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BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Customizing Incorporating

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Last change $Date: 2006/05/28 04:27:15 $
Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
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Incorporating Your Mail

The name of the program that incorporates new mail is stored in mh-inc-prog; it is `"inc"' by default. This program generates a one-line summary for each of the new messages. Unless it is an absolute pathname, the file is assumed to be in the mh-progs directory. You may also link a file to inc that uses a different format (see mh-profile(5)). You'll then need to modify several variables appropriately; see mh-scan-prog below. You can set the hook mh-inc-folder-hook, which is called after new mail is incorporated by the i (mh-inc-folder) command. A good use of this hook is to rescan the whole folder either after running M-x mh-rmail the first time or when you've changed the message numbers from outside of mh-e.

Rescan folder after incorporating new mail via mh-inc-folder-hook

(defun my-mh-inc-folder-hook ()
  "Hook to rescan folder after incorporating mail."
  (if (buffer-modified-p)            ; if outstanding refiles and deletes,
      (mh-execute-commands))         ;   carry them out
  (mh-rescan-folder)                 ; synchronize with +inbox
  (mh-show))                         ; show the current message

(add-hook 'mh-inc-folder-hook 'my-mh-inc-folder-hook)

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