To cite adespatial in publications use:
Dray S, Bauman D, Blanchet G, Borcard D, Clappe S, Guénard G, Jombart T, Larocque G, Legendre P, Madi N, Wagner HH (2025). adespatial: Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis. R package version 0.3-26,
When using constr.hclust() please use:
Guénard G, Legendre P (2022). “Hierarchical Clustering with Contiguity Constraint in R.” Journal of Statistical Software, 103(7), 1–26. doi:10.18637/jss.v103.i07.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{, title = {{adespatial}: Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis}, author = {St{\'e}phane Dray and David Bauman and Guillaume Blanchet and Daniel Borcard and Sylvie Clappe and Guillaume Gu{\'e}nard and Thibaut Jombart and Guillaume Larocque and Pierre Legendre and Naima Madi and Helene H Wagner}, year = {2025}, note = {R package version 0.3-26}, url = {}, }
@Article{, title = {Hierarchical Clustering with Contiguity Constraint in {R}}, author = {Guillaume Gu{\'e}nard and Pierre Legendre}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2022}, volume = {103}, number = {7}, pages = {1--26}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v103.i07}, }