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Re: Voila! A compromise!

Get a grip man. In my mind it stands. If you don't like it, tough pickles.

Just because I have made my mind up to the solution does not mean that it
is the solution that will be implemented.

You seriously need to mellow out.

Joshua Drake

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, David Lawyer wrote:

>On Sun, Jul 30, 2000 at 02:32:30PM -0700, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
>> O.k., but so what. People seem to people o.k. with the idea of just
>> separating the documentation by a flag of some sort.
>> I say the original compromise, stands. We use some form of identification
>> that states that the document does not fit in with the FSF definition of
>> free and that they should check the copyright for any restrictions.
>Sorry but nothing "stands" as yet since we haven't heard from enough
>authors and some authors opposed "prohibition of print" licenses but
>haven't responded to the "compromise" idea.  Changing our definition
>of "free" (to less free than it already is) is a major policy decision
>that is to be made only with reasoned, informed consensus and we
>certainly don't have this now.  Note that consensus means more than
>just majority vote.
>			David Lawyer
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