# General * Setting module property values from the command line can now be done per product. * Introduced new properties `qbs.architectures` and `qbs.buildVariants` to allow product multiplexing by `qbs.architecture` and `qbs.buildVariant`, respectively. * When rebuilding a project, the environment, project file and property values are taken from the existing build graph. # Language * `Depends` items can now be parameterized to set special module parameters for one particular product dependency. The new item type `Parameter` is used to declare such parameters in a module. The new item type `Parameters` is used to allow products to set default values for such parameters in their `Export` item. * The functions `loadExtension` and `loadFile` have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the `require` function instead. # Custom Rules and Commands * Artifacts corresponding to the `explicitlyDependsOn` property are now available under this name in rules and commands. * A rule's `auxiliaryInputs` and `explicitlyDependsOn` tags are now also matched against rules of dependencies, if these rules are creating target artifacts. * Rules now have a property `requiresInputs`. If it is `false`, the rule will be run even if no artifacts are present that match its input tags. * Added a new property `relevantEnvironmentVariables` to the `Command` class. Use it if the command runs an external tool whose behavior can be influenced by special environment variables. # C/C++ Support * Added the `cpp.link` parameter to enable library dependencies to be excluded from linking. * When pulling in static library products, the new `Depends` parameter `cpp.linkWholeArchive` can now be specified to force all the library's objects into the target binary. * When pulling in library products, the new `Depends` parameter `cpp.symbolLinkMode` can now be specified to control how the library is linked into the target binary on Apple platforms: specifically, whether the library is linked as weak, lazy, reexported, and/or upward (see the `ld64` man page for more information). * The property `cpp.useCxxPrecompiledHeader`, as well as the variants for the other languages, now defaults to true. * The property `cpp.cxxLanguageVersion` now gets mapped to MSVC's `/std` option, if applicable. # Apple * Added support for building macOS disk images. # Android * Product multiplexing is no longer done via profiles, but via architecture, employing the new `qbs.architectures` property (see above). As a result, the `setup-android` command now sets up only one profile, rather than one for each architecture. * Added support for NDK Unified Headers. # Documentation * Added a "How-to" section.