The Occluded Surface (OS) algorithm is a widely used approach for analyzing atomic packing in biomolecules. Here, we introduce FIBOS, an R and Python package that extends the OS methodology with enhancements. It integrates efficient Fortran code from the original OS implementation and introduces an innovation: the use of Fibonacci spirals for surface point distribution. This modification reduces anisotropy and ensures a more uniform and even distribution of surface dots, improving the accuracy of the algorithm.
Python fibos version:
FIBOS was designed to be multiplatform and run on Linux, Windows and
Tested on:
Tested on: 4.4.1, 4.4.2
Some preliminary actions according to OS:
Install gfortran:
$ sudo apt install gfortran
Install RTools from:
Install gfortran from (version \(\geq\) 13.2):
Set the PATH to the R bin folder as an administrator:
$ setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\R\R-x.x.x\bin"
where x.x.x is the actual version number of your R installation.
Install Homebrew:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL
In your shell, set the PATH to include the Homebrew bin folder by adding it into the .zshrc file
export PATH= "/path/to/homebrew/bin:$PATH"
where “/path/to/homebrew/bin” is the actual homebrew path in your system. So, reload it:
$ source ~/.zshrc
Some Mac versions (with Apple Silicon) may require Rosetta:
$ softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Install xcode and gfortran from:
occluded_surface(pdb, method = "FIBOS")
Implements the Occluded Surface algorithm, generating points, areas, and
normals for each atom. As parameters it accepts a PDB id (or the path to
a local PDB file) and a method selection — either the classic ‘OS’ or
the default ‘FIBOS’. The function returns the results as a table and
creates a file named prot_PDBid.srf
in the
: Implements the Occluded
Surface Packing (OSP) metric for each residue. Accepts a path to an .srf
file generated by occluded_surface
as a parameter and
returns the results as a table summarized by residue.
# Calculate FIBOS per atom and create .srf files in fibos_files folder
<- occluded_surface("1fib", method = "FIBOS")
# Show first 3 rows of pdb_fibos table
|> utils::head(3) |> print()
# A tibble: 3 × 6
# <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 GLN 1@N___>HIS 3@NE2_ 6 1.29 0.791 5.49
# 2 GLN 1@N___>HIS 3@CE1_ 1 0.2 0.894 6.06
# 3 GLN 1@N___>HIS 3@CG__ 1 0.16 0.991 6.27
# Calculate OSP metric per residue from .srf file in fibos_files folder
<- osp(fs::path("fibos_files","prot_1fib.srf"))
# Show first 3 rows of pdb_osp table
|> utils::head(3) |> print()
# A tibble: 3 × 5
# Resnum Resname OS `os*[1-raylen]` OSP
# <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 GLN 36.8 22.0 0.157
# 2 2 ILE 49.4 36.2 0.317
# 3 3 HIS 64.2 43.2 0.335
# source of PDB files
<- "PDB"
# fibos folder output
<- "fibos_files"
# Create PDB folder if it does not exist
if (!fs::dir_exists(pdb_folder)) fs::dir_create(pdb_folder)
# PDB ids list
= c("8RXN","1ROP") |> tolower()
# Get PDB files from RCSB and put them into the PDB folder
<- pdb_ids |> bio3d::get.pdb(path = pdb_folder)
pdb_paths |> print()
# Save default environment variable "mc.cores" to recover later
<- getOption("mc.cores")
# Detect number of physical cores and update "mc.cores" according to pdb_ids size
<- min(parallel::detectCores(), length(pdb_ids))
ideal_cores if (ideal_cores > 0) options(mc.cores = ideal_cores)
# Calculate in parallel FIBOS per PDBid
# Create .srf files in fibos_files folder
# Return FIBOS tables in pdb_fibos list
if (ideal_cores > 1) future::plan(multisession, workers = ideal_cores)
<- pdb_paths |> furrr::future_map(\(x) occluded_surface(x, method = "FIBOS"),
pdb_fibos .options = furrr_options(seed = 123))
# Recover default "mc.cores"
if (ideal_cores > 0) options(mc.cores = default_cores)
# Show first 3 rows of first pdb_fibos table
1]] |> utils::head(3) |> print()
# Prepare paths for the generated .srf files in folder fibos_files
<- pdb_ids |> purrr::map(\(x) fs::path(fibos_folder, paste0("prot_",x), ext = "srf")) |>
srf_paths unlist()
|> print()
# Calculate OSP metric by residue
# Return OSP tables in pdb_osp list
<- srf_paths |> purrr::map(\(x) osp(x))
# Show first 3 rows of the first pdb_osp table
1]] |> utils::head(3) |> print() pdb_osp[[
Here we show a case study (currently only in R), aiming to compare the packing density between experimentally determined structures and the same structures predicted by AlphaFold (AF).
Carlos Silveira
Herson Soares
Institute of Technological Sciences,
Federal University of Itajubá,
Campus Itabira, Brazil.
João Romanelli
Institute of Applied and Pure Sciences,
Federal University of Itajubá,
Campus Itabira, Brazil.
Patrick Fleming
Thomas C. Jenkins Department of Biophysics,
Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, USA
Fleming PJ, Richards FM. Protein packing: Dependence on protein size, secondary structure and amino acid composition. J Mol Biol 2000;299:487–98.
Pattabiraman N, Ward KB, Fleming PJ. Occluded molecular surface: Analysis of protein packing. J Mol Recognit 1995;8:334–44.
In Progress.