%                                                             readme.txt
% LaTeX class for Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (TCFD)
% read-me file
%                                                 (c) Springer-Verlag HD

This directory contains the LaTeX2e support for TCFD

For a quick entry to the TCFD-formatting and if you are
already familiar with the SVJour class you need only the four files:
svjour.cls, svtcfd.clo, natbib.sty and template.tex.

The following files are part of the macro package

  readme.txt    This file
  svjour.cls    The document class file for Springer journals
  usrguide.*    User's Guide (dvi, pdf)
  svtcfd.clo    The class option file for TCFD
  natbib.dtx    The natbib package of Patrick W. Daly.
                Typeset this file for complete documentation of natbib
  natbib.ins    Run LaTeX on natbib.ins to generate natbib.sty
  tcfdguide.*   User's Guide (tex, dvi, pdf)
  template.tex  A fill-in-form for a standard article with usage comments

  subdirectory: example   (contains all data of a sample article)

  example.sty   Authors shortcuts for the sample article
  example.*     Example of an article (tex, dvi, pdf)
                The file example.pdf contains a ready to print version
                that can be produced at the publisher only, when page
                numbers are fixed