

This package collects the powerful variants of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and differential evolution (DE) algorithms for R users.

Currently it supports five types of PSO: - Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO, Eberhart and Kennedy, 1995) - Quantum-behaved particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO, Sun et al., 2004a,b) - Locally convergent rotationally invariant particle swarm optimization (LcRiPSO, Bonyadi and Michalewicz, 2014) - Competitive Swarm Optimizer (CSO, Cheng and Jin, 2015) - Double exponential particle swarm optimization (DExPSO, Stehlik et al., 2024+)

and six types of DE (Storn, R. and Price, K., 1997): - DE/rand/1: Mutation operation on the current position with one random direction. - DE/rand/2: Mutation operation on the current position with two random directions. - DE/best/1: Mutation operation on the best position with one random direction. - DE/best/2: Mutation operation on the best position with two random directions. - DE/rand_to-best/1: Mutation operation on the current position with direction to the best and one random direction. - DE/rand-to-best/2: Mutation operation on the current position with direction to the best and two random directions.


Please install the latest development version from github with


Examples of PSO

For setting the PSO type, please find the instruction through the command.


# Optimize the 3-dimensional quadratic objective function with location shift
objf <- function(x, loc) {
 val <- 0
 for (i in 1:length(x)) val <- val + (x[i] - loc)^2

# The search domain is [-5, 5]^3
upp_bound <- rep(5, 3)
low_bound <- rep(-5, 3)

# Define the location shift to be 1
loc_shift <- 1

# Run PSO for this optimization problem
# Also input the enviorment variable, the location shift 'loc_shift'
res <- globpso(objFunc = objf, lower = low_bound, upper = upp_bound, 
               loc = loc_shift)

# Set initial values to run PSO
initSwarm <- c(2, 2, 2)
# initSwarm <- rbind(c(2, 2, 2), c(1, 0.1, 1)) # for more than 2 initial points
res_i <- globpso(objFunc = objf, lower = low_bound, upper = upp_bound, 
                 init = initSwarm, loc = loc_shift)

# One can also write C++ objective function to further accelerate the computation
objf_c <- cppFunction('double objf_c(SEXP x, SEXP loc) {
   double val = 0;
   double loc_c = (double)Rcpp::as<double>(loc);
   arma::rowvec x_c = (arma::rowvec)Rcpp::as<arma::rowvec>(x);
   for (arma::uword i = 0; i < x_c.n_elem; i++) {
     val += (x_c(i) - loc_c)*(x_c(i) - loc_c);
   return val;
 }', depends = "RcppArmadillo")
res_c <- globpso(objFunc = objf_c, lower = low_bound, upper = upp_bound, 
                 loc = loc_shift)

# Use getPSOInfo() to change the PSO options
alg_setting <- getPSOInfo(nSwarm = 64, maxIter = 200, psoType = "quantum")
res_c_large <- globpso(objFunc = objf_c, lower = low_bound, upper = upp_bound, PSO_INFO = alg_setting, loc = loc_shift)

Examples of DE

For setting the DE type, please find the instruction through the command.


# Optimize the 3-dimensional quadratic objective function with location shift
objf <- function(x, loc) {
  val <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(x)) val <- val + (x[i] - loc)^2

# The search domain is [-5, 5]^3
upp_bound <- rep(5, 3)
low_bound <- rep(-5, 3)

# Define the location shift to be 1
loc_shift <- 1

# Use getDEInfo() to setup the DE options
de_setting <- getDEInfo(nPop = 64, maxIter = 200, deType = "best-2", sf = 0.5, cr = 0.1)

# Run DE for this optimization problem
# Also input the enviorment variable, the location shift 'loc_shift'
res <- diffevo(objFunc = objf, lower = low_bound, upper = upp_bound, 
               DE_INFO = de_setting, verbose = FALSE, loc = loc_shift)

# Simialr to PSO, 
# One can also write C++ objective function to further accelerate the computation


If you encounter a bug, please file a reproducible example on github.