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News for Package 'TwoStepCLogit'
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.6
Bug fix: Package anchors were added for Rd targets not in the package.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.5
Use of a different approximation in the calculation of the asymptotic variance matrix in vcov that now gives non-zero asymptotic covariances.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.4
Ts.estim() now returns the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.3
Bug fix: Ts.estim() now works correctly when called inside another function.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.2
The rownames of the output matrix r.effects from Ts.estim() now identify the clusters.
Test files and some files related to RStudio were removed from the source files.
Bug fix: the name of the data file can now be the name of a function present in the search path.
A meaningful error message is now returned if the value of a covariate in the formula remains constant within all strata of at least one cluster.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2.1
Bug fix: Ts.estim() now works correctly with categorical covariates.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.2
The handling of errors from coxph() has been changed in order to identify the cluster from which an error is generated.
The warnings generated by coxph() are now stored in a new output value 'coxph.warn'.
A file has been added to the package source in the subdirectory 'tests/Examples'. Now R CMD check compares the output from the package examples to this file and reports any differences.
The function ddim() has been modified. It nows takes as input arguments 'formula' and 'data'. The argument 'formula' must identify the response, cluster and strata variables. It has a print method. ddim() returns 'Ystat' and 'Sc', which used to be returned by Ts.estim(). These elements have been removed from Ts.estim() output values.
The print method for objects of class 'Ts.estim' now removes from the D matrix the rows and columns containing only zeros before printing it.
Tests have been added in the package subdirectory 'inst/tests'.
The extraction of the covariate names for the output has been improved.
The package documentation has been updated according to the changes mentioned here.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.1
Many validation error messages for input arguments have been added to Ts.estim().
A function named ddim() has been added. It prints dimension statistics for a data set processed with Ts.estim().
The argument 'All.m.1' has been renamed 'all.m.1'.
The output values from Ts.estim() now include 'call', the function call.
The output values from Ts.estim() now include 'Ystat', the numbers of observations per stratum and the sum of the responses per stratum.
The output values from Ts.estim() now include 'Sc', the number of strata for each cluster.
The output values 'beta', 'se' and 'D' from Ts.estim() now have a 'names' or 'dimnames' attribute in order to identify the covariates associated with the coefficients.
A print method has been added for output of the Ts.estim() function.
The input argument 'random' of Ts.estim() is now a formula.
The input arguments 'Donnees' and 'Proposed.model' of Ts.estim() have, respectively, become 'data' and 'formula', as for many functions fitting linear models in R, such as lm().
The package documentation has been updated according to the changes mentioned here.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.0-2
Tests written with functions from the package 'testthat' have been added in the package subdirectory 'inst/tests'.
The output values from Ts.estim() now include 'r.effect', the random effect estimates.
'roxygen2' is now used to generate the package documentation.
The examples have been changed in order to reproduce the paper results and to avoid warnings.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.0-1
Bug fix: Ts.estim() works even if the cluster id numbers are not consecutive numbers.
Changes in TwoStepCLogit version 1.0
First CRAN release of the TwoStepCLogit package.