version 0.8.0: 07.02.2013 - partial parallel implementation usin openMP version 0.7.7: 31.07.2012 - spell check by CRAN revealed a misspell in DESCRIPTIOn file version 0.7.6: 18.10.2011 - changes call to cat() in packageStartupMessage() as requested by R CMD check on CRAN version 0.7.6: 30.06.2011 - changed arg gamma to arg gammatype for make.image at those places where it has been forgotten (known from R CMD check NOTE on CRAN) version 0.7.4: 06.04.2010 - new-line in Makevars version 0.7.3: 13.11.2009 - adimpro.options() no longer suggests to use X11.options(type="Xlib") -> no message at startup! - adimpro.options() sets display size from xdpyinfo only on Linux systems -> no error on MAC OS - new functions adimpro2biOps() and biOps2adimpro() for interchange of objects between both packages version 0.7.1: 6.10.2008 .onload: X11.options(type="Xlib") is no longer enforced Instead a comment is added suggesting to use X11.options(type="Xlib") X11.options(type="Xlib") will be set automatically if a system environment variable R_X11type is set to Xlib. version 0.7: 16.9.2008 Demosaicing: - new demosaicing algorithm in demosaic.raw based on multivariate medians (methods="Median4") - adaptive smoothing of raw images controled by new demosaicing algorithm. Manipulation: - new option gammatype="histogram" allows for (greyvalue) histogram equalization (and to reverse equalization) in adjust.image, write.image, show.image and plot. Histogram information is stored as component hequal . - new argument maxrange in read.raw, develop.raw and awsraw allows to increase range of sensor values as far as possible by a linear transform. version 0.7: 14.7.2008 Smoothing: - awsimage, awspimage and awsaniso now use a sequence of bandwidths that provides an possible decrease in variance of 1.25 from step to step. This sequence depends on the kernel. This also solves a problem of underestimating variances for the "Quadratic" and "Cubic" location kernel. awsaniso now also allows for "Plateau" as location kernel. "Uniform" location kernel does not work in this context and is therefore no longer supported test code for segmentation in files segment.r and segment.f bug-fixes: - rotate.image now handles sums of weights correctly - awsaniso did not return component ni0 causing an possible error in plot for objects created by the function version 02.6.2008 bug-fixes only - read.raw: typo in file name manipulations - demo(io) needed some time between issuing two system calls. Sometimes the process started with the first system call was unnkown to the second that asks for the process ID of the first. - shrink.image caused error if applied to an image created by awsimage version 0.6.3: 20.5.2008 - adimpro now writes temporary files into the directory used by function tempfile() - corrected handling (identification) of greyvalue images in read.image version 0.6.1: 14.5.2008 this version incorporates several new features from the development version Input/Output: - we now keep exif information as comment of an image this information is evaluated to recover the original adimpro-object used to produce the image file, see demo(io). This may be changed to using rpm-profiles. - new function write.raw provides a possibility to store RAW sensor data as a greyscale png-image these images are recognized by read.raw, see demo(raw). - write.image now keeps color space by default - read.image/write.image now also handles xyz, yuv, yiq and hsi color spaces correctly - the location of ImageMagick is now automatically determined using function Sys.which and set as an environment variable ImageMagick when the package is loaded (This requires R >=2.6.0). The argument convert.path in read.image and write.image is no longer needed and has been removed. - make.image no longer has an argument gamma Adaptive smoothing: - functions awsimage, awspimage: - value of ladjust 1.0 -- 1.25, different lseq - new arguments plateau=NULL, homogen=TRUE, earlystop=TRUE - new varmodel "Quadratic" - location kernel with choice "Plateau" - statistical kernel changed to Plateau with spmin=0.25 - FORTRAN subroutine awsimg has fewer parameters - lseq extended (if it is to short) by last element rather than by 1 - FORTRAN subroutine awsvimage has differing parameters - FORTRAN subroutine mawsimg has fewer parameters - FORTRAN subroutine awspimg has fewer parameters - handles lower/uppercase for some arguments - new function awsprop for testing propagation condition - new function awsaniso for anisotropic structural adaptive smoothing Color space conversions: - increased and changed functionality of adjust.image - rgb2xxx also accepts colorspaces xyz , yuv and yiq - xxx2rgb - functions now allow to specify RGB-color space (default "Adobe") - new function cam2rgb for conversion of camera color spaces to RGB - new funcions rgb2xyzmat and xyz2rgbmat - function gamma.correction now uses gammatype instead of arguments ga and bp - new function for inverse gamma correction - new function whitepoint, wpofT, changewhitepoint for white point definitions and manipulation - whitebalance no uses whitepoint and color temperature - adjust.image now allows to set gammatype, cspace, whitep, color temperature blackpoint and exposure - new function demosaic.raw to convert RAW sensor data to RGB Image manipulations and diagnostics: - function edges has a new argument abs - functions shrink.image, rotate.image, clip.image also accept "RAW" - rotate.image has new argument compress - new function for extracting EXIF-Information Bug fixes: e.g. in make.image, invgamma.correction (internal), read.ppm(internal), read.pgm(internal), Demos: We added an extensive set of demos. demo(adimpro) just runs all demos sequentially. Especially demo(awspimage) (local polynomial smoothing) is time consuming. version 0.4.6: 16.4.2008 estimation of local anisotropy visualization of local anisotropy first code for anisotropic smoothing