Welcome to the C-Kermit directory, home of C-Kermit for UNIX, VMS, Plan 9, AOS/VS, Amiga, OS-9, Macintosh, Stratus VOS, Atari ST. Here you will find: . Source code . Initialization files . Documentation files . Text-encoded binaries, except for UNIX, VMS, and OS/2. For true binaries, visit kermit/bin. For archived source code, visit kermit/archives. For a complete set of C-Kermit source code, text files, and binaries, order the C-Kermit CDROM. The order form is in this directory as: ckcdrom.txt For a detailed overview of what is in this directory, get the file ckaaaa.hlp and read it. THE KERMIT FILES MAY NOT BE REDISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROMS OR OTHER MEDIA WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE OFFICE OF KERMIT DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. THEY SHOULD NOT BE COPIED TO OTHER FTP SITES FROM WHICH CD-ROMS ARE MADE. THEY MAY NOT BE RESOLD, REMARKETED, BUNDLED, EMBEDDED, ADAPTED, GIVEN AWAY, OR OTHERWISE REDISTRIBUTED BY COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES TO THEIR CUSTOMERS, CLIENTS, OR PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. For further information, send email to kermit@columbia.edu.