Download a copy of the vignette to follow along here: quality_measures.Rmd
This vignette walks through calculation of silhouette scores, Dunn
indices, and Davies-Boulding indices a we will highlight the main
stability measure options in the metasnf
To use these functions, you will need to have the clv
package installed.
# load package
# generate data_list
dl <- data_list(
list(cort_t, "cort_t", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
list(cort_sa, "cort_sa", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
list(subc_v, "subc_v", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
list(income, "income", "demographics", "continuous"),
list(pubertal, "pubertal", "demographics", "continuous"),
uid = "unique_id"
# build SNF config
sc <- snf_config(
dl = dl,
n_solutions = 15
# collect similarity matrices and solutions data frame from batch_snf
sol_df <- batch_snf(
dl = dl,
return_sim_mats = TRUE
# calculate Davies-Bouldin indices
davies_bouldin_indices <- calculate_db_indices(sol_df)
# calculate Dunn indices
dunn_indices <- calculate_dunn_indices(sol_df)
# calculate silhouette scores
silhouette_scores <- calculate_silhouettes(sol_df)
# plot the silhouette scores of the first solutions