permutations 1.1-6
permutations 1.1-5
- consistentification
- improvements to documentation
- bugfix to orbit()
- github workflows for QC and coverage
- code of conduct and contributing files
- remove mathjax
- keepcyc()
permutations 1.1-1
- capply() functionality added
- more flexible print method
- bugfix: perm_matrix() now respects perm_set
permutations 1.1-0
- faro shuffles
- All cycles of a given length, and random cycles of a given
permutations 1.0-10
- mathjax used
- dot object imported [for commutator] and documented
permutations 1.0-9
- add a sticker and README
- bugfixes
- new vignette, cyclist.
- add an adjoint function ad()
- new vignette: adjoint.Rmd
- kilominx and starminx functionality