This vignette introduces the FAST workflow for the analysis of multiple simulated spatial transcriptomics dataset. FAST workflow is based on the PRECASTObj object created in the PRECAST
R package and the workflow of FAST is similar to that of PRECAST; see ( for the workflow of PRECAST. The workflow of FAST consists of three steps
We demonstrate the use of FAST to three simulated ST data that are here, which can be downloaded to the current working path by the following command:
githubURL <- ""
Then load to R
The package can be loaded with the command:
First, we view the the three simulated spatial transcriptomics data with ST platform. There are 200 genes for each data batch and ~2000 spots in total
Check the content in simu3
We show how to create a PRECASTObject object step by step. First, we create a Seurat list object using the count matrix and meta data of each data batch. Although simu3
is a prepared Seurat list object, we re-create a same objcet seuList to show the details.
and col
, which benefits the identification of spaital coordinates by FAST## Get the gene-by-spot read count matrices
countList <- lapply(simu3, function(x) x[["RNA"]]@counts)
## Check the spatial coordinates: Yes, they are named as "row" and "col"!
## Get the meta data of each spot for each data batch
metadataList <- lapply(simu3, function(x)
## ensure the row.names of metadata in metaList are the same as that of colnames count matrix in countList
M <- length(countList)
for(r in 1:M){
row.names(metadataList[[r]]) <- colnames(countList[[r]])
## Create the Seurat list object
seuList <- list()
for(r in 1:M){
seuList[[r]] <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = countList[[r]],[[r]], project = "FASTsimu")
Next, we use CreatePRECASTObject()
to create a PRECASTObject object based on the Seurat list object seuList
. Users are able to see for what is done in this function. Since this is a simulated dataset, we used all the 200 genes by using a custom gene list customGenelist=custom_genelist)
. We observe that there are only 197 genes passing the filtering step.
## Create PRECASTObject
custom_genelist <- row.names(seuList[[1]])
PRECASTObj <- CreatePRECASTObject(seuList, customGenelist=custom_genelist)
## User can retain the raw seuList by the following commond.
## PRECASTObj <- CreatePRECASTObject(seuList, customGenelist=row.names(seuList[[1]]), rawData.preserve = TRUE)
## check the number of genes/features after filtering step
Add adjacency matrix list and parameter setting of FAST. More model setting parameters can be found in model_set_FAST()
## seuList is null since the default value `rawData.preserve` is FALSE.
## Add adjacency matrix list for a PRECASTObj object to prepare for FAST model fitting.
PRECASTObj <- AddAdjList(PRECASTObj, platform = "ST")
## Add a model setting in advance for a PRECASTObj object: verbose =TRUE helps outputing the information in the algorithm;
PRECASTObj <- AddParSettingFAST(PRECASTObj, verbose=TRUE)
## Check the parameters
For function FAST
, users can specify the number of factors q
and the fitted model fit.model
. The q
sets the number of spatial factors to be extracted, and a lareger one means more information to be extracted but higher computaional cost. The fit.model
specifies the version of FAST to be fitted. The Gaussian version (gaussian
) models the log-count matrices while the Poisson verion (poisson
) models the count matrices; default as poisson
### set q= 20 here
### Check the results
Next, we investigate the performance of dimension reduction by calculating the adjusted McFadden’s pseudo R-square for each data batch. The simulated true labels is in the
of each component of PRECASTObj@seulist
Based on the embeddings from FAST, we use Harmony
to align the embeddings then followed by Louvain clustering to obtain the cluster labels. In this downstream analysis, other methods for embedding alignment and clustering can be also used. In the vignette of two sections of DLPFC Visium data, we will show another method (iSC-MEB
) to jointly perform embedding alignment and spatial clustering.
In the following, we remove the unwanted variations in the log-normalized expression matrices to obtain a combined log-normalized expression matrix in a Seurat object. In the context of the simulated data used in this study, housekeeping genes are not present, thus, we turn to another method to remove the unwanted variations. Specifically, we leverage the batch effect embeddings estimated through Harmony to capture and mitigate unwanted variations. Additionally, we utilize the cluster labels obtained via Louvain clustering to retain the desired biological effects.
The estimated embeddings of batch effects (batchEmbed) are in the slot PRECASTObj@resList$Harmony
and cluster labels (cluster) are in the slot PRECASTObj@resList$Louvain
Then, we integrate the three sections by removing the unwanted variations and setting seulist_HK=NULL
and Method = "HarmonyLouvain"
in the function IntegrateSRTData()
. After obtaining seuInt
, we will see there are three embeddings: FAST
, harmony
and position
, in the slot seuInt@reductions
are the embeddings obtained by FAST model fitting and are uncorrected embeddings that may includes the unwanted effects (i.e., batch effects); harmony
are the embeddings obtained by Harmony fitting and are aligned embeddings; and position
are the spatial coordinates.
First, user can choose a beautiful color schema using chooseColors()
in the R package PRECAST
Then, we plot the spatial scatter plot for clusters using the function SpaPlot()
in the R package PRECAST
p12 <- SpaPlot(seuInt, item = "cluster", batch = NULL, point_size = 1, cols = cols_cluster, combine = TRUE)
Users can re-plot the above figures for specific need by returning a ggplot list object. For example, we plot the spatial heatmap using a common legend by using the function drawFigs()
in the R package PRECAST
pList <- SpaPlot(seuInt, item = "cluster", title_name= 'Section',batch = NULL, point_size = 1, cols = cols_cluster, combine = FALSE)
drawFigs(pList, layout.dim = c(1, 3), common.legend = TRUE, legend.position = "right", align = "hv")
We use the function AddUMAP()
in the R package PRECAST
to obtain the three-dimensional components of UMAP using the aligned embeddings in the reduction harmony
We plot the spatial tNSE RGB plot to illustrate the performance in extracting features.
p13 <- SpaPlot(seuInt, batch = NULL, item = "RGB_UMAP", point_size = 1, combine = FALSE, text_size = 15)
drawFigs(p13, layout.dim = c(1, 3), common.legend = TRUE, legend.position = "right", align = "hv")
We use the function AddUTSNE()
in the R package PRECAST
to obtain the two-dimensional components of UMAP using the aligned embeddings in the reduction harmony
, and plot the tSNE plot based on the extracted features to check the performance of integration.
seuInt <- AddTSNE(seuInt, n_comp = 2, reduction = 'harmony', assay = 'RNA')
p1 <- dimPlot(seuInt, item = "cluster", point_size = 0.5, font_family = "serif", cols = cols_cluster,
border_col = "gray10", legend_pos = "right") # Times New Roman
p2 <- dimPlot(seuInt, item = "batch", point_size = 0.5, font_family = "serif", legend_pos = "right")
drawFigs(list(p1, p2), layout.dim = c(1, 2), legend.position = "right")
Finally, we condut the combined differential expression analysis using the integrated log-normalized expression matrix saved in the seuInt
object. The function FindAllMarkers()
in the Seurat
R package is ued to achieve this analysis.
dat_deg <- FindAllMarkers(seuInt)
n <- 5
dat_deg %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
top_n(n = n, wt = avg_log2FC) -> top10
seuInt <- ScaleData(seuInt)
Plot dot plot of normalized expressions for each spatial domain identified by using the FAST embeddings.
col_here <- c("#F2E6AB", "#9C0141")
p1 <- DotPlot(seuInt, features=unname(top10$gene), cols=col_here, # idents = ident_here,
col.min = -1, col.max = 1) + coord_flip()+ theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic"))+
ylab("Domain") + xlab(NULL) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=12, angle = 25, hjust = 1, family='serif'),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=12, face= "italic", family='serif'))
#> R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt)
#> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
#> Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22621)
#> Matrix products: default
#> locale:
#> [2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8
#> [3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8
#> [5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] digest_0.6.33 R6_2.5.1 jsonlite_1.8.7 evaluate_0.21
#> [5] cachem_1.0.8 rlang_1.1.1 cli_3.4.1 rstudioapi_0.14
#> [9] jquerylib_0.1.4 bslib_0.5.0 rmarkdown_2.23 tools_4.2.1
#> [13] xfun_0.39 yaml_2.3.7 fastmap_1.1.1 compiler_4.2.1
#> [17] htmltools_0.5.5 knitr_1.43 sass_0.4.7