The purpose of PH1XBAR is to build three types of Phase I Shewhart
control charts:
1. Phase I Shewhart X-bar control chart with a balanced one-way random
effects model (doi:10.1002/qre.2793).
Phase I Shewhart individual control chart for the iid case (doi:10.1080/08982112.2021.1878220).
Phase I individual control chart with an ARMA model.
PH1XBAR is published on CRAN, so we recommend users installing it in a regular way as follows
PH1XBAR is still under development, so if users are more interested in the experimental version, there is an alternative installation through Github as follows
::install_github("bolus123/PH1XBAR") devtools
Note that for Windows users, Rtools may need to be installed in advance. Please choose the right version of Rtools which is corresponding to your R and Rstudio. The detailed instruction is introduced:
For Mac and Linux users, please follow the instruction:
Users can also download our release, PH1XBAR_x.y.z.tar.gz, from our homepage on CRAN or Github and then install it from your local path as follows
install.packages('path_to_file/PH1XBAR_x.y.z.tar.gz', repos = NULL, type="source")
Before using any functions, PH1XBAR may need to be loaded into R
PH1XBAR provides a function to build Phase I X-bar chart with variance components model as follows
Notice that the variance estimator in the control chart must be S or MR. Also, PH1XBAR provides a function to get the corrected charting constant as follows
# S-based estimator involved
getCC.XBAR(FAP0 = 0.1, m = 30, var.est = 'S')
# MR-based estimator involved
getCC.XBAR(FAP0 = 0.1, m = 30, var.est = 'MR')
PH1XBAR provides a function to build Phase I individual chart with an ARMA model as follows
# using the default setting whose FAP0 = 0.1
# using known parameters with FAP0 = 0.1
PH1ARMA(preston_data, case = 'K')
PH1XBAR provides a function to get the corrected charting constant for the ARMA model as follows
# Calculate the charting constant using FAP0 of 0.05, and 50 observations
getCC.ARMA(FAP0=0.05, n=50)
More details are on the manual.