo "" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "" > $TMP/SeTmount #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi while [ 0 ]; do rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount # OK, at this point /var/log/mount should not have anything mounted on it, # but we will umount just in case. umount /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null # Anything mounted on /var/log/mount now is a fatal error: if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "Can't umount /var/log/mount. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi # If the mount table is corrupt, the above might not do it, so we will # try to detect Linux and FAT32 partitions that have slipped by: if [ -d /var/log/mount/lost+found -o -d /var/log/mount/recycled \ -o -r /var/log/mount/io.sys ]; then echo "Mount table corrupt. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi while [ 0 ]; do cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg In order to install directly from the hard disk you must have a partition (such as /dev/hda1, /dev/hdb5, etc) with the Slackware distribution's slackware/ directory like you'd find it on the FTP site. It can be in another directory. For example, if the distribution is in /stuff/slackware/, then you have to have directories named /stuff/slackware/a, /stuff/slackware/ap, and so on each containing the files that would be in that directory on the FTP site. You may install from FAT or Linux partitions. Please enter the partition (such as /dev/hda1) where the Slackware sources can be found, or [enter] to see a partition list: EOF dialog --title "INSTALLING FROM HARD DISK" --inputbox \ "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 18 70 2> $TMP/source.part if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/source.part $TMP/tempmsg exit fi rm -f $TMP/tempmsg SLACK_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/source.part`" rm -f $TMP/source.part if [ "$SLACK_DEVICE" = "" ]; then dialog --title "PARTITION LIST" --msgbox "`probe -l | fgrep -v cylind | fgrep dev 2> /dev/null`" 22 75 continue; fi break; done dialog --title "SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY" --inputbox \ "Now we need to know the full path on this partition to the\n\ slackware/ directory where the directories containing\n\ installation files and packages to be installed are kept.\n\ For example, if you downloaded Slackware into the /stuff\n\ directory on your hard drive (so that you have the\n\ directories /stuff/slackware/a, /stuff/slackware/ap, and so on\n\ each containing the files that would be in that directory on\n\ the FTP site), then the full path to enter here would be:\n\ \n\ /stuff/slackware\n\ \n\ What directory are the Slackware sources in?" \ 19 65 2> $TMP/source.dir if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/source.dir exit fi SLACK_SOURCE_LOCATION="`cat $TMP/source.dir`" rm -f $TMP/source.dir if mount | fgrep $SLACK_DEVICE 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # This partition is already mounted, so we will have to # tweak things funny. rm -f /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null rmdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null PREFIX="`mount | fgrep $SLACK_DEVICE | cut -f 3 -d ' '`" ln -sf $PREFIX /var/log/mount else SUCCESS=false for type in ext3 ext2 vfat reiserfs hpfs msdos ; do mount -r -t $type $SLACK_DEVICE /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then # mounted successfully SUCCESS=true break; fi done if [ ! $SUCCESS = true ]; then # there was a mount error cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg There was a problem mounting your partition. Would you like to: EOF dialog --title "MOUNT ERROR" --menu "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 10 68 2 \ "Restart" "Start over" \ "Ignore " "Ignore the error and continue" 2> $TMP/dowhat if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/dowhat exit fi DOWHAT="`cat $TMP/dowhat`" rm -f $TMP/dowhat if [ "$DOWHAT" = "Restart" ]; then umount /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null continue; fi echo fi # mount error fi if [ -d /var/log/mount/$SLACK_SOURCE_LOCATION ]; then echo "/var/log/mount/$SLACK_SOURCE_LOCATION" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource exit else cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Sorry, but the directory $SLACK_SOURCE_LOCATION does not exist on partition $SLACK_DEVICE. Would you like to try again? EOF dialog --title "SOURCE DIRECTORY NOT FOUND" --yesno "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 10 70 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg exit fi rm -r $TMP/tempmsg fi done #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi while [ 0 ]; do rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount T_PX="`cat $TMP/SeTT_PX`" UPNRUN=1 if [ "$T_PX" = "/" ]; then cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg You're running off the hard drive filesystem. Is this machine currently running on the network you plan to install from? If so, we won't try to reconfigure your ethernet card. Are you up-and-running on the network? EOF dialog --title "NFS INSTALLATION" --yesno "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 11 68 UPNRUN=$? fi if [ $UPNRUN = 1 ]; then cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg You will need to enter the IP address you wish to assign to this machine. Example: What is your IP address? EOF dialog --title "ASSIGN IP ADDRESS" --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 12 \ 65 $LOCAL_IPADDR 2> $TMP/local if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/local exit fi LOCAL_IPADDR="`cat $TMP/local`" rm -f $TMP/local cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Now we need to know your netmask. Typically this will be but this can be different depending on your local setup. What is your netmask? EOF if [ "$LOCAL_NETMASK" = "" ]; then # assign default LOCAL_NETMASK= fi dialog --title "ASSIGN NETMASK" --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 14 \ 65 $LOCAL_NETMASK 2> $TMP/mask if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/mask exit fi LOCAL_NETMASK="`cat $TMP/mask`" rm $TMP/mask # Broadcast and network are derived from IP and netmask: LOCAL_BROADCAST=`ipmask $LOCAL_NETMASK $LOCAL_IPADDR | cut -f 1 -d ' '` LOCAL_NETWORK=`ipmask $LOCAL_NETMASK $LOCAL_IPADDR | cut -f 2 -d ' '` dialog --yesno "Do you have a gateway?" 5 30 HAVE_GATEWAY=$? if [ "$HAVE_GATEWAY" = "0" ]; then if [ "$LOCAL_GATEWAY" = "" ]; then LOCAL_GATEWAY="`echo $LOCAL_IPADDR | cut -f1-3 -d '.'`." fi dialog --title "ASSIGN GATEWAY ADDRESS" --inputbox \ "\nWhat is the IP address for your gateway?" 9 65 \ $LOCAL_GATEWAY 2> $TMP/gw if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/gw exit fi LOCAL_GATEWAY="`cat $TMP/gw`" rm -f $TMP/gw fi fi # ! UPNRUN cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Good! We're all set on the local end, but now we need to know where to find the software packages to install. First, we need the IP address of the machine where the Slackware sources are stored. EOF if [ "$UPNRUN" = "0" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tempmsg Since you're already running on the network, you should be able to use the hostname instead of an IP address if you wish. EOF fi echo "What is the IP address of your NFS server? " >> $TMP/tempmsg dialog --title "ENTER IP ADDRESS OF NFS SERVER" --inputbox \ "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 14 70 $REMOTE_IPADDR 2> $TMP/remote if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/remote exit fi REMOTE_IPADDR="`cat $TMP/remote`" rm $TMP/remote if [ ! "$UPNRUN" = "0" ]; then ENET_DEVICE="eth0" fi # ! UPNRUN cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg There must be a directory on the server with the Slackware packages and files arranged in a tree like the FTP site. The installation script needs to know the name of the directory on your server that contains the disk subdirectories. For example, if your A3 disk is found at /slack/slackware/a3, then you would respond: /slack/slackware What is the Slackware source directory? EOF dialog --title "SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY" --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 18 \ 65 $REMOTE_PATH 2> $TMP/slacksrc if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/slacksrc exit fi REMOTE_PATH="`cat $TMP/slacksrc`" rm $TMP/slacksrc echo echo echo echo "We'll switch into text mode here so you can see if you have any errors." echo if [ ! "$UPNRUN" = "0" ]; then echo "Configuring ethernet card..." ifconfig $ENET_DEVICE $LOCAL_IPADDR netmask $LOCAL_NETMASK broadcast $LOCAL_BROADCAST # Older kernel versions need these to set up the eth0 routing table. KVERSION=`uname -r | cut -f 1,2 -d .` if [ "$KVERSION" = "1.0" -o "$KVERSION" = "1.1" \ -o "$KVERSION" = "1.2" -o "$KVERSION" = "2.0" -o "$KVERSION" = "" ]; then /sbin/route add -net ${LOCAL_NETWORK} netmask ${LOCAL_NETMASK} eth0 fi if [ "$HAVE_GATEWAY" = "0" ]; then echo "Configuring your gateway..." route add default gw $LOCAL_GATEWAY metric 1 fi if [ -x /sbin/rpc.portmap ]; then echo "Running /sbin/rpc.portmap..." /sbin/rpc.portmap fi fi echo "Mounting NFS..." mount -r -t nfs -o nolock $REMOTE_IPADDR:$REMOTE_PATH /var/log/mount echo "/var/log/mount" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource echo echo "Current mount table:" mount echo echo "(If you see errors above and the mount table doesn't show your NFS" echo "server, then try setting up NFS again)" echo echo -n "Do you need to try setting up NFS again ([y]es, [n]o)? " read TRY_AGAIN; if [ "$TRY_AGAIN" = "n" ]; then break fi if [ "$UPNRUN" = "1" ]; then route del $LOCAL_NETWORK ifconfig $ENET_DEVICE down fi done echo $LOCAL_IPADDR > $TMP/SeTIP echo $LOCAL_NETMASK > $TMP/SeTnetmask echo $LOCAL_GATEWAY > $TMP/SeTgateway You have not yet designated any disk partitions as type Linux. If you are planning to use OS/2 Boot Manager, make your Linux partitions with OS/2 fdisk (or Partition Magic, which also includes Boot Manager), format them, reboot this disk, and then use Linux fdisk to tag the partitions as type 83 (Linux). Linux fdisk will select a default device when called without arguments, and from there it is menu driven. If you don't want to partition the default device, then call fdisk with the device you want as the argument, like this: fdisk /dev/hdb or this: fdisk /dev/sda If you are not using the OS/2 Boot Manager, then you may use Linux fdisk to create partitions for Linux. Other than the exception for the OS/2 Boot Manager, you are usually better off creating partitions for a given OS using a partitioning tool native to that OS. In other words, you probably shouldn't try to make your DOS or other non-Linux partitions with the Linux fdisk. Please make one or more partitions for Linux, and try setup again. If you haven't already, you might want to also make a swap partition while you're in fdisk. 64 megabytes would be a good starting size for a single user system. Linux swap is tagged as type 82. #!/bin/sh # # Copyright 1993,1994,1999 Patrick Volkerding, Moorhead, Minnesota USA # Copyright 2001 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # As always, bug reports, suggestions, etc: volkerdi@slackware.com # TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi # Use /tmp on floppy for now: /usr/lib/setup/unmigrate.sh rm -f $TMP/SeT* # If a keymap was set up, restore that data: if [ -r $TMP/Pkeymap ]; then cp $TMP/Pkeymap $TMP/SeTkeymap fi echo "on" > $TMP/SeTcolor # turn on color menus PATH="$PATH:/usr/lib/setup" export PATH; export COLOR=on #echo #echo #echo "Probing disk partitions. (Hint: if your ATAPI CD-ROM causes timeouts" #echo "during the probe process, try hitting the eject button)" #echo #sleep 5 if probe -l | fgrep "Linux\$" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then probe -l | fgrep "Linux\$" 1> $TMP/SeTplist 2> /dev/null else dialog --title "NO LINUX PARTITIONS DETECTED" \ --msgbox "There don't seem to be any partitions on this machine of type \ Linux. You'll need to make at least one of these to install Linux. \ To do this, you'll need to leave 'setup', and make the partitions using \ 'cfdisk' or 'fdisk'. For more information, read the 'setup' help \ file from the next menu." 10 60 fi T_PX="/mnt" echo "$T_PX" > $TMP/SeTT_PX #DISTRIBUTION_SOURCE="/var/log/mount" #echo "$DISTRIBUTION_SOURCE" > $TMP/SeTDS #SOURCE_DEVICE="/dev/fd0" # We may want to force the issue... # echo "$SOURCE_DEVICE" > $TMP/SeTsource ROOT_DEVICE="`mount | fgrep "on / " | cut -f 1 -d ' '`" echo "$ROOT_DEVICE" > $TMP/SeTrootdev if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # clear source umount /var/log/mount # location fi # Anything mounted on /var/log/mount now is a fatal error: if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then echo "Can't umount /var/log/mount. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi # If the mount table is corrupt, the above might not do it, so we will # try to detect Linux and FAT32 partitions that have slipped by: if [ -d /var/log/mount/lost+found -o -d /var/log/mount/recycled \ -o -r /var/log/mount/io.sys ]; then echo "Mount table corrupt. Reboot machine and run setup again." exit fi rm -f /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null rmdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null mkdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null while [ 0 ]; do # Reset menu flag: rm -f $TMP/SeTQUICK dialog --title "Slackware Linux Setup (version 8.1.0)" \ --menu \ "Welcome to Slackware Linux Setup.\n\ Select an option below using the UP/DOWN keys and SPACE or ENTER.\n\ Alternate keys may also be used: '+', '-', and TAB." 18 72 9 \ "HELP" "Read the Slackware Setup HELP file" \ "KEYMAP" "Remap your keyboard if you're not using a US one" \ "ADDSWAP" "Set up your swap partition(s)" \ "TARGET" "Set up your target partitions" \ "SOURCE" "Select source media" \ "SELECT" "Select categories of software to install" \ "INSTALL" "Install selected software" \ "CONFIGURE" "Reconfigure your Linux system" \ "EXIT" "Exit Slackware Linux Setup" 2> $TMP/hdset if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/hdset $TMP/SeT* exit fi MAINSELECT="`cat $TMP/hdset`" rm $TMP/hdset # Start checking what to do. Some modules may reset MAINSELECT to run the # next item in line. if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "HELP" ]; then SeTfdHELP fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "KEYMAP" ]; then SeTkeymap if [ -r $TMP/SeTkeymap ]; then dialog --yesno "Now that you've completed the KEYMAP section, \ you may proceed to the ADDSWAP section. Otherwise, you'll be \ returned to the main menu. Would you like to continue the installation \ and set up your swap space?" 8 60 if [ $? = 0 ]; then MAINSELECT="ADDSWAP" fi fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "MAKE TAGS" ]; then SeTmaketag fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "ADDSWAP" ]; then SeTswap if [ -r $TMP/SeTswap ]; then dialog --title "CONTINUE WITH INSTALLATION?" --yesno "Now that you've set \ up your swap space, you may continue on with the installation. Otherwise, \ you'll be returned to the main menu. Would you like to continue the \ installation and set up your TARGET drive(s)?" 8 62 if [ $? = 0 ]; then MAINSELECT="TARGET" fi elif [ -r $TMP/SeTswapskip ]; then # Go ahead to TARGET without swap space: MAINSELECT="TARGET" fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "TARGET" ]; then SeTpartitions SeTDOS if [ -r $TMP/SeTnative ]; then dialog --title "CONTINUE?" --yesno "Now that you've set up your target \ partitions, would you like to go on to the SOURCE section and select your \ installation media?" 7 60 if [ $? = 0 ]; then MAINSELECT="SOURCE" fi fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "SOURCE" ]; then SeTmedia if [ -r $TMP/SeTsource ]; then dialog --title "CONTINUE?" --yesno "Now that you've selected your SOURCE \ media, you may proceed to the SELECT section and choose which categories \ of software to install (in the old days, these were called 'disk sets'). \ Would you like to go on to the SELECT section now?" 8 67 if [ $? = 0 ]; then MAINSELECT="SELECT" fi fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "SELECT" ]; then SeTPKG if [ -r $TMP/SeTSERIES ]; then dialog --title "CONTINUE?" --yesno "Now that you've decided \ what you want to install you may \ begin the installation process by moving to the INSTALL section. Please note \ that if you have not completed all the prerequisites you will be informed of \ this and returned to the main menu. Would you like to go on to the INSTALL \ section?" 9 70 if [ $? = 0 ]; then MAINSELECT="INSTALL" fi fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "INSTALL" ]; then if [ ! -r $TMP/SeTSERIES -o ! -r $TMP/SeTsource -o ! $TMP/SeTnative ]; then dialog --title "CANNOT INSTALL SOFTWARE YET" --msgbox "\ \n\ Before you can install software, complete the following tasks:\n\ \n\ 1. Select your source media.\n\ 2. Set up your target Linux partition(s).\n\ 3. Select which software categories to install.\n\ \n\ You may also optionally remap your keyboard and set up your\n\ swap partition(s). \n\ \n\ Press ENTER to return to the main menu." 16 68 continue fi SERIES="-sets `cat $TMP/SeTSERIES`" SOURCE_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/SeTsource`" IGNORE_TAGFILES="" while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "SELECT PROMPTING MODE" --menu \ "Now you must select the type of prompts you'd like to see during the \ installation process. If you have the drive space, the 'full' option \ is quick, easy, and by far the most foolproof choice. The 'newbie' \ mode provides the most information but is much more time-consuming \ (presenting the packages one by one) than the menu-based choices. \ Otherwise, you can pick packages from menus \ using 'expert' or 'menu' mode. Which type of prompting would you like \ to use?" \ 21 70 7 \ "full" "Install everything (almost 2 GB of software)" \ "newbie" "Use verbose prompting (and follow tagfiles)" \ "menu" "Choose groups of packages from interactive menus" \ "expert" "Choose individual packages from interactive menus" \ "custom" "Use custom tagfiles in the package directories" \ "tagpath" "Use tagfiles in the subdirectories of a custom path" \ "help" "Read the prompt mode help file" 2> $TMP/SeTpmode if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTpmode exit fi MODE="`cat $TMP/SeTpmode`" rm -f $TMP/SeTtagext if [ "$MODE" = "help" ]; then dialog --title "PROMPT MODE HELP" --textbox "/usr/lib/setup/PROMPThelp" 19 65 fi if [ "$MODE" = "tagpath" ]; then dialog --title "PROVIDE A CUSTOM PATH TO YOUR TAGFILES" --inputbox \ "If you're installing from CD-ROM, it's impossible to edit the \ tagfiles that are in the package directories. In this case, you might \ want to provide a path to your custom tagfiles. As an example, you \ could create a /tagfiles directory and mount a floppy disk containing \ the tagfiles on that directory. Then you'd enter '/tagfiles' at the \ prompt below. The setup program will look for your tagfile in \ SUBDIRECTORIES of the path you provide, such as /tagfiles/a, \ /tagfiles/ap, /tagfiles/d, and so on. You only need to provide a \ subdirectory and tagfile for the first disk of each series to be \ installed. If a custom tagfile is not found at the path you provide, \ setup will revert to the default tagfiles. Please enter the path to your \ custom tagfiles:" \ 19 71 2> $TMP/SeTtagpath if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then continue fi if [ -r $TMP/SeTtagpath ]; then if [ "`cat $TMP/SeTtagpath`" = "" ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTtagpath fi fi break; fi if [ "$MODE" = "newbie" ]; then dialog --infobox "'newbie' prompt mode selected. Using default tagfiles \ and verbose package prompting." 4 50 break; fi if [ "$MODE" = "custom" ]; then dialog --title "ENTER CUSTOM EXTENSION" --inputbox "Now, enter the custom \ extension you have used for your tagfiles. This must be a valid MS-DOS format \ file extension consisting of a period followed by three characters. For \ example, I use '.pat'. You might see my tagfiles on your disks. :^)" \ 12 60 2> $TMP/SeTtagext if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then continue fi if [ -r $TMP/SeTtagext ]; then if [ "`cat $TMP/SeTtagext`" = "" ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTtagext fi fi dialog --infobox "'custom' prompt mode selected. Using prompting defaults \ found in custom tagfiles." 4 50 break; fi if [ "$MODE" = "full" ]; then IGNORE_TAGFILES="-ignore_tagfiles" dialog --infobox "Full installation mode. Installing all software \ packages without prompting." 4 45 break; fi if [ "$MODE" = "menu" ]; then cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTQUICK MAKETAG="maketag.ez" dialog --infobox "'menu' prompt mode selected. Using interactive menus \ to choose subsystems of related packages." 4 60 break; fi if [ "$MODE" = "expert" ]; then cat /dev/null > $TMP/SeTQUICK MAKETAG="maketag" dialog --infobox "'expert' prompt mode selected. Using interactive menus \ to choose packages individually." 4 60 break; fi done export MAKETAG; sleep 3 SOURCE_MOUNTED="`cat $TMP/SeTmount`" DISTRIBUTION_SOURCE="`cat $TMP/SeTDS`" if [ "$DISTRIBUTION_SOURCE" != "" ]; then pkgtool $SOURCE_MOUNTED $IGNORE_TAGFILES -source_device $SOURCE_DEVICE -source_dir $DISTRIBUTION_SOURCE -target_dir $T_PX $SERIES else pkgtool $SOURCE_MOUNTED $IGNORE_TAGFILES -source_device $SOURCE_DEVICE -target_dir $T_PX $SERIES fi MAINSELECT="CONFIGURE" fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "CONFIGURE" ]; then SeTconfig REPLACE_FSTAB=Y if [ -r $TMP/SeTnative ]; then if [ -r $T_PX/etc/fstab ]; then dialog --title "REPLACE /etc/fstab?" --yesno "You already have an \ /etc/fstab on your install partition. If you were just adding software, \ you should probably keep your old /etc/fstab. If you've changed your \ partitioning scheme, you should use the new /etc/fstab. Do you want \ to replace your old /etc/fstab with the new one?" 10 58 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then REPLACE_FSTAB=N fi fi if [ "$REPLACE_FSTAB" = "Y" ]; then cat /dev/null > $T_PX/etc/fstab if [ -r $TMP/SeTswap ]; then cat $TMP/SeTswap > $T_PX/etc/fstab fi cat $TMP/SeTnative >> $T_PX/etc/fstab # Mount up the BCDCD-ROM if it exists... if [ -r $TMP/SeTcdfstab ]; then mkdir -p $T_PX/cdrom cat $TMP/SeTcdfstab >> $TMP/SeTDOS fi if [ -r $TMP/SeTDOS ]; then cat $TMP/SeTDOS >> $T_PX/etc/fstab fi printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "/dev/cdrom" "/mnt/cdrom" "iso9660" "noauto,owner,ro" "0" "0" >> $T_PX/etc/fstab printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "/dev/fd0" "/mnt/floppy" "auto" "noauto,owner" "0" "0" >> $T_PX/etc/fstab printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "none" "/dev/pts" "devpts" "gid=5,mode=620" "0" "0" >> $T_PX/etc/fstab printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "none" "/proc" "proc" "defaults" "0" "0" >> $T_PX/etc/fstab fi dialog --title "SETUP COMPLETE" --msgbox "System configuration \ and installation is complete. You may EXIT setup and reboot your machine with \ ctrl-alt-delete." 7 55 fi fi if [ "$MAINSELECT" = "EXIT" ]; then break fi done # end of main loop sync chmod 755 $T_PX if [ -d $T_PX/tmp ]; then chmod 1777 $T_PX/tmp fi rm -f $TMP/tagfile $TMP/SeT* $TMP/tar-error $TMP/PKGTOOL_REMOVED if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then umount /var/log/mount fi # Anything mounted on /var/log/mount now is a fatal error: if mount | fgrep /var/log/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then exit fi # If the mount table is corrupt, the above might not do it, so we will # try to detect Linux and FAT32 partitions that have slipped by: if [ -d /var/log/mount/lost+found -o -d /var/log/mount/recycled \ -o -r /var/log/mount/io.sys ]; then exit fi rm -f /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null rmdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null mkdir /var/log/mount 2> /dev/null chmod 755 /var/log/mount if [ -f /mnt/etc/fstab ]; then echo echo "Installation of Slackware GNU/Linux is complete." echo # umount CD: if mount | grep iso9660 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then umount `mount | grep iso9660 | cut -f 1 -d ' '` echo "Please remove the installation CD-ROM, and press ctrl-alt-delete to reboot." else echo "You may now press ctrl-alt-delete to reboot." fi echo fi # end slackware setup script PROMPT MODE HELP Software packages are about to be transfered onto your hard drive. Several options exist for selecting which packages you wish to install. If you select "full", the install program will just go ahead and install everything from the disk sets you have selected. If you're got enough disk space, this should work fine. You'll have some packages you don't need on your hard drive, though, like fairly large X servers for display hardware you don't own. Not a problem, if you run short of space, go into /var/log/packages and read any or all of the files with 'less' to see what packages you have installed, and remove and unnecessary ones using 'removepkg'. For people who know what they want to install and would like to select the packages from menus instead of individually, there are two menu installation modes: "menu" and "expert". "menu" mode puts up a menu at the start of each series of packages, from which you can install systems such as the GNU C/C++ compiler, or the Linux source code. It's easy to use, and makes installation go much faster than "newbie" mode. "expert" mode is similar, but allows the toggling of every individual package. This offers the greatest control over what gets installed on the machine, but can be tricky for beginners. If this is your first time installing Linux, you might want to use "newbie" mode (even though it takes some extra time). This will follow a defaults file in the first directory of each series you install that will ensure that required packages are installed automatically. You will be prompted for the installation of other packages. These defaults are user definable -- you may set any package to be added or skipped automatically by editing your choices into a file called TAGFILE that will be found on the first disk of each series. There will also be a copy of the original tagfile called TAGFILE.ORG available in case you want to restore the default settings. The tagfile contains all the instructions needed to completely automate your installation. NOTE: Software may be added to your system after the initial installation. Just type 'setup' to add software to your system. Another script, 'pkgtool', may be used to add software packages from the current directory, or to cleanly remove packages that you want uninstalled. Also, command line utilities (installpkg, removepkg, makepkg, etc) are available. These are what I use. If you use tagfiles, you might want to use a custom tagfile that you have created yourself instead of the default ones that come with Slackware (the ones named 'tagfile'). For instance, I use custom tagfiles called 'tagfile.pat' that you might see on your disks. :^) You make a custom tagfile by copying the 'tagfile' on the first disk of a series to a file named 'tagfile.???' where .??? is a custom extension of your choosing. (I use '.pat') Once you've done this, you can edit the defaults any way you like. (but be careful about changing stuff that was installed by default) To use a custom tagfile, just choose "custom" on the prompt mode menu, and enter your custom extension. Any tagfiles with this extension will then be used for the duration of the installation. If at any point a tagfile with that extension cannot be found, the default tagfile will be used instead. You may also use "tagpath" to provide a path to where your custom tagfiles are located. In this case, you do not use a custom extension - all your tagfiles will be named 'tagfile'. You'll provide a directory path such as /my/tagfile/path. In this directory will be subdirectories for each disk you wish to provide a tagfile for. You do not have to provide a subdirectory and tagfile for each disk you plan to install - if a tagfile is not found at your custom tagfile location then the default one in the package directory will be used. -- End of prompt mode help text #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi T_PX="`cat $TMP/SeTT_PX`" ROOT_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/SeTrootdev`" if [ ! -d $T_PX/bin -a ! -d $T_PX/etc ]; then # if there no Linux here, exit exit fi # Check for disk full error: . /usr/lib/setup/SeTfull # These next lines are intended to clean up any permissions # problems that could be caused by a bad package. We don't # intend to make any bad packages here, but it never hurts # to be safe. :^) ( cd $T_PX ; chmod 755 ./ ) ( cd $T_PX ; chmod 755 ./var ) if [ -d $T_PX/usr/src/linux ]; then chmod 755 $T_PX/usr/src/linux fi if [ ! -d $T_PX/proc ]; then mkdir $T_PX/proc chown root.root $T_PX/proc fi chmod 1777 $T_PX/tmp if [ ! -d $T_PX/var/spool/mail ]; then mkdir -p $T_PX/var/spool/mail chmod 755 $T_PX/var/spool chown root.mail $T_PX/var/spool/mail chmod 1777 $T_PX/var/spool/mail fi # Load keyboard map (if any) when booting if [ -r $TMP/SeTkeymap ]; then MAPNAME="`cat $TMP/SeTkeymap`" echo "#!/bin/sh" > $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap echo "# Load the keyboard map. More maps are in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps." \ >> $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap echo "if [ -x /usr/bin/loadkeys ]; then" >> $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap echo " /usr/bin/loadkeys $MAPNAME" >> $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap echo "fi" >> $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap chmod 755 $T_PX/etc/rc.d/rc.keymap fi # Install the bootdisk's Linux kernel: . /usr/lib/setup/SeTkernel # Only ask if we want to skip configuring if we suspect the user should # skip the step: if [ -r $T_PX/etc/fstab ]; then dialog --title "CONFIGURE THE SYSTEM" --yesno "Now we can configure your \ Linux system. If this is a new installation, you MUST configure it now or it \ will not boot correctly. However, if you are just adding software to an \ existing system, you can back out to the main menu and skip this step. \ However (important exception) if you've installed a new kernel image, it's \ important to reconfigure your system so that you can install LILO (the Linux \ loader) or create a bootdisk using the new kernel. You want to CONFIGURE \ your system, right?" 0 0 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then exit fi fi while [ 0 ]; do # the bootdisk menu loop dialog --title "MAKE BOOTDISK" --ok-label Create --cancel-label Skip --menu \ "It is highly recommended that you make \ a bootdisk (or two) for your system at this time. Please insert a floppy disk \ (formatted or unformatted) and press ENTER to create a bootdisk. \n\ \n\ The existing contents of the floppy disk will be erased." 13 70 2 \ "Create" "Make a Linux bootdisk in /dev/fd0" \ "Skip" "Skip making a bootdisk" \ 2> $TMP/return REPLY=`cat $TMP/return` rm -f $TMP/return if [ "$REPLY" = "Create" ]; then dialog --title "Formatting /dev/fd0u1680" --infobox "Formatting /dev/fd0, \ 1.68 megabytes." 3 42 if [ -x /sbin/fdformat ]; then /sbin/fdformat -n /dev/fd0u1680 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null else chroot $T_PX fdformat -n /dev/fd0u1680 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then dialog --title "ERROR: FLOPPY FORMAT FAILED" --msgbox "The attempt to format the floppy \ disk in /dev/fd0 has failed, probably due to bad media. Please try again with a \ different disk. If that doesn't work, perhaps the drive needs cleaning." 0 0 continue fi rm -f $TMP/return dialog --title "CREATING BOOT FLOPPY" --infobox "Creating SYSLINUX bootdisk for \ $ROOT_DEVICE in /dev/fd0." 3 64 if [ -x /sbin/mkdosfs ]; then /sbin/mkdosfs -F 12 /dev/fd0u1680 1680 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null else chroot $T_PX /sbin/mkdosfs -F 12 /dev/fd0u1680 1680 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -d $TMP/bootdisk ]; then mkdir $TMP/bootdisk fi mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 $TMP/bootdisk 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ -r $T_PX/vmlinuz ]; then cp $T_PX/vmlinuz $TMP/bootdisk/vmlinuz elif [ -r $T_PX/boot/vmlinuz ]; then cp $T_PX/boot/vmlinuz $TMP/bootdisk/vmlinuz fi ## This avoids a syslinux-1.72 bug, and doesn't seem to hurt anything: #dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count=1 >> $TMP/bootdisk/vmlinuz 2> /dev/null cat << EOF > $TMP/bootdisk/message.txt Welcome to the 09Slackware07 Linux custom bootdisk! By default, this disk boots a root Linux partition on $ROOT_DEVICE when you hit ENTER. If you'd like to boot some other partition, use a command like this on the prompt below: mount root=/dev/sda1 ro Where "/dev/sda1" is the partition you want to boot, and "ro" specifies that the partition should be initially mounted as read-only. If you wish to mount the partition read-write, use "rw" instead. To set the video console mode, use the vga= parameter (press F1 to see a table). You may also add any other kernel parameters you might need depending on your hardware, and which drivers are included in your kernel. EOF cat << EOF > $TMP/bootdisk/syslinux.cfg default vmlinuz ramdisk_size=7000 root=$ROOT_DEVICE vga=normal ro prompt 1 timeout 6000 display message.txt F1 f1.txt F2 message.txt #F3 f3.txt #F4 f4.txt #F5 f5.txt #F6 f6.txt #F7 f7.txt label mount kernel vmlinuz append ramdisk_size=7000 root=$ROOT_DEVICE vga=normal ro label ramdisk kernel vmlinuz append vmlinuz ramdisk_size=7000 root=/dev/fd0u1440 vga=normal rw EOF cat << EOF > $TMP/bootdisk/f1.txt STANDARD MODES: To make the kernel prompt for standard video modes use: vga=ask FRAMEBUFFER MODES: To get the kernel to start in VESA framebuffer mode, you need to pass it a vga= init string on the "boot:" prompt. Here's a table: Colors 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200 --------+--------------------------------------------- 256 | 769 771 773 775 796 32,768 | 784 787 790 793 797 65,536 | 785 788 791 794 798 16.8M | 786 789 792 795 799 ...such as this for 1024x768x64k: vga=791 F2 returns to the previous page. EOF umount /dev/fd0 syslinux -s /dev/fd0 rm -r $TMP/bootdisk dialog --title "BOOTDISK CREATED" --ok-label Continue --cancel-label Create --menu \ "The boot floppy has been successfully created in /dev/fd0. If you would like to \ create an additional bootdisk, please select 'Create' and we'll go back and make another \ one, otherwise select 'Continue' to continue configuring your system." 12 70 2 \ "Continue" "Continue the configuration (done making bootdisks)" \ "Create" "Make a spare Linux bootdisk in /dev/fd0" \ 2> $TMP/return REPLY=`cat $TMP/return` rm -f $TMP/return if [ "$REPLY" = "Create" ]; then continue else break fi else # ! Create break fi done dialog --title "MODEM CONFIGURATION" --menu "This part of the configuration \ process will create a /dev/modem link pointing to the callout device (ttyS0, \ ttyS1, ttyS2, ttyS3) representing your default modem. You \ can change this link \ later if you move your modem to a different port. If your modem is a PCI card, \ it will probably use /dev/ttyS4 or higher. \ Please select the callout \ device which you would like to use for your modem:" 22 68 9 \ "no modem" "I don't have a modem!" \ "/dev/ttyS0" "(COM1: under DOS)" \ "/dev/ttyS1" "(COM2: under DOS)" \ "/dev/ttyS2" "(COM3: under DOS)" \ "/dev/ttyS3" "(COM4: under DOS)" \ "/dev/ttyS4" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS5" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS6" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS7" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS8" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS9" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS10" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS11" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS12" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS13" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS14" "PCI modem" \ "/dev/ttyS15" "PCI modem" \ 2> $TMP/callout if [ $? = 0 ]; then MODEM_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/callout`" if [ ! "$MODEM_DEVICE" = "no modem" ]; then MODEM_DEVICE=`basename $MODEM_DEVICE` (cd $T_PX/dev; ln -sf $MODEM_DEVICE modem) fi fi rm -f $TMP/callout # Post installation and setup scripts added by packages. if [ -d $T_PX/var/log/setup ]; then for INSTALL_SCRIPTS in $T_PX/var/log/setup/setup.* do SCRIPT=`basename $INSTALL_SCRIPTS` # Here, we call each script in /var/log/setup. Two arguments are provided: # 1 -- the target prefix (normally /, but /mnt from the bootdisk) # 2 -- the name of the root device. ( cd $T_PX ; sh var/log/setup/$SCRIPT $T_PX $ROOT_DEVICE ) if echo $SCRIPT | fgrep onlyonce 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then # only run after first install if [ ! -d $T_PX/var/log/setup/install ]; then mkdir $T_PX/var/log/setup/install fi mv $INSTALL_SCRIPTS $T_PX/var/log/setup/install fi done fi # Set root password: /usr/lib/setup/SeTpasswd #!/bin/sh # SeTpartition user-friendly rewrite Fri Dec 15 13:17:40 CST 1995 pjv # More updates for Slackware 3.5: Wed Apr 29 22:43:28 CDT 1998 # Updated for Slackware 7.x (new fdisk tags) Fri Sep 10 13:17:18 CDT 1999 TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi REDIR=/dev/tty4 NDIR=/dev/null rm -f $TMP/SeTDOS touch $TMP/SeTDOS crunch () { # remove extra whitespace read STRING; echo $STRING } DOSLIST="`probe -l | fgrep "DOS Win95 F Win98 F FAT12 FAT16" | fgrep -v "Ext'd" | fgrep -v "Extend"`" if [ "$DOSLIST" = "" ]; then # no FAT/FAT32/HPFS partitions exit fi dialog --title "FAT/FAT32 PARTITIONS DETECTED" \ --yesno "Partitions of type FAT or FAT32 (commonly used by DOS and \ Windows) have been found on your \ system. Would you like to add these partitions to your /etc/fstab \ so that these partitions are visible from Linux?" \ 8 70 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then exit fi while [ 0 ]; do # main partition selection loop rm -f $TMP/SeTSKIP echo "true" > $TMP/SeTSKIP cat << EOF > $TMP/tempscript dialog --title "SELECT PARTITION TO ADD TO /etc/fstab" \\ --ok-label Select --cancel-label Continue \\ --menu "In order to make these partitions visible from Linux, we \\ need to add them to your /etc/fstab. Please pick a partition to \\ add to /etc/fstab, or select '---' to continue with the installation \\ process." \\ 15 70 5 \\ EOF echo "$DOSLIST" | while read PARTITION ; do NAME=`echo $PARTITION | crunch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` SIZE=`echo "$PARTITION" | tr -d "*" | tr -d "+" | crunch | cut -f 4 -d ' '` if echo $PARTITION | fgrep Win9 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then TYPE="Win9x FAT32" elif echo $PARTITION | fgrep FAT 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then TYPE="DOS FAT" elif echo $PARTITION | fgrep HPFS 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then TYPE="OS/2 HPFS" fi if cat $TMP/SeTDOS | fgrep $NAME 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then ON=`cat $TMP/SeTDOS | fgrep $NAME | crunch | cut -f 2 -d ' '` echo "\"(IN USE)\" \"$NAME on $ON $TYPE ${SIZE}K\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript else echo "\"$NAME\" \"$TYPE ${SIZE}K\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "false" > $TMP/SeTSKIP fi done echo "\"---\" \"(done, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/tempscript if [ "`cat $TMP/SeTSKIP`" = "true" ]; then break fi . $TMP/tempscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm $TMP/tempscript exit 255 # user abort fi DOS_PART="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/tempscript if [ "$DOS_PART" = "---" ]; then break elif [ "$DOS_PART" = "(IN USE)" ]; then continue fi dialog --title "PICK MOUNT POINT FOR $DOS_PART" \ --inputbox "Now this partition must be mounted somewhere in your \ directory tree. Please enter the directory under which \ you would like to put it. For instance, you might want to \ enter /fat-c or /fat-d or something similar. NOTE: This \ partition won't actually be mounted until you reboot. \ Where would you like to mount $DOS_PART?" \ 13 65 2> $TMP/mount-point if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/mount-point $TMP/SeTDOS exit fi NEW_DIR="`cat $TMP/mount-point`" rm -f $TMP/mount-point if [ ! "`echo $NEW_DIR | cut -b1`" = "/" ]; then NEW_DIR="/$NEW_DIR" fi mkdir -p /mnt$NEW_DIR chmod 755 /mnt$NEW_DIR if echo "$DOSLIST" | fgrep $DOS_PART | fgrep HPFS 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then #echo "$DOS_PART $NEW_DIR hpfs ro 1 0" >> $TMP/SeTDOS printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "$DOS_PART" "$NEW_DIR" "hpfs" "ro" "1" "0" >> $TMP/SeTDOS else #echo "$DOS_PART $NEW_DIR vfat defaults 1 0" >> $TMP/SeTDOS printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "$DOS_PART" "$NEW_DIR" "vfat" "defaults" "1" "0" >> $TMP/SeTDOS fi done # partition adding loop rm -f $TMP/SeTSKIP cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Adding this information to your /etc/fstab: EOF cat $TMP/SeTDOS >> $TMP/tempmsg dialog --title "DONE ADDING FAT/FAT32 PARTITIONS" \ --textbox $TMP/tempmsg 15 72 #!/bin/sh dialog --title "Slackware Setup Help" --textbox "/usr/lib/setup/FDhelp" 22 77 #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp # Here's the default kernel install location: KERNEL=/boot/vmlinuz if [ -d /cdrom/kernels -o -d /cdrom/isolinux/kernel ]; then DEF=cdrom else DEF=bootdisk fi unset ITEM if [ ! "$SLACK_KERNEL" = "" ]; then if [ -r /cdrom/isolinux/kernel/$SLACK_KERNEL ]; then ITEM=" --default-item /cdrom/isolinux/kernel/$SLACK_KERNEL " elif [ -r /cdrom/kernels/$SLACK_KERNEL/bzImage ]; then ITEM=" --default-item /cdrom/kernels/$SLACK_KERNEL/bzImage " fi fi if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "INSTALL LINUX KERNEL" --default-item $DEF --menu \ "In order for your system to \ boot correctly, a kernel must be installed. If you've made it this far \ using the installation bootdisk's kernel, you should probably install \ it as your system kernel ($KERNEL). If you're sure you know what you're \ doing, you can also install your choice of kernels from the Slackware CD, \ or a kernel from a floppy disk. You can also skip this menu, using \ whatever kernel has been installed already (such as a generic kernel from \ the A series.) Which option would you like?" 18 72 4 \ "bootdisk" "Use the kernel from the installation bootdisk" \ "cdrom" "Use a kernel from the Slackware CD" \ "floppy" "Install a zimage or bzimage file from a DOS floppy" \ "skip" "Skip this menu (use the default $KERNEL)" 2> $TMP/SeTreturn if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then break fi if [ "`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" = "bootdisk" ]; then dialog --title "INSERT INSTALLATION BOOTDISK" --msgbox "Please \ insert your installation bootdisk in /dev/fd0 (drive a:) and press ENTER \ to continue." 7 50 # This kludge allows 1.44 or 1.68 floppies to work right chroot $T_PX /usr/bin/mdir a: 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null mount /dev/fd0 /floppy -t vfat 2> /dev/null if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then mount /dev/fd0 /floppy 2> /dev/null fi if [ -r /floppy/vmlinuz ]; then dialog --title "COPYING" --infobox \ "Copying kernel from bootdisk to $KERNEL on your new system...\n" 0 0 rm -f $T_PX/$KERNEL cp /floppy/vmlinuz $T_PX/$KERNEL chmod 400 $T_PX/$KERNEL rdev -R $T_PX/$KERNEL 1 rdev $T_PX/$KERNEL $ROOT_DEVICE rdev -r $T_PX/$KERNEL 0 umount /floppy break; else umount /floppy dialog --title "ERROR: LINUX KERNEL NOT FOUND" --msgbox "Sorry, but a \ Linux kernel could not be installed since no file named /vmlinuz could be \ found on the floppy. Did you insert the installation bootdisk? Please \ hit ENTER to return to the kernel installation menu." 8 70 fi elif [ "`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" = "cdrom" ]; then if [ ! -d /cdrom/kernels -a ! -d /cdrom/isolinux/kernel ]; then dialog --title "ERROR" --msgbox "Sorry, but the directories /cdrom/kernels \ and /cdrom/isolinux/kernel were not found. Are you installing from a Slackware CD? \ If not, you'll have to install your kernel from a floppy, a bootdisk, or the A series." \ 0 0 else cat << EOF > $TMP/tempscript dialog --title "CHOOSE LINUX KERNEL" $ITEM --menu "Which of the following \\ kernels would you like to install? NOTE: If \\ you have a SCSI controller, choose a kernel that supports that. You \\ can support your CD-ROM drive and network card later with installable \\ kernel modules." \\ 18 70 8 \\ EOF for file in /cdrom/isolinux/kernel/* /cdrom/kernels/*/*zImage ; do if [ -r $file ]; then echo "\"$file\" \"\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi done echo "2> $TMP/SeTreturn" >> $TMP/tempscript . $TMP/tempscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then continue; fi file=`cat $TMP/SeTreturn` dialog --title "COPYING" --infobox \ "Copying kernel from $file to $KERNEL on your new system...\n" 0 0 rm -f $T_PX/$KERNEL cp $file $T_PX/$KERNEL chmod 400 $T_PX/$KERNEL rdev -R $T_PX/$KERNEL 1 rdev $T_PX/$KERNEL $ROOT_DEVICE rdev -r $T_PX/$KERNEL 0 break; fi elif [ "`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" = "floppy" ]; then dialog --title "INSERT DISK" --msgbox "Now we will install a Linux \ kernel from floppy disk. Please insert an MSDOS formatted floppy disk \ containing a kernel file \"VMLINUZ\", \"ZIMAGE\" or \"BZIMAGE\" and \ press ENTER to continue." 8 60 # This kludge allows 1.44 or 1.68 floppies to work right chroot $T_PX /usr/bin/mdir a: 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null mount /dev/fd0 /floppy -t vfat if [ -r /floppy/zimage ]; then dialog --title "COPYING" --infobox \ "Copying kernel from floppy disk to $KERNEL on your new system...\n" 0 0 rm -f $T_PX/$KERNEL cp /floppy/zimage $T_PX/$KERNEL chmod 400 $T_PX/$KERNEL rdev -R $T_PX/$KERNEL 1 rdev $T_PX/$KERNEL $ROOT_DEVICE rdev -r $T_PX/$KERNEL 0 umount /floppy break; elif [ -r /floppy/vmlinuz ]; then dialog --title "COPYING" --infobox \ "Copying kernel from floppy disk to $KERNEL on your new system...\n" 0 0 rm -f $T_PX/$KERNEL cp /floppy/vmlinuz $T_PX/$KERNEL chmod 400 $T_PX/$KERNEL rdev -R $T_PX/$KERNEL 1 rdev $T_PX/$KERNEL $ROOT_DEVICE rdev -r $T_PX/$KERNEL 0 umount /floppy break; elif [ -r /floppy/bzimage ]; then dialog --title "COPYING" --infobox \ "Copying kernel from floppy disk to $KERNEL on your new system...\n" 0 0 rm -f $T_PX/$KERNEL cp /floppy/bzimage $T_PX/$KERNEL chmod 400 $T_PX/$KERNEL rdev -R $T_PX/$KERNEL 1 rdev $T_PX/$KERNEL $ROOT_DEVICE rdev -r $T_PX/$KERNEL 0 umount /floppy break; else umount /floppy dialog --title "ERROR: LINUX KERNEL NOT FOUND" --msgbox "Sorry, but a \ Linux kernel could not be installed since no file named /zimage or \ /bzimage could be found on the floppy. Did you insert an MSDOS formatted \ floppy disk containing such a file? Please hit ENTER to return to the kernel \ installation menu." 8 70 fi elif [ "`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" = "skip" ]; then if [ ! -r $T_PX/$KERNEL ]; then dialog --title "CONTINUE WITHOUT A KERNEL?" --yesno "WARNING: no Linux \ kernel is currently installed on your system, so generating a bootdisk and \ LILO installation are not going to work -- if you continue without an \ installed kernel you'll need to have some other means of booting your system. \ LOADLIN or the installation bootdisk will work. If you're sure you want to \ continue without installing a kernel, select YES. Otherwise, select NO \ and you'll be returned to the kernel installation menu." 12 65 if [ $? = 0 ]; then break; else continue; fi fi # no kernel break; fi # skip option done rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn #!/bin/sh # Copyright 1993, 1999, 2002 Patrick Volkerding, Moorhead, MN. # Use and redistribution covered by the same terms as the "setup" script. TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp RDIR=/dev/tty4 if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "KEYBOARD MAP SELECTION" --menu "You may select one \ of the following keyboard maps. If you do not select a keyboard \ map, 'us.map' (the US keyboard map) is the default. Use the UP/DOWN \ arrow keys and PageUp/PageDown to scroll \ through the whole list of choices." \ 22 55 11 \ "qwerty/us.map" "" \ "qwerty/speakupmap.map" "" \ "qwerty/speakup-jfw.map" "" \ "azerty/azerty.map" "" \ "azerty/be-latin1.map" "" \ "azerty/fr-latin0.map" "" \ "azerty/fr-latin1.map" "" \ "azerty/fr-pc.map" "" \ "azerty/fr.map" "" \ "azerty/wangbe.map" "" \ "azerty/wangbe2.map" "" \ "dvorak/ANSI-dvorak.map" "" \ "dvorak/dvorak-l.map" "" \ "dvorak/dvorak-r.map" "" \ "dvorak/dvorak.map" "" \ "fgGIod/tr_f-latin5.map" "" \ "fgGIod/trf.map" "" \ "qwerty/bg.map" "" \ "qwerty/br-abnt.map" "" \ "qwerty/br-abnt2.map" "" \ "qwerty/br-latin1-abnt2.map" "" \ "qwerty/br-latin1-us.map" "" \ "qwerty/by.map" "" \ "qwerty/cf.map" "" \ "qwerty/cz-cp1250.map" "" \ "qwerty/cz-lat2-prog.map" "" \ "qwerty/cz-lat2.map" "" \ "qwerty/cz.map" "" \ "qwerty/defkeymap.map" "" \ "qwerty/defkeymap_V1.0.map" "" \ "qwerty/dk-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/dk.map" "" \ "qwerty/emacs.map" "" \ "qwerty/emacs2.map" "" \ "qwerty/es-cp850.map" "" \ "qwerty/es.map" "" \ "qwerty/et-nodeadkeys.map" "" \ "qwerty/et.map" "" \ "qwerty/fi-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/fi.map" "" \ "qwerty/gr-pc.map" "" \ "qwerty/gr.map" "" \ "qwerty/hu101.map" "" \ "qwerty/il-phonetic.map" "" \ "qwerty/il.map" "" \ "qwerty/is-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/it-ibm.map" "" \ "qwerty/it.map" "" \ "qwerty/it2.map" "" \ "qwerty/jp106.map" "" \ "qwerty/la-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/lt.baltic.map" "" \ "qwerty/lt.l4.map" "" \ "qwerty/lt.map" "" \ "qwerty/mk-cp1251.map" "" \ "qwerty/mk-utf.map" "" \ "qwerty/mk.map" "" \ "qwerty/mk0.map" "" \ "qwerty/nl.map" "" \ "qwerty/nl2.map" "" \ "qwerty/nl3.map" "" \ "qwerty/no-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/no.map" "" \ "qwerty/pc110.map" "" \ "qwerty/pl.map" "" \ "qwerty/pl2.map" "" \ "qwerty/pt-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/ro_win.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru-cp1251.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru-ms.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru-yawerty.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru1.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru2.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru3.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru4.map" "" \ "qwerty/ru_win.map" "" \ "qwerty/se-latin1.map" "" \ "qwerty/sk-prog-qwerty.map" "" \ "qwerty/sk-qwerty.map" "" \ "qwerty/tr_q-latin5.map" "" \ "qwerty/tralt.map" "" \ "qwerty/trq.map" "" \ "qwerty/ua-utf-ws.map" "" \ "qwerty/ua-utf.map" "" \ "qwerty/ua-ws.map" "" \ "qwerty/ua.map" "" \ "qwerty/uk.map" "" \ "qwerty/us-acentos.map" "" \ "qwerty/us.map" "" \ "qwertz/croat.map" "" \ "qwertz/cz-us-qwertz.map" "" \ "qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.map" "" \ "qwertz/de-latin1.map" "" \ "qwertz/de.map" "" \ "qwertz/de_CH-latin1.map" "" \ "qwertz/fr_CH-latin1.map" "" \ "qwertz/fr_CH.map" "" \ "qwertz/hu.map" "" \ "qwertz/sg-latin1-lk450.map" "" \ "qwertz/sg-latin1.map" "" \ "qwertz/sg.map" "" \ "qwertz/sk-prog-qwertz.map" "" \ "qwertz/sk-qwertz.map" "" \ "qwertz/slovene.map" "" \ 2> $TMP/SeTkeymap if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTkeymap exit fi MAPNAME="`cat $TMP/SeTkeymap`" MAPNAME="`basename $MAPNAME`" echo $MAPNAME > $TMP/SeTkeymap BMAP="`basename $MAPNAME .map`.bmap" tar xzOf /etc/keymaps.tar.gz $BMAP | loadkmap while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "KEYBOARD TEST" --inputbox \ "OK, the new map is now installed. You may now test it by typing \ anything you want. To quit testing the keyboard, enter 1 on a \ line by itself to accept the map and go on, or 2 on a line by \ itself to reject the current keyboard map and select a new one." \ 11 70 2> $TMP/keytest if [ $? = 1 ]; then REPLY="n" break; fi REPLY="`cat $TMP/keytest`" rm -f $TMP/keytest if [ "$REPLY" = "1" -o "$REPLY" = "2" ]; then break; fi done if [ "$REPLY" = "1" ]; then # Make a persistent (P) copy so starting setup won't erase it: cp $TMP/SeTkeymap $TMP/Pkeymap break; else rm -f $TMP/$MAPNAME rm -f $TMP/SeTkeymap $TMP/Pkeymap # Clear bad selection: tar xzOf /etc/keymaps.tar.gz us.bmap | loadkmap continue; fi done #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi MOUNT=/tag mkdir -p $MOUNT dialog --title "CREATE CUSTOM TAGFILES" --yesno "Tagfiles are special files \ found on the first disk of a series that can determine which packages are \ installed and which are skipped. Deciding which files to install in advance \ can speed up the installation process greatly. If you have not installed \ Slackware Linux before, you should probably try installing using the \ default tagfiles before you try making custom ones, because you won't see much \ information about the package contents when creating your tagfiles. This \ process assumes you already know which packages you want to install. \ If you're not sure, back out now and just use the default tagfiles when \ you install. \ Do you want to create custom tagfiles?" 17 65 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then exit fi dialog --title "ENTER CUSTOM TAGFILE EXTENSION" --inputbox "Now you must \ enter a custom file extension. This will be used as the last part of the \ filename for your new custom tagfiles. For example, I use '.pat' for my \ custom extension, and my custom tagfiles on the first disk of each series \ have the filename 'tagfile.pat'. Use any extension you like except .tgz or \ .tar. The extension must consist of a period followed by exactly 3 \ letters." 14 65 2> $TMP/SeTtagmake if [ ! $? = 0 -o ! "`cat $TMP/SeTtagmake | cut -b1`" = "." -o "`cat $TMP/SeTtagmake`" = "" ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTtagmake exit fi TAGEXT="`cat $TMP/SeTtagmake`" dialog --title "USE EXPERT MENUS?" --menu "If you like, you may select your \ packages from expert menus. Where the normal menu shows a choice like 'C \ compiler system', the expert menus show you 'C libs', 'C compiler', 'C \ include files', etc -- each individual package. Obviously, you should \ know what you're doing if you use the expert menus since it's possible \ to skip packages that are crucial to the functioning of a subsystem." \ 15 65 2 \ "normal" "Use normal menus that select groups of packages" \ "expert" "Use expert menus with a switch for each package" 2> $TMP/SeTreturn if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn exit fi MENU="`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn if [ "$MENU" = "normal" ]; then MAKETAG="maketag.ez" else MAKETAG="maketag" fi while [ 0 ]; do dialog --title "CUSTOMIZE A DISK SERIES" --menu "You may now \ create a custom tagfile on the first disk of a disk series (make \ sure it's not write protected!), or in the directory for such a \ disk if you are installing from your hard drive. Select one of the \ choices below." 13 65 3 \ "/dev/fd0" "Create a custom tagfile on floppy drive 1" \ "/dev/fd1" "Create a custom tagfile on floppy drive 2" \ "Directory" "Create a tagfile in a disk's directory" 2> $TMP/SeTreturn if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn break fi CHOICE="`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn if [ "$CHOICE" = "/dev/fd0" -o "$CHOICE" = "/dev/fd1" ]; then dialog --title "INSERT DISK IN DRIVE $CHOICE" --msgbox "Please insert the first disk of \ a disk series you would like to make a custom tagfile for and press \ ENTER. Be sure this disk is not write protected." 7 60 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then continue fi mount $CHOICE $MOUNT -t msdos if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then dialog --title "MOUNT FAILURE" --msgbox "Sorry, the disk could not be \ mounted in drive $CHOICE as type msdos." 6 60 umount $MOUNT 2> /dev/null continue fi if [ -r $MOUNT/$MAKETAG -o $MOUNT/maketag ]; then if [ -r $MOUNT/$MAKETAG ]; then sh $MOUNT/$MAKETAG else sh $MOUNT/maketag fi else # no tagfile create script! dialog --title "NO TAGFILE SCRIPT" --msgbox "Sorry, but a custom tagfile \ cannot be created for this disk because it does not have a 'maketag' script. \ The maketag script was introduced in Slackware 1.1.2, and provides the menu \ of packages to select from. Currently there is no way to just look at the \ disks and 'wing it', but maybe there will be eventually. You'll have to edit \ the tagfile on this disk manually." 11 65 umount $MOUNT continue fi if [ ! -r $TMP/SeTnewtag ]; then umount $MOUNT continue fi cp $TMP/SeTnewtag $MOUNT/tagfile$TAGEXT if [ $? = 0 ]; then dialog --title "TAGFILE CREATED" --msgbox "Your custom \ tagfile has been successfully created with the extension: \ $TAGEXT" 8 40 else dialog --title "COPY ERROR" --msgbox "Your custom tagfile could \ not be copied to the disk. Please check to see if the disk is write \ protected, or full, and then try again." 9 40 fi umount $MOUNT fi if [ "$CHOICE" = "Directory" ]; then dialog --title "CHOOSE DIRECTORY" --inputbox "Now you must enter the \ directory for the first disk of the series for which you would like to \ make a custom tagfile. This directory must be mounted somewhere under \ the current filesystem." 11 65 2> $TMP/SeTreturn if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn continue fi DIR="`cat $TMP/SeTreturn`" rm -f $TMP/SeTreturn if [ ! -r $DIR/maketag -a ! -r $DIR/$MAKETAG ]; then dialog --title "NO TAGFILE SCRIPT" --msgbox "Sorry, but a custom tagfile \ cannot be created for this disk series because the directory you gave does \ not have a 'maketag' script. \ The maketag script was introduced in Slackware 1.1.2, and provides the menu \ of packages to select from. Currently there is no way to just look at the \ packages and 'wing it', but maybe there will be eventually. You'll have to \ edit the tagfile in this directory manually." 11 65 continue fi if [ -r $DIR/$MAKETAG ]; then sh $DIR/$MAKETAG else sh $DIR/maketag fi if [ ! -r $TMP/SeTnewtag ]; then continue fi cp $TMP/SeTnewtag $DIR/tagfile$TAGEXT if [ $? = 0 ]; then dialog --title "TAGFILE CREATED" --msgbox "Your custom \ tagfile has been successfully created with the extension: \ $TAGEXT" 8 40 else dialog --msgbox "I don't know what just happened, but something \ screwed up." 6 40 fi fi done #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi dialog --title "SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION" --menu \ "\nWhere do you want to install Slackware Linux from?\n" 12 65 4 \ "1" "Install from a Slackware CD-ROM" \ "2" "Install from a hard drive partition" \ "3" "Install via NFS" \ "4" "Install from a pre-mounted directory" \ 2> $TMP/media if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm $TMP/media exit fi SOURCE_MEDIA="`cat $TMP/media`" rm -f $TMP/media if [ "$SOURCE_MEDIA" = "1" ]; then INSCD elif [ "$SOURCE_MEDIA" = "2" ]; then INShd elif [ "$SOURCE_MEDIA" = "3" ]; then INSNFS elif [ "$SOURCE_MEDIA" = "4" ]; then INSdir elif [ "$SOURCE_MEDIA" = "5" ]; then INSfd fi # Sorry, this goes the way of the dinosaur... #"5" "Install from floppy disks (A and N series only)" dialog --title "ERROR: No Linux Native Partitions" --textbox "/usr/lib/setup/nopartHELP" 22 74 #!/bin/sh # SeTpartition user-friendly rewrite Fri Dec 15 13:17:40 CST 1995 pjv # Rewrite to support filesystem plugins , 07-May-2001 # Don't use plugins, make it work, pjv, 18-May-2001. # Generalize tempscript creation and support JFS and XFS. pjv, 30-Mar-2002 TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp NDIR=/dev/null REDIR=/dev/tty4 T_PX=/mnt # Attempt to pick default fs based on bootdisk name, mostly for experimental fs'es: if [ ! "$SLACK_KERNEL" = "" ]; then ITEM="`basename $SLACK_KERNEL .s`" ITEM="`basename $ITEM .i`" ITEM=" --default-item $ITEM " export ITEM fi # FUNCTIONS # crunch() - remove extra whitespace crunch () { read STRING; echo $STRING } # make_ext2( dev, nodes, check ) - Create a new ext2 filesystem on the named # device with the specified inode density. # Parameters: dev Device node to format. # nodes Inode density (1024, 2048, 4096) # check Perform fs check (y or n) make_ext2() { # get the size of the named partition SIZE=`get_part_size $1` # output a nice status message INODE_DENSITY="Inode density: 1 inode per $2 bytes." dialog --title "FORMATTING" \ --backtitle "Formatting $1 with filesystem ext2." \ --infobox "Formatting $1 \n\ Size in 1K blocks: $SIZE \n\ Filesystem type: ext2 \n\ $INODE_DENSITY " 0 0 # do the format if mount | fgrep "$1 " 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then umount $1 2> $NDIR fi if [ "$3" = "y" ]; then mke2fs -c -i $2 $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR else mke2fs -i $2 $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR fi } # make_ext3( dev, nodes, check ) - Create a new ext3 filesystem on the named # device with the specified inode density. # Parameters: dev Device node to format. # nodes Inode density (1024, 2048, 4096) # check Perform fs check (y or n) make_ext3() { # get the size of the named partition SIZE=`get_part_size $1` # output a nice status message INODE_DENSITY="Inode density: 1 inode per $2 bytes." dialog --title "FORMATTING" \ --backtitle "Formatting $1 with filesystem ext3." \ --infobox "Formatting $1 \n\ Size in 1K blocks: $SIZE \n\ Filesystem type: ext3 \n\ $INODE_DENSITY " 0 0 # do the format if mount | fgrep "$1 " 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then umount $1 2> $NDIR fi if [ "$3" = "y" ]; then mke2fs -j -c -i $2 $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR else mke2fs -j -i $2 $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR fi } # make_jfs( dev, check ) - Create a new jfs filesystem on the named # device with the specified inode density. # Parameters: dev Device node to format. # check Perform fs check (y or n) make_jfs() { # get the size of the named partition SIZE=`get_part_size $1` # output a nice status message dialog --title "FORMATTING" \ --backtitle "Formatting $1 with filesystem jfs." \ --infobox "Formatting $1 \n\ Size in 1K blocks: $SIZE \n\ Filesystem type: jfs" 0 0 # do the format if mount | fgrep "$1 " 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then umount $1 2> $NDIR fi if [ "$2" = "y" ]; then mkfs.jfs -c -q $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR else mkfs.jfs -q $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR fi } # make_reiserfs( dev ) - Create a new reiserfs filesystem on the named dev # Parameters: dev Device node to format. make_reiserfs() { # get the size of the named partition SIZE=`get_part_size $1` # output a nice status message dialog --title "FORMATTING" \ --backtitle "Formatting $1 with filesystem reiserfs." \ --infobox "Formatting $1 \n\ Size in 1K blocks: $SIZE \n\ Filesystem type: reiserfs " 0 0 # do the format if mount | fgrep "$1 " 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then umount $1 2> $NDIR fi echo "y" | mkreiserfs $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR } # make_xfs( dev ) - Create a new xfs filesystem on the named dev # Parameters: dev Device node to format. make_xfs() { # get the size of the named partition SIZE=`get_part_size $1` # output a nice status message dialog --title "FORMATTING" \ --backtitle "Formatting $1 with filesystem xfs." \ --infobox "Formatting $1 \n\ Size in 1K blocks: $SIZE \n\ Filesystem type: xfs " 0 0 # do the format if mount | fgrep "$1 " 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then umount $1 2> $NDIR fi mkfs.xfs -f $1 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR } # gen_part_list() - Prints out a partition listing for the system into the gen_part_list() { export COUNT=0 cat $TMP/SeTplist | while [ 0 ]; do read PARTITION; if [ "$PARTITION" = "" ]; then break; fi # Variables, variables, variables NAME=`echo $PARTITION | crunch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` SIZE=`echo "$PARTITION" | tr -d "*" | tr -d "+" | crunch | cut -f 4 -d ' '` ALTNAME="" DEVICE=`echo "$PARTITION" | tr -d "*" | crunch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` # See if this partition is in use already if fgrep "$DEVICE " $TMP/SeTnative 1> $NDIR; then # it's been used ON=`fgrep "$DEVICE " $TMP/SeTnative | crunch | cut -f 2 -d ' '` ALTNAME="$DEVICE on $ON Linux ${SIZE}K" fi # Add a menu item if [ "$ALTNAME" = "" ]; then echo "\"$NAME\" \"Linux ${SIZE}K\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "false" > $TMP/SeTSKIP # this flag is used for non-root parts else echo "\"(IN USE)\" \"$ALTNAME\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi done echo "\"---\" \"(done adding partitions, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done adding partitions, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done adding partitions, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done adding partitions, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "\"---\" \"(done adding partitions, continue with setup)\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/tempscript } # ask_format( dev ) - Asks the user if he/she wants to format the named device ask_format() { dialog --title "FORMAT PARTITION $1" --menu "If this partition has \ not been formatted, you should format it. NOTE: This will erase all data on \ it. Would you like \ to format this partition?" 12 70 3 \ "Format" "Quick format with no bad block checking" \ "Check" "Slow format that checks for bad blocks" \ "No" "No, do not format this partition" 2> $TMP/return if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/return exit fi } # ask_nodes( dev ) - Asks the user for the inode density for the named device. ask_nodes() { dialog --title "SELECT INODE DENSITY FOR $1" \ --backtitle "Partition $1 will be formatted." \ --menu "If you're going to \ have many small files on your drive, then you may need more inodes than the \ default (one is used for each file entry). You can change the density to one \ inode per 2048 bytes, or even per 1024 bytes. Select '2048' or '1024', or \ just hit enter to accept the default of 4096 bytes." 14 70 3 \ "4096" "1 inode per 4096 bytes. (default)" \ "2048" "1 inode per 2048 bytes." \ "1024" "1 inode per 1024 bytes." 2> $TMP/return if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/return exit fi } # ask_fs( dev ) - Asks the user the type of filesystem to use for the named # device. Answer in $TMP/return ask_fs() { unset EXT2 EXT3 JFS REISERFS XFS if cat /proc/filesystems | grep ext2 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then EXT2="Ext2 is the de facto standard Linux file system and is fast and stable." fi if cat /proc/filesystems | grep ext3 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then EXT3="Ext3 is the journaling version of the Ext2 filesystem." fi if cat /proc/filesystems | grep jfs 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then JFS="JFS is IBM's Journaled Filesystem, currently used in IBM enterprise servers." fi if cat /proc/filesystems | grep reiserfs 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then REISERFS="ReiserFS is a journaling filesystem that stores all files and filenames in a balanced tree structure." fi if cat /proc/filesystems | grep xfs 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then XFS="XFS is SGI's journaling filesystem that originated on IRIX." fi cat << EOF > $TMP/tempscript dialog --title "SELECT FILESYSTEM FOR $1" \\ --backtitle "Partition $1 will be formatted." \\ $ITEM --menu \\ "Please select the type of filesystem to use for the specified device. \\ Here are descriptions of the available filesystems: $EXT2 $EXT3 $JFS $REISERFS $XFS" \\ 0 0 0 \\ EOF # Ext3 should come first, as Ext2 has a long history with Linux. if [ ! "$EXT3" = "" ]; then echo "\"ext3\" \"Journaling version of the ext2fs filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi # This being an excellent FS with Linux origin will come next. if [ ! "$REISERFS" = "" ]; then echo "\"reiserfs\" \"Hans Reiser's Journaling Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi # This gets third billing because it's in 2.5.x now. if [ ! "$JFS" = "" ]; then echo "\"jfs\" \"IBM's Journaled Filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi # This is in fourth place, but is still better than ext2. if [ ! "$XFS" = "" ]; then echo "\"xfs\" \"SGI's journaling filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi # Last place, since it's not a journaling filesystem. Still good stuff, though. Probably wins the speed comparison. if [ ! "$EXT2" = "" ]; then echo "\"ext2\" \"Standard Linux ext2fs filesystem\" \\" >> $TMP/tempscript fi echo "2> $TMP/return" >> $TMP/tempscript . $TMP/tempscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/return exit fi } # get_part_size( dev ) - Return the size in KB of the named partition. get_part_size() { Size=`probe -l | fgrep "$1 " | tr -d "*" | tr -d "+" | crunch | cut -f 4 -d ' '` echo $Size } # MAIN if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi if [ ! -r $TMP/SeTplist ]; then # Give warning? exit fi cat /dev/null >> $TMP/SeTnative cat << EOF > $TMP/tempscript dialog --title "Select Linux installation partition:" --ok-label Select --cancel-label Continue --menu \\ "Please select a partition from the following list to use for your \\ root (/) Linux partition." 13 70 5 \\ EOF gen_part_list . $TMP/tempscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm $TMP/tempscript exit 255 # user abort fi ROOT_DEVICE="`cat $TMP/return`" rm $TMP/tempscript if [ "$ROOT_DEVICE" = "---" ]; then exit 255 fi # format root partition? ask_format $ROOT_DEVICE DOFORMAT="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return if [ ! "$DOFORMAT" = "No" ]; then ask_fs $ROOT_DEVICE ROOT_SYS_TYPE="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return # create the filesystem if [ "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" = "ext2" ]; then ask_nodes $ROOT_DEVICE NODES="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return if [ ! "$NODES" = "2048" -a ! "$NODES" = "1024" ]; then NODES=4096 fi if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_ext2 $ROOT_DEVICE $NODES "y" else make_ext2 $ROOT_DEVICE $NODES "n" fi elif [ "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" = "ext3" ]; then ask_nodes $ROOT_DEVICE NODES="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return if [ ! "$NODES" = "2048" -a ! "$NODES" = "1024" ]; then NODES=4096 fi if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_ext3 $ROOT_DEVICE $NODES "y" else make_ext3 $ROOT_DEVICE $NODES "n" fi elif [ "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" = "reiserfs" ]; then make_reiserfs $ROOT_DEVICE elif [ "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" = "jfs" ]; then if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_jfs $ROOT_DEVICE "y" else make_jfs $ROOT_DEVICE "n" fi elif [ "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" = "xfs" ]; then make_xfs $ROOT_DEVICE fi fi # DOFORMAT? # Now, we need to mount the newly selected root device: sync # If we didn't format the partition, then we don't know what fs type it is. # So, we will try the types we know about, and let mount figure it out if all else fails: for fs in "-t ext3" "-t ext2" "-t reiserfs" "" ; do if mount $ROOT_DEVICE $T_PX $fs 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR ; then break fi sleep 1 done sleep 1 ROOT_SYS_TYPE=`mount | grep "^$ROOT_DEVICE on " | cut -f 5 -d ' '` #echo "$ROOT_DEVICE / $ROOT_SYS_TYPE defaults 1 1" > $TMP/SeTnative printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "$ROOT_DEVICE" "/" "$ROOT_SYS_TYPE" "defaults" "1" "1" > $TMP/SeTnative echo $ROOT_DEVICE > $TMP/SeTrootdev # done mounting the target root partition # More than one yz{|}~Linux partition if [ ! "`cat $TMP/SeTplist | sed -n '2 p'`" = "" ]; then while [ 0 ]; do # next partition loop # OK, we will set this flag, and if we find an unused partition, we # change it. If it doesn't get switched, we skip the next menu. rm -f $TMP/SeTSKIP echo "true" > $TMP/SeTSKIP cat << EOF > $TMP/tempscript dialog --title "Select other Linux partitions for /etc/fstab" \\ --ok-label Select --cancel-label Continue \\ --menu "You seem to have more than one partition tagged as type Linux. \\ You may use these to distribute your Linux system across more than \\ one partition. Currently, you have $ROOT_DEVICE mounted as your / partition. \\ You might want to mount directories such as /home or /usr/local \\ on separate partitions. You should not try to mount /etc, /sbin, or /bin on \\ their own partitions since they contain utilities needed to bring the system \\ up and mount partitions. Also, do not reuse a partition that you've already \\ entered before. Please select one of the Linux partitions listed below, or \\ if you're done, hit ." 20 70 4 \\ EOF gen_part_list if [ "`cat $TMP/SeTSKIP`" = "true" ]; then break; fi rm -rf $TMP/return . $TMP/tempscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then break; fi NEXT_PARTITION=`cat $TMP/return` if [ "$NEXT_PARTITION" = "---" ]; then break; elif [ "$NEXT_PARTITION" = "(IN USE)" ]; then continue; fi # We now have the next partition, ask the user what to do with it: ask_format $NEXT_PARTITION DOFORMAT="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return BACKT="Partition $NEXT_PARTITION will not be reformatted." if [ ! "$DOFORMAT" = "No" ]; then ask_fs $NEXT_PARTITION NEXT_SYS_TYPE="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return BACKT="Partition $NEXT_PARTITION will be formatted with $NEXT_SYS_TYPE." # create the filesystem if [ "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" = "ext2" ]; then ask_nodes $NEXT_PARTITION NODES="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return if [ ! "$NODES" = "2048" -a ! "$NODES" = "1024" ]; then NODES=4096 fi if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_ext2 $NEXT_PARTITION $NODES "y" else make_ext2 $NEXT_PARTITION $NODES "n" fi elif [ "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" = "ext3" ]; then ask_nodes $NEXT_PARTITION NODES="`cat $TMP/return`" rm -f $TMP/return if [ ! "$NODES" = "2048" -a ! "$NODES" = "1024" ]; then NODES=4096 fi if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_ext3 $NEXT_PARTITION $NODES "y" else make_ext3 $NEXT_PARTITION $NODES "n" fi elif [ "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" = "reiserfs" ]; then make_reiserfs $NEXT_PARTITION elif [ "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" = "jfs" ]; then if [ "$DOFORMAT" = "Check" ]; then make_jfs $NEXT_PARTITION "y" else make_jfs $NEXT_PARTITION "n" fi elif [ "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" = "xfs" ]; then make_xfs $NEXT_PARTITION fi fi # DOFORMAT? # Now ask the user where to mount this new filesystem: dialog --backtitle "$BACKT" --title \ "SELECT MOUNT POINT FOR $NEXT_PARTITION" --inputbox \ "OK, now you need to specify where you want the new partition mounted. \ For example, if you want to put it under /usr/local, then respond: \ /usr/local Where would you like to mount $NEXT_PARTITION?" 12 54 2> $TMP/return if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then continue fi MTPT=`cat $TMP/return` if [ "$MTPT" = "" ]; then # abort if blank continue fi if [ "`echo "$MTPT" | cut -b1`" = " " ]; then # bail if 1st char is space continue fi if [ ! "`echo "$MTPT" | cut -b1`" = "/" ]; then # add / to start of path MTPT="/$MTPT" fi rm $TMP/return # Now, we need to mount the newly selected device: sync if [ ! -d /mnt/$MTPT ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/$MTPT fi # If we didn't format the partition, then we don't know what fs type it is. # So, we will try the types we know about, and let mount figure it out if all else fails: for fs in "-t ext3" "-t ext2" "-t reiserfs" "-t jfs" "-t xfs" "" ; do if mount $NEXT_PARTITION /mnt/$MTPT $fs 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR ; then break fi sleep 1 done sleep 1 NEXT_SYS_TYPE=`mount | grep "^$NEXT_PARTITION on " | cut -f 5 -d ' '` #echo "$NEXT_PARTITION $MTPT $NEXT_SYS_TYPE defaults 1 1" >> $TMP/SeTnative printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "$NEXT_PARTITION" "$MTPT" "$NEXT_SYS_TYPE" "defaults" "1" "2" >> $TMP/SeTnative done # next partition loop fi # more than one Linux partition # Done, report to the user: cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Adding this information to your /etc/fstab: EOF cat $TMP/SeTnative >> $TMP/tempmsg dialog --title "DONE ADDING LINUX PARTITIONS TO /etc/fstab" \ --textbox $TMP/tempmsg 15 72 # Now, move our /tmp storage onto the target partition if possible: /usr/lib/setup/migrate.sh #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi # If the distribution source is already known, we can avoid listing # stuff that isn't there. if [ ! -r $TMP/SeTT_PX -o ! -r $TMP/SeTDS ]; then unset T_PX unset DS else T_PX="`cat $TMP/SeTT_PX`" DS="`cat $TMP/SeTDS`" fi rm -f $TMP/SeTSERIES $TMP/tmpscript cat << EOF > $TMP/tmpscript dialog --title "PACKAGE SERIES SELECTION" --item-help --checklist \\ "Now it's time to select which general categories of software \\ to install on your system. \\ Use the spacebar to select or unselect the software you wish to \\ install. \\ You can use the up and down arrows to see all the possible choices. \\ Recommended choices have been preselected. \\ Press the ENTER key when you are finished." \\ 20 75 9 \\ "A" "Base Linux system" on "The A (base) series contains the kernel and main system utilities." \\ "AP" "Various Applications that do not need X" on "The AP series is a collection of useful applications." \\ "D" "Program Development (C, C++, Lisp, Perl, etc.)" on "The D series contains compilers, debuggers, and other programming tools." \\ "E" "GNU Emacs" on "The E series contains the GNU Emacs advanced real-time display editor." \\ "F" "FAQ lists, HOWTO documentation" on "The F series contains essential documentation for Linux system administrators." \\ EOF if [ -d $DS/gnome -o "$DS" = "" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tmpscript "GNOME" "The GNOME desktop for X" on "The GNOME series contains the GNOME desktop environment and related libraries." \\ EOF fi cat << EOF >> $TMP/tmpscript "K" "Linux kernel source" on "The K series contains the source code for the Linux kernel." \\ EOF if [ -d $DS/kde -o "$DS" = "" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tmpscript "KDE" "Qt and the K Desktop Environment for X" on "The KDE series contains the K Desktop Environment and related libraries." \\ EOF fi if [ -d $DS/kdei -o "$DS" = "" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tmpscript "KDEI" "International language support for KDE" off "The KDEI series provides support for languages other than US English in KDE." \\ EOF fi cat << EOF >> $TMP/tmpscript "L" "System Libraries (some needed by both KDE and GNOME)" "on" "The L series contains libraries needed by GNOME, KDE, and other programs." \\ "N" "Networking (TCP/IP, UUCP, Mail, News)" on "The N series contains network related clients and servers." \\ "T" "TeX typesetting software" on "TeX is a typesetting system often used for mathematics and technical papers." \\ "TCL" "Tcl/Tk script languages" on "The TCL series contains the Tcl/Tk/TclX languages and programs that use them." \\ "X" "XFree86 X Window System" on "The X series contains XFree86, the window system used by Linux." \\ "XAP" "X Applications" on "The XAP series is a collection of applications for X." \\ "Y" "Games" on "The Y series contains a collection of classic text-based games." \\ 2> $TMP/series EOF . $TMP/tmpscript if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/series $TMP/tmpscript exit fi INSTSETS="`cat $TMP/series | tr -d " "`" INSTSETS="`echo $INSTSETS | tr "\042" "#" `" INSTSETS="`echo $INSTSETS | tr "," "#" `" # Since GNOME currently replaces xscreensaver (and may GNOME-ify more applications # in the future, we will install GNOME last: if echo $INSTSETS | grep GNOME 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then INSTSETS="`echo $INSTSETS | sed s/#GNOME#//`#GNOME#" fi rm -f $TMP/series $TMP/tmpscript echo "$INSTSETS" > $TMP/SeTSERIES #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi REDIR=/dev/tty4 NDIR=/dev/null crunch() { read STRING; echo $STRING; } rm -f $TMP/SeTswap $TMP/SeTswapskip SWAPLIST="`probe -l | fgrep "Linux swap" 2> $NDIR`" if [ "$SWAPLIST" = "" ]; then dialog --title "NO SWAP SPACE DETECTED" --yesno "You have not created \ a swap partition with Linux fdisk. \ Do you want to continue installing without one? " 6 60 if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then dialog --title "ABORTING INSTALLATION" --msgbox "Create a swap partition with Linux fdisk, and then try this again." \ 6 40 else touch $TMP/SeTswapskip fi exit else # there is at least one swap partition: echo > $TMP/swapmsg if [ "`echo "$SWAPLIST" | sed -n '2 p'`" = "" ]; then echo "Slackware Setup has detected a swap partition:" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo >> $TMP/swapmsg echo " Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System\\n" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo "`echo "$SWAPLIST" | sed -n '1 p'`\\n" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo >> $TMP/swapmsg echo "Do you wish to install this as your swap partition?" >> $TMP/swapmsg dialog --title "SWAP SPACE DETECTED" --cr-wrap --yesno "`cat $TMP/swapmsg`" 12 70 REPLY=$? else echo "Slackware Setup has detected the following swap partitions:" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo >> $TMP/swapmsg echo " Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System\\n" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo "$SWAPLIST\\n" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo >> $TMP/swapmsg echo "Do you wish to install these as your swap partitions? " >> $TMP/swapmsg dialog --title "SWAP SPACE DETECTED" --cr-wrap --yesno "`cat $TMP/swapmsg`" 13 70 REPLY=$? fi rm -f $TMP/swapmsg if [ $REPLY = 0 ]; then # yes if cat /proc/meminfo | grep "Swap: 0 0 0" 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then USE_SWAP=0 # swap is not currently mounted else # warn of possible problems: # This 10231808 below is the size of a swapfile pre-supplied by install.zip that we'd like to ignore. if /proc/meminfo | grep 10231808 1> $NDIR 2> $NDIR ; then USE_SWAP=0 else cat << EOF > $TMP/swapmsg IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already made any of your swap partitions active (using the swapon command), then you should not allow Setup to use mkswap on your swap partitions, because it may corrupt memory pages that are currently swapped out. Instead, you will have to make sure that your swap partitions have been prepared (with mkswap) before they will work. You might want to do this to any inactive swap partitions before you reboot. EOF dialog --title "MKSWAP WARNING" --msgbox "`cat $TMP/swapmsg`" 12 67 rm -f $TMP/swapmsg dialog --title "USE MKSWAP?" --yesno "Do you want Setup to use mkswap on your swap partitions?" \ 5 65 USE_SWAP=$? fi fi CURRENT_SWAP="1" while [ ! "`echo "$SWAPLIST" | sed -n "$CURRENT_SWAP p"`" = "" ]; do SWAP_PART=`probe -l | fgrep "Linux swap" | sed -n "$CURRENT_SWAP p" | crunch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` if [ $USE_SWAP = 0 ]; then dialog --title "FORMATTING SWAP PARTITION" --infobox "Formatting \ $SWAP_PART as a Linux swap partition (and checking for bad blocks)..." 4 55 mkswap -c $SWAP_PART 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR fi echo "Activating swap partition $SWAP_PART:" echo "swapon $SWAP_PART" swapon $SWAP_PART 1> $REDIR 2> $REDIR #SWAP_IN_USE="`echo "$SWAP_PART swap swap defaults 0 0"`" #echo "$SWAP_IN_USE" >> $TMP/SeTswap printf "%-16s %-16s %-11s %-16s %-3s %s\n" "$SWAP_PART" "swap" "swap" "defaults" "0" "0" >> $TMP/SeTswap CURRENT_SWAP="`expr $CURRENT_SWAP + 1`" sleep 4 done echo "Your swapspace has been configured. This information will" > $TMP/swapmsg echo "be added to your /etc/fstab:" >> $TMP/swapmsg echo >> $TMP/swapmsg cat $TMP/SeTswap >> $TMP/swapmsg dialog --title "SWAP SPACE CONFIGURED" --textbox $TMP/swapmsg 10 72 rm $TMP/swapmsg fi fi #!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi T_PX="`cat $TMP/SeTT_PX`" while [ "`cat $T_PX/etc/shadow | fgrep 'root:' | cut -f 2 -d :`" = "" ]; do # There is no root password dialog --title "WARNING: NO ROOT PASSWORD DETECTED" --yesno "There is \ currently no password set on the system administrator account (root). \ It is recommended that you set one now so that it is active the first \ time the machine is rebooted. This is especially important if you're \ using a network enabled kernel and the machine is on an Internet \ connected LAN. Would you like to set a root password?" 10 68 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then echo echo echo chroot $T_PX /usr/bin/passwd root echo echo -n "Press [enter] to continue:" read junk; echo # Here we drop through, and if there's still no password the menu # runs again. else # Don't set a password: break; fi done #!/bin/sh # # This resets the temporary directory to /tmp on the floppy in the # case where it's been changed during a previous 'setup' run. This # should be done before $TMP is cleared. # TMPLINK="`/bin/ls -l /var/log/setup/tmp | cut -b56- | cut -f 3 -d ' '`" if [ -L /var/log/setup/tmp -a ! "$TMPLINK" = "/tmp" ]; then ( cd /var/log/setup rm tmp ln -sf /tmp tmp ) fi #!/bin/sh # # Like, the space is *really* getting tight on these install disks! # Can you believe it? Anyway, we can avoid many problems by migrating # the $TMP directory onto the install partition ASAP. So, this script # is run right after the TARGET partition is configured and mounted # under /mnt. # TMPLINK="`/bin/ls -l /var/log/setup/tmp | cut -b56- | cut -f 3 -d ' '`" if [ -L /var/log/setup/tmp -a "$TMPLINK" = "/tmp" ]; then if mount | grep " on /mnt " 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # /mnt mounted TYPE="`mount | grep " on /mnt " | cut -f 5 -d ' '`" if [ "$TYPE" = "umsdos" ]; then LINKDIR=/mnt/linux/var/log/setup/tmp else LINKDIR=/mnt/var/log/setup/tmp fi if [ ! -d $LINKDIR ]; then mkdir -p $LINKDIR chmod 700 $LINKDIR fi ( cd /var/log/setup rm tmp ln -sf $LINKDIR tmp ) rm -f $LINKDIR/SeT* mv /tmp/SeT* $LINKDIR fi fi #!/bin/sh if [ "$TMP" = "" ]; then TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp fi if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi # Test writing a 256K file and assume if it returns an error # that it means the drive filled up dd if=/dev/zero of=$TMP/SeTtestfull bs=1024 count=256 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null FULLERR=$? rm -f $TMP/SeTtestfull if [ ! "$FULLERR" = "0" ]; then dialog --title "ERROR: TARGET PARTITION FULL" --msgbox "Setup has \ detected that one or more of your target partitions has become full. \ I'm sorry, but you will have to try installing again onto a partition \ or partitions with more free space. You could also try selecting \ fewer packages to \ install. Since there is no longer any space for setup to make its \ temporary files, this is an unrecoverable error. Press control-alt-delete \ to reboot and try again. Before doing that, you might want to switch to \ another console (Alt-F2) and use df (disk free utility) to see if you \ can get an idea of how to avoid this the next time around." 14 65 fi #!/bin/sh # Copyright 1994, 1998, 2000 Patrick Volkerding, Concord, CA, USA # Copyright 2001 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, CA, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Sun Nov 26 12:38:25 CST 1995 # Added patch from Glenn Moloney to allow # packages to be installed to directories other than /. # # Wed Mar 18 15:15:51 CST 1998 # Changed $TMP directory to /var/log/setup/tmp, and chmod'ed it 700 to close # some security holes. # If installpkg encounters a problem, it will return a non-zero error code. # If it finds more than one problem (i.e. with a list of packages) you'll only # hear about the most recent one. :) # 1 = tar returned error code # 2 = failed 'gzip -l package' # 3 = does not end in .tgz # 4 = not a file # 99 = user abort from menu mode EXITSTATUS=0 TAR=tar-1.13 $TAR --help 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then TAR=tar fi if [ ! "`$TAR --version`" = "tar (GNU tar) 1.13 Copyright (C) 1988, 92,93,94,95,96,97,98, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason." ]; then echo "WARNING: pkgtools are unstable with tar > 1.13." echo " You should provide a \"tar-1.13\" in your \$PATH." sleep 5 fi usage() { cat << EOF Usage: installpkg [options] package_name Installpkg is used to install a .tgz package like this: installpkg xf_bin.tgz options: -warn (warn if files will be overwritten, but do not install) -root /mnt (install someplace else, like /mnt) -infobox (use dialog to draw an info box) -menu (confirm package installation with a menu, unless the priority is [required] or ADD) -ask (used with menu mode: always ask if a package should be installed regardless of what the package's priority is) -priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP (provide a priority for the entire package list to use instead of the priority in the tagfile) -tagfile /somedir/tagfile (specify a different file to use for package priorities. The default is "tagfile" in the package's directory) EOF } # Eliminate whitespace function: crunch() { while read FOO ; do echo $FOO done } package_name() { STRING=`basename $1 .tgz` # Check for old style package name with one segment: if [ "`echo $STRING | cut -f 1 -d -`" = "`echo $STRING | cut -f 2 -d -`" ]; then echo $STRING else # has more than one dash delimited segment # Count number of segments: INDEX=1 while [ ! "`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" = "" ]; do INDEX=`expr $INDEX + 1` done INDEX=`expr $INDEX - 1` # don't include the null value # If we don't have four segments, return the old-style (or out of spec) package name: if [ "$INDEX" = "2" -o "$INDEX" = "3" ]; then echo $STRING else # we have four or more segments, so we'll consider this a new-style name: NAME=`expr $INDEX - 3` NAME="`echo $STRING | cut -f 1-$NAME -d -`" echo $NAME # cruft for later ;) #VER=`expr $INDEX - 2` #VER="`echo $STRING | cut -f $VER -d -`" #ARCH=`expr $INDEX - 1` #ARCH="`echo $STRING | cut -f $ARCH -d -`" #BUILD="`echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -`" fi fi } # Parse options: MODE=install # standard text-mode while [ 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "-warn" ]; then MODE=warn shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-infobox" ]; then MODE=infobox shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-menu" ]; then MODE=menu shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-ask" ]; then ALWAYSASK="yes" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-tagfile" ]; then if [ -r "$2" ]; then USERTAGFILE="$2" elif [ -r "`pwd`/$2" ]; then USERTAGFILE="`pwd`/$2" else usage exit fi shift 2 elif [ "$1" = "-priority" ]; then if [ "$2" = "" ]; then usage exit fi USERPRIORITY="$2" shift 2 elif [ "$1" = "-root" ]; then if [ "$2" = "" ]; then usage exit fi ROOT="$2" shift 2 else break fi done # Set the prefix for the package database directories (packages, scripts). ADM_DIR="$ROOT/var/log" # If the directories don't exist, "initialize" the package database: for PKGDBDIR in packages removed_packages removed_scripts scripts setup ; do if [ ! -d $ADM_DIR/$PKGDBDIR ]; then rm -rf $ADM_DIR/$PKGDBDIR # make sure it's not a symlink or something stupid mkdir -p $ADM_DIR/$PKGDBDIR chmod 755 $ADM_DIR/$PKGDBDIR fi done # Make sure there's a proper temp directory: TMP=$ADM_DIR/setup/tmp # If the $TMP directory doesn't exist, create it: if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then rm -rf $TMP # make sure it's not a symlink or something stupid mkdir -p $TMP chmod 700 $TMP # no need to leave it open fi # usage(), exit if called with no arguments: if [ $# = 0 ]; then usage; exit fi # If -warn mode was requested, produce the output and then exit: if [ "$MODE" = "warn" ]; then while [ -f "$1" ]; do echo "#### Scanning the contents of $1..." mkdir -p $TMP/scan$$ ( cd $TMP/scan$$ ; $TAR xzf - install ) < $1 2> /dev/null if [ -r $TMP/scan$$/install/doinst.sh ]; then if cat $TMP/scan$$/install/doinst.sh | grep ' rm -rf ' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then cat $TMP/scan$$/install/doinst.sh | grep ' rm -rf ' > $TMP/scan$$/install/delete echo "The following locations will be completely WIPED OUT to allow symbolic" echo "links to be made. (We're talking 'rm -rf') These locations may be files," echo "or entire directories. Be sure you've backed up anything at these" echo "locations that you want to save before you install this package:" cat $TMP/scan$$/install/delete | cut -f 3,7 -d ' ' | tr ' ' '/' fi if [ -d $TMP/scan$$ ]; then ( cd $TMP/scan$$ ; rm -rf install ) 2> /dev/null ( cd $TMP ; rmdir scan$$ ) 2> /dev/null fi fi echo "The following files will be overwritten when installing this package." echo "Be sure they aren't important before you install this package:" ( $TAR tzvvf - ) < $1 | grep -v 'drwx' echo shift 1 done exit fi # Main loop: for package in $* ; do # If someone left off the .tgz, try to figure that out: if [ ! -r "$package" -a -r "$package.tgz" ]; then package=$package.tgz fi # "shortname" isn't really THAT short... it's just the full name without ".tgz" shortname="`basename $package .tgz`" packagedir="`dirname $package`" # This is the base package name, used for grepping tagfiles and descriptions: packagebase="`package_name $shortname`" # Reject package if it does not end in '.tgz': if [ ! -r "`dirname $package`/$shortname.tgz" ]; then EXITSTATUS=3 if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "Cannot install $package: package does not end in .tgz" fi continue; fi # Determine package's priority: unset PRIORITY if [ "$USERPRIORITY" = "" ]; then if [ "$USERTAGFILE" = "" ]; then TAGFILE="`dirname $package`/tagfile" else TAGFILE="$USERTAGFILE" fi if [ ! -r "$TAGFILE" ]; then TAGFILE=/dev/null fi if grep "^$packagebase:" "$TAGFILE" | grep ADD > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then PRIORITY="ADD" elif grep "^$packagebase:" "$TAGFILE" | grep REC > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then PRIORITY="REC" elif grep "^$packagebase:" "$TAGFILE" | grep OPT > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then PRIORITY="OPT" elif grep "^$packagebase:" "$TAGFILE" | grep SKP > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then PRIORITY="SKP" fi else PRIORITY="$USERPRIORITY" fi if [ "$PRIORITY" = "ADD" ]; then #PMSG="Priority: [required]" PMSG="[required]" elif [ "$PRIORITY" = "REC" ]; then #PMSG="Priority: [recommended]" PMSG="[recommended]" elif [ "$PRIORITY" = "OPT" ]; then #PMSG="Priority: [optional]" PMSG="[optional]" elif [ "$PRIORITY" = "SKP" ]; then #PMSG="Priority: [skip]" PMSG="[skip]" else #PMSG="Priority: [unknown]" PMSG="" fi # Locate package description file: DESCRIPTION="/dev/null" # First check the usual locations outside the package, since this is faster: for file in $packagedir/disk* $packagedir/package_descriptions $packagedir/$shortname.txt $packagedir/$packagebase.txt ; do if grep "^$packagebase:" "$file" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then DESCRIPTION="$file" elif grep "^$shortname:" "$file" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then DESCRIPTION="$file" fi done # If we still don't have anything, look inside the package. This requires a costly untar. if [ "$DESCRIPTION" = "/dev/null" ]; then mkdir -p $TMP/scan$$ ( cd $TMP/scan$$ ; $TAR xzf - install ) < $package 2> /dev/null if grep "^$packagebase:" "$TMP/scan$$/install/slack-desc" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then DESCRIPTION="$TMP/scan$$/install/slack-desc" elif grep "^$shortname:" "$TMP/scan$$/install/slack-desc" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then DESCRIPTION="$TMP/scan$$/install/slack-desc" fi fi # Simple package integrity check: if [ ! -f $package ]; then EXITSTATUS=4 if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "Cannot install $package: package is not a regular file" fi continue; fi gzip -l $package 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then EXITSTATUS=2 # failed gzip -l if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "Cannot install $package: package is corrupt (failed 'gzip -l $package')" fi continue; fi # Collect the package information into a temp file: COMPRESSED=`gzip -l $package | grep -v uncompressed_name | crunch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` UNCOMPRESSED=`gzip -l $package | grep -v uncompressed_name | crunch | cut -f 2 -d ' '` COMPRESSED="`expr $COMPRESSED / 1024` K" UNCOMPRESSED="`expr $UNCOMPRESSED / 1024` K" # MD5SUM=`md5sum $package | cut -f 1 -d ' '` cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$packagebase:" | cut -f 2- -d : | cut -b2- 1> $TMP/tmpmsg$$ 2> /dev/null if [ "$shortname" != "$packagebase" ]; then cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$shortname:" | cut -f 2- -d : | cut -b2- 1>> $TMP/tmpmsg$$ 2> /dev/null fi # Adjust the length here. This allows a slack-desc to be any size up to 13 lines instead of fixed at 11. LENGTH=`cat $TMP/tmpmsg$$ | wc -l` while [ $LENGTH -lt 12 ]; do echo >> $TMP/tmpmsg$$ LENGTH=`expr $LENGTH + 1` done echo "Size: Compressed: $COMPRESSED, uncompressed: $UNCOMPRESSED." >> $TMP/tmpmsg$$ # For recent versions of dialog it is necessary to add \n to the end of each line # or it will remove repeating spaces and mess up our careful formatting: cat << EOF > $TMP/controlns$$ \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n EOF paste -d "" $TMP/tmpmsg$$ $TMP/controlns$$ > $TMP/pasted$$ rm -f $TMP/controlns$$ mv $TMP/pasted$$ $TMP/tmpmsg$$ # Emit information to the console: if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then if [ "$PMSG" = "" ]; then echo "Installing package $shortname... " else echo "Installing package $shortname ($PMSG)... " fi echo "PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:" cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$packagebase:" | uniq if [ "$shortname" != "$packagebase" ]; then cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$shortname:" | uniq fi elif [ "$MODE" = "infobox" -a ! "$PRIORITY" = "SKP" ]; then # install non-SKP infobox package dialog --title "Installing package ==>$shortname<== $PMSG" --infobox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg$$`" 0 0 elif [ "$MODE" = "menu" -a "$PRIORITY" = "ADD" -a ! "$ALWAYSASK" = "yes" ]; then # ADD overrides menu mode unless -ask was used dialog --title "Installing package ==>$shortname<== $PMSG" --infobox "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg$$`" 0 0 elif [ "$MODE" = "menu" -a "$PRIORITY" = "SKP" -a ! "$ALWAYSASK" = "yes" ]; then # SKP overrides menu mode unless -ask used rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg$$ continue # next package elif [ "$MODE" = "infobox" -a "$PRIORITY" = "SKP" -a ! "$ALWAYSASK" = "yes" ]; then # SKP overrides infobox mode, too rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg$$ continue else # we must need a full menu: dialog --title "Package Name: ==>$shortname<== $PMSG" --menu "`cat $TMP/tmpmsg$$`" 0 0 3 \ "Yes" "Install package $shortname" \ "No" "Do not install package $shortname" \ "Quit" "Abort software installation completely" 2> $TMP/reply$$ if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then echo "No" > $TMP/reply$$ fi REPLY="`cat $TMP/reply$$`" rm -f $TMP/reply$$ $TMP/tmpmsg$$ if [ "$REPLY" = "Quit" ]; then exit 99 # EXIT STATUS 99 = ABORT! elif [ "$REPLY" = "No" ]; then continue # skip the package fi fi # Test tarball integrity, and make sure we're not installing files on top of existing symbolic links: $TAR tzf $package 1> $TMP/tmplist$$ 2> /dev/null TARERROR=$? if [ ! "$TARERROR" = "0" ]; then EXITSTATUS=1 # tar file corrupt if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "Unable to install $package: tar archive is corrupt (tar returned error code $TARERROR)" fi rm -f $TMP/tmplist$$ continue fi cat $TMP/tmplist$$ | grep -v "/$" | while read file ; do if [ -L "$ROOT/$file" ]; then rm -f "$ROOT/$file" fi done rm -f $TMP/tmplist$$ # Write the package file database entry and install the package: echo "PACKAGE NAME: $shortname" > $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname echo "COMPRESSED PACKAGE SIZE: $COMPRESSED" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname echo "UNCOMPRESSED PACKAGE SIZE: $UNCOMPRESSED" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname echo "PACKAGE LOCATION: $package" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname # echo "PACKAGE MD5SUM: $MD5SUM" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname echo "PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$packagebase:" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname 2> /dev/null if [ "$shortname" != "$packagebase" ]; then cat $DESCRIPTION | grep "^$shortname:" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname 2> /dev/null fi echo "FILE LIST:" >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname ( cd $ROOT/ ; $TAR -xzlUpvf - ) < $package >> $TMP/$shortname 2> /dev/null if [ "`cat $TMP/$shortname | grep '^./' | wc -l | tr -d ' '`" = "1" ]; then # Good. We have a package that meets the Slackware spec. cat $TMP/$shortname >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname else # Some dumb bunny built a package with something other than makepkg. Bad! # Oh well. Bound to happen. Par for the course. Fix it and move on... echo './' >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname cat $TMP/$shortname | grep -v '^./$' | cut -b3- >> $ADM_DIR/packages/$shortname fi rm -f $TMP/$shortname if [ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]; then /sbin/ldconfig fi if [ -f $ROOT/install/doinst.sh ]; then if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo "Executing install script for $shortname..." fi ( cd $ROOT/ ; sh install/doinst.sh -install; ) fi # Clean up the mess... if [ -d $ROOT/install ]; then if [ -r $ROOT/install/doinst.sh ]; then cp $ROOT/install/doinst.sh $ADM_DIR/scripts/$shortname chmod 755 $ADM_DIR/scripts/$shortname fi # /install/doinst.sh and /install/slack-* are reserved locations for the package system. ( cd $ROOT/install ; rm -f doinst.sh slack-* 1> /dev/null 2>&1 ) rmdir $ROOT/install 1> /dev/null 2>&1 fi # If we used a scan directory, get rid of it: if [ -d "$TMP/scan$$" ]; then rm -rf "$TMP/scan$$" fi rm -f $TMP/tmpmsg$$ $TMP/reply$$ if [ "$MODE" = "install" ]; then echo fi done exit $EXITSTATUS  . ..tabsetterminfoaiyKI9i'Yif_EڥDƨ6.IdZJ nZ/y^h_kެ_ҶQC=̽ cLH|{_mOi N0;_0J(8xm7i\UBٯ-{ ~zޑ/W2otvXѽ.,ڍG0bhB2ӯ2]{|*їmiO< -]FhO98rӳ6:g3=]2YPo۠V"PuP/x~ q(na 2\ ,3BEN{-6h`jKf'RSFrԆwM`_- 3idsw.)dxMARN6[JM)fd{>Z-vd~79 xެiWt6٢G@Oęc_} A")2aU()>ow/%lYDE-@%edwKY *ת<ņs:qO%l֨Vrcjp}t+xEjqlCGbWk_*QU` bjh!a߯ \~B Z8hܤFQұobl:%ծ䷜`DĄ+>!7~! 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option)&.7LNRT\dfkmqsw{#'Z`fmq [%i%p1%d;%p2%dr$<50>$<3>$<50>[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH$<5> $<2>$<2>OBOyOPOxOQOROSOtOuOvOlOwODOCOA[?1l>[?1h=[%p1%dB[%p1%dD[%p1%dC[%p1%dA>[?3l[?4l[?5l[?7h[?8h87 M$<5>H OqOsOrOpOn``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~[?7h[?7l(B)0OM$<3>?9vt100-s|vt100-s-top|vt100-top-s|vt100 for use with top syslineP+3<WY`bjr~  %.7@Iehkmt%,0 [%i%i%p1%d;%p2%dr$<50>$<3>$<50>[%i%p1%{1}%+%d;%p2%dH$<5> $<2>$<2>78$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>878OBOyOPOxOQOROSOtOuOvOlOwODOCOA[?1l>[?1h=[%p1%dB[%p1%dD[%p1%dC[%p1%dA>[?3l[?4l[?5l[?7h[?8h87 M$<5>[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t%e%;H 7[1;%p1%dHOqOsOrOpOn``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~[?7h[?7l(B)0OM$<3>:/vt100-s-bot|vt100-bot-s|vt100 for use with bottom syslineP&.7LNRT\dpr{ #,5>Z]`bi"& [%i%p1%d;%p2%dr$<50>$<3>$<50>[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH$<5> $<2>$<2>78$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>$<2>8OBOyOPOxOQOROSOtOuOvOlOwODOCOA[?1l>[?1h=[%p1%dB[%p1%dD[%p1%dC[%p1%dA>[?3l[?4l[?5l[?7h[?8h87 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Set the owner, group and access permission of the slave pseudo terminal corresponding to the master pseudo terminal passed on file descriptor `%d'. This is the helper program for the `grantpt' function. It is not intended to be run directly from the command line. 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