IGNOREPATH=/boot:/cdrom:/dev:/home:/mnt:/proc:/root:/tmp:/usr/src:/var/ax25:/var STRIPLIB=y STRIPBIN=y # pkginfo VERSION=3.0 PROGNAME=z8530drv_utils DESC="Utilities for Z8530 based SCC boards by Joerg Reuter DL1BKE.\n\ Needs scc support enabled in the kernel, or have the scc.o\n\ module loaded.\n\ \n\ Edit /etc/ax25/z8530drv.conf to fit your configuration." # maintainer ARCH=i486 BUILD=3 MAINTAINER="Arno Verhoeven " SOURCE="original site for the 3.0-2 version does not seem to exist anymore..." LOCATION="http://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/linux/slackware-current/extra/ham/" # package name PKGNAME=z8530drv_utils-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD compile() { tar xvzf $CWD/z8530drv-utils_3.0-2.tar.gz cd z8530drv-utils-3.0 make dep make } install() { make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/z8530drv-utils-3.0 cp doc/* README z8530drv-utils-3.0.lsm /usr/doc/z8530drv-utils-3.0 } attributes() { chmod 700 $PKG/sbin/sccinit chmod 700 $PKG/sbin/sccparam chmod 700 $PKG/usr/sbin/kissbridge } special() { # Generate a slack-desc file # output the package name first for a in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 do echo "$PROGNAME:" >> $TMP/leftside done # now place the description in a file echo -e "$DESC" > $TMP/rightside # combine the two paste -d ' ' $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside > $CTL/slack-desc rm -rf $TMP/leftside $TMP/rightside } subpacks() { echo "no sub-packages..." }