Mini-Tutorial Python

demolist = ['life',42, 'the universe', 6,'and',7]
print 'demolist = ',demolist
print "after 'everything' was appended demolist is now:"
print demolist
print 'len(demolist) =', len(demolist)
print 'demolist.index(42) =',demolist.index(42)
print 'demolist[1] =', demolist[1]
#Next we will loop through the list
c = 0
while c < len(demolist):
    print 'demolist[',c,']=',demolist[c]
    c = c + 1
del demolist[2]
print "After 'the universe' was removed demolist is now:"
print demolist
if 'life' in demolist:
    print "'life' was found in demolist"
    print "'life' was not found in demolist"
if 'amoeba' in demolist:
    print "'amoeba' was found in demolist"
if 'amoeba' not in demolist:
    print "'amoeba' was not found in demolist"
print 'The sorted demolist is ',demolist
demolist =  ['life', 42, 'the universe', 6, 'and', 7]
after 'everything' was appended demolist is now:
['life', 42, 'the universe', 6, 'and', 7, 'everything']
len(demolist) = 7
demolist.index(42) = 1
demolist[1] = 42
demolist[ 0 ]= life
demolist[ 1 ]= 42
demolist[ 2 ]= the universe
demolist[ 3 ]= 6
demolist[ 4 ]= and
demolist[ 5 ]= 7
demolist[ 6 ]= everything
After 'the universe' was removed demolist is now:
['life', 42, 6, 'and', 7, 'everything']
'life' was found in demolist
'amoeba' was not found in demolist
The sorted demolist is  [6, 7, 42, 'and', 'everything', 'life']