1. Create a directory and unpack the perl files. 2. Create a perl script to audit your mail. You might name it something like ~/.audit. 3. Follow the instruction in the README and require the files audit.pl and mh.pl in your PERL script. * * BE SURE TO CHANGE THE PATH NAMES to * to the absolute path name of where you unpacked * the files in step 1. * If you install the .pl file in /usr/lib/perl, you can just require them as in "require 'audit.pl';" 4. Create a .forward file in your home directory and add " | " where is the absolute path of your audit script and is your login name. 5. If you are going to use the refileto and rfolder utilities, also edit the unshift line to reference the NEW absolute path. By default it will look in the path reference by the environment variable DELIVERPATH. You can change that to an absolute path if you want to. If you installed audit.pl and mh.pl in /usr/lib/perl, you can delete the unshift line. 6. Make sure you chmod +x your audit file script! For example, 1. My PERL files are in /gmaster/home/strike/work/perl/deliver. 2. My audit script is in /gmaster/home/strike/.audit and has #! /usr/local/bin/perl require '/gmaster/home/strike/work/perl/deliver/audit.pl' || die "deliver: cannot include audit.pl: $@"; require '/gmaster/home/strike/work/perl/deliver/mh.pl' || die "deliver: cannot include mh.pl: $@"; &initialize(); at the very top of the file. 4. My .forward file has: " | /gmaster/home/strike/.audit strike" 5. I edited refileto and rfolder to say: unshift(@INC, "/gmaster/home/strike/work/perl/deliver"); I could also have set DELIVERPATH ala setenv DELIVERPATH /gmaster/home/strike/work/perl/deliver 6. I did: chmod +x /gmaster/home/strike/.audit