Installing C-Kermit 6.0 on Red Hat Linux

Jim Knoble, Red Hat

If you've got Red Hat Linux and would like to install the C-Kermit RPM, you can use either `rpm' or `glint' to do so. Glint is simply a graphical front end to rpm.

If your copy of Red Hat Linux came with a User's Guide, you can look there for instructions on using rpm and glint to install packages. If you have Red Hat Linux 4.0 or 4.1, rpm is discussed in Chapter 7 of the User's Guide, and glint in Chapter 9.

If you don't have the Red Hat Linux User's Guide, it's freely available on Red Hat's website:
In addition, the HTML version of the User's Guide is available on the Red Hat Library CD, available from Red Hat and its resellers.

Basically, you can install the ckermit RPM using:

  rpm --install ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm
If you already have a prior version of ckermit installed (which is unlikely), or if you're not sure whether you do or not, you can use:
  rpm --upgrade ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm
For more information about using rpm, use the following commands:
  rpm --help
  man rpm
As far as downloading, you ought to ask your network provider or network administrator how to go about downloading files to your system; in addition, you ought to ask how to make sure that you download the ckermit RPM in `binary' mode to avoid corrupting it.

If you have Red Hat Linux 4.0 or later, you can use the following command to check the integrity of the package after you download it:

  rpm --checksig --nopgp ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm
If the package is not corrupted, rpm should say something similar to:
  ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm: size md5 OK
If instead, for example, rpm says:
  ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm: size MD5 NOT OK
  ckermit-6.0.192-7.i386.rpm: rpmReadSignature failed
then the package is corrupted.



C-Kermit on Red Hat Linux / Columbia University / / 15 May 1997