(* TURBO PASCAL 4.0 version of MSBPCT *)
(* *)
(* Author: Helmut Waelder (ZRWA001 at DTUZDV1.BITNET) *)
(* Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung *)
(* Brunnenstr. 27 *)
(* D-7400 Tuebingen *)
(* *)
(* Version 1.1 of 87/11/22 - modified to check for *)
(* corrupted input (optional) and to allow *)
(* output file name overriding *)
(* Gisbert W.Selke (RECK@DBNUAMA1.BITNET) *)
(* Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ortskrankenkassen*)
(* Kortrijker Strasse 1 *)
(* D-5300 Bonn 1 *)
(* West Germany *)
(* Version 1.2 of 88/02/10 - modified for Turbo Pascal 4.0 *)
(* *)
(* Decodes the mskermit.boo file about three times as fast *)
(* as the C version (if checking is not ON) *)
(*$S-*) (* Stack checking off *)
(*$R-*) (* Range checking off *)
(*$B-*) (* Boolean complete evaluation off *)
(*$I+*) (* I/O checking on *)
(*$N-*) (* No numeric coprocessor *)
(*$M 65500,16384,16384*) (* Reduce maximum heap *)
program msbpct;
uses crt;
const repbyte : byte = 78; (* ord('tilde') - ord('0') *)
zerobyte : byte = 48;
zerochar = '0';
smallo = 'o';
tilde = '~';
nullchar : char = #0;
maxlinlength = 76;
bufsize = 31500;
defaultinname = 'MSTIBM.BOO';
defaultoutname = 'MSTIBM.EXE';
defaultext = '.BOO';
type buftype = array (.1..bufsize.) of byte;
var a, b, c, d : byte;
i, index, linno, linlength : integer;
isend, ok, relax : boolean;
infilename, outfilename, originalname : string(.63.);
(* maximum path length in DOS *)
line : string(.132.);
inbuffer, outbuffer : buftype;
infile, outfile : text;
function getbyte(mode : integer) : byte;
(* get one proper character from input stream and decode it *)
var c : char;
ok : boolean;
procedure errmsg(errmode : integer);
(* output various error messages *)
case errmode of
0 : writeln('Improper character #',ord(c),
' at line/column ',linno,'/',index);
1 : writeln('Improper null repeat count #',ord(c),
' at line/column ',linno,'/',index);
2 : writeln('Input line #',linno,' too long');
end; (* errmsg *)
begin (* getbyte *)
repeat (* until proper character or eof *)
c := zerochar;
while (index > linlength) and (not isend) do
begin (* get new input line *)
if lo(linno) = 0 then write(chr(13),'Line ',linno);
isend := eof(infile);
if not isend then readln(infile,line);
linlength := length(line);
if linlength > maxlinlength then errmsg(2);
index := 1;
end; (* get new input line *)
if not isend then c := line(.index.);
ok := isend or relax;
if not ok then
begin (* be suspicious *)
if c in (.zerochar..smallo.) then ok := true (* vanilla character *)
else (* depending on context *)
begin (* be suspicious *)
if c <> ' ' then
case mode of
0 : errmsg(0); (* within ordinary chunk *)
1 : if c = tilde then ok := true (* first byte of chunk... *)
else errmsg(0); (* ... may also be tilde *)
2 : if c in (.smallo..tilde.) then ok := true (* repeat count *)
else errmsg(1);
end; (* depending on context *)
end; (* be suspicious *)
until ok; (* until proper character or eof *)
getbyte := ord(c) - zerobyte;
end; (* getbyte *)
procedure prepare;
(* get input and output file names; open files *)
var ch : char;
option : string(.10.);
ctemp : string(.63.);
if paramcount > 3 then
Begin (* argument number error *)
writeln('Wrong number of parameters.');
writeln('Usage: MSBPCT ( (